Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen

Under the close autumn sky, a low cloud drifted, momentarily blocking the sun’s light, turning the afternoon dark. This temporary lull in vibrancy seemed to match Katy’s spirit as she walked slowly to her car. It had been a truly amazing day, even beyond the expectations she confessed to her husband John as she dressed in the pre-dawn darkness. And yet, she felt somehow hollow.

No less than seven high school boys – boys with the bodies of men, their frames packed with muscles – had been kicked (THWACK!), kneed (WHUMP!), punched (POW!) or otherwise had the life squeezed out of their newly flourishing balls, to find themselves left hurting by a variety of girls – petite girls whose bodies were developing the womanly curves of maturity, bodies these boys lusted after hungrily. Katy’s spirit had soared as she witnessed the damage – some brutal, some not so brutal – as she tended to their swollen, tender testicles. After receiving word that Billy was going to make a full, albeit slow, recovery, she even let herself accept the feeling of delight to know that one of the girls put a boy in the hospital after busting his balls so hard. Was there ever a better time for her to be exultant in being a woman and part of this prevailing female society?

Nearing her car, though, Katy rued the cold manner in which all her elation had vanished into the chill of the autumn air. She wrapped her arms around her body, wishing she’d grabbed a jacket before leaving the house and shivered as the wind swept around her, catching her hair and sending swaths swirling about her face. She gritted her teeth, steeling herself against the cold and tried to tame several errant strands that shielded her eyes. As she did, in the distance, she saw a man looming over a girl as he pushed her wriggling body against a chainlink fence. Katy stopped, peering hard across the parking lot. She wasn’t sure, but the girl looked an awful lot like Monica Emerson. But Katy could only guess based on the black jeans, black jacket and black hair. Whoever it was, though, she seemed to be in a spot of trouble.

Katy quickened her pace, grateful for the warmth as the blood rushed through her veins, before settling into a fast trot which was all her heels would allow for. She grabbed her big boobs, squeezing them against her body to prevent them from bouncy wildly, painfully, not caring if anyone saw. When she could hear the girl cursing, the sound of her voice confirming it was indeed Monica, Katy figured saving time outweighed any judgments resulting from her unprofessional manner.

“Monica!” Katy cried, drawing within fifty yards of the couple as she sprang from the last row of cars. “Are you okay?” Though Monica, from what Katy could recall, was rather aloof and mysterious, she was not a big girl by any stretch. She may have acted tough but nothing about her stature screamed DANGER.

“Help!” Monica yelped from underneath the man’s armpit.

As the clacking of Katy’s heels pounded against the concrete, growing louder with every stride, the man grabbed a fistful of Monica’s shiny, jet black hair, yanking it as he spun around. Curling his upper lip, he sneered at Katy with insolence. “Back off, lady,” he growled.

Katy slowed but did not stop her approach. The man was no one she recognized and definitely appeared too old to be in high school. He had a patchy beard and long, untamed hair the color of brown sugar. Though his eyes were narrowed, Katy could see his irises were as blue as glass reflecting a high sky. Despite his flimsy excuse for a beard, Katy found him to be a rather good-looking guy. At least she would have if he wasn’t behaving like such an ogre.

“Let her go,” Katy commanded, the adrenaline coursing through her adding a steely strength to her voice.

“Fuck you, lady,” the man said as he deftly avoided Monica’s flailing fist. Without looking, he slammed Monica’s body against the fence resulting in a loud clang as her head bounced off the aluminum crossbar.

Katy’s eyes trailed the path of Monica’s descent as the girl crumpled to the ground, her hands grabbing at the back of her skull. At least she wasn’t unconscious, Katy thought with only slight relief. Refocusing her gaze, Katy glared at the man, ignoring the fearful gnawing as she processed his menacing appearance when he pivoted to face her head on. He greeted Kat with a cocky, confident leer in response to her glower, so ugly it caused the fear Katy was pushing down to break free, sending a ripple of fear through her trembling body. She clenched her fists at her side in an attempt to alleviate her anxiety and was relieved to find the trick worked.

