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Was anyone here at the other end of an angry woman's angry tip of the heeel?
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Having a cell phone is great and important, but there are a lot of places where the cell reception is not good or even nonexistent in some places.
For the girls that dislodge or dislocate the cup on males, if the women aren't good at protecting themselves they will often be busted back, and in that case the kick is often very hard cause of what that cup defeating hit is meant to do. The male staff know what is at stake, and the bustee is always able to become the buster as well.
I have seen more bladder emptying from females being busted than males. Definitely a lot more women have reacted that way from a hard bust than males, though males seem to more often empty their stomach than the females. Not sure why the first part is actually.
Generally speaking, the girls are quickly reined in after being busted themselves, either by another woman or by the person they are busting.
Well, loose cups or poorly made ones are always going to shift around. For female competitors we often tell them to wear their cup with a pair of tight spandex on top to keep it from shifting after potentially hours of wearing one in sparring and other activities.
"The real danger is from all of the driving on the rural roads around where I live, so you could be stuck for miles without help if you get stranded." So, this makes having a mobile with oneself, a necessity.
"Do you still have the issue with the female students deliberately trying to injure the male genitals often there while sparring?" Yes and no. That is, we "still have the issue with the female students deliberately trying to injure the male genitals there while sparring?", but not seriously. That is, it is more a case of 'accidentally-on-purpose' re; "dislodging or dislocating the cup on males". The goal seems to be more about causing embarrassment than, serious (and sometimes permanent) injury. This is the 'upside' of having virtually an all female staff. We had a good deal more masculine injuries (some of them quite serious) when, we had a large male staff. The young attractive girls, were able to charm / flirt their way out of any scoldings or disciplinary actions. 'Men'!<eye roll>
However, the above is far less effective with our feminine instructors.<chuckle> They have sometimes let certain 'accidents' go unchallenged. As this had the effect of persuading some of the more stubborn lads to wear protection 'down there'. Also, to wear the proper size cup. However, the ladies take direct and immediate action when, someone breaks (or attempts to break) a cup. This is something that, is done deliberately and has (in a couple of instances) had severe consequences.
"Like were there any really notorious ones?" Indeed, there have been a few. Several years ago, one nineteen year-old did considerable damage to a fellow. It was in one of our simulated street attack scenarios. Remember, it was supposed to be light contact. The girl kicked so hard that, she broke (fractured?) the guy's cup in several places. His reaction was quite dramatic. He collapsed to the mat then, proceeded to empty his stomach and bladder! Then, (mercifully!) fainted from the obvious agony. When, the lad regained consciousness he shrieked "MY BALLS! OH GOD! MY BALLS!". After a time, he was taken to hospital. The poor fellow never did return to the facility.
"The desire is something that is present in a decent percentage of girls," Yes, I have noticed this particularly in the younger girls. They do not seem to care 'what', level of harm they cause to a man. "But the strength, technique, and accuracy are rarer to find in the women.". Yes, as I mentioned in a previous message only "A few very were good at damaging cups.". What you say about the males in this regard, rings very true. I can not recollect the last time, a male kicked another male in the 'plums'.
Indeed, we have had very few "female cups" being dislodged or damaged. The few times this has occurred, it had more to do with it not being secured properly or poorly designed / made.
"Yeah, that could certainly be a cultural thing but, personally, I believe in a culture of safety, which can mean calling a match off if you feel something's off or something along those lines." You have hit at the heart of my self recriminations. I did sense 'something' was not right. That is, I had delivered a strike to the Thai's lower stomach or abdomen, but did not feel a cup. However, he was a thickly built guy and had largely blocked my blow. Intuitively, something 'odd' registered mind, but I did not give it real thought. Also, I was still relatively 'green'. Along with being highly competitive and a wee bit of the showoff.<Mia culpa>
Our violent crime rate is not that low. But the main thing reason for that is because of a low population here, so percentage-wise, it makes that really high compared to what actually is. The real danger is from all of the driving on the rural roads around where I live, so you could be stuck for miles without help if you get stranded.
Do you still have the issue with the female students deliberately trying to injure the male genitals often there while sparring? Like were there any really notorious ones?
At least in my experience, As long as the girls wanted to and had the strength for it, they could damage the cups fairly easily for males. The desire is something that is present in a decent percentage of the girls, but the strength, technique, and accuracy are rarer to find in the women. The men seem to stay away from busting other men, but that's to be expected I suppose.
