A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
This is a short story, a bit shorter than my usual ones anyway, made mostly to give a taste of what I can do. I've got a couple more written up that I'll be posting soon. If you can, please donate to KITG to make sure stories like this can continue being posted here! And now, an alternate take on a famous ad campaign...
It was a blazing hot summer day, in more ways than one. On the lovely Newport Beach, a gaggle of co-eds from the nearby Coastline Community College were enjoying their weekend. One, in particular, was having a fun time he never expected, much as he struggled to speak through much of it.
“Y-Yeah, it’s been a fun one out here… eheh, um, yeah...” Charles stuttered, unable to take his eyes off of the young woman lying next to him. He was trying not to stare too much at her incredible body but it was a losing battle.
“Well I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying yourself!” Summer replied, a sweet smile crossing her face. “I’ve been out here plenty, but I’ve never seen you visit before… it’s so close by, there’s really no reason not to. I hope you’ll consider showing up again...”
“S-So… so hot…” he gaped, before scrambling to correct himself. “I mean it’s, so hot out here! But uh, but yeah I’ll definitely be coming back tomorrow I think… a-are you?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, Charlie.” she replied, brushing her long blonde hair out of her gorgeous face.
Always a shy one, the poor boy had simply never been this close to a girl like her before, especially not when she was wearing so little. This of course depends on who you ask, but Summer was considered by many to be the hottest girl in any class she attended. With her deep blue eyes and pouty lips, tan skin that backed up her claims of constant beachgoing, lengthy legs leading up to thick, round hips, and a massive pair of breasts that were barely contained in her red bikini, she was a sight to say the least.
You can imagine then, his shock when she just so happened to roll her towel out and start sunbathing right next to him. Sadly, his elation was about to be spoiled…
“Hey, Skinny!” a brash voice called out.
From the way Charles winced, it was clear he recognized it right away, turning with dread to see a large young man stomping heavily towards them. For his age he was stunningly developed, looking for all the world like a bodybuilder, sculpted from head to toe. Judging from the nuthugging black speedo he had on, he loved showing it off too.
“H-Hey, Trent...” Charles sullenly greeted.
“Quiet, nerd! What the hell do you think you’re doing, messing with a girl like her?!” he asked, incredulous. Turning to Summer, he took on a gentlemanly tone. “I’m so sorry, miss. To think you had to resort to talking to a puny guy like that… obviously I should’ve gotten here a lot sooner.”
“Gee, thanks.” she scoffed as she sat up.
“Uh, listen Trent, we were just-” Charles began.
“You were just NOTHIN’!” Trent interrupted, before kicking up sand into the smaller boy’s face. He recoiled and rubbed it out of his assuredly burning eyes, but dared not say anything, merely looking away.
Summer looked aghast at this, and adjusted herself so that she was on her knees, sitting on her heels, looking all too small herself before the behemoth of a man. “Dude, seriously? What the hell is your problem?!”
This was drawing the attention of the surrounding college students, many of which had their heads turned, watching the situation unfold. Trent seemed perfectly comfortable with that though.
“Nothin’... I just thought you needed to know what a wimp you were hanging out with, s’all.” he explained with a cocky smirk. He flexed his arms before her, showing off his impressive physique. “You really oughta get with a real man! Heheh...”
“Yeah? Is that right?” she piped up, her hands on her loving hips. “Well do me a favor, and tell me when you find one!”
In that next instant, she lashed out her fist, a wicked jab out of nowhere that landed squarely in the center of his tiny thong. It happened so fast, and he was so caught up in posing that he didn’t see it coming at all. His eyes went wide with shock and remarkable pain as he realized he’d been punched right in the balls.
He doubled over, his legs crossing, his hands clutching his testicles. Summer chuckled at the stunned expression on his face, and she was just the first, as by the time he collapsed against the sand, the vast majority of onlookers had began pointing and laughing.
Charles was as surprised as anyone, but elated to see his long-time bully dealt with like that. He turned to thank her, only to get an eyeful of her fantastic ass when she stood up. Trent glanced up from the sand, and from there, she was the one lording over him imposingly now.
“Let’s see how you like it, asshole.” she murmured, before kicking some sand into his face. He coughed up a little that landed in his face, and struggled to rub it from his eyes, his cheeks reddening as the humiliation set in.
Summer knelt down next to the skinny boy and helped him wipe the rest of the sand away. “You okay, Charlie?”
“I am now...” he replied with a meek smile.
She flashed a beautiful grin back to him, before glancing over to the fallen hunk. Her smile turned mischievous as she looked Charles in the eye. She whispered into his ear, “Hey… let’s give him a little show.”
“Wh-what do you me-” he stuttered.
Summer cut him off by coming in close, embracing him and plunging her tongue into his mouth for a sudden, yet impassioned kiss. Charles was clearly taken aback, but quick to accept, wrapping his arms around her and moaning intently.
