UPDATE: Glad you guys are enjoying the story, I'll keep it going. Part 3 is much longer. The feedback is greatly appreciated, and suggestions really help! Let me know what you want to happen.


Now for:


The Ballbusters of Dangly High


Part One


In my 8th grade homeroom, there was one girl who was particularly… developed… Rachael. Rachael had massive tits and she knew it. She would always wear really low cut tops and talk about very sexual topics to get all the boys riled up. She had beautiful tan skin and long black hair. Obviously most of the boys in the 8th grade, filled to the brim with hormones and cum, would crowd around her to ogle her body. She loved the attention and the boys loved the view. I was one of those boys…


One day, before classes began, a group of boob-struck boys had formed a circle around Rachael. Everyone feigned interest in what she was saying, as they discretely took peeks at her bulging bust. There wasn’t much room for me, so I knelt at the front of her desk. At that moment, I realized I had picked the best seat in the house to get a showing of her nice ample cleavage. By kneeling in front of her, my eyes were directly in line with her breasts, and her desk acted as a perfect shield so that she couldn’t see the rapidly growing boner in my pants. I tried to act cool and not stare too much, but I obviously wasn’t doing very well, because about a minute later, Rachael pulled me out of my deep titty trance.


“Hey!” Rachael shouted, staring me right in the eyes. I looked back at her pale faced, knowing that I had been caught. “If you keep staring at my tits, I’m gonna kick you in the balls.” My face went from white to red in a matter of seconds. I had been into ballbusting for quite some time and the idea of the sexiest girl in school punting my nuts made me want to cream my pants right then and there. I weighed my options and made my decision. I flicked my gaze back down to her cleavage and locked on, knowing that I was going directly against her orders. Rachael shrugged, “You asked for it.” she said as she swung her foot back, and then launched it directly into my tender, young nuts.


The kick was hard and dead on. The tip of her boot caught my right nut and flattened it against my pelvis. I felt an explosion of pain in my ball that emanated up into my abdomen. The last thing I saw before I went down was a sexy little jiggle of her tits as she shifted her weight deep into my poor gonad. I screamed, my face contorted and I collapsed onto the ground, clutching my testicles, which presently felt as if they had been smashed into mush. I covered my eyes and clutched my balls as I groaned and rolled around on the ground. My nuts throbbed and the pain only seemed to get worse. Still the situation aroused me like crazy and my boner was rock hard.


A sympathetic moan came across the room, as all the other boys held their crotches, feeling the phantom pain of seeing another man's testicles take a full force kick from an angry girl. Rachael just laughed at me and said "hey, I gave you a fair warning. That's what you get for eyeing the goods!" With that she grabbed a boob in each hand and shook them up and down to emphasize how good her goods really were.


The home room teacher, Mrs. Jubanyik, cleverly nicknamed Mrs. Joobie-boobie, on account of her massive and mature melons took notice of me writhing on the ground. "What happened?" She yelled. "Rachael! Did you kick him in his... his... his private parts?" She said, making sure to choose her words wisely in front of a group on immature middle schoolers.


"He was staring at my breasts, Mrs. Jubanyik!" Racheal protested in her defense. "I even told him that I'd kick his nuts if he didn't stop! He didn't listen!"


"Hmm..." contemplated Mrs. Jubanyik. "He probably deserved it." She said, obviously having been in similar experiences herself. With a set of tits like hers there's no way she hadn't had her fair share of perverts eyeing her up. She looked at me still moaning and writhing on the ground. "When you can get up, go to the principles office! If you don't get up by the end of homeroom then maybe I'll have to incentivize you the same way Rachael did." With that she returned to her desk and homeroom seemed to go on as usual.


The bell rang quicker than expected. The room emptied and I struggled to get to my feet. I got to up to my hand and knees, but before I could go further I felt a hand grab hold of my testicles from between my legs. I felt like a bull getting sized up for castration. "I've dealt with guys like you." Said Mrs. Jubanyik in a hushed tone. "If only more of them suffered the same punishment that you did..." she tapped her foot. "Now are you going to get up in your own or am I going to have to drag you up by these pathetic little testies I'm holding?" She gave my nuts a threatening squeeze to show she meant business.


"I can get up!" I said. I wanted to sound scared even though my boner was harder than it had ever been. I had spent many a night wanking myself silly over the thought of both Mrs. Jubanyik and Rachael busting my balls, and now those fantasies were both coming true in a single day. Mrs. Jubanyik pinched my sore right nut again to remind me of my predicament, and I struggled to my feet. When I finally stood up, Mrs. Jubanyik looked me up and down and her eyes locked on my protruding erection. She gave a confused look and released my plums.


"Uhhh... you can go to the principals now..." said Mrs. Jubanyik. She paused for a moment. "And… Come see me after school too. I'd like to have another word with you about ogling women's bodies." With that I hobbled out of the classroom and begrudgingly went towards the principals office. But first, I had to stop off at the bathroom for a quick wank.


I spent about 2 minutes in that bathroom before I released one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever experienced. The memories of those two busty females busting my balls would be ingrained in my mind forever, and I liked it. I cleaned up and rushed out to visit the principal, Mrs. Green.


I knocked on Mrs. Greens door and I heard a sharp "come in!" from the inside. I entered and saw her typing away at her computer. Mrs. Green was not nearly as voluptuous as the past two girls. She was bone thin and wore a scowl at all times. Her hair was cut short and was well maintained. She glanced up at me above her glasses. "Ah yes, you're the one Mrs. Jubanyik said she would be sending. I can tell by your limp. Have a seat." I sat down, embarrassed by her comments. "So. A girl kicked you in your ghoulies for staring down her top, eh? Probably shouldn't have been doing that." My face went red and I hung my head in shame. "I'll take that as a yes." She said with a sigh. "Now, have you ever heard of... Corporal punishment?" I started to answer but she beat me to it. "It's what we used to do to little trouble makers like yourself. I think it worked much better myself. It usually came in the form of a paddling or a whack on the wrist, but I believe that what Ms. Rachael did is a perfect example of how corporal punishment should work around here!" She paused. "Do you think you'll ever stare down her top again now after that demonstration?"


I waited a bit, not knowing if she wanted me to respond. "Uhh... no ma'am. I won't." She seemed very thrilled by that answer.


