Not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this story, but it's something I've been working on the past few days, I've posted it on a couple of other sites and I figure people here might like it too! I'd also like to contribute to a community which has given me so much over the years. Cheers
(btw if this is posted in the wrong place, feel free to relocate it!) 

 As I walked in to the gloomy tavern in search of the infamous pirate Scurvy Sam, I couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. Afterall this was the pirate who had all the fearsome looking men I asked for his whereabouts shake in their very boots at the mere mention of his name. There were stories of course, but I found no one who would tell me anything or fear of a brutal retaliation from the man in question. I only knew of his current whereabouts from paying a blind beggar in the street who quickly ran from the area. I ordered a whiskey at the bar and asked the barman which of the thugs currently occupying the premises was scurvy Sam. At the mention of his name the barmans face dropped and he glanced for a split second at the shadowy figure with a large tricorne with a white swan feather sticking out of it in the corner sipping on a rum. He then busied himself cleaning a glass trying hard not to draw any attention to himself. I put the money on the bar, swallowed my whiskey in one and walked over to the figure to which the barman glanced upon.
As I pushed past the foul men littering the bar, the putative scurvy Sam begin to look a little… off. The first thing I noticed was his build… a lot smaller than the rest of the men around though it was hard to tell under the large leather coat he had adorned, though his face was mostly obscured by the hat his jaw didn’t seem at all strong, and was very smooth, he must shave oft, and as I drew closer still, I caught a scent of … no … it couldn’t be… perfume…? 
“Are you ... excuse me… are you scurvy Sam?” 
The figure looked up so I could see his face for the first time except… it wasn’t a he… it was a woman… the most beautiful woman I think I have ever laid eyes upon; she was older than me, late 20s, maybe 30, she had beautiful blue eyes with perfect curly brown hair poking out under her hat. I could see now that I was close she possessed a stunning body, slim waist but with a large heaving bosom and a dainty neck… this couldn’t be scurvy Sam…
“Who wants to know?”
she said very calmly and deliberately.
“Oh.. I never mind… haha I was looking for scurvy Sam, the feared pirate, but you’re a woman!” 
In a flash she had reached over the table and grabbed my balls tight, I let out a breathless squeak and felt her hands grip my balls harder and she leaned her face into mine close enough to kiss… I couldn’t help but notice that I could see clearly down her top now, her corset was doing a good job of extenuating her perfect boobs. She licked her red perfect lips and smiled while I squirmed fruitlessly in her iron grasp. A few of the other patrons in the bar began to stare, some were laughing, but a quick glance from the woman had them silenced and looking back at their drinks shyly.
“UggggghhhH!!! My God…! My balls! What th-“
“I’d stop struggling if I were you laddie… It’s only going to hurt more…” She said seductively “Now… What has a scrawny little man like you in a bar like this looking for none other than yours truly? Make it quick.” She added with another squeeze
“Awwghhh!! I have a map! Treasure! I need your help to get treasure!” 
Her expression didn’t change, she continued to smile at me as she raised an eyebrow
“Treasure you say? And what makes you think I’d help you … you’ve a lot of BALLS *She gives my balls a little twist* coming to me laddie… any of these seadogs could have taken you where you want to go” 
I was dancing from foot to foot on the spot in agony, the pain swelling up from my balls to the pit of my stomach, I was doubled over her hand gripping my sensitive balls. Any attempts to take her hand away only resulted in her squeezing tighter, I was quickly regretting my decision…
“mmmggh… I’ll split it with you .. 50/50! The Treasures at dead-mans cove!”
With the mention of dead man’s cove her grip loosened slightly and her face dropped for a second. Scurvy Sam was rumoured to be the only pirate to come back alive from dead man’s cove… She then grabbed my balls again with fresh vigour.
“Ohh my GoD!!!!”
“What’s this treasure laddie, why would I go back to that hell?! Quick! Or you’ll have no balls left!”
