Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen

Before Jack could even make it to the locker room, he happened to catch a glowering Coach Davis in the hallway.

“No practice today, Jack,” the coach growled. “Some kinda bug going around or something. None of you guys looked sick coming into school this morning but now it seems like half the team is out.” He rubbed his temples, clearly frustrated and not a little mystified, before stalking off down the hall.

Jack watched him go, his mind spinning. Had more guys than he’d been aware of been victimized? Fuck, he thought. I really need to see Sabrina. He pulled out his phone and shot her a text. A few seconds later his phone dinged with a message that she was already on her way home. Quickly he texted her that he was on his way.

The entire drive over was spent trying to figure out how best to articulate things. Should he start with how stupid he thought the prank was and how he never had any intention of following through on it? Or should he play it cool and see how much Sabrina revealed? He still hadn’t come up with a plan as he climbed the few steps to Sabrina’s front door. As he stood with one arm raised about to knock while trying desperately to make a decision, the door swung open to reveal Sabrina’s thoughtful countenance.

“Hi Jack,” she said with more brightness than he’d expected, considering her appearance.

Jack followed her inside and she immediately led him back to her bedroom where they sat down together on the edge of her bed. It unnerved Jack slightly when she peered deeply into his eyes as if searching for something, but when her eyes lightened and she sat back, he breathed a silent sigh of relief. Evidently he’d passed muster.

“It was silly for me to be worried,” she said, favoring him with a small grin.

“What do you mean?” Jack asked, inclining his head.

“Oh, I heard some rumors.” Sabrina curled a few strands of magenta-colored hair around her finger as she spoke. Before Jack could ask what kind of rumors, his girlfriend illuminated him. “So all you guys on the football team were gonna break up with your girlfriends today?”

Jack’s eyes fell to the floor and he rubbed his palms on his thighs nervously. Did she know things had turned out for the guys who’d followed through?

“I thought maybe you were going to as well and that’s why you texted so urgently to come over,” Sabrina admitted. “But I can see it in your eyes, you never had any inclination to break up.”

Jack’s heart leapt when he saw the dancing smile in Sabrina’s eyes. “Hell no I wasn’t going to,” he blurted, struck by a surge of renewed confidence. “I love you.” As soon as he said it, his hands flew to his lips.

Instead of replying immediately, Sabrina examined him once more making Jack feel even more awkward than he already did thanks to his rash declaration – as sincere, though, as it was.

“Interesting,” she murmured as a light flashed in her eyes and then disappeared as quickly as it had come. Without elucidating what was so interesting, Sabrina rose from the bed and paced lightly in front of Jack, who was watching her with leery eyes. Finally, she stopped and looked down at him. “I know what happened to your teammates,” Sabrina said neutrally, so that Jack couldn’t read how she felt about it one way or the other, which was almost worse in his mind. He swallowed down a lump of panic as he watched her. “It got me thinking.” Jack wisely kept his mouth shut as Sabrina gazed past him distantly. “What would I have done?” Her eyes darted momentarily back to Jack’s as she quickly added, “I’m so glad it didn’t come to that.” When Jack forced a smile to his lips, Sabrina continued. “To be honest, though, I’m not sure what I would have done, but it got me thinking.”

In the long pause that followed, Jack’s mind raced and he wanted to scream, ‘Just spit it out already!’ When she finally looked at him, her eyes were twinkling, almost mischievously. He could sense a nervous energy about her as she took time to summon the courage necessary to say what was on her mind.

“So you love me?” Sabrina asked in a way that made it sound like a trap to Jack, though he nodded anyway. “Enough to let me try something?”

Uh-oh, Jack thought. This doesn’t sound good. “Maybe,” he answered hesitantly.

Sabrina smiled at him with hope in her eyes. “It’s weird. The more I heard about what was happening to you guys, the more I found myself wondering what it would be like. Gosh, I really want to know,” Sabrina said, wringing her hands, at first wishfully but then intensifying as she worked up her nerve. “Would you think I’m a freak if I said I wanted to kick you just like those other girls?”

Jack’s jaw fell slack for a moment as he looked at Sabrina. She looked so sincere, so innocent and so hopeful that there was no way he could think her a freak. But at the same time her request alarmed him. There was no way he could say yes, could he?

“Like, in the, you know – “ He let his thoughts trail off and waved his hand over his groin instead, his consternation causing his eyes to cloud over as he looked down glumly and his befuddled response elicited a light chuckle from Sabrina.