"See! You've learned your lesson! You're reformed! You're going to be a good little boy now and all it took was one tiny tap to the testicles. That's all you boys need, because at your age, you don't think with your head," she said as she tapped me on the head. "You think with these!" She said as she grabbed a handful of my manhood. My eyes widened and I sucked in a deep breath. Luckily I wasn't hard at the time, and luckily she released her grip quickly, because that could have gone poorly very fast. "So next time I see you in here" she said as she returned to her desk. "I think I know how to take care of your misbehavior." She quickly pointed at the door. "Now get out of my office." I scuttled out in fear and once again, arousal.


When I left Mrs. Greens office the bell had just rung. First period was over and kids were rushing to their second period classes. I followed the group and was practically walking on autopilot, still reliving the days events in my head. When I turned the corner I very literally ran into something soft and doughy, face first. Papers went flying, and as they came to a halt on the floor, I saw Rachael standing in front of me. I closed my eyes and prepared for another assault on my groin, except when I opened my eyes, she was smiling at me. "Oh hey!" She said, seemingly not too mad that I just dropped all of her papers to the ground.


"I'm sorry." I said "let me help you with that." I bent down to pick up the papers and Rachael joined me on the ground.


"It's alright." She said. "Sorry about earlier. How are your... you know... your eggs." She said with a giggle. "I hope I didn't crack them too bad."


"Uh... they're okay." I said, nervous of saying something stupid. "Still pretty achy. You got the right one real bad, and it's been a weird morning ever since." I tried to play the victim role and not stare down her top at all.


"Oh man that sucks. I bet they really hurt." She said in a surprisingly honest and sympathetic tone. "It was just a reflex thing. I hope I didn't seriously damage your balls. To be honest though," she turned to a hushed voice. "I actually thought it was pretty hot." She giggled and smiled at me. Hot? I thought to myself. Could she be joking? She continued to explain "Just, you defying me by looking down my top, and then me defending myself by kicking you in the nads. It was just so... bad, so... raw. I felt so alive." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The hottest girl in school is getting off to busting my balls? Am I dreaming?


"Uh, yeah I get that." I said trying to hide my arousal. "I definitely liked looking down your top, and the kick in the balls was a worthy trade I guess." I laughed and mentally crossed my fingers hoping this would go somewhere.


"Really!? You liked it too?" She said sounding elated. "That's awesome! So I was thinking, maybe if you want, I can let you see more... but you should expect a hard shot to the nuggets for it." She giggled as she said nuggets.


"Uh, yeah! I'd totally be down for that!" I said, no longer hiding my eagerness.


"Sweet! So then, come over my place after school and we can see where this goes?" She questioned.


"Totally!" I said starting to sounds like an idiot. "I'll be there as soon as possible."


"Cool, see you then she said. But before she rose to her feet she said. "Want to take in one quick peak before you go?" She raised her eyebrow and yanked down her shirt so that a huge amount of her cleavage was showing. My mouth fell agape and I started drooling at the magnificent sight. She gave my about 10 seconds to take it all in before letting her shirt go, and sent an uppercut into my unsuspecting, weakened balls. This time she didn't make as good contact and I caught myself before I fell to the ground. She popped up to her feet, sending her boobs bouncing around in her shirt. "Alright I'll see you after school then." She waved and walked down the hall. I just gave a thumbs up, still somewhat immobilized by the fourth hit to the balls I had taken that day.


Determined to make it to second period, I got up and started hobbling to class. I reviewed the days events in my head and thought of what was to come. First I had to meet Joobie-Boobie after school for some unspecified reason. Then I was going to Rachael's house to seemingly trade ballbusting for a strip tease. Then there was Mrs. Green, who still seems to have a target on my crotch. We'll have to see where that goes. This is shaping up to be quite an interesting day...


Part 2


The day went by in a flash. I was horny the whole time and the ache in my nuts persisted all the way through to last period. I fantasized over and over about how Rachael and Mrs. Jubanyik, two of the bustiest women I knew, had brutally abused my testicles in homeroom. My boner was not going away but I was fine with it. I pondered what Mrs. Jubanyik was planning. She had not been clear, but by the way she had applauded Rachael for busting my balls earlier, and the way she roughly handled my junk directly after, made me think she had something similar in mind.


As the last bell of the day rang, I felt a nervous excitement, which resulted in a rock hard erection straining in my pants. I walked to her classroom, and right before I entered, I took a deep breath, gulped audibly, and walked in.


I found Mrs. Jubanyik sitting at her desk, reading with a pair of glasses on. Her large chest protruded almost far enough to touch the book she was reading. Her shirt was surprisingly low cut and her cleavage was impressive. "Oh!" She said, turning to me. "You came." Her tone was strangely permissive, as if I had the option to come or not. "Please sit down." She gestured to a chair she had placed right in front of her desk. I sat down and stared at her, still unsure of what was about to happen. Her cleavage was awe-inspiring but I did my best not to look. A few seconds went by in silence as I fought to keep eye contact. Then, Mrs. Jubanyik spoke up.


"So..." she said "have you heard my... nickname?" As she spoke, she leaned into the desk. Her boobs pressed into the desk, which pushed them upward, exposing even more cleavage and giving a nice curve to the tops of her melons. At this point I couldn't control myself and my eyes flickered down to her chest. I took in a brief eyeful of gorgeous titty before I caught myself and immediately looked back at her. She had noticed, but she just gave a warm and knowing smile. "Its okay, you can look. So? Have you heard my nickname?" she asked again.


"Uh..." I stuttered. "Do you really want me to say it?"


"Yes." She replied. "I want to hear you say it."


"Uhhhh... they call you... uh... Mrs. Joobie-Boobie..."


"Mmmm" she cooed with a slight shutter. "Exactly. See, I know the boys in class like to ogle my breasts." She said. "Do you… Like them?" I sat in silence knowing the answer, but not wanting to say it. "It's OK." she said with a devilish smile. "You can tell the truth."


"Well… of course I do." I said as a shuffled my hands in my lap. "They're beautiful Mrs Jubanyik."


"Thank you." She said with a smile. "Many men feel the same way. Unfortunately, they tend to let me know in very crude ways." Her smile turn into a frown. "Some of them just catcall me on the street. Others even go so far as to cop a feel at the bar if I am quite intoxicated."