Definitely dislodging or dislocating the cup on males is a lot easier, and a lot of women and girls actually do that accidentally at some point. After that, they usually learn how to do it deliberately, too. At least personally, doing that cup dislocation or even cup breaking was actually pretty easy, but I'm also used to and into breaking boards too.
It is certainly a lot harder to do the same thing to women and girls wearing female cups, but that certainly has to do with how much closer they fit against the body for females than males.
Yeah, that could certainly be a cultural thing but personally, I believe in a culture of safety, which can mean calling a match off if you feel something's off or something along those lines.
"I don't live somewhere with the same level of crime as you live, by the sound of it." This pleases me!<smile> Fortunately, the level of violent crime is fairly low where, I reside. However, the town and county in which, we are located is literally half way between to cities with horrendous rates of crime. In our community, we have had an assault here and there, but overall the numbers are quite low. One is in far more danger of being run over! People will not put down their damn mobiles! We have had numerous auto accidents because of people not being focused on the road. Or, even the carpark.<eye roll> BTW, I am gratified you have effective law enforcement.
"It certainly makes things a lot better when people are into something because they are truly interested in it, instead of just in it for the money." Absolutely! I have been entertaining the notion of talking to hubby about buying the misogynistic neanderthal who, holds the majority interest in the school(s) out. The money is not the issue, exactly. Rather, it would mean a major disruption to our marital situation. Also, it would further underscore the imbalance.
Ha! I find myself a tad envious re; "We have about a 60% female class composition at the higher level,". Our dojo is struggling to attract male participants / students. This is another reason to reduce the number of male genital injuries, as much as humanly possible. In the past, we have had female students purposefully do this. A few were very good at damaging cups. Generally, these were the hard plastic ones. However, the overwhelming majority of these 'ladies', were simply adept at knocking the cup out of place. This often produced dramatic results. Some find this kind of thing entertaining. However, the consequences for the lads could be serious. Also, it had a drastic effect on the number males taking part in the classes.
"Why they are there is personal," I can respect this as the ethos of your dojo. However, we do inquire as to the motivations of our students. No, we do not get invasive re; an individual's private reasons. However, being aware of someone's overall goals, can be helpful in terms of planning and apportioning personnel.
"I unfortunately am more cynical than you, and people intentionally maiming or worse another human being has happened since time immemorable." Indeed, you are likely correct re; your outlook and mine. Sadly, you are most definitely accurate, regarding your statement about humanity's inhumanity... over the centuries. "It is a big leap, and not very likely, but is still a possibility, however slight." Hmmm, you may have something there. My sister reminded me that, after the lad and his live-in lover's relationship ended, something rather odd happened. Several months later, he and the girl's estranged ex stepmother began seeing one another. I suppose one could be upset by this, but to resort to malicious wounding? In her place, my attitude should have been 'good riddance'. That is, they 'deserve' one another.
"Not entirely sure why he would try and do that, but if he got badly injured because he failed to follow the rules regarding equipment condition and presence, that is also on him to a certain extent as well, in my opinion." This happened quite sometime ago in Thailand. So, it may have been a cultural thing? My (somewhat) cynical sister says it was likely chauvinism. That being; he did not see little April (a 'mere' girl), as any kind of threat. I still feel badly. However, I really do appreciate your support.<smile>
I don't live somewhere with the same level of crime as you live, by the sound of it. That is something that I am really glad about, though I also understand that it isn't somewhere that everyone can live as well. The police are able to actually enforce the law as well, for what crime does happen here.
It certainly makes things a lot better when people are into something because they are truly interested in it, instead of just in it for the money.
We have about a 60% female class composition at the higher level, and I am confident that even without the mandatory female cup rule, the number of the female students who would wear theirs would still be over 90% at least. Why they are there is personal, but I know the reason why I wanted to join initially was so I could get some exercise and all those other benefits you talked about when I was younger. I definitely do think it helped me later on in life too.
I unfortunately am more cynical than you, and people intentionally maiming or worse another human being has happened since time immemorable. It is a big leap, and not very likely, but it is still a possibility, however slight.
Not entirely sure why he would try and do that, but if he got badly injured because he failed to follow the rules regarding equipment condition and presence, that is also on him to a certain extent as well, in my opinion.
