When I was 27, I hit a point where I had finished up a consulting job in Boston and had a new one lined up in Los Angeles about two months later.  So I decided, rather than just drive out, to ship my stuff to a friend in LA and couch-surf across the country for a couple of months.  I mostly took a pretty leisurely trip, but towards the end, I was running a little short on time, so I wound up spending only one night with my friend Dave in New Mexico before heading on to Arizona and then LA.  But what a night it was.

There had been some mix-up about when I was arriving and it turned out that a couple of Dave's wife's friends from college were going to be there the same night.  I got to Dave's house at about three in the afternoon.  Dave had left work early, so he was there to meet me.  We talked some and caught up on what we'd been up to, and, also, he filled me in on the situation about his wife's friends.  They were flying in that evening, and they'd been promised the guest room, so I was relegated to the sofa, which was fine with me.  Around supper time, Dave's wife, Kerri (who was this cute, very fit blond) came home and then the three of us got in Dave's SUV to go pick up the girls from the airport.    I'd always been a little jealous of how nice looking Dave's wife was, but it turned out that these two friends put her to shame.  Andrea this lovely pale-skinned redhead, and Dia was olive-skinned with very dark, curly hair.  They were both about average height and had pretty faces and really nice curves.  They were wearing sweatpants and tight tank-tops and you could see that each of them had nice small waists.  Dia had this very pert butt.  It just stuck out, very round and amazing.  And she had some nice big round tits, too.  With the bra she was wearing, they it looked like she had a big couple of grapefruits stuffed in her shirt.  Andrea had a tight butt, but not as nicely protruding.  Her breasts, though, were amazing.  They were big and pointy and the spaghetti-strap tank-top she was wearing not only showed off a bunch of cleavage, but as she walked, the jiggle of her breasts made it clear that she wasn't wearing a bra.  I was in love.  Okay, I wasn't.  But I wanted to be.  Those girls looked amazing.

The five of us went for chinese food, and I did my very best to avoid staring at anyone's boobs and I think I mostly succeeded.  My previous stop had been at an organic commune where a friend of mine lived, and the shared shower and sleeping arrangements had together meant that I had no privacy, so I hadn't jacked off for a few days leaving me feeling more libidinous than usual.  Being extra horny didn't make my mission of keeping my eyes up any easier, but I struggled through.  When we got back to Dave's place, Kerri suggested that we get in the hot tub.  It was November, so the nighttime temperatures were just right for hot-tubbing: chilly enough to make the hot-tub especially luxurious, but not desperately cold.

Because it was a fall trip, I hadn't thought to bring a bathing suit, and had to borrow one from Dave.  His current suits were too big for me, but he dug around and found an old suit from when he was in high school.  Unfortunately, it was a speedo.  I have a big package and it fit in, but it was pretty tight.  I was worried that I was going to get an embarrassing erection in it like I was back in middle school swim class, but I didn't have any other option.

The girls also hadn't packed swimsuits and had to borrow ones from Kerri.  Kerri's in really good shape, but she's not that busty or all that big in the butt.  So when the girls first came out, I had to try extra hard not to stare.  The bikinis that Kerri had leant the girls didn't leave much to the imagination.  They covered the girl's nipples, but left most of the rest of their breasts exposed.  Dia's butt was not being covered well at all by the bottom of Kerri's suit with the suit winding up giving her a wedgie.  After walking around in it just a bit, she and Kerri went back and she switched to a thong instead.  It wasn't much different in terms of coverage, but she looked more comfortable.

I haven't really seen girls wear thong bikinis in real life much, and I couldn't help but stare at her butt.  She caught me a couple of times, but just smiled it off.

As we walked out to the hot tub, I have to admit that I had a hard time keeping the little fellow under control.  Between Dia, Andrea, and Kerri, it seemed like whichever way I looked, there was a woman with a nice figure.  Once we were in the hot tub, though, it was okay.  People were mostly hidden beneath the water.  The five of us shared some wine and cheese and talked for about an hour.  At the end of the hour, Dave and Kerri excused themselves, noting that they both had to work in the morning.  But when they climbed out of the hot tub to head back to the house, it became obvious that Dave had an erection.  None of us said anything or acknowledge it in any way until he was in the house when Dia started giggling.