My face turned red as I imagined how amazing it would feel to grab a hold of and squeeze those big jiggly tits. "These men deserve the same treatment, If not worse, then the one Rachel gave you earlier today. Many of your classmates included. But it isn't exactly appropriate for me to go around cracking the testicles of my male pupils. Like your classmate Joey for instance, I would just love to put his nuts in a vice and twist until he screams for mercy." As she said this she twisted her hand in a grinding motion. She took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, I can't do that. But that's where you come in." This is the moment that I got very nervous.


She walked around to my side of the desk and knelt in front of me. She knelt as if she was about to give me a blowjob, which would have been amazing, but I knew that I was about to experience was going to be pain, not pleasure.


"You see, I noticed your erection in your pants when I squeezed your testicles earlier. I've heard of people like you, you were enjoying it." She began to rub my inner thighs and I quivered with pleasure at her touch. "So I was thinking... maybe you could be my stress ball. Or more like stress balls actually." She said with a giggle. “I have a lot of pent up anger with these boys, and I’d like to release that anger. So here’s what I’m thinking. I'll give you an A in this class. You don't have to try, hell you don't even have to show up. But in exchange, I will expect you here after school every Monday for our weekly meeting.” I gulped.


“At these meetings, your balls will be the proxy for all the balls I wish that I could crush." When I heard this my dick twitched and a small patch of pre-come dampened my jeans. She took notice of this. "Oh somebody likes the idea. So what do you say, do we have a deal? A free pass in this class in exchange for me having free reign over your balls every week until the end of the semester?" I nodded dumbly. "Good! Let's begin." I realized that today is Monday and that she would want to start right away.


I wasn't sure how my balls would handle this meeting and Rachel's all on the same day, but it looked like I was about to find out. "Now I'm going to need to see my targets. Would you mind if I pulled out your nuts? "My mouth was open and I drooled. "Mhmmm." I muttered.


"Good." She said as she unzipped my pants. She shoved her hand through my fly, and brushed my boner on the way. I shivered with pleasure, and she smiled, still, my dick was of no interest to her. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the base of my scrotum. She yanked on my nuts, and from my jeans she fished out my two shaved and shining balls.


"Mmmm. That's a nice big pair you've got on you." she cooed as she licked her lips. "So you're sure you are okay with me taking out my frustration on these guys?"


She repositioned her hands so that she had one nut in each hand. She placed a thumb on each ball and tugged them apart. This was my last chance to turn back, but my love of ballbusting and her insisting cleavage gave me no choice but to say yes. I took a pause before sheepishly nodding. She gave one last devilish smile.


"Perfect" she said as she dug her thumbs deep into the nut meat of both my balls. The pain was instantly unbearable. She did not hold back at all. I screamed and arched my back. My legs kicked and flailed but Mrs. Jubanyik maintained her grip and wrangled me. "Oh you're not going anywhere!" She said as she pushed her thumbs deeper into my balls.


"Please! Please! My nuts! MY NUTS!" I shouted as I gripped her wrists in a feeble attempt to stop her. Suddenly, she let go of her grip. I launched myself out of the chair. I desperately clutched my balls as I laid face down, practically on the edge of tears. There was no preparing myself for that. She was being absolutely ruthless.


"Hmm." She said as she rubbed her chin. "We really probably should have a safe word. Just in case." She pondered for a second before an evil grin came across her face. "How about... eunuch?" I removed my face from the carpet of her classroom and looked up at her in terror. Eunuch is a word for a man who has lost his testicles. Did she want to castrate me? That wasn't part of the deal!


"Oh chill out!" She said sounding annoyed. "I'm not actually gonna pop your balls. Jeez!” She spoke under her breath. “No matter how much I've always wanted to do it." My look of fear only got worse. "I don’t want to pop your balls!" She said "That would be no fun! There's just a couple guys who deserve to lose a nut or two, you know?...” She paused. “So, Is eunuch our safe word or what?"


"Uhh... I don't know Mrs. Jubanyick.” I responded, still in agonizing pain. “That kind of makes me feel uncomfortable. It sounds like you're going to castrate me! And I need my balls… For, you know… Sex and stuff."


"Ha" she laughed "as if you're having any sex. What a joke. And I already told you I'm not going to pop your balls. But I understand. You boys, you’re all the same. All you care about is blowing your load over whatever girl is closest to you. How typical. All right, well if you're so concerned about cumming then maybe we should sweeten the deal." She leaned in closer to expose her cleavage. "How about, if you let eunuch be our safe word, then I'll let you squirt your pretty little ropes of cum anywhere you want at the end of all our meetings. What do you think?" She leaned in closer and squished her boobs together even more. "Please?" She cooed.


Even after the intense beating that my nuts had just taken I could still feel them filling up with juices as she offered her tits and her sexual services. To an eighth grade boy, this was just about the greatest thing you could ever hear. "Yes please." I stuttered. “Eunuch can be our safe word.”


"Great!" She said as her tone suddenly shifted from sweet too salty. She reached her hand under me and batted my defending hands away from my crotch. My natural instincts told me to defend myself, but I was currently in a weakened state from the previous ball busting and she overpowered me.


As soon as she freed my meat from my clutching grasp, she took a handful of my manhood and squeezed as hard as she could as if she was trying to get the juices out of two limes. "Ow! OW! My nuts! MY NUTS! Eunuch. EUNUCH! EUNUCH!" I shouted.


As I screamed our safe word she stopped her relentless squeezing but kept a firm grasp on my testicles, yanking them slightly from my body. "Well you can't just say the safe word willy nilly like that. That’s no fun. The whole reason you’re here is so that I can squash your grapes. You have to let me do it if you want me to suck your cock and get the A.”


I gulped as I heard her bring up sucking my cock. I wanted that so bad but the pain was just too great. “I know Mrs. Jubanyik, but it’s just so painful. They’re really sensitive and they can’t take that much right now…” She looked unpleased by this answer so I tried to give a better one. “Maybe if we start light I’ll build up a tolerance. You’ll be busting my balls as hard as you can in a few weeks I promise!”


“Hmm…” She said. “We’ll I guess that makes sense. I’ve heard that pubescent boys have extra sensitive testicles, but I can’t believe that it hurts that bad. Are you sure you’re not just being a bitch about it?” This was obviously coming from a woman who could never understand or experience the terrible gut wrenching pain of a smashed testicle. “Well alright, I’m willing to make that investment. And either way, it didn’t feel very real. You haven’t done anything pervy to make me angry.” She rolled my balls around in their sack. “How about… Say something perverted about my tits. Act like those terrible boys in class!”