“This ain’t none of your business,” the man said, taking a step toward Katy, ignoring the dazed girl behind him. “You might just want to walk away now before you get into any real trouble,” he sneered, drawing himself up to his full height. “Ol’ Mon is fine. We were just having a… a disagreement.”

The smug way he gazed at Katy pissed her off, especially because one, it showed his arrogance in that he believed he had every thing completely under control, and two, it seemed to indicate he really thought this was no big deal and that the jolt to Monica’s head was of no real consequence.  “Well, she doesn’t look fine,” Katy said, trying to keep a nervous quiver from undermining her tone. “I think it’s awful the way you’re mistreating a poor, defenseless young girl.” As she spoke, the anger and indignation within her surfaced, causing Katy’s eyes to burn hotly.

“Well lah dee dah. Good for fuckin’ you,” the man said with a cruel grin. “Who the fuck cares what you think?”

His response was so appalling to her that Katy had to consciously fight to keep from shrinking back. In attempt to regain her fortitude, Katy’s eyes latched onto the girl like an anchor. When she saw Monica gazing up at her, a hopefulness welling up in her stricken eyes, a fresh surge of adrenaline coursed through Katy. She would not let this injustice go unavenged.

Leveling her gaze on the man, Katy gave him her best scowl. “You should,” she growled through gritted teeth. In an instant, all the fear and cowardice threatening to derail her vengeance vanished as Katy stalked toward the man. Even the glimmer of anticipation in his eye, revealing his thirst for a physical confrontation,  didn’t deter her. As she walked, she lifted the hem of her dress with her right hand, revealing ever more of her glossy hosiery, ignoring the way his eyes darted down to her legs. Though her determined gait caused her breasts to bounce hard, Katy felt no pain. In fact, their weight only served to fuel the feminine pride spurring Katy to action. The visceral sensation of her heaving bosom brought with it a feeling of pure femininity which made Katy smile to herself as she realized this wasn’t man against man. This was man v. woman.

A confidence exploded inside her at this realization and suddenly Katy felt like she was seeing everything in slow motion, her vision sharp, her senses acute. She noted the transformation in his eyes as they shifted from a greedy ogle into a hard, purposeful smile as he crouched, readying himself for action. Katy saw his fingers curl into a tight fist and even before it was in motion, she could see in her mind’s eye his arm drawing back and arcing in a long, powerful swing as he tried to knock her lights out with one heavy right hook as she drew near. When he did just that, Katy was ready, ducking easily under the punch. Deftly moving from defense to offense, Katy popped up and siezed the man’s shoulders, drawing his off balance body back toward her. From the corner of her eye she saw Monica staring up at her, the girl’s black eyes wide and bright, her mouth hanging open in astonishment. How about I show you what a woman can do, Katy thought as she stepped back, loading her right leg.

Just as she did, a ray of sun broke through the hovering clouds. When she drove her leg forward,  the sunlight hit Katy’s thin, sleek tights, causing her thigh to flash like a bolt of lightning as it swept upward. Thunder immediately followed. The thunder of Katy’s perfectly shaped leg, bent like an arrow piercing a bullseye, as she kneed the man in the balls as hard as she possibly could.

A single grunt escaped him before his head slammed against the concrete. He was knocked out cold. The fight was over.

Katy stood over his motionless body as wave after wave of emotions coursed through her: relief that she had come out victorious, pride that she had knocked him out, glee that it was due to her knee smashing his balls, and delight that Monica had witnessed it. All of these fused together and filled Katy with an overwhelming sensation of power. A righteous power only a female could ever feel.

As she studied him, Katy noticed all the hardness had leaked from his countenance and that he actually looked quite peaceful, like he was merely sleeping. A haughty grin snuck onto Katy’s lips. Sleep like a baby now, she thought as the images of all the boys she treated earlier flitted through her brain, because when you come to, your balls are gonna be screaming. I hope they hurt you terribly.

“Holy shit!”

The small, awestruck voice brought Katy back to reality and she glanced past the man to its source.

“You knocked him out.”

Katy smiled at the stupefied wonder in Monica’s tone as the girl’s eyes darted back and forth from Katy to the man and then back to Katy.