Andrea harumphed, "Ick, what a pervert.  I don't know what Kerri sees in him."

I was prepared to jump in and say something to defend Dave, when Dia jumped in before me, "Oh, come on, he's not a pervert."

"You saw that hard-on."

"Yeah, but getting a hard-on because your wife is stroking your thigh under the water doesn't make you a pervert."

"Well, he didn't have to show it off."

"He had to go in sooner or later."

"Well, he could have waited to get a boner until after they went inside."

"Are you serious?  Boners don't work like that.  They're an involuntary response.  Guys don't control when they get them."

"Sure, they do."

"No, they don't."

"Prove it."

"How would I prove it?"

"I don't know."

They sort of glared at each other for a moment.  I had a feeling that interjecting wouldn't really get me points with either girl, even though Dia was completely correct.  We sat there in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes and then Dia said, "I've got it!  Okay, Graham, are you willing to help with an experiment."

"Sure!" I answered.

"Okay," Dia continued, "if a guy were going to have a really bad consequence if he got a hard-on then he would chose to avoid getting one.  So, Andrea, will you promise to punch Graham in the nuts really hard if he gets a boner?"

"Yeah, sure," Andrea smiled in a way that made me a little uncomfortable.

"Hey!" I said.

"So now Graham knows that there's going to be a really painful consequence if he gets a hard-on and there's no upside for him.  If he still gets one, it's because he can't control it."

"I guess so," Andrea said.

Dia sidled over next to me, pressed her chest against my side and began to stroke the upper part of my inner thigh with her hand.  I was rock hard in about thirty seconds.  After about a minute, she brushed my penis briefly with her hand to check its status and discovered how turgid I was.  She smiled.

"Oh, there's one.  Go ahead and stand up, Graham."

"But, …" I said.

"Please," she purred, batted her eye lashes at me.  "I'll make it worth your while."

I gave in and stood up.  My cock was held where it was by the speedo and was sticking straight out from my body, making my arousal obvious for all to see.

"Okay," Andrea admitted, "he definitely has one."  She looked for a moment, and then she drew her fist back and lunged forward, punching me in the balls as hard as she could.

I was caught entirely off guard and I fell down into the water, winding up back in my seat, but pulling up into the fetal position.  My whole groin hurt with the pain centered on my balls, but radiating up into even my lower stomach.  I spent the next couple of minutes holding my knees and rocking back and forth.

"See!" Mia said.  "Aren't you convinced?"

"Well," Andrea paused, thinking about it.  "Not entirely.  I think that we should run the experiment again."


"Well, I'm not sure he really believed that I was going to hit him in the balls.  It's one thing to say it, but it's another to actually do it.  So, if he gets hard again knowing for sure that I'll punch the shit out of his balls if he gets an erection, then I'll believe it's involuntary."

"Okay.  That sounds fair.  We'll give him a couple more minutes to recover first."

They talked about something else for a couple of minutes.  And then, when I was finally starting to feel okay, Dia moved back over next to me.  Instead of touching me again right off, she surprised me by reaching back behind her neck and untying her bikini top.  As she pulled down her swimsuit top, she sat up onto her knees, so that her chest was out of the water.  I was surprised to see her do it, and gasped when she did, amazed at what nice big round tits she had.  Her nipples were very small and dark, and I could see them stiffening suddenly in the chilly air.

"Do you like?" she asked.

"They're amazing," I replied.

"Amazing enough to stiffen your cock?"

"Definitely," I answered, honestly.  My hard cock was already tenting out my speedo again.

"Okay, then, time to stand up!"

"But, if I do, she'll punch me in the balls."

"Please?  Do it for me?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

I gave in.  "Yeah, okay, but just this last time."

I stood up, my hard cock again obviously sticking straight out.  And in no time, again Andrea hit me hard and fast with a closed fist right to my balls.  Once again, I crumpled.  This time maybe wasn't quite as hard as the first, but it was plenty hard enough to get me good.  I curled up in my seat again.

"I like this game," Andrea said, smiling.

"Me, too," said Dia.  "But, you have to admit that I'm right."

"Yes, you win the argument.  Erections are involuntary."

"Thank you."

"I wish I had a good excuse to keep experimenting, though.  That was fun."