I didn’t know what to say, I was typically a very mild mannered kid. “Like what?” I asked.


“Sayyyyy… Something like… Nice boobs Joobs.” She replied.


“Uh… okay.” I stuttered. “Nice boobs Joobs.”


“Ahhh.” She sighed. “Yeah. Just like that.” With that she yanked up my balls and held them like a bouquet of flowers in one hand. Then with her other hand, she began to hammer down on them with her fist. Over and over again she pounded my nuts into clutching fingers. She was crushing them time after time and I worried she could be doing serious damage. Still, the thought of her succulent lips caressing my cock kept me strong. I held in my screams and desperately attempted to grab hold of the carpet. I looked up to see her face. She stared at my balls with determined, malicious desire. The pain kept getting worse, and her pounding seemed to only get stronger and more direct. She began alternating punches to each of my nuts. Left, right, left, right. I held my breath in hopes of staying in it, but one of her shots to my right nut seemed to hit right on the knuckle and the pain was just to great.


“AHHHH!!!” I screamed. “Eunuch! EUNUCH!” She continued to let four more punches go before she released my balls. I rolled around on the floor, spasming and clutching my crushed bollocks. Mrs. Jubanyik fell back, totally out of breath.


“Whew!!!” She sighed. “Now that was a good work out! Good job. You held out way longer than I expected!” She wiped some sweat from her brow. “So, are you ready to go round two?”


I began to whimper as I rolled around. “Mrs. Jubanyik, they hurt so bad. I think you may have really damaged them!”


“Let me take a look.” She said as she snatched my pair back out from under me. She gave them a passing glance. “A little red and maybe bruised, but they look fine to me. So come on, can you take more or what?” She said.


“No… I can’t…” I said slightly ashamed my balls weren’t more indestructible.


“Ugh.” She moaned. “Then I guess you would say no to grabbing my tits like one of those nasty men I come across in bars.” My ears perked up. Grabbing Mrs. Jubanyiks tits had always been one of my greatest desires. From the moment I saw her in 6th grade, up until today. My nuts hurt in a way I had never experienced before but my pubescent hormones overrode the pain. I looked up at her and my mouth fell agape.


There she was, sitting in the chair she had left out for me, but this time, the scene was different. This time, her breasts were laid bare for me to see. She must have lifted them out above her low cut neckline while I was face down on the ground. I basked in the beautiful glow of those big fat melons. Mrs. Jubanyik basked in my mindless staring, knowing that she had transfixed me, and trapped me with her gorgeous breasts. She knew she had me in the palm of her hands, as she expertly manipulated my teenage hormones. “Come get em.” She said as she leaned back in her chair.


I continued to stare, they we’re perfect, better than I could have ever dreamed. All care about my damaged testicles had flown out the window and all I wanted to do was squeeze her boobs. I struggled to get up to my hands and knees but it was difficult. My arms and legs trembled uncontrollably.


I began to crawl towards her. I looked up again. The closer I got, the more magnificent they seemed. As I got within reach, I stretched out my hand. It felt like an eternity as I struggled to reach them. I place my other hand on her knee and lifted myself into reach. Then, I made contact, and it was incredible.


As I squeezed and lifted her heavy knockers, all the pain I was feeling vanished and was replaced with pure sexy joy. My eyes rolled back into my head as I drooled on her legs, feeling as if I could come right them and there. “Aww, you’re such a cutie.” She said. “Poor little boy, it almost makes me feel bad doing this.” Her statement struck me, and reminded me of the position I was in. I opened my eyes just in time to see her say “But not really.” With that she gritted her teeth and sent her pointy toed shoe rocketing towards my nuts which still laid bare outside of my pants.


Once again my right nut took the brunt of the force head on. Her pointed shoe nearly punctured my testicle, and she shifted her weight to force it even deeper in. I must had made the most pained expression ever, as that right nut had already been so severely smashed over the days proceedings. I feel to the ground, only a small squeaking noise made it out of my mouth. The pain was so intense as I rolled back and forth on my back clutching my balls. Mrs. Jubanyik stood over me. The gorgeous underboob that was being displayed couldn’t even help the pain in my nearly ruptured bollocks.


“Haha, wow that really did a number on you.” She said. The room started to go dark as black splotches filled my vision. “I guess that’ll be it for today. Now how about a sexy tiity fuck for all your efforts.” My dream was about to come true but there was no stopping my rapid loss of consciousness. “Hello?” Mrs. Jubanyik called? “Are you okay? Don’t pass out on me!” I felt my body go numb and I collapsed to an unmoving state. Right before I finally lost consciousness I heard Mrs. Jubanyik say. “Ugh. Little bitch. I guess he doesn’t want the tit wank… Too bad.” I then heard her high heels walk away, as I drifted into complete darkness.


. . .


When I came to, the pain in my nuts had barely subsided, but it was now manageable. I looked up to see Mrs. Jubanyik reading in her chair again, but this time, her boobs were still out. Thank god. I thought to my self. She must not have put them away knowing that I still was hoping to be pleasured. I rustled on the ground. “Oh, you’re up!” she said as she closed her book and stood up.


“My… Balls…” I murmured.


“Don’t worry. I checked and their fine. They’ll be around to fight another day.” She walked over to me and kneeled down again. “Well, maybe fight isn’t the right word, more like, be fought another day. You get the point.” I was immediately transfixed in her tits again and my boner sprang up to full attention in seconds. “See. Everythings working just fine. How about I demonstrate to prove it to you.” She spit on her hand and grabbed my dick. She stroked me up and down and the sensations were amazing. I stared intensely at her tits. She cradled my balls and caressed them with the utmost care.


As she massaged my injured balls, all the pain seemed to drift away. Incredibly, I already felt the cum building up, after only seconds of her massaging my dick and balls. “Now how about that tit wank.” Just the phrase “Tit wank” sent me into overdrive. I was about to blow already, and there was no stopping it.


“Mrs…. Jubanyik…” I said as I began bucking my hips into her caressing hands. “I’m… gonna…” When she heard and saw this, she took the cues.