“I mean, fuck, you just up and kneed him right in the balls!”

Something in Monica’s dark eyes lurked behind the sheer awe and Katy quickly realized what it was. Envy. Not of her but of what she had done. Katy’s heart went out to the girl in empathy. It was only natural that Monica would’ve wanted to be the one to knee him. She stepped around the man and knelt beside Monica.

“I sure did,” Katy said, giving the girl a free pass on her profanity while comforting her with a confident and reassuring gaze. “Hey, how’s your head?”

Monica rubbed at the small bump hidden by her long, black hair. “It hurts but I’ll be fine. Just kinda stunned me, ya know?”

“Glad it’s not too bad,” Katy said, rising and holding out her hand.

“That was awesome,” Monica gushed, looking down at the fallen man as she stood beside Katy after being helped up. “Is he moving?” Terror ripped across Monica’s face as she looked over at Katy.

It was true, the man was beginning to stir. And while it clearly terrified Monica, Katy wasn’t worried in the least. Even if he did regain consciousness, what was he going to do? As she pondered the anxiety she found in Monica’s eyes, an idea struck Katy.

“You want to give it a try?” She asked the girl with a wry grin.

“What?” Monica asked, not catching Katy’s drift.

Katy patted the girl on the shoulder. “He’s coming around,” she said as the man propped himself up slowly, resting on his hands and knees. Before she could continue, the man moaned and dropped onto his side, clutching at his groin. The two women listened to his anguished cries as screamed about how bad his ‘fuckin’ balls’ hurt. When Katy couldn’t take it any longer, she looked at Monica, her irritation evident. “This is ridiculous. How about we shut him up?” As Monica stared blankly at Katy, she explained. “It’ll be easy and I think you’ll be glad we did. Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’ll get him to his feet and make sure he’s not going anywhere. Then you kick him.”

While Monica seemed dubious at first, Katy could see the excitement building as a light began to shine in her inky eyes. Quickly Katy stepped over and reached under the man’s arms. He resisted, glaring at her, but then his strength left him. His dead weight was still a load, but Katy managed to pull him up and position him in front of Monica.

“Now,” Katy commanded, “I want you to kick him in the balls as hard as you can. Do not hold back.” As she spoke, the man began squirming vigorously in her grasp at the realization of what was about to happen, so Katy locked her legs inside his and tightened her grip around his neck. Despite her struggling, Katy caught sight of the concentration in Monica’s level gaze and her heart nearly sang. The girl was actually going to do it.

“Don’t do it, Mon,” the man cried suddenly. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t do it!”

Unfortunately for him, his pleading had the opposite effect of what he hoped for. Instead of appeasing her, it only deepened Monica’s desire to make him hurt. She gathered all the strength in her willowy frame and took a deep breath. His legs were spread wide, thanks to Katy’s strenuous efforts and she eyed his groin in concentration.

As if it might unleash all her pent up fears and frustration, Monica drove her foot as hard as she could straight into her intended target. The pleading look in her victim’s eye disappeared first into a whirl of panic and then into a blaze of agony as she kicked his balls with all her might. They crunched audibly much to her delight.

Katy felt the man buckle as Monica connected and quickly released him. She watched, satisfied, as he dropped to the ground, once again out cold. She smiled at Monica, but the girl was too engrossed by what she’d done to notice. Katy could appreciate that so she simply leaned back against the fence and let the girl enjoy the spoils of victory.

Eventually, Monica came back to Earth, her eyes filling with gratitude as she looked at Katy. “That. Was. The. Best.” She said, sounding heady and full of herself.

“I know,” said Katy with all honesty as she walked over and took Monica’s arm. “How about I check out your head and you tell me all about what was going on before I got here.” When Monica nodded, Katy smirked and added, “Oh, and you can tell me all about how it felt to really kick his balls good. Because you did, you know.”

The girl put a slender, dainty hand to her mouth and giggled.

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Replies to This Discussion

You're a great writer. Hope to keep seeing more of your stuff here!

Wow, great chapter!

Finally Katy got her own chance to bust a pair :o)

Hope it will not be the last time her knee greets some balls ;o)



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