"Yeah, I've never gotten a guy hard when he knows he's gonna get his balls punched for it before.  It makes me feel extra sexy."

"I always enjoy punching guys in the balls.  You want to keep going?"

"Absolutely.  Graham, are you game?"

"No way!" I answered quickly.  My nuts were still sore from the last hit.

"Please?" she asked again, "For me?"

"No!  That really hurt!"

"Okay, well, if you don't want to play a game which is turning both of us on, then I guess you're just not that into us.  We should head to bed, right Andrea?"  Dia got up to leave, giving her thong-clad ass a little extra sway as she headed towards the far side of the hot tub where the walkway was.

"Yeah, we need to get up early in the morning tomorrow, I'm sure," Andrea answered and started to rise up out of the hot tub, too.

Seeing their lovely bodies start to rise out of the hot tub, especially dripping wet in tiny bikinis, I realized that despite how painful I worried it would be, I couldn't let the opportunity slip away.

"Wait!" I said suddenly, standing up.  They turned back towards me.  "Maybe I could be convinced."

"What do you mean?" Dia asked.

"Well," I was unsure how to put it, "that's gonna be a lot of pain for me, from the sound of it.  But I bet I could be convinced if I was promised a very nice reward at the end of it."

"Okay," Dia said, "what can we offer?  I'm not doing actual sex sex the first night I've met a guy, so that's off the table.  Oh, how about this: once we're done out here, we head back to the guest room inside and you can lay down on the bed and we'll sandwich your head between our boobs while I give you a nice hand job."

"Yes!" I said, perhaps a little too quickly and eagerly.  I'd never gotten a chance to be with two girls and that sounded amazing.

"Okay, it's a deal," she said, "but, you have to let Andrea hurt your balls as much as she wants."

I countered, "Well, as long as we're continuing the game we were playing.  You get me hard, and then she can abuse me."

"Sure," she smiled.  "We'll only abuse you when you've got a boner.  Oh, so let's get started."  She climbed back in the hot tub and unexpectedly gave me a hug, rubbing her big round tits against my chest as she did it.  I wrapped my arms around her in return.  She continued with the hug way longer than usual and the feeling of her against me soon lead to a fresh erection for me.  Feeling my cock rising against her, she rubbed herself against it just a little and then stepped back.  "Here you go," she said to Andrea.

Andrea stepped in with another devastating punch with her right fist.  I was standing in the middle of the hot tub, this time, so when I went down, my head went under.  Andrea pulled me back up and pushed me towards the seat where I had been sitting.  We wound up with her tits (still covered in her bikini top) right in front of my face, which definitely helped a little.  "Don't drown on us, now," she said.  "That would be no fun."

Instead of giving me my normal recovery time, Dia decided to try to speed things up.  "I bet he'd like to see your tits, too, Andrea."

"Oh," she said, "do you think so?"  She began to massage her tits.  "I don't know.  They're so big.  I bet that he wouldn't want to see me slowly strip my bikini top off and show my big tits to him."

She was an expert tease and before I knew it, I blurted out, "Oh, yes I would!  Please!"

"Well," she said coyly, "I guess I could if you would stand up."

My balls weren't feeling recovered yet, but I found myself rising to my feet.  With the pain in my balls, I hadn't realized exactly how much of an effect her teasing had had on me.  My cock was tenting out again and rather than take her top off, instead she punched me in the balls.  Down I went, my balls sorer than ever.

"I love a man with nice big sensitive targets," Andrea said to Dia.  Turning back to me, she said, "You want to watch the bikini top come off?"

Despite the pain in my balls, I nodded.  She came in close, putting her large breasts right in front of my face, and slowly peeled off her top.  Once the top was off, I could see her big pink, puffy nipple and how they topped her pointy breasts.  She shook them gently back and forth in front of my face.  "Was it worth it?" she asked.  I nodded again.  "I'm starting to get horny, and I was hoping someone would play with them, but you seem to have your hands busy clutching your balls.  How about you Dia?" she asked, turning to her friend.