“Oh!” She shouted in surprise as she started working my dick up and down even faster. As she increased her speed, she seemed to forget about my sensitive balls, and she pounded her hand into my balls, which were still being cradled by her other hand.


“Ahhh!” I shouted as the pain suddenly came back. “I’m going to… CUM!” As I shouted, a thick rope of cum shot into the air and landed on the carpet next to me.


“Oh!” Mrs. Jubanyik shouted again, as she took my cock in two hands and it directly at herself. Her arms were now underneath her tits, and as she continued to stroke, it sent them bouncing and swaying in all sorts of directions. Shot after shot of cum splashed across her face and tits. It was pure pleasure, aside from the lingering pain in my nuts.


As my cumshot began to subside, my head fell back from the beautiful sight. Mrs. Jubanyik’s glasses were caked with cum. She took them off and wiped down her mouth. “Wow. Just… Wow.” She said. “I’ve never seen so much cum in my life. It must have been from that treatment I gave your nuts… Incredible.” She stuck one cum soaked finger in her mouth and slurped it down. “Tasty too.” She giggled. She walked to her desk and began to wipe herself down with tissues.


“You know, I’ve heard that under intense testicular trauma, the balls will actually create more cum so that they can be used one last time to the best of their ability. I guess the rumors are correct.” I just lay there in silence. “Well, thank you. I hope you enjoyed yourself. I certainly did.” I still said nothing. She giggled again. “Ha, well I’ll take that as a yes. So… same time next week.” She finally finished cleaning herself up and put her boobs back in her shirt.


“Mhmm…” I mumbled.  


“Good.” She said. “Now, take as long as you need getting out of here. I understand that it might be hard for you to walk, but please, keep your groaning to a minimum… I have papers to grade.”


“Ughhhh…” I groaned.


“Shhhhh…” She said with a finger to her mouth. “Don’t make me come over there and make it worse.” My silence was enough of an answer. I laid there for a minute or two before I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up. It was a picture message. It showed a large pair of tan tits in a low cut top, no doubt Rachael’s. Another text come it. “Still coming over? I want to kick you in your balls ;)”


I groaned again, knowing that my nuts had taken way too much of a beating to go and see her. “Alright, what did I tell you about groaning.” Said Mrs. Jubanyik as she stood up and started walking over to me…


Part 3


“No!” I shouted and backed away. Mrs. Jubanyk could see the look of fear in my eyes and she loved it. That face a man gets when his precious family jewels are being threatened. Those little eggs held the most valuable substance that a dude could offer, the same substance that had covered her face and breasts not five minutes ago. She relished in her power to destroy them.


“I’m going, I’m going!” I shouted. I struggled to stand, knees shaking all the while.


“Good boy.” She cat called me as I feebly limped out the door. “Oh, I hate to see you leave but I love to watch you go. HA!” I attempted to stand up straight but accidentally squeezed my nuts between my legs. Mrs. Jubanyik burst out laughing and I stumbled out of her classroom. I was half way down the hall when I heard her call out. “Don’t forget! Same time next week!” I rolled my eyes and took off down toward the exit sign.


As I finally left the school, I checked my phone again. Rachael’s cleavage popped up on my screen and it was was incredible. I knew that if I didn’t go to her now I might lose this opportunity forever. Still, I wasn’t sure how much more ballbusting I could take. I decided to go anyway.


I walked up to Rachael’s front door and knocked on the door. Almost immediately it swung open to reveal Rachael, wearing only a towel, her hair still wet from the shower. She held the towel across her breasts, just high enough to cover her nipples but still showing off a lot of skin. “Oh hey, I wasn’t sure if you were coming or not. Sorry I just got out of the shower.”


“Sorry.” I said, blushing a bit. “I got caught up after class. Had to talk to Joobie-Boobie.”


Rachael laughed. “Oh man, that nickname is hilarious. I wonder if the boys have a nickname like that for me.” She grinned and shook her boobs a bit. My eyes locked on and her smile grew even bigger. “Come on in, silly boy!” She turned and led me inside. The bottom of her butt was just below the towel line, giving me a great view. Most boys are too distracted by her tits to notice her ass, but it was really nice.


“Make yourself at home.” Rachael said pointing to a couch. “I’m going to go change.” With that she rushed up the stairs.


My eyes scanned around the room until I came across her most recent school photo. This was the year she had finally grown those boobs. She looked incredibly proud of herself and the way she looked.


I continued to stare until I heard someone coming down the steps. I looked up to see Rachel descending in full winter gear, as she was dressed to go sledding. She wore a knit cap, a scarf, mittens, snow pants, what seemed like at least one jacket and snow boots. This was not what I was expecting to say the least.


When she reached the bottom of the steps, she looked at me and said, “What do you think? How do I look?” Striking a sexy little pose.


“Uhh.” I said somewhat dumbfounded. “You.. look… great!?”


“Haha no!” She said. “You’re supposed to say I’m too covered silly! You can’t even see anything!” She gestured with open palms to her breasts. “But that’s okay cause I have a little game for us that’ll make sure you see something, if you can handle it.”


“Okay?” I said genuinely confused.


“I’m going to kick you in the balls, and for every kick you withstand, I’ll take off an article of clothing! What do you think, are you up for it?”


I hesitated. My balls were still extremely sore and tender from the intense beating Mrs. Jubanyik had given them earlier. Against my better judgment, I nodded.


“Great!” Rachael said seeming quite chipper. “Okay so how’s this?” She raised her foot very gently to my crotch. The tip of her shoe touched my dick but not my balls. “Is that them? Am I touching them?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.


Part of me wanted to lie and say yes, but my hand instinctively reached down to guide her foot closer, right under my nuts. I pressed her foot into my junk and I felt my nuggets lift up, still sensitive from earlier. “More like there.”.


“Oh yeah, I can kind of feel them. Oh my god I’m so excited! Yay! Are you ready?” I took a deep breath and nodded.


“Okay.” She said as she planted her foot. I looked up to see her staring right into my eyes. She made a quick jerking motion, making me flinch. She laughed a bit and then swung her leg up to smash right into my crotch.


I think that on any regular day, there’s a chance I could have remained standing, but after having my nuts kicked, punched and squeezed all day, my sore balls couldn’t handle it. I dropped straight to the ground, writhing around in pain. I covered my eyes clutched my beaten balls.