As if his humorously awkward intimation had sucked the tension from her, Sabrina finally felt the urge to come straight out with it. “Yes Jack,” she said, letting any inhibitions fall to the wayside. “I would really like to, uh, kick you. Right in the balls.” When his face scrunched up disgustedly in a gut reaction, Sabrina goaded him. “You said you loved me. Don’t you?”

The way she turned a toe in and leaned forward slightly, cocking her ass so that Jack could see the full, rounded curve of it, made Jack tingle inside. She couldn’t look more sexy – or saucy – if she’d been posing for a pinup magazine. How could he say no to that?

“I do,” he said softly and before his brain could deploy the alarm over what he was getting himself into, he added, “So sure. You can kick me.”

Before the words had barely exited his mouth, Sabrina was yanking him off the bed. “Oh Jack! I love you, too!”

So struck was Jack by her return avowal that he allowed Sabrina to maneuver his body without the least bit of resistance. He obediently spread his legs wider as she nudged them with her knees and held his hands behind his back where she placed them. When she pushed down on his shoulders, he flexed his knees, thrusting his hips slightly forward at the same time. By the time he realized the fullness of what was happening, Sabrina was bouncing happily in front of him, and he could see her breasts rising and falling underneath her sweater and the jiggle of her butt in the black leggings she was wearing. He glanced down at her feet, and a sigh of relief arose from somewhere deep inside him. She had on those gray, soft suede boots with the furry lining and not the hard leather Mary Janes she often wore. Jack smiled down at her as he processed his good fortune.

He was still smiling when Sabrina lifted her eyes to him, gazing at him fervently, like she was trying to see into his soul. “Are you ready?” She asked breathlessly.

Jack nodded, ignoring the protesting voice within him.

Sabrina’s eyes dropped as she drew a bead on her target, her face flushing in concentration as she bit down on her lower lip, and then, with her heart feeling like it might beat right out of her chest, she sprang into action.

The way her white teeth sank into her lip, the red of it turning a shade darker, was endearing and it turned Jack on to see his girlfriend looking so adorable. His smile widened as he took in her delicate features. He could just kiss those full, ruby lips, he thought, as an excitement at the idea flooded him. Her hair looked shiny and radiant and he could almost feel its silkiness in his hands.

And then his reverie shattered into a million tiny shards as the top of Sabrina’s booted foot slammed into his groin. In the blink of an eye he was down on his knees, groaning and sputtering, as his eyes latched onto his girlfriend’s gray boots. Had he not been in such tremendous pain, he might have enjoyed the irony that, though they looked soft, those boots had a bite. However, the pain was too great and Jack let himself fall onto his back like a puppy waiting to get its belly rubbed. Only this puppy’s legs were clenched and his paws were stuck fast in his groin, showing Sabrina the full depth of his agony. Just before his eyes slammed shut, a vision of Sabrina wavered among the shooting bursts of light that coincided with the pain, and Jack could see the sheer wonder and unbridled delight on his girlfriend’s face. He held onto Sabrina’s radiant beauty, using his remaining strength to keep the image in the foreground of his mind, as he rocked gently to and fro at her feet.

When her boyfriend’s eyes sealed tight against the misery, Sabrina paced around him, studying from various angles the way his body rocked back and forth. She found it gratifying that no matter how he moved around, his hands never left his groin, like perhaps if he let go they might just fall off. From the looks of his beet red face and squinched grimace, she wondered if maybe he wished they would. A new thrill raced through Sabrina as she contempletated the notion that she could make his nuts hurt so bad he might wish to be rid of them. She smiled at the truth that he never would be – rid of them, that is. To feel his testicles squash against her foot, even through the thick material of her boot, was heavenly and she immediately wanted to feel it again. No, she was glad they were a permanent part of him because it meant his balls would always be there for her to kick – provided he was okay with it. She wasn’t a heartless bitch after all. Although, she thought, in all fairness, if he ever did break up with me, I’d punt his nuts into next week whether he wanted me to or not.

A third wave of euphoria coursed through her on the heels of this thought, and it came laden with a sensation of power. She could do it. She could bring him to his knees easily with a simple kick to his most sensitive area. It didn’t matter if he wanted her to or not – though, again, not that she would just go around kicking him in the nuts for no reason – and this realization caused her confidence to swell. Oh my, she thought. So this was girl power! Sabrina shuddered delightedly, her loins a-tingle.

