Hey guys! Ok, so this story popped unto my head last night and I can't stop thinking about it. Its partially based in truth, an experience to be exact but this 'dream' version is how I wish it had gone.


So when I was back in college, I was extremely attracted to a guy friend I knew, we'll call him Tony. But as my luck goes, he had a gorgeous girlfriend. 

Maybe I'm too tough on myself but at the time I new he'd never be into me since his gf at the time was so much prettier than me. But I wasn't sore about it, this girl also happened to be a close friend and roommate at the time.

So Tony was at our apartment spending the night. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, he was the ideal guy I would have wanted to date at the time. Yes I knew I was into ball busting at the time but I would have been putty in his hands at the drop of a hat. He was dreamy, broad shoulders, strong looking arms, and a delicious bulge in his pants I couldn't help staring at when I new I could get away with it.

I didn't think my roommate was suspicious of my lust but in hind sight she must have suspected. She was a good friend though and I respected boundaries unless there was a strong reciprocation from Tony of my feelings. 

Back to the story, I had a rough time sleeping at the time, I would try to sleep and just lay awake. This night I was somewhat hot and bothered after seeing Tony walking around all evening in a sexy tight tank and sweat pants. 

I decided to get up and watch a movie, which usually gets me SUPER tired very quickly.  This was about 2 am, I had assumed everyone was asleep as they usually were at that time.  Not even thinking about it, I walk out of my room and into the living room. I like to sleep in a soft stretchy tank top and no pants since I get hot under the covers quickly. 

It was dark, I went to go sit on the couch and heard a muffled 'oof' under me and got scared silly before i realized I was sitting on someone. It was obviously Tony, who had apparently fallen asleep on the couch watching TV. Our eyes instantly met, and I noticed his eyes look down to my bare thigh sitting on him. 

I started moving around and was just about to apologize and get up when I felt something stir under me. Yes, it was what I thought it was, he was getting hard, and it was rubbing against my, lets say lady bits. I instantly got butterflies and had that feeling inside that some of you may know about. OMG, I thought, he clearly wanted me.

I gave him a knowing glance, you may know the one. I was now standing beside the couch, having trouble standing though lol. I could feel his gaze penetrating me and looking me up and down.

Apparently his 'oof' was louder than I realized, I heard my roommate stir in her bedroom (squeaky bed sounds and feet hitting the floor. Tony and I locked eyes, terrified. Everything next happened in slow motion.

Tony rolled off the couch as I was turning to go back to my room, I knew I wouldn't make it in time before my roommate got to her door. I got an idea and without hesitating I took one fast step and kicked Tony's nut from behind like a kicker punting a football. Looking back, I don't know how he was able to do it but he didn't scream.

I watched as he curled up into a ball and at that second my roommate stepped out of her room and turned the lights on.

Her: 'What the heck is going on? I heard a noise'

Me: I don't know, I heard it too.

Her: Tony? Are you ok?


It worked, Tony played it off like a stomach ache (I've been told a solid bust can make a guy's gut hurt? Makes sense since they sometimes throw up :)). My roommate yelled at me to get some pants on then we both helped Tony into the bathroom. All 'evidence' of what may have happened or was happening had disappeared and gone soft. :)

I'm not sure what happened after that, I went back to my bedroom but I didn't hear anything else about it later on. And I was still hot and bothered lol and couldn't sleep, lets just say one of my toys got used that night so I could get a certain area relaxed. 

Btw, Tony and my roommate broke up a few weeks later. I never saw him again but I bet he will never forget me :)

Tony, if you're reading this, you're welcome. I saved your relationship that night. Hope your nuts are ok  :)

Views: 229

Replies to This Discussion

Great story.  Tony is no doubt thinking, "My relationship was ending already, and you ended my nuts, too!"

If I'd been Tony, that punt to the nuts would have convinced me I was dating the wrong roommate =]

Thanks for the share! He prob wasn't too happy since his relationship ended anyway and his balls got hurt, but it was a nice thought



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