“awwwgh!! It’s the stash of an old Spanish gold ship! Thought lost *groan* I swear if you can get me there I’ll find the treasure!! “
She ponders for a second and rests her chin on her hand very casually, still gripping my balls… I’ve never felt pain like it, my eyes are watering and my balls feel like they’re in a vice ready to explode, she thinks for what seems like an eternity
“ok… I’ll do it… for 75% of the gold” 
“Whaat?! No way th-“
She grips my balls harder than I thought imaginable and twists them while she smiles and looks at me amused
“You’re in no position to bargain my young friend” she purrs “Tell me… does it hurt? I’ve bought hundreds of men to their knees… many twice your size, just by going for their weak spot. Come to think of it, my price has gone up, it’s now 75% and I get to kick you in the balls right here and now, partly because you’ve been testing my patience and party because I find it so damn amusing that I can put you in so much pain that I’ll never *she leans in closer* ever. experience.” 
And she kisses me on the cheek teasing me with her perfect lips. I take one glance at her heeled pirate boots, she has buckles across the toes which are only going to hurt more. But what choice do I have? Plus 25% of the booty is still a huge amount of money.
“ok ok!! Just please let go of my balls!! Please! I beg” 
She very slowly lets go and pulls her hand away before sitting back on her seat, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her whisky, I can see a satisfied smile grow on her face as I sink to the floor holding my poor balls and moaning into the wooden floor. I look across at her skirt under the table and can’t help but think how she put me in so much pain and was able to get what she wants by grabbing my balls and there was nothing I could do back because she doesn’t have any. I also occurred to me that although she has no idea how much it hurts and never will, she was still happy enough to put me in this insane amount of pain on a whim. I lay there for another 5 minutes before I was able to sit up opposite her on the table, still clutching my balls. She had just finished her whiskey and looked at me curiously, but entertained.
“Do they hurt laddie? Your balls” She smiled as she said it, clearly very amused”
“Yes.” I groaned 
“I’m glad, let that be a warning as to how I treat my crew who don’t pull their weight… you should get some rest. Tomorrow I’ll assemble our crew. Meet me at the end of the pier at first light.”
She stood up and gestured towards the door, I obliged. 
“This trip won’t be -” 
she began as we headed for the door. But was interrupted mid sentence by a large scary looking man, most definitely a pirate who had stumbled into her path and spilt his drink on her, everyone in the bar stopped and watched with bated breath.
“You just spilt your drink on me.”
“Ohh yeah?! And what’s a pretty little thing like you going to do about it eh love?”
Sam smiled and pulled up her skirt slightly revealing her beautiful stocking clad legs, adorned with her dainty buckled pirate boots. He looked down distracted by the sight below him. Her leg instantly shot up and she kneed him right in the balls. Everyone in the bar gasped as the man let out a long low groan and fell the floor clutching his aching manhood for all his life.
“Awwwgh! God you bitch! Nggh my balls!” He said between moans and he kicked his legs on the floor and sucked in the dust at her feet.
“Enjoy that pain in your balls, love”
she said as the confidently strode out of the bar. I watched shocked, my balls still sensitive from the brutal squeezing they had endured not moments ago, as I saw the door close I quickly chased after her, she was waiting for me just outside.
“Tomorrow. First light. Oh and laddie…” 
She held out her small hand. I went to shake it, but as soon as I reach out her foot shot out and she kicked me in the balls really hard. All the air escaped from my lungs as I fell to the ground, she was still holding my hand and watching with curiosity what she had just done. My balls felt like they were going to explode from her kick, I couldn’t even talk as I writhed on the ground in agony. She let my hand go and leaned in so her mouth was right in my ear… “
I was hoping you hadn’t forgot that little part of our deal… Get used to it laddie… there’ll be plenty more where that came from…” 
and with that she stood up tall and walked off giggling to herself while I was left face first on the cold ground writhing around holding my aching balls waiting for the pain to subside…