The two of them approached each other in the middle of the hot tub and gingerly, each one grabbed the other one's breasts and began to squeeze.  My nut pain hadn't diminished, but my hard on was back with a vengeance.  Fortunately, for my nuts, the girls didn't notice.  Instead, they continued exploring each other's breasts, squeezing and kneading them, eventually playing with each other's nipples.  Finally, Andrea happened to look back over at me and saw the look in my eyes which revealed how enraptured I was with the action in front of me, and said, "I bet he's hard again."

Dia commanded me, "Graham, stand up."

Reluctantly, I did as I was told and soon my hard cock was there again for all the world to see, silhouetted in my wet swimsuit.  Andrea stepped over towards me and immediately I knew what was coming.  This time, when the punch came, I flinched away and avoided it.  "Ah, he's getting skittish," Andrea said.  "Dia, come hold him so he can't flinch."

Dia came and guiding me a little to the side, wrapped her arms around me from behind.  It felt amazing having her pressed against me like that, even from behind, and my hard cock was twitching in the chilly air when Andrea delivered her hardest punch yet.  When it hit, I tried to cry out in pain, but the breath had been knocked out of me.  I collapsed back in my seat and finally found enough sound to let out some quiet moaning.

"Oh," Dia said, "Do you think we overdid it?"

"He'll be okay," Andrea said, confidently, "but I'm getting tired of punching anyway.  Maybe we should try some squeezing in a couple of minutes when he's not moaning any more."

Dia came over to me and rubbed my back and encouraged me to feel better.  After a couple of minutes, I finally stopped moaning.  A little bit after that, she said to me, "Would you like to play with my tits?"

"In a bit," I answered.

"Wow," Dia said.  "Andrea must have gotten you really good if you're putting off playing with big boobs.  You seemed pretty into them before."

"Yeah," I said, still rocking back and forth some, "that really hurt."

"Okay, well, we're going to switch to some squeezing next.  That shouldn't be quite as bad.  And, you know, try to keep that hand-job in mind.  You'll love it.  I promise."

I wasn't really convinced, but after the pep talk, she moved in and wrapped her arms around my head and squeezed it against her boobs.  I still wasn't convinced that I had made the right choice, but I wasn't about to wuss out at that point.  After a couple of minute of being there, I finally said, "Okay, I'm ready."

I was already rock hard again, but I didn't want to let that on right away.  Dia sat down next to me and turned towards me.  "Okay, you can play with my boob all you'd like, but once you get hard, Andrea's gonna squeeze your balls until you're soft and then she'll let go."

I put my hands on Dia's big soft boobs and started to squeeze them gently.  I wasn't unexperienced sexually, but this was actually my first time getting my hands on a pair quite this large.  Just as I was starting, though, Andrea sat down on the other side of me.  She wrapped her hand around my dick and gave it a quick squeeze, which felt great, but I knew the jig was up.

Andrea smiled at me and said, "Squeezy time."  She leaned over and grabbed one of my big balls in each hand and began to squeeze, hard.  If anything, this was worse than the pain from the punches.  I immediately began to squirm and I let go of Dia's breasts.  I could feel my cock softening quickly.

After a few more seconds of squeezing, Dia reached down and grabbed my cock.  "Okay, he's soft now," she reported.

Andrea let go.  Much to my relief, the pain went away as soon as she released my nuts.  It didn't linger in the same way it had after the punches.  There was some residual ache, but basically, I was fine.

As soon as she let go, my hands went right back to Dia's tits.  Andrea grabbed me around the dick and waited for me to get hard.  In a minute or so, it was time for more ball squeezing and again I was moaning and thrashing from the pain until she released me.  We repeated this cycle, me playing with Dia's boobs until I was hard and then Andrea squeezing my balls until I was soft around eight or so times until I was finally wearing out.

After the eighth time, I still groped Dia's breasts, but I think my genitals were finally getting wise to the coming pain and I wasn't getting hard.  After about five minutes of groping, when I still wasn't hard, Dia decided to turn up the pressure.  She came in closer and invited me to suck on her nipples.  I eagerly took the invitation and in no time, my cock was hard and Andrea had my nuts clamped firmly in a strong squeeze.  Sucking Dia's nipples was such a big turn-on to me that I was actually able to resist the pressure for a while.  My cock stayed hard despite the nut pain as I was enthralled with sucking on her nipple.