“Wow really?” Rachael proclaimed. “It really hurt that bad? Awesome!”


I rolled onto my back and coughed. “Ugh… Yes.”


I laid there for a second before Rachael said “So do you want your reward?” I uncovered my eyes and looked up to see her unzipping her jacket. She really made it a dramatic reveal, but when she uncovered herself, she was unfortunately wearing another winter jacket underneath. I groaned and covered my eyes again.


“Oh come on!” She said chuckling. “I thought it would be funny, I didn’t know I would hurt your nuts that bad!” I said nothing in response. “Stop being such a baby and stand up. Don’t you want to get me all the way naked?”


My ears perked up to that. I looked at her again and she had the most enticing puppy dog eyes on. “Alright you sold me.” I said as I stood up.


Rachel jumped up and down clapping. “Yay!”


“Just maybe be a little bit more gentle this time?” I pleaded.


“Fine.” She said begrudgingly as she assumed the kicking position. I took a wide stance and closed my eyes in preparation. After some time had gone by I got suspicious and opened my eyes just a bit.


The very second I did I saw her leg shoot up right into my nads. The tip of her boot caught my right nut head on and squished it against my body. Thankfully she had kept her promise of being gentle. If not I would have been puking. Still, I fell to my knees, catching my self with one hand and cradling my balls with the other.


“Ugh, my fucking nut!” I spat into the carpet.


“Oh just the one?” Asked Rachael with general interest. “Which ball? Left or right?”


“Right.” I coughed. “He’s been really taking the brunt of it today.”


“Oh has he?” She knelt beside me and rubbed my back. “I’m sorry mister ball. Did I squish you too hard? Did you have a rough day mister ball?” She giggled.


“Hey!” She said with a finger in the air. “We should name your nuts.”


“Can we name your tits?” I replied.


“Sure, but only after you finally see them.” She said.


“Alright, well same for my balls then.”


“Fair enough. Okay back on your feet, let’s keep going.” She began unzipping her other jacket. To my dismay she was wearing a sweater underneath. She could see the contempt in my eyes. “You didn’t think you’d get to my tits that easy did you? You know I’m gonna make you work for them.”


I struggled to my feet. “Spread em!” She said, and as soon as I did she laid into my groin with another kick. This time they avoided much of the blow. I gripped my balls with one hand, but stayed standing.


“Hey! No fair that one didn’t count! You didn’t even fall down. That’s the best part.”


“What? No way!” I replied. “Those aren’t the rules. And frankly, the best part is you taking your clothes off.” I waved my finger at her.


“Well don’t forget, I’m the one making the rules here. So fine.” She pulled off her knit cap. “You get the hat.”


Even though I was disappointed, her long black hair was still gorgeous. “Your beautiful.” I said looking right at her.


“Thank you.” She replied “Now get those nuts ready, here comes number four!” Oh my god, I thought to myself. She’s only kicked me three times? This is ridiculous. Rachael repositioned herself and her body jiggled a bit… Okay this is worth it…


“Ready?” She asked. I nodded. This time, she didn’t hold back at all. The tip of her shoe rocketed my balls and as I fell to the floor, I could feel them bouncing around in my sack. I hit the floor face down. “Ooooo.” Rachael cooed. “That one was rough. How they feeling?”


“My… nuts.” I sputtered. “I think you flattened them.”


“Aww, poor flat nuts.” She echoed. “Well, I hope this makes them feel better.” She started to take off her sweater. “You really deserve this one.” I looked up and as she removed her sweater I caught a quick glimpse of tanned skin. She was wearing a white t-shirt underneath.


As I continued to stare at her, I noticed that the t-shirt was sheer, and that I could see a large black bra through it. “Now were getting somewhere.” I said as I struggled to stand.


“Haha, now that’s the spirit.” She said, positioning herself again. “But if you really want to see the goods, those danglers of yours need to take a whole lot more.”


Rachael made the next six (that’s right SIX!) kicks a living hell. She refused to remove the t-shirt. She just kept taking off boring pieces of clothing.


This was roughly the summary:


Rachael kicks me, I fall to the floor in agony, then she removes one mitten. She repeated the process for her other mitten, both boots and both socks. At this point, she was down to her t-shirt, bra and snow pants, but I was really starting to waver.


After the seventh kick she had to either remove her pants or her shirt and things were looking up. She decided on the pants. “I’ll give you the best view.” She said, turning around to show me her ass. She shimmied out of her snow pants and to my delight, she was only wearing a black thong underneath.


I gasped at my first glance at her plump, round butt. I was lying flat on my back so I got a nice upward angle on it. “Not bad huh?” Rachael said. She jiggled it a bit for me. “Don’t you think?” She asked.


“Its… Incredible… Beautiful…” I said, not even noticing that my pants were quickly tenting.


“Oh your very welcome.” She replied. Then she noticed my rapidly growing boner and pointed at it. “Wow! Someone really likes it.” She shook her butt again and the tent in my pants grew another inch.


She laughed when she saw this. “Okay, well I’m glad your having fun but tuck him into your waistband. I’m not trying to kick your dick, it’s his two little friends that I’m concerned with.


As I reached into my pants and flipped my dick up into my waistband, the tip peaked out of the top. Her eyes grew wide and she coved her gaping mouth. “Uh… Somebody’s showing himself a bit.” She said pointing to my dick.


“Oh oops.” I said as I flicked it out if sight. “Sorry about that.”


“Its fine.” She replied. “Its kinda hot actually. He looks nice and big.” She was not lying. I was pretty well endowed. “Just stand up. We can deal with him later.” She shot me a wink. That sounded really good to me. I tried to stand up, but my nuts were just in so much pain. I could barely move. She noticed me struggling.


“Wait, don’t get up yet.” She paused for a bit. “Do you think I could stomp on your balls? I’ve always wanted to do that.” She grinned devilishly.


“Uh… I guess.” I replied. I wasn’t sure if this would be better or worse than the kick, but I decided not to deny her the fantasy. I laid on my back and spread my knees wide for her.


“Nice.” She said as she lifted her leg. “Alright, here it comes!” With that her foot came crashing down onto my nuts, and trapped the left one between her foot and my pelvis.