Trent had cleared up his vision just in time to see them making out, and just to add a little more oomph, the beach babe gently pressed her knee into his package, grinding softly against his erection. The bully was seething, pounding the sand with his fist. Not only was he hurting and nursing a wounded ego, but now he could add severe jealousy to the mix to.
This went on for about ten seconds, and Charles was absolutely overcome by the time she pulled away with a seductive lick of her lips. He smiled weakly, panting as he heard the cheers and applause from the crowd of co-eds. With a dumb grin on his face he waved weakly, trying to hide the fact that he just came in his trunks.
Having finally mustered the strength to get up, Trent turned and limped away as fast as he could, much to the heckling of anyone he passed by.
Summer cupped her hands to her mouth as she called out after him. “And hey, little piece of advice! Don’t wear a banana hammock unless you’ve got a bulge to show off, you little prick!”
Trent was actually trying to hide his face at that point, never in his life had he gone through an experience so humiliating.
Later that day, Summer sat at the edge of the beach, watching the sun go down. And after that, she was just admiring the peace. In contrast to the constant chattering and hollering hours ago, the coast was quiet, save for the gentle brush of the waves. She almost seemed to be meditating, as her eyes were closed shut and she didn’t make a sound, save for the slight giggle when the cool water occasionally made it up to her bare, wiggling toes.
Still, she was a bit more attentive than she may have appeared.
“I know you’re back there.” she stated. “Those heavy steps stick out a lot at this hour...”
Summer peered back to see Trent standing there, obviously a bit taken off-guard. He was hoping to sneak up on her, but obviously stealth wasn’t the big, hulking bodybuilder’s strong suit. He quickly wiped the shock from his face, hoping she couldn’t see it so well in the dim moonlight.
“I wasn’t hiding. I want to see you, face to face you little tramp.” he growled.
“Heh, so I’m a tramp for NOT wanting to fool around with every random douchebag I see? Is that how that works now?” she replied, as she calmly stood and turned to face him. She made a little gesture towards his crotch as she continued, “Listen, I’m sure you’re still a little, uh... sore over what happened earlier, but that’s really all the more reason you shouldn’t be messing with me. If you don’t want a repeat, I suggest you-”
“What happened earlier was nothing but a cheap shot!” he fired back. “And you humiliated me in front of everybody! You’ve ruined me in this town!”
“Buddy, c’mon, we’re in college! Give it two days, it’ll all blow over after they find someone else to torment.” she shrugged. “It’s just a shot to the package, you don’t gotta make such a big deal out of something so tiny...”
He winced a bit at her wording, before stepping up closer. “It’s a VERY big deal to a man like me! And I’m not leaving here until you apologize! In fact, I want you to promise me that you’ll tell everybody how sorry you are too!”
She laughed openly at that one, much to his chagrin. “Okay, dude, first of all, you were acting like a Grade-A asshole. Like seriously, you came off like some bully from a 50s movie, and you needed to be taken down a peg. I ain’t sorry for that. Secondly, if you’re gonna yell at me, the least you could is not stare at my tits while you do it.”
His eyes widened as he jerked his head up. He wasn’t even aware he was ogling her… his eyes drifting down just seemed so natural him. That body of hers was so hypnotic, it damn near put him in a trance.
“Nngh… dammit.” he grunted, frustrated to be so attracted to her even when he was so pissed. “Look! You’re GOING to apologize, right this instant!”
“Or else what…?” she asked, not even a hint of fear in her voice. Brazenly she puffed out her chest, both to let him know how ready to fight she was and to tease him with those tits a little more.
“Or we see what happens when you go toe-to-toe with me instead of attacking when I least expect it!” he yelled. “We’ll see what happens when you fight like a man!”
“Now why would I hold myself back like that?” she shot back, a wry smirk.
“Tch… look at you. You think you’re so damn tough just ‘cause you got a nutshot in when I wasn’t looking?” he asked, his arms crossed to try and look menacing. “Do that shit face-to-face and see what happens!”
To that, she simply put up her dukes, much to his shock. “Try me, tough guy.” she dared.
“Are… are you serious? You really want to do this?” he uttered, dumbfounded. “I’m twice your size! It wouldn’t even be a fight! Man, I don’t wanna beat up no chick, but I’m not getting punked out! Don’t make me hurt you, just get down on your knees and beg! And then I MIGHT forgive you...”
“Mmm, you’d like that, wouldn’t you...” she teased. Suddenly her fist lashed out. It was a glancing blow, grazing his chin, but it was enough to sting and let him know she was serious.
“Oh, you’re dead now, bitch.” he grumbled.
He reached forward and grabbed for her neck. But he telegraphed it far too much, Summer went down on one knee to avoid it. He glanced down in time to see her rearing her fist back.