Then Andrea ratcheted up the pressure, squeezing even harder than before and I crumbled, collapsing into moaning again.  It seemed like forever until she finally released my aching testicles.  I was quite surprised though when Andrea sat up on the edge of the hot tub and began to undo her bikini bottom.  "That was so fucking hot," she said.  "I need to come.  Graham, will you please, please eat out my pussy."

There was still a little lingering pain in my testes after that long harsh squeeze, but I couldn't turn down an invitation like that.  She revealed her trimmed bush, spreading her legs wide on the side of the hot tub, and I repositioned myself and began to lick at her labia.  I licked eagerly, working my way up to her clitoris and working eagerly on it once I found it, trying my best to get her off as hard and fast as I could.  I could taste her juices strongly, so I knew that she was pretty turned on, but it was taking a while.

I was balanced with one knee on the seat and one foot on the bottom of the hot tub.  I was surprised when I felt a hand on my cock, but I realized that Dia had come around behind me.  Slowly, she began stroking my cock, first just gently stroking back and forth and then, eventually, starting to grab it and tug it back and forth.  I was so horny that I started to think that I was going to get off right there as Dia played with me and I licked Andrea's pussy.  But Dia seemed to be able to tell that I was close to the edge and started making her strokes more and more gentle.  I responded by involuntarily bucking my hips back and forth as if I was fucking her hand.  As I was doing this, she adjusted upwards and back. I was still leaning forward with my head in Andrea's crotch, but soon I wound up with both feet on the floor of the hot tub and my butt up in the air.

Dia took her hand away from my cock, leaving me there, unsure what to do.  But right then, Andrea finally started to cum.  Her whole body shook as she was overcome with a wave of orgasm.  I tried my best to hold on, but she squeezed her thighs together in pleasure and my face wound up getting squeezed back.  Just then, something I hadn't even considered happened: Dia punched me hard in the balls from behind.  I squealed in pain and my legs collapsed.  My head was still squeezed between Andrea's sexy thighs, so I was in no risk of drowning, but all the wind had gone out of me.

"Wow!  You were right!" I heard Dia tell Andrea, "That was a lot of fun.  I don't know why I never tried it before."

Andrea finally unclenched her thighs and Dia helped me back to a normal sitting position.  Andrea seemed pretty spent from her orgasm.  She sat back in the hot tub, but didn't say or do much.  Dia on the other hand, decided to climb in my lap facing away from me.  Reaching back, she put my hands on her boobs, which i began to squeeze and then she started rubbing her ass into my crotch.

Soon I was hard again.  She could feel, it I'm sure, and kept rubbing against it.  Then, just as I was starting to wonder if she was trying to get me off, she hopped off my lap and sat next to me.

"I want to try some squeezing, too," she said, plainly.  Without waiting for a response from me, she grasped my nuts in her hands and began kneading them.  Initially, it was pleasant, but she could see that she wasn't getting the response she wanted, so she started to squeeze harder and harder as she kneaded.  Soon, I was squirming under the pressure.  It didn't feel like the hard vise-like clamp of Andrea's grip, instead, it was as if my balls are being put through a wringer.  Seeing me squirm, she kneaded harder and soon, it was just too much for me, and I begin begging her to stop, as I squirmed.

"Not until you're soft," she replied, and I realized to my surprise that I was still hard, although I can feel it starting to wane.

She kneaded harder and harder, and I groaned in pain and squirmed in my seat, even trying to pull away, but that just makes it worse.  Finally, my cock had gone completely soft and she released me.  I felt better and stopped squirming instantly, but the kneading had left me with a lingering ache this time, so I still look a little out of it.

"Are you okay?" Dia asked, her voice sounding a little raggedy from the effort or perhaps from arousal.

"Yeah, I am," I answered.  Seeing the look in her eye, I was bold and asked "Do you want me to eat you out, too?"

"No, that was a lot of fun for me," Dia replied, "but I'm not that level of turned on.  Besides, we owe you your reward."