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Part 2=) (I've big plans for part 3, but if anyone has any suggestions I'll definitely consider them!)


That night in bed I lay thinking about the adventure that lay before me, I’d never been out to sea before. Sure I’d read tales of pirates and heard stories of great battles at sea, but until now I never had any reason to leave solid ground and set sail for anywhere different. Though I was excited for my treasure hunting adventure, my aching balls were a constant reminder of the woman who would be taking me on this grand journey… I couldn’t get the thought of how she completely had me at her will out of my head, and all the while I couldn’t help but get “excited” at the thought of her hurting my man-parts again…
The next morning came before I knew it. I hurried down to the end of the pier to meet up with scurvy Sam and the crew. The dock was a hive of activity; fishermen putting the last of their supplies on their boats, the queens men saying goodbye to their women of leisure from the previous night before boarding their ships again and, as promised, right the end of the main pier was docked the most beautiful ship I’d ever seen, huge masts that loomed over the rest of those of nearby ships. The ship was painted golden around the rim with mahogany making up the bulk of the hull. Adorned on the bow was not a woman or meremaid as seen on most pirate ships, but a very chizzled man. The work of Sam no doubt! When I got up close I could see many crew men toiling away, some were carrying on crates of supplies others were tieing various ropes to other ropes (all of which I’d no idea of their function) and others were scrubbing the deck on their hands and knees.
It was then I saw Sam herself exit the main cabin, and upon inspection of the deck, she marched up behind one of the men cleaning on his hands and knees and kicked in the balls hard enough to make him lift off the ground slightly. Though he was a large man he instantly crumpled on the ground at her feet rolling around in agony holding his battered balls. I flinched and instinctively reached for my balls in sympathy pains as did many other men around the ship who had stopped what they were doing to watch.

Sam: “You call this clean?! I want you to be able to eat your dinner off those floors when you’re done! In fact… I might just make you!” she looks around at the rest of the crew “What are ye all lookin’ at!? Get back to work lest you feel the toe of my boot on your balls like this barnacle brain!” The man continued to hold his balls, he looked to be in a lot of pain and I couldn’t help but envy him… It was then that Sam noticed I was boarding the ship 
Sam: “You made it laddie! Was starting to think you’d lost your nerve…” she said as she eyed up my balls..
Me “yeah I’d not miss it for the world!”
Sam “haa.. well your cabin is over there, next to mine..” 
*she walks over and puts her arm around me with one hand then points over to where I’ll be sleeping. I can smell her sweet perfume and even catch a glance down her corset at her ample breasts, I catch myself on instantly and look up to see if she’s noticed, I can’t immediately tell until... *SMACK* her hand which was pointing at my cabin a split second ago had slapped into my groin with such speed and force as you wouldn’t believe, all the air rushed out of my lungs and I dropped my bags and doubled over to get away, but she’d already gripped my balls in her hand.

Me “Auughgh!! My godddd!! Ngghg please!!”

She Squeezes a little harder and smiles through her crimson lips, I notice a few of the crewmen looking over their shoulders as they work looking sympathetic. They’ve clearly been taking this treatment for a long time under her command! The pain in balls in near unbearable, the slap made them extra tender for the vice like grip she now had them in, I just wanted to fall to the ground, but she had my balls in her hand. She was very much in charge.

Sam: “Don’t you be getting any ideas laddie… I’m a dangerous woman to be with. As you can no doubt tell *chuckle* here let me show you to your cabin! Crewman, take care of his bags!”

and with that she turned around, still with my balls in her hand and began to march casually to the other side of the ship, I could do nothing but follow whimpering for my poor balls, a crewman obediently followed behind with my bags, completely unsurprised at what was happening, he cleared didn’t want her to strike out at him. Fortunately the cabin wasn’t far, when she got to the door she turned back round to face me and gave my balls a squeeze, I doubled over even more and tried in vain to get my hands anywhere near my balls to keep them safe, the pain in my balls was radiating through the pit of my stomach and I was beginning to feel a little queezy. Though we had reached the room she kept holding on watching me with a satisfied smile on her beautiful face.

me: “awwghh please!! Please let go!! My balls!! *groan*” I said as I danced on the spot 
Sam “hurts doesn’t it? Not that I’d know har har!” 
the crewmate laughed nervously and opened the cabin door and threw my bags in with a clatter then stepped back to await further orders. Sam pulled on my balls towards the direction of the room and let go. I fell to my knees on the floor, cradled my balls and began to rock back and forth hoping that Sam didn’t notice my erection which I was trying to conceal embarrassed. My balls were on fire and I could do nothing but look up at the smiling beauty who put me here on the floor at her feet.

Sam: “I don’t expect to see you until dinner laddie. You’re of no use to me on the deck. Join in my cabin for dinner, bring the map. I’ll send for you.”

and with that she closed the door. From the floor I could see under the door, the feet of two figures, the ship mate who had carried my bags and Sam, instantly I saw her foot leave the floor, I heard a THUD and then a split second later the body of the crewman fell to the deck to the sound of a deep moan. I could hear her voice from the other side of the door.

Sam: “Idiot! I told you to take care of his bags not throw them on the floor like a buffoon!”

