Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen

Somehow, by the time school let out for the day, the teachers remained unaware of the shenanigans that had occurred. Though the rumor mill was in high gear amongst the students, they were able to keep it under the radar – not that the teachers showed any real signs of curiosity. Only Katy knew the full scope of events because she’d had to treat all the unfortunate boys. And while she’d had her share of conversations with her peers throughout the day, she witheld them from conversation, not wanting anyone to get in trouble. But it would have been fun to see their reactions which made sitting on it very difficult. Katy giggled imagining the dazed, stunned look on Mr. Thomas’s face and could totally see the gym teacher getting all red – whether from embarrassment or outrage, she wasn’t sure.  Her giggles increased when Sheila Tinney’s spritelike face popped into her head. Despite the woman’s bookishness and naturally withdrawn demeanor, Katy got the idea that hearing of the events would have put a thrill of excitement into the diminutive woman. Alas, for now anyway, Katy held it as exciting little secret she could own just for herself, to  draw on when her mood needed a bit of a lift.

After the whole ambulance thing, Katy had seen only two boys the rest of the afternoon. Both cases seemed relatively routine to Katy as far as injuries went, especially after the craziness of Billy’s traumatic experience. Neither required the assistance of Jack Sanders, which actually disappointed Katy since she’d come to enjoy seeing his bewilderment as his friends dropped like flies around him. The first boy came in of his own accord. He walked in, hunched slightly while holding his lower stomach, barely making eye contact when he asked if she had an ice pack. She handed him one and he shuffled out before Katy could even ask what had happened. She frowned sadly but restrained herself from calling after him even though intuition left no doubt as to where the girl’s blow had landed.

The final case, however, astonished Katy – and absolutely delighted her.

A tentative knock rapped against her door as she was completing some paperwork. When she opened up, she found Trent Mills, the star quarterback gazing at her once again with worry in his eyes. Unlike the fear that had accompanied his worry as she tended to his teammate Tony, this expression seemed rather uncertain, as if he was doubting something.

“My girlfriend Gina doesn’t seem to be feeling well,” he began as he nudged her into the office. “She doesn’t feel hot or anything like she has a fever.” His thick eyebrows knitted in confusion.

For her part, Gina was standing there slouched, looking down at the ground, her long, blonde hair hanging over her face. If her posture was any indication, Katy thought, then the girl clearly didn’t look well – a far cry from the knockout Katy remembered thinking she was. Gina always struck her as the kind of girl that knows the value of her looks – and especially her body – and that she had no problems using it to send her male classmates into hornyland, driving them crazy with lust. But now she seemed almost hollow, so when Katy came around her desk and as she went to draw Gina’s gaze to hers, the girl suddenly straightened and stunned Katy with a fiery gaze. Katy shrank back, worried the girl was crazed.

“Actually,” Gina said with a tone of superiority, transforming instantly into the teenage bombshell Katy recalled. “I’m quite fine. I just wanted a good reason to lure Trent here.”

Katy glanced over at Trent and saw his deep eyes go large in surprise. “Why?” She asked Gina.

“So I could do this,” Gina said, turning to face her boyfriend after flashing Katy a devilish grin.

Before Katy could even react, Gina reached up and placed her hands firmly on Trent’s shoulders as confusion swelled in his eyes. Without warning she rammed her knee up hard between his legs. Katy watched, mesmerized, as the skin tight denim of Gina’s jeans sank into Trent’s groin making the  hefty bulge in his pants dance and jump. Her eyes darted over to Trent and her lips parted in a grin at what she saw. His eyes bugged out as a gurgling ‘ooof’ escaped him. Katy’s smile reached up into her eyes when she saw the utter disbelief in his bulging eyes. His brain was failing to process the situation because the pain radiating from his groin overrode everthing. Seeing the boy take a hard knee to his balls from a girl, especially a girl as sensual  and pretty as Gina, sent a delicious warmth through Katy. Without even thinking about it, she let a hand slide between her legs and pressed the soft fabric of her dress against her groin, subtly carassing the most intimate part of herself. The display of girl power was so overwhelmingly sexy and thrilling that Katy simply couldn’t help herself. At the sound of a leering, feminine voice, her attentions drifted back toward Gina.

“I heard about your stupid little prank,” Gina chided the handsome, but grimacing, boy doubled over before her. “Well, that’s what I think of it.”