"I'm sorry to hear that you've been through all that." Thank you. "I can't say that I can imagine what that must've been like, since I have never experienced anything like that before." Count yourself fortunate. Our dojo has only one male instructor and will be losing him in a month or so. For whatever it may be worth; I considered selling my interest in the place a while ago. However, the other instructors persuaded me to reconsider. The facility is near the edge of an urban area. This means working class women (and girls) can reach our facility easily. The city has a very high crime rate. Particularly, where crimes against women are concerned. One of my passions is helping girls learn the skills they need to survive, in a crime infested metropolis. The police do try, but their hands are tied by politicians espousing 'social justice', what ever that is.
Yes, our female staff are the best. However, we / they can not go against the 'golden rule'. That is, "he who has the gold, makes the rule".
Generally, we follow a similar routine to the one you mentioned. Mind you, I do not want to give you a misleading impression. The overwhelming majority of our female students do wear groin guards. In an earlier message, I simply mentioned they are not compelled to do so. BTW, 90% of our students are female. They come to us because they fear street crime. Also, many want the cardiovascular workout, to maintain optimum health and a good figure. Hey, I had to be honest. The best part for me; is seeing the women develop self-confidence. We do much in regards, to 'boundary setting'. This allows them to flunk the audition for the role of victim, on the streets. In their private lives, it probably helps as well.
"I could see at as a prank, though it could also go the other way of being a malicious sabotage." I prefer, to think of it being the former. It is difficult for (and sickens) me to think, someone would deliberately maim another human being. However, the lad's sister did mention he had ended a relationship with a girl, after four years. The two had been living together since, their last year at uni. My understanding is there had been talk of nuptials. Supposedly, she did not take it well. However, from jilted would-be fiancee to castrating bitch, is a very big leap for me.
"To lose virtually all masculine function after a hit, that is a major shock." Yes, it is. However, according to the fellow's sister, these 'functions' all returned. Seems, after his release from hospital, he could barely walk. So, she assisted him in bathing, dressing, and (for a time watched over him whilst) sleeping. She confided to me that, in his sleep, he did 'rise' to the occasion. I believe the girl was hoping a relationship would develop between her brother and myself.
"I know one girl who stopped sparring for a while after a bad injury where her hogu loosened during a match and flipped up right as her opponent nailed her in the upper groin, over one of the ovaries." This is someone, I have great sympathy for. I quit sparring and entering tournaments after, badly injuring someone in a competition. It was a full contact competition. Anyway, the lad's cup had broken and he elected to continue sans one. Also, without telling me!
I am not certain 'what', became of the fellow injured by the pitching machine. His sister and I lost contact after, they moved back to England.
Hubby and I met, in an almost similar way. Quite sometime ago, I was giving self-defence instruction (I prefer the term 'unarmed combat') at a west coast university. I do not remember why, the lad was there. Anyway, in the carpark I bumped into his bike. Some big Harley Davidson, I recollect. He was angry as a hornet til, he spied my 'D'-cup bosom.lol
wow, wonderful kick! I would defintive wants to feel a kick like that....
I'm sorry to hear that you've been through all that. I can't say that I can imagine what that must've been like, since I have never experienced anything like that before. The place I attend has female instructors, and the male instructors are very supportive of everyone as well. They're all interested in the well being of the establishment, so they are genuinely interested in keeping it open.
The female instructors were the ones to make the rule that female participants in sparring must wear their groin guard, and they'll enforce it if someone doesn't want to, but they usually put theirs on after listening to the senior female students, and if that still doesn't convince them a light kick is pretty good at correcting that too.
At least for us, during sparring training we do our warm-ups and pre-sparring routines before changing into our equipment. Pretty much everyone will slip on their cup on the outside of their dobok pants, though for competitions they'll have to go underneath.
I could see it as a prank, though it could also go the other way of being a malicious sabotage. Either way, the outcome was the same. It's unfortunate that after the injury he suffered he never fully recovered in the mind, but that is still a major injury and one that would definitely be life changing. To lose virtually all masculine function after a hit, that is a major shock.
I know one girl who stopped sparring for a while after a bad injury where her hogu loosened during a match and flipped up right as her opponent nailed her in the upper groin, over one of her ovaries. Feminine functions weren't destroyed like the man in your story, but it was still a big scare for her.
I hope that at least he was able to move on from that, or at least accept it happened. If he really wanted kids, at least he still has that 3% left.
