
Lilia Ivanova's BB Club

Members: 119
Latest Activity: Dec 15, 2024

Discussion Forum

Hard knees and kicks

Started by Myron Cumberland. Last reply by Myron Cumberland Oct 27, 2021. 2 Replies

Pornhub has a video by NastyGirlsBB that is out of this world badass.  There's nudity in it, so it can't be shared here, but I encourage all of you to check it out.  Continue

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Comment by April Castro on July 14, 2020 at 1:12am

Clearly, there has been miscommunication. The boys were the ones who were injured. Two seriously enough to require medical attention. One badly enough to be taken to hospital! Shoes are not worn. The dojo is where martial arts instruction is given. Also, tournaments are sometimes conducted there. My name is April Castro. It is not a school for ballbusting. Rather various martial arts and unarmed combat systems such as; Judo, Kajukenbo, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga. When, I have the time, I give instruction and or help manage the dojo.

Comment by April Castro on July 13, 2020 at 7:50pm

Thank you, for the invitation! This is timely. There were two unfortunate incidents in my dogo, a couple of days ago. The facility only recently reopened, after having been shuttered for months. Only about 12 twelve students were allowed in, along with another instructor and myself. Many of them were quite rusty, after all that time not practising or tournaments. Worse, many of the lads had not bothered to wear 'protection'. Granted, there was only supposed to be 'light' contact or touches.

Several of the girls were imprecise with their kicks. Three of the lads were hurt, one serious enough to warrant a trip to the ER. Naturally, he was the son of the local health dept director. Also, the guy with the biggest 'balls' in the dojo. That is, the one who always placed himself in premier positions re; tournaments. Also, the one with the most 'wandering' hands. However, he gets away with it because of his father and fact is; he is rather good looking. Also, (so I am told) capable of considerable charm when, he chooses.

Warm regards,



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