So we all got out of the hot tub and toweled off.  Watching the topless girls dry themselves and walk back with me towards the house brought my erection back in no time.  And true to their word, I soon found myself lying on the bed with my head sandwiched between two pairs of marvelous breasts.  I had finally gotten to take off the speedo and I had one arm under each girl, with my hands each cupping a butt cheek.  I was especially pleased to finally have my hands on Dia's pert butt, but Andrea's was nice, too.  Dia stroked my hard cock steadily, bringing me closer and closer to climax.  But then, as I got close, she slowed down, dragging things out.  I was so horny it almost hurt and had been looking forward to this chance to cum since she first introduced the idea to me, so I wasn't too eager to have it dragged out too long, but it was a special treat to be smothered in big boobies, so I wasn't complaining, really.  I was, however, very very surprised and somewhat alarmed when Andrea wrapped her fingers around my balls.  I started to say something, but I was completely engulfed in between their four breasts, and nothing clear came out.  Andrea pushed her breasts against my face a little extra, and I took that as a sign not to worry, although I might have been reading too much into it.  So, I tried to relax and let her squeeze.

She started slowly at first, but then Dia picked up the pace of the stroking and Andrea increased her pressure on my balls in concert with this.  Despite the pressure of her hand clamping on my balls, squeezing them against each other, I was still making progress towards ejaculation.  I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm even as I felt more and more pain in my balls.  Soon, the urge became overwhelming and I began to cum.  At first I could just feel the sensation and then the first jet of hot cum spurted out of my cock.  As soon as it did, Andrea clamped down hard on my balls as if she was trying to squeeze all of the cum out (despite that being anatomically impossible).  I don't know if I came harder because of the squeezing, but I know that that was the most forceful orgasm I've ever had with spurt after spurt of cum ejaculating all over my belly.  Dia kept working my cock as I spurted, and I felt aftershock after aftershock as I came.  She even kept it up for a bit after the cum was done spurting and I got a few more dry aftershocks in.  But then my dick started to soften and she finally let me go.

We cleaned up and thanked each other for an amazing experience.  I headed to go sleep on the sofa, but the bed in the guest bedroom was quite large, and they insisted that I stay the night with them.  We collapsed in a heap and all fell asleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by a fully clothed Dia reminding me how late it was.  Dave and Kerri had already gone to work and Dia and Andrea were up and dressed (jeans and t-shirts both).  It was almost noon and I needed to get on the road if I was going to get to my friend's house in Arizona in time (he had a date that evening, so I needed to get there before he left for that).  I had almost painful morning wood, reinforced by the memories of the night before, but I didn't really have time to take care of it.  I didn't even take a shower, figuring that I could do that in Arizona once my friend was on his date.  Instead, I just packed, ate a quick breakfast, and then it was time for me to go.

As I prepared to head out, the girls came to say goodbye.  Dia said she had something for me to remember her by and gave me a long, tight hug with her big boobs pressed against my chest.  Once she was done, Andrea said "Me, too."  But as she stepped up towards me, instead of the hug I was expecting, she kneed me in the balls.  I doubled over in pain.  "That way you won't forget me," she said, giggling.  "You'd better go, though."

Despite the pain, I managed to open the car door and get in.  After taking another minute or so to get my breath, I started the car and drove away with a solid hard-on, some amazing memories, and the seeds of a new fetish building in the back of my mind.

Views: 1508

Replies to This Discussion

I love it!  Very fun.  *two claws up*  :)

Easily one of the sexiest ballbusting stories I've ever read. =)

OMG-this story is my new favorite LOVE IT!!! Very Hot

Good god. I only had time to read half the story, and now I have to go to class with a boner. Easily the hottest story I've ever read!

There's so many things you got right with this story I don't know where to begin... awesome story, thanks for sharing it.

Your stories are awesome ! I love the interaction between tease and ballbusting that you describe !

Muyyy caliente, Smack ;) Nothing hotter than big boob play and busting balls...meeeoww ~

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the praise and likes.  I write my stories mostly for myself, but it's always feels good when other people enjoy them too.  I never know which of my stories is going to be most popular, but clearly a lot of you found this one really hot, and I'm glad you did.  Thanks for all the support.

You may have already seen this, but just in case, I wrote another story with bikinis and teasing and reluctant busting a couple of years back.  It's called Busting Brad.  I thought I'd mention it because it has some things in common with this one, so it might appeal to some of the same people who liked this one.  http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/group/bb-storytellers/forum/topics...

I’ve read some fantastic stories on here over the past 9-10 years, but honestly this one is easily still the best! Thank you very much, Smack! 



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