I instinctively sat up and grabbed her calf, hoping to pry her foot off my balls. I was not successful though. She kept her foot pressing down on my weakened gonad, and even started grinding her foot back and forth. My nut was caught directly under her foot, and with each twist it sent my nut cords squishing this way and that! “Ahhh! My nut! MY NUT!” I screamed.


My cries of pain did not faze her. “Oh yeah!” She moaned. “I’m gonna squash that nut.” My face was right in her crotch, but she pushed me away so her fingers could find her way to her clit.


“Rachael! P-Please get off!” I shouted but she did not relent.


“Wow!” She shouted. “Thats fucking hot!” This went on for what seemed like forever but was probably only about 10 seconds. She lifted her foot off of my crushed nut and I curled up into the fetal position, gagging and holding back tears.


“Wow!” She shouted again. “That was awesome!” She took a survey of my writhing body. “Damn are you okay? I guess I got ahead of myself there…” I did not respond.


She knelt beside me and pet my side. “Was it the right one again?” I shook my head no. “Oh… Well that’s good at least, right?” A few seconds passed by. “Okay well how’s this. You can pick what I take off next.”


At this point, my nuts were so badly beaten that this barely interested me. Then an idea crossed my mind. “Anything?” I asked


“Anything.” Rachael replied.


She hadn’t removed her shirt yet, but there was no rule that clothes had to be taken off in order. “Take off your bra.” I said.


“Before I take of my shirt?” She asked with a coy grin. I nodded. “Well alright.” She said as she reached her hands behind her back and started fumbling at the clasp.


Her breasts both moved down and outward as she removed her bra from underneath her shirt. They were so big that the sides of her boobs reached out father than her rib cage. Her nipples were obviously hard, and through her sheer shirt I could see a subtle hint of her dark areolas.


My mouth fell open. My nuts hurt so much but it was all starting to seem worth it. She stared at me, smiling, as I took in the beautiful sight. She really enjoyed how much I loved her boobs.


“You like em?” she asked. She used her biceps to push them together. They compressed under her loose, white, cotton t-shirt. She leaned in to move them closer to my face.


“Wow…” I said dumbly, practically starting to drool. We both sat there, not saying anything, just enjoying the moment. I enjoyed her boobs, and she enjoyed my astonished facial expressions. She played with her boobs, shaking them, squeezing them, lifting them and dropping them. We were both very content with this moment, but eventually Rachael spoke up.


“So… You want me to take of the shirt?” I nodded instinctively. “You’ve definitely got another kick in you? That last one did a number on you.” Reality came crashing back and I remembered my balls would have to take one last hit. “And you know I’m not holding back on this one right?” She asked. “This is the money kick.”


I came this far and there was no going back. “Yeah, I’m ready.”


“Okay, well… I have another condition.” She said seemingly unsure of herself. “…If I’m going to be laying it all bare, then I think you should too.” She paused and I shot her a confused look. “I want to see them. I want to see your nuts when I squash em this last time before I show you my boobs… I think its only fair.”


I thought about it for a second. She made a good point. If I get to see her naked then she should get to see me naked.


“You know what… Fine.” I said and began taking off my belt.


“Here let me get that for you.” She replied. She pressed into my hard cock while she unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. She pulled down my pants and then my boxers. My dick flopped out and slapped my stomach. “Wow.” She replied as she grabbed my cock at the base. She held it up and stared. “That’s really nice.” Then her eyes traced their way down to my balls. Despite the intense trauma my nuts had undergone, they still hung low in my loose sack.


“Wow.” She said again. She let go of my dick and repositioned her hand to hold my balls. She lifted them, testing their weight and rolled them around. They ached but it was still pleasurable. “How do they feel?” She asked.


I laughed. “Awful, but what you’re doing there is nice.” She continued to stare and marvel at the way they squirmed around like little creatures.


Suddenly, Rachael got an idea. “Has anyone ever squeezed your nuts?” My mind shot back to when Mrs. Jubanyik squeezed each nut with all her might, practically castrating me earlier in the day.


“Nope.” I replied quickly, not wanting to seem like I was lying.


She paused. “Well can I?” She cocked her eyebrow.


“Uh, instead of the kick? ” I was worried. Getting your nuts squeezed can be a real bitch. “Sure, I guess.”


“Really!?” She cried. “That would be awesome!” She rubbed my balls up and down a bit before wrapped her thumb and her forefinger around the base of my sack. She took my balls in the palm of her hand and tugged them away from my body, giving them a light squeeze. My balls ached so bad that even that light pressure hurt.


“Ready?” She asked, starting to up the pressure a bit.


“Wait!” I cried. “How long are you going to squeeze them for? I’m not sure how much I can take.”


She rubbed her chin with her free hand and rolled my balls around in the other. “Hmm.” She pondered. “How’s this, if you can hold out for one minute, then I’ll let you play with my boobs for two minutes after I take off my shirt.”


“Ugh.” I moaned. One minute?! That sounded way too long for my balls to handle. Still, my raging boy hormones made it seem like playing with Rachael’s big fat tits

would be the most enjoyable thing ever. And there was no going back now.


“Fine, go for it.” I said as I clenched all my muscles in preparation for the pain.


“Okay.” Rachael said coyly. She pulled out her cell phone and set a timer for one minute. “Ready… Set… GO!” With that she started the timer and squeezed my nuts hard with her other hand. She did not hold back at all. It seemed like she was squeezing with all her might. Her face contorted and she grit her teeth.


She quickly doubled up, wrapping her free hand around the one that was squeezing my nuts. I could feel both my balls begin to compress into each other. The inner sides of my balls became flat against one another. I fought the urge to scream but I couldn’t help it.


“Argghhh, my nuts!” I shouted.


“Oh yeah…” Rachael said with a slight moan. “This is awesome. You really want my tits don’t you. You really want them. Enough to let me squash your little balls. Oh yeah, they’re so weak. Aw yeah.” At this point she seemed like she was muttering to herself.


My whole body felt crazy. The pain in my balls had radiated up into my intestines and stomach. It felt like my entire mid section was a ball of vines tangled up and wrenching on each other. The feeling keep building up from all the prolonged ball squeezing, and all of a sudden I got felt the need to vomit.


“Shit!” I shouted. “Rachael! I think… I think I’m gonna puke!”


“Oh my god really?!” She exclaimed. “That would be so fuckin hot. All just to see my tits?”