Yeah, we both practice taekwondo and that's where we initially met. Ultimately it's up to him how much he spars, and he doesn't try to limit or prevent my practice either. We both know the risks, and we accept them for what they are. We definitely are much more careful sparring each other to not hit each other in the delicates, even if that means lower intensity. It works for us though, and it doesn't mean it is what everyone else should do, not at all.
"1. How come that prerequisite is only enforced for the males?" There are a few reasons, I should think. Firstly, the senior member of the enterprise is someone who, feels the martial arts / unarmed combat systems, are 'an unsuitable pursuit for a woman'. <apologies to "An Unsuitable Job For A Woman" (Ecosse 1997> Secondly, I feel the fellow is something of a misogynist. Realistically; I am getting the strong impression that, his idea is "if enough women are in pain and hurt, the lot of them will quit". This will allow him to dissolve the schools, in keeping with his fiduciary responsibilities.
Another reason is (due to American law), I must be a silent partner. Else, I would insist on female students wearing groin guards. The reason I am a partner at all, is due to his stepdaughter. She and I were close friends. I loved her. She loved me as well. Unfortunately, she loved me in a different way. For a long time, a small part of me hated myself (a little) for being straight. After she passed away, I hated myself a lot more. However, this too passed. Particularly, as she had bequeathed to me a significant interest in the schools. Despite my melancholy, I had to smile inwardly. This was her way of 'sticking it' to her rapacious stepfather, they did not get on. BTW, you are correct in that, many senior female students talk to the "first time sparring girls'. Many finish up wearing the protection 'down there'.
As to the pitching machine; it is my understanding there was an 'investigation' of sorts. Seems, (according to the 'grapevine', aka rumour centre) this was a prank gone terribly wrong! "3% function in a single testis basically means only IVF would work for him, I assume." You assume correctly. Also, TRT was a necessity. Along with a robust exercise regimen, Testosterone Replacement Therapy reduced his depression and restored the lad's masculine functions. Unfortunately, what it could not restore was his feeling of manliness.
The guy's sister and I were on the same tennis team. I got to know him a bit. My cousin and I played a good deal of mixed doubles with brother and sister. Tennis proved to be good exercise for his physical health and competition turned out to be good for his emotional health. Actually, I became quite fond of the lad. We got on well and very much enjoyed one another's company. However, he confessed to his sister that, he felt a bit of the fraud with me. That is, he felt not only inferior to other 'intact' (according to her he used the term 'real') men, but to me as well. It was unfortunate... and really sad. I 'think', I could have fallen in love with him if, he had let me. I never let him know that, I was aware of his 'condition'. This may seem strange to you. However, his sister stated (and I could see for myself) that, he was paranoid re; anyone finding out that, he was in practise a 'gelding'. The shame emanating from him was palpable.
Believe me, I can relate to your concern for your paramour re; the "martial arts" and seeing that, he is protected 'down there'. Hubby is not 'into' martial arts per se. However, Krav maga was part of his military training and he has kept up with it. The husband will sometimes spar at my dojo. I am grateful it is not more often. As you are no doubt aware, accidental injuries come with the territory. When, hubby is present I am too distracted with worry, to concentrate effectively on anything. In this instance; the couple that trains apart, stays together.<chuckle>
1. How come that prerequisite is only enforced for males? It only takes one kick to an unprotected pair of folds to potentially result in certainly very painful, and potentially long term, consequences. There are a decent amount of first time sparring girls who will question why they should wear one. The others will usually give them anecdotes on why they should, which usually works.
I have never seen that either. Anyone who's seen a male cup knows that it adds a lot of extra space around it anyways, so even if it looks huge it probably isn't all that massive anyways. And like you said, observing said "gargantuan package guy" cradling his junk while he's on the floor in the fetal position moaning and groaning is not usually something that inspires romantic attention towards that unfortunate guy. More often than not, it ends up being the opposite from what I've seen.
Anything that involves high speed, hard objects being thrown in your general direction, let alone right at you, ought to be treated with a little more care. I've seen guys and gals get hit by the pitching machine before, and the ones that went to their delicates have always left quite an impact on them. 3% function in a single testis basically means only IVF would work for him, I assume.
My boyfriend is also in martial arts as well, that's where we met, and I make sure he wears his well. Not that he needs help with that, but still I think that keeping that as safe and protected as possible is important.
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