A shrill yelp escaped his lips as he cupped his crotch and took a hop. Obviously he didn’t want another shot like the last one. His opponent laughed quite openly as she stood up, and the musclehead’s face went flush red with embarrassment.
“Goddammit!” he yelled in frustration. This time he went faster, throwing a punch towards her pretty face. She didn’t even notice this one, as her leg was already lashing out for an attack of her own at the time. His face landed square in her cheek and rocked her head back, just as her shin came up into his groin.
Summer stepped back, staggered by the blow, but Trent was much worse off. He hadn’t changed out of the thin speedos that failed so miserably to protect his nuts before, and this kick made him realize how much she’d been holding back with that punch. He howled in pain as he doubled over, utterly stunned, so much so he couldn’t even adequately protect himself in the moment.
Toughing through the brute’s haymaker, Summer was quick to capitalize on his position, swooping in and putting him into a textbook reverse headlock, her arms wrapping snugly around his neck, the side of his head pressing against one of her supple tits. Before he could even comprehend this, she’d buried her knee deep into his crotch.
“GGAAAAAHH, NO!” he cried, as she kept her knee right where it was, grinding against his nuts, really rubbing it in, so to speak.
“Heh, I may not be some bodybuilder but atleast I know self defense.” she boasted. “A girl like me has to be able to take care of herself… little fun fact, I’m a black belt in Krav Maga!”
Adjusting so that she controlled his head with only her right arm, she took a moment to brush the hair out of her face with her free hand, before removing her knee only to send it blasting into his nuts a second and then a third time, two brutal rapidfire shots just for good measure.
“Oh God… l-let me go… please!” he croaked.
“Well, since you asked nicely...” she trailed off, before simply releasing him, letting the big lug fall facefirst into the sand. Once again, he was spitting it out in pain over his damaged nuts, but this time escalated to a whole new level.
Not quite done with him, she reached down and grabbed him by the hair, forcefully pulling him out of the sand, enough so that she could land another kneelift to his chin. This rocked him so much, he ended up rolling onto his back.
“Ugh, n-no more...” he pleaded, all the fight drained from him already.
Summer stepped up and stomped her bare foot onto his face, grinding it against his cheek. “What do you sayyy...?”
“S-Sorry...” he sputtered. “I’m so sorry… I just wanted to… ngh, to-”
“To salvage your manhood, I know. But the problem with that is, in order to get it back, you needed to have it in the first place.” she mocked. “Now you’re gonna go back to your friends and tell them all about this. Tell them you challenged me to a real fight and got destroyed in record time!”
“Wh-what?! I-I couldn’t...” he started.
Summer cut him off, raising her foot up from his face, only to stomp onto his throat instead, choking him out. “Do it! Or next time I see you, I’ll rip those little nuts right off!”
Squirming, struggling, Trent grabbed for her ankle to try and get her to stop, but couldn’t. “Okay! Okay, I’ll do it! P-Please just-!”
She stepped off of him, backing up towards the sea, letting him cough and stew in his newfound misery. As he clutched his throat, panting heavily trying to get some air into his lungs, she noted how widely spread his legs were…
A devious smile formed on her beautiful face. She took a step forward and then slammed the instep of her foot into the apex of his legs, punting his nuts. His whole body curled up into a fetal position as he desperately cradled himself, a lengthy, high pitched whine eeking from his lips, a single tear trailing down his cheek.
“Heheh, just couldn’t resist…” she chuckled. “Now go on. Get the fuck out of here.”
As fast as he could manage in that hindered state, he rolled onto his front and struggled to pull himself up. He was taking a bit longer than she’d like, so she added a little insult to injury with a snap kick to his ass. “Now!” she shouted.
For all his muscle, he looked absolutely pathetic as he staggered his way to his feet and ran away from the beautiful blonde, trying not to cry from the pain and shame.
Once he was far enough away for his whimpering to be out of earshot, Summer turned back towards the sea and sat down in the sand once more, like nothing happened. But as the waves washed over her deceptively dangerous feet, this time there was a bit more satisfaction to her serene smile...
If you enjoyed this story, you can find plenty like it on my Patreon page right here! It's not exclusively ballbusting that I do, but you'll find that it's my personal primary fetish so it's definitely the most prominent. There are about 30 stories up there at the moment, all of them nearly twice the length of this one for the record... another is posted every Thursday, first seen exclusively by those in the $2 tier, but eventually become available to all Patrons, so you'll get a pretty big library for a dollar. Some stories, mostly ones that are double THAT length, are exclusively for those who pay $5. Those are posted every Sunday and that tier has recently been bust-heavy as hell. I was very pensive about advertising this here, but all the digging I did tells me that it's fine, I've even seen other Patreons posted about and nobody seemed to mind, so I'm hoping it's okay!
Great story and fun dialog Ben. Thanks for posting and mentioning KITG and your patreon
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