Sam marched off and by the time her booted footsteps had clunked out of earshot the crewman had managed to crawl away from the door and the ache in my balls had already began to subside enough to allow me to stand up and inspect my room. It was small dark and dingy. But I fancy a fair bit better than sleeping with the rest of the crew below the deck! It was then I noticed a small bean of light coming from one of the walls. When I went closer I discovered it’s source was a small hole in the wall, no bigger than a lead shot from a musket. I looked through the hole and saw straight into scurvy Sams quarters! I could see a huge grand wardrobe, no doubt full of the finest garmets from around the world and a huge bed fit for a queen. In the middle there was a banquet table with golden plates sitting empty and a decedent fruitbowl in the middle. I could feel myself getting hard again in my trousers, not least from the dull ache persisting in balls, but also at the prospect of what I might see through this hole when Sam was not aware…

I felt the ship cast off and I lay in my bed anticipating more testicle pain over dinner...

I felt the ship cast off and I lay in my bed anticipating more testicle pain over dinner...

The rest of that afternoon passed without much excitement. I looked around my room and unpacked what little I had in my bags before laying back onto my bed with a dull ache in my balls, a reminder of the beauty I’d be meeting later for dinner. I must have drifted off because next thing I know it’s dark out and above the sounds off the water sloshing quietly outside I hear heavy footsteps clunking nearby. This must have been what woke me up… I see the beam of light shining through the hole in my wall to next door…Sam must be in her room! I leaned close up to the hole to look through into her quarters…
      The curtains on the windows out to the deck were fully drawn, I peered around the room and my cock began to harden when I saw Sam throw her coat to the floor with a clunk and began to strip off in front of her wardrobe. She undid her corset slowly and let it fall beside her coat. Underneath she wore a thin silk shirt, I could clearly see the outline of her perfect nipples as I swallowed hard and tried not to make a sound. Her boots came off next, then her skirt revealing stockings up to her thighs. My erection grew stronger as she removed the silk top to reveal her ample bare breasts, I couldn’t believe my eyes… I’d never seen a woman like her naked before…She then put on a thicker shirt, and a gown over the top. Suddenly there came a loud bang at my cabin door!
*BANG BANG!* crewman: “Sam wants ye in her quarters! Now!”
I nearly fell off the bed with shock, I cleared my throat and called back nervously
“Yes sir! I’ll be there right away!” I said while cringing…sir? What was that…”
I pulled on my shoes, grabbed the map and headed for Sams quarters…

