Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve

Over the summer between his junior and senior years, Jack finally got around to watching a movie his uncle had told him about. The title sounded rather unappealing but Uncle Tim swore he’d like it. As it turned out, Dead Poet’s Society was a great movie and Jack especially enjoyed the scene where Mr. Keating extolled the lads to “sieze the day” and make their lives extraordinary. Except it was the Latin phrase “carpe diem” that truly caught his attention. He decided to tape the phrase to his locker on the first day of his senior year to give himself some daily inspiration.

Now, as he stood in front of his locker, he saw that someone had put a fat, black line through “diem” and, in very dainty handwriting, had written underneath another word: “orbes.” Jack had a pretty good idea what it meant and, after a quick check on his phone, his suspicions were confirmed. He looked closely at the handwriting, thinking he should recognize it. A frown stole onto his face when it hit him. Of course it had to be Missy who’d defaced his locker.

“Sieze the orbs?”

Jack looked over and saw Billy, his locker mate and also the football team’s equipment manager, peering at the index card taped to Jack’s locker. He gave Billy a black look and shook his head.

“What’s that all about?” Billy asked as he dumped his backpack into his own locker.

“It’s just Missy trying to get my goat, I think,” Jack answered, hoping Billy would drop it.

“Why?” Billy asked, not dropping it.

Jack scrubbed at his face. “Have you not heard what’s been happening today?” He tried to keep the exasperation from his voice but it came through anyway.

“No,” Billy replied, sounding a little hurt.

“You heard about this little prank some of the guys were going to pull, right?” Jack continued, getting his tone under control.


“Well, basically, we were all supposed to break up with our girlfriend’s today. Some kind of show of comraderie,” Jack added when Billy looked at him, confused.

“Huh,” Billy muttered. “I broke up with Kelly yesterday. I wished I’d have known because I’d have waited until today.”

“Did you want to break up with her?” Jack asked, surprised by Billy’s revelation.

“Oh yeah,” Billy said, but his tone sounded ambivalent to Jack’s ears. “We were kinda just drifting apart. At least that’s how it felt to me.”

Jack studied his locker mate for a beat. Billy was short and skinny but had intriguing gray-black eyes that made him seem a bit mysterious in spite of the perpetual wink they seemed to carry. He wasn’t much of an athlete but he was good at making people feel good about themselves, especially when it came to Jack and his teammates. Billy must’ve have truly wanted to cut things off with Kelly because Jack didn’t think he would’ve done it on a lark just to hurt her feelings like the rest of the guys were doing. “I’m sorry to hear that Billy, but be glad you did it yesterday and not today,” Jack said in a somber voice.

“Why’s that?”

“Let’s just say it hasn’t been going well for any of the guys who’ve participated in the prank.”

Billy looked at Jack, his coal eyes losing their wink. “Did you break up with, um, Sareena?” He asked, pulling out her name at the last moment.

Jack smiled. “No I didn’t. And I’m not going to,” he answered firmly.

Billy chuckled. “I suppose the guys won’t like that.”

“I’m sure they didn’t like getting their nuts kicked either,” Jack answered before his good sense could stop him.

“What?” Billy blurted, his eyes looking as gray as the rest of his countenance. “What are you talking about?”

Jack slung his backpack over a shoulder and started off toward class with Billy hot on his heels.  Without turning his head, Jack grumbled, “Colin, Tristan, Tony, hell, all of them, had to