After a minute or so, the sharp pain in his core ebbed and thoughts began registering in Jack’s brain as his world slowly returned to some kind of normalcy. He’d been hit in the groin before, mostly playing sports, but this was a whole different kind of pain. Well, the physical symptoms were the same but now they were accompanied by a deep sense of humiliation he’d never experienced previously. In sports, it hurt but it was generally accidental and just something to get over. This, though, was like an attack. An attack on what? He wondered. More than attack on his testicles it felt like an attack on who – or what – he was: a man. Suddenly, the words he’d heard earlier from the voice of reason that had irked him so much rang in his ears and he remembered the part of him that said he should come to terms with the humiliation and shame he was feeling and simply accept a the power a girl wielded if she chose to target his weakness. Before his ego could shout down the sentiment, Jack throttled it and opened his eyes a sliver.

For a brief moment an old and terrible pick-up line struck Jack and he found himself wondering if it hurt when she fell, because across the room, on the edge of her bed, staring down at him intently with her hands clasped, Sabrina sat looking every bit like an angel from heaven. There was a color in her cheeks that warmed her entire being and the happiness in her eyes was enough to send a ripple of contentment through Jack. God she was beautiful. As if a veil had been removed, Jack’s whole perspective shifted. As bad as it hurt, it awed him to see his girlfriend looking so damn resplendent. Who cares if it was embarrassing for him or whether he looked like a chump? It was worth any amount of denigration  to make Sabrina so happy. She could kick him in the balls any time. He kept his eyes on hers as he worked his way up to his knees and, for his efforts, she graced him with a smile.

“Did I make your balls hurt?” She asked as the pure and innocent sincerity in her tone pushed a grin onto Jack’s face.

“You kicked ‘em pretty good,” he admitted, cupping his aching balls with one hand as he grimaced, endeavoring to show her how much they were hurting. When Sabrina’s eyes gleamed hungrily at his display, Jack felt somehow uplifted, almost adoring. He grinned, shyly at first, but then it bloomed as a desire to make her even happier welled up within him. “Wanna kick ‘em again?”

When Jack asked if she wanted to kick them again, Sabrina’s face nearly split in two, so wide was her smile. “Seriously?” She asked, her voice thick with amazement. When he nodded and placed his hands on his thighs, Sabrina slid off the bed. She took two easy strides toward him and then planted her left leg, drawing her right foot back high as she did. When it reached full extension, she launched her foot and kicked squarely between his legs causing his whole body to jump before caving in on itself. The feeling of his testicles flattening for a second time was every bit as thrilling as the first. And when he slumped against her leg, holding onto it as tightly as if it were a life preserver, and she felt the warmth of his breath against her thigh as he moaned in anguish, Sabrina felt a welcome gush from between her own legs.

When the intoxicating burst had passed and she calmed, Sabrina squatted, pulling his hands away as she lifted his chin so he could meet her gaze. She wondered if he could feel all the love and desire she was trying to show him as she looked deep into his eyes. Though his eyes were glassy with red veins spidering across the whites of his eyes, Sabrina could tell that he was returning her gaze favorably. In fact, he looked totally smitten. A sudden burst of desire welled up inside her and Sabrina wanted nothing more than to hold his balls for him and help him through the pain. Tentatively, she put her arm around his neck and tugged at him lightly. When Jack provided no resistance, her confidence increased and she quickly pushed his head against her breasts, turning his body to the side and she did. Then she slid her hand between his legs and cupped his balls in her small hand, pressing them gently against his body.

Though his instinct was to resist Sabrina’s touch, Jack inhaled, as deeply as he could at that moment, and forced himself still. As her dainty fingers curled around his testicles, he shuddered but soon nestled into her bosom when she displayed such a tenderness in handling them. There was a peace in allowing her to hold them. It was the strangest of sensations to have the girl who’d just kicked his balls and made them hurt so bad, now hold them so carefully, so lovingly. It made him feel peculiar and quite helpless. But wonderful, too. Sure, she could crush them at any moment with a simple squeeze, but he didn’t care. He gave himself over to her completely. If she crushed them, well, she crushed them. It was her right, he now understood  and down to his very core, he succumbed to her authority.

And so it was that the girl and the boy, awash in sexual discovery, sat for a very long time, the boy in her protective feminine embrace, his balls aching deliciously, while the girl held them.

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But please take him to Katy



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