Katy melted a little inside at the way the girl stood, her legs spread slightly and her arms cocked against her hips, as confidence oozed out of her. When Trent’s brain finally processed Gina’s revelation, Katy’s hand rubbed a little firmer at the guilty dismay that clouded his stricken, pain-saturated eyes. He looked like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, except that instead of forgoing a delicious treat, he was swallowing down the huge plate of pain Gina had served him.

“And this,” Gina sneered as her boyfriend held up his arms in a weak protest, “is ME – ” She slapped his arms easily to the side as she grabbed him roughly about the shoulders, continuing her diatribe. “Breaking up…with…YOU!” The exclamation point came in a physical form which was her knee once again thundering between his legs.

As the girl crushed her boyfriend’s balls for a second time, Katy’s lips became a circle as she oohed delightfully. When Trent crumbled like a wet paper sack, falling to both knees, cupping his jewels preciously on the floor before his prettily flushing, exuberant, and now ex-girlfriend, Katy nearly climaxed.

“He’s all yours,” Gina said, glancing at Katy and interrupting the nurse’s reverie. Then, with a sassy flare, she tossed her long blonde hair and strode evenly from the room, leaving Katy and Trent alone to sort out the aftermath.

Though she was one hundred percent into men, there was something alluring and erotic to Katy about the way Gina’s ass danced in the tight denim as the girl exited. The pull of confidence was strong and Katy could not keep herself from falling victim. The girl deserves my utmost admiration as much as Trent deserved to have her knee him, she thought.

“Mrs. Callahan.”

Katy’s eyes darted back to the humbled boy on her office floor at the sound of his choked, croaking voice. It sounded weak and unsure and it made Katy warm all over again. The girl had totally humbled him. Passion overriding good sense, Katy looked at him, her eyes a façade of sympathy, and said sweetly, “Oh Trent, she really kneed your balls hard, didn’t she, Honey? Do you need me to get you some ice?”

Trent’s head fell under the weight of his shame but the small nod he gave made Katy chuckle as she went to fetch more ice. By the time she returned, Trent was sitting in a chair, the back of his head pressed against the wall, eyes closed, one arm stretched along the length of his thigh, his other hand held tightly around his nuts. Even with his eyes shut tight, Katy could see the misery etched into every fiber of his being. She studied him for several seconds, drinking in his pained appearance and getting excited all over again over why he was in so much pain. With much reluctance, she finally closed the door with enough force to cause Trent to crack an eyelid.

“I have the ice pack,” she said brightly, holding it in her outstretched hand and waving it like should would a treat for a puppy. She was about to bring it to him but then reconsidered. Instead, she stood pat and watched as he slowly picked his broad frame up off the chair and gingerly made his way over to her. Each step looked like a monumental effort and it aroused Katy to see him struggle. As he limped toward her, his hand clutching more firmly at his groin in response to the pain his movement caused, Katy felt her nipples harden against the fabric of her bra. She glanced down and could see the twin bumps outlined by the clinging cotton of her dress, which stretched tightly, forming  several lines across her breasts from nipple to nipple to reveal the full size of Katy’s breasts. For a moment she thought about covering herself, but quickly pushed the notion aside. Why not let him see her arousal? It would be good for him to know that women find a man getting his balls busted stimulating. Some women anyway.

Without meeting her eye, Trent plucked the ice pack from Katy’s hand and mumbled, “Thanks.” When she stepped aside, he moved around her and made for the door.

“Oh, and Trent?” She said before he could get away. He turned back, looking at her but still not meeting her eye. “I’d apply ice regularly the rest of the day if I were you. Girls can really do a lot of damage when they want to.” She laughed as he slunk away, head hanging.

What a day, Katy thought as she sat back down behind her desk, rubbing absently at the silky smooth material of her nylons. A sense of pride washed over her and she felt immense pleasure at the way the girls of the school had handled themselves today. From everything that she was aware of, not a single girl had missed her opportunity to make a boy’s balls hurt. By her count, Katy figured, it meant things stood as such: Girls – seven, Boys – zero.

The girls had routed the boys thoroughly and sent a ripple of awe through the student population. Girls were beginning to understand their prowess and capabilities while the boys were learning how easily they could be humbled by the fairer sex.

But as good as she felt for the girls, there was a little piece of her that felt cheated. Seeing all those bruised balls made her wish she could’ve been in on the fun. It would’ve felt great to be the woman giving it good to the guy.

The final bell rang and as the last of their tones faded away, a cheery thought struck Katy. The school day might be done but there’s still a lot of day left. Who knows what might happen?

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Another great chapter. 

Wow! So great, i really like where this story is going...!

Love the detailed descriptions of the bustings, so hot!



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