“No!” I said through gritted teeth. “I don’t want to puke!”


“Okay well just hold out a little longer.” She said seeming only slightly concerned for my well being.


“How much longer?” I asked.


“30 more seconds!” She replied.


Oh my god. I thought to myself. We’re only half way in? The time felt like it was going by slower than it ever had in my life, but I tried to keep it together.


Another few seconds went by and it seemed like I was going to make it. Rachael noticed this and didn’t like it. At this point she wanted to see me puke from extensive testicular abuse. She was getting off to it. So she started to grind my balls against each other in her hand.


“AHH!!!!” I screamed. Then she started pumping her hands. She would loosen her grip, then squeeze hard again, in fast succession. “Oh my god…” I whined. “Please, just squeeze them normal.” I sounded like I was about to cry.


“Only fifteen more seconds!” She cried, not seeming to listen to me. The pain in my balls was so intense. Eventually Rachael started to count down. “10! 9! 8!” I had to hold out. I was so close to getting to play with those titties! “7! 6!” But wow my stomach was going crazy! She was grinding my balls like mad! “5! 4!” At this point I was pretty sure I would vomit if I held out for any longer. “3! 2!” Yup, I was definitely going to puke. “1!”




The timer went off and she promptly released my nuts. At the exact same moment I started to heave.


“Hugghhh, hnnnghhh, ughhrhh, BLEGH!” I threw up all over the floor.


Rachael gasped and held her hand to her mouth. “Oh my god” She pumped her fist in the air. “YES! I did it! I feel so proud!” She giggled and looked down at me, spitting out the last bits of puke.


“HEY!” She shouted and slapped my balls again. “You puked on my floor! Now you’re going to have to clean that up.” I gripped my balls and rolled around after the unexpected ball tap. “But you can do that later! Now time for your reward!” She gripped the bottom of her shirt and gave me a big grin.


She stared at me, slightly rocking back and forth, cradling my ball, feebly trying to heal the pain. “Don’t you want to touch them?”


I coughed. “Ugh… One second.” I continued to lay there.


“Aww…” She cooed. “Lets see if I can make them feel better. She reached in between my legs and brushed my hands aside. She very gently lifted my gonads and bounced them up and down. She did not apply any pressure, and in no time, the pain started to subside and my dick started to grow. “Oop. Look whos up.” She chuckled.


By the time I got to full mast, she knew I was ready. “Alright, Here they come. She gently put down my balls and grabbed her shirt. When she lifted, she made sure to pick her boobs up, so when she finally got her shirt off, they would drop down and jiggle.


The were magnificent. Not quite as big as Mrs. Jubanyik’s but still very big. Not a stretch mark in sight and her nipples were the perfect size. She leaned in to give me a closer look. I had dreamed of this moment and it couldn’t have been better. I reached out my hand and held one from the bottom. I picked it up, weighing it. “Oh my god.” I said, basking in her beauty.


“Don’t worry.” She said. “Your nuts are safe. I won’t hurt them any more.” She paused. “For now at least.” She giggled. “Maybe same time next week?”


Terror shot through my mind. Mondays were my scheduled ballbusting day with Mrs. Jubanyik too. There was no way I’d ever be able to handle this again. “Um…” I stuttered with fear in my voice. “Maybe another day of the week? What about Thursday?”


“Sure!” She replied in a chipper tone. I sighed a breath of relief. She was much more giving and understanding then Joobie-Boobie. For a while I just played with her boobs and she let me do whatever I wanted, smiling at me with a knowing, happy face. I shook them, bounced them, squeezed them and slapped them together, constantly in a state of bliss.


Before I knew it she said. “Okay, times up!” And pulled herself away from me. She covered her nipples with her hands. “If you want more, you’re going to have to take some more ball pain.” I weighed my options.


“Rachael…” I said. “You know I’d love to, but… I just threw up! There’s no way I can take anymore. My balls feel like they’ve been run over by a car.”


“Ooo.” Rachael said in a sultry voice. “Now that sounds hot…” She could see the look of pain and fear in my eyes. “Alright alright. Are you sure you don’t want to do anything else?”


I looked down at my dick, still rock hard from playing with her boobs. “Well… I…” She traced my eyes and realized I was staring at my dick.


“Ohhhh.” She said. “You want me to…” She gave the universal motion for a blowjob, sticking her tongue in her cheek and pantomiming a dick in her hand.


“Mhmm.” I nodded hopefully.


“Wow, yeah, I’m sure your balls really need a release after all that so...”


“They really do.” I interupted. “I feel like they’ll explode if I don’t cum soon.” She gave me a glance showing that she understood.


“Lots of guys have said that to me, but you’re the first one I’ve ever believed.” She said. “I feel bad, so… How about a handjob?”


“That would be great!” I said.


“Haha okay silly boy.” She said. “But you owe me some sack taps tomorrow in school.” She spit on her hand and reached to grip my dick.


“Deal!” I shouted. As soon as her hand touched my dick I shuttered. The pleasure was amazing. She worked my dick up and down and caressed my balls. I stared at her tits and just like last time, I felt the cum building up in no time. “I’m getting close.” I said.


She picked up the pace, and I felt like I was about to cum, but with only a few seconds left, we were interrupted by the sound of Rachael’s door opening.


“Oh shit!” Rachael whispered, releasing my pulsing cock. “That’s my mom. She must have come home early!” She pushed my to my feet and corralled me towards a closet. “You do not want her to catch you. If you think I’m a ball buster, just wait until you see her.”


“Huh?” I said, but before I could enquire more I had been shoved into the closet and the door was shut, closing me in.


I listened to the events transpiring in the living room. I heard an older woman’s voice boom into the room. “What the hell!?” I heard her high heels clicking on the floor. “Who puked on the floor?! I swear to god if it was your stupid drunk father again I’m going to grind his nuts into a paste!”


Rachael spoke up. “I found it when I got home mom. It must have been dad.” Thank god she lied for me.


“Wow. Well you can hold me to it honey.” Rachael’s mom replied. “His little balls are as good us mush tonight. You know I don’t want another kid, so his testicles are basically useless now. I might as well castrate him.”


“Yeah mom…” Rachael said sounding regretful.


“Okay well let me put away my coat and we’ll talk more about this.” I looked around and noticed I was in the coat closet…


To be continued…

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Hope we get more of this someday :)



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