As I walked in a group of crewmen were just leaving having filled her table with a banquet fit for a king;pork, apples, grapes, everything you could imagine they could bring on a ship like this. Sam was already sitting on her chair, her legs crossed seductively as she eyed me up when I entered. The door closed behind me and I was invited to join the captain. I put the map on the table and waited expectantly…
Sam: “Oh we’ll get to the map laddie… I have something else we need to talk about..”
my heart gave a jolt… could she know I saw her earlier? Her face gave nothing away, I wish I could say the same about mine
Me “Umm oh.. whats that then?”
Sam leaned forward, smiled and reached under the table, then I felt it… her grip on my balls, I tried to squirm away, but it was too late… she clamped down on them and I doubled over instantly and gripped the table in agony, my balls felt like they were in a vice.
Me “Awwghhhg! What?? I’m sorry! “
Sam: “You think I don’t know about that musket hole laddie?! I put it there myself when I shot at an unruly crewman!”  she squeezed harder
me: “Awwgh!!! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! Please let go of my balls!!! It’s agony!”
Sam “Harhar! Why should I? I’ve no idea how much that hurts so I don’t care how much it’s hurting you! Besides…” she looks down and see’s the growing bulge in my trousers and her eyes light up as smiles at me “you seem to be enjoying it” she purrs with a wink.
    I’m in agony at this stage, but still the pain feels so good.. but I can’t tell her that… can I?
Me: “Awwgh my God… please let go”
Sam “Not until you admit you like it.” She said as she applied even more pressure onto my aching balls
Me: “Ok! Ok! I like it! I like having my balls hurt by girls!!!”
She instantly let go and I fell to the ground in pain holding my balls at her feet
Sam: “I knew it laddie! I knew it as soon as I laid eyes upon you. What a coincidence. I love hurting mens balls, in case you hadn’t guessed. This’ll make your punishment easier.”
Punishment? I thought to myself when I wasn’t possessed by the pain, I could only see her feet as she crossed the room and out of view. When I saw her feet again I could see that she had changed into a shoe that looked strange to me, it had a long rod coming from the heel and a large platform under her toes. Not exactly practical for a captain of a ship!
Sam: “Like them laddie? I picked them up when we robbed a ship carrying expensive clothing from france! Now on your feet!”
Me “Awwgh… I can’t… my balls..” I moaned
she whispered seductively “if you get up now… I’ll show you my breasts again…”
My hard cock twitched in my trousers and I got up as quick as I dared. She smiled then began to walk closer to me while taking her top over her head. As her boobs flopped out they gave a slight bounce, something which excited me greatly, her long brown curly hair fell down as her top went over her head. I couldn’t help but stare at her perfect boobs when suddenly her stocking clad knee shot up straight into my balls.
“Awuugghh!!!!” I yelled as my feet left the ground, I instantly doubled over cupping my balls but could only stand for a second before the rest of the pain sunk in and I fell to the floor where I began writhing in agony gasping for air”
Sam “ harharhar!! What’s the matter laddie? Did that hurt?” she bent over with her hands on her knees so her calm perfect face was next to my bright red tense one” cause it looks like it hurt… I thought you liked it… I know I do… so If you get up … I’ll show you more…” she said in a tone so sweet it’d make honey taste like vinegar.
“ngggh my balls… my poor balls” I moaned into the ground. But the prospect of seeing her completely naked gave me new found strength… I used the chairs to help me get onto my feet and stood as best as I could, doubled over slightly and standing awkwardly as the pain radiated from my balls right up to the pit of  my stomach.
Sam “wow… I’ve never seen a man get up so quick from one of my knees… And I’ve kneed a lot of men.”
I actually think she might like me…
She then bent over and took off the little underwear she had on. She kept the shoes on. When she straightened up again she was covering between her legs with her hands. The image I saw before me was the most beautiful arousing thing I have ever seen. A woman like her standing completely naked, her perfect hair resting on her boobs, right down to her thin waist and ample hips.
Sam “do you like what you see laddie?”
I gulped “yes .. I’ve never seen.. one of those before”
Sam “harhar! You must be kidding! …well I suppose you are young… Laddie… prepare to be jealous.”
It happened very quickly. Her hands moved away from her groin to reveal her perfect pussy. I knew it before but seeing it now bare just made me realise how unvulnerable she is. No balls hanging down that cause untold pain with the slightest hit… How I longed even to touch it… When suddenly her hard platformed shoe swung directly into my weak groin with a loud “clunk!” The air escaed my lungs and my heart jolted as the initial shock faded revealing the true extent of my pain.
“Oggh God my balls!!” I moaned and fell once again to her floor where I bucked in agony holding my balls in vain…
Sam just stood there and watched with a cheeky smile on her face, not a hint of remorse
Sam: “Laddie! Tell me, did I get them both?! Harharhar! Look at you on the floor from one little kick!”
When I had settled slightly but still unable to move I looked up at Sams perfect groin and then up to her boobs and her face, she’ll never know this pain…
Me “Please… *groan* no more! My balls are on fire!”
Sam marched up to me, kicked my hands from my groin and pushed the platform of her shoe into my balls crushing them against my pelvis. I convulsed in agony and reached in vain for her foot, but she now had my legs in her hands for leverage…”
Sam: “Hurts doesn’t it?! Har har whats the matter?? Your balls sore?!!
Me “yes yes!!! It hurts! Please!! Please!” I squeeked as a tear rolled down my face and my groin burned, I felt like she was going to break me.
Sam: “I don’t ever want to catch you spying on me again!”
Me “Yes! Awwgh!! I promise!”
She gave one last push and threw my legs to the ground where I instantly curled up in a ball and rocked back and forth trying to sooth my aching testicles.
Sam “If you want to look…just ask…” she purred as she sat down on her bed and spread her legs…

I was mesmerised by the sight that I was looking up at… the pain in my balls was all but paralyzing, but she offering what I think she’s offering?

Sam “Come on… get up, I promise I won’t hurt your balls again…” she said in a feminine voice.. As I slowly got up to limp over I was unaware that Sam had her fingers crossed…

Most amazing ballbusting story I have ever read! Hope you will do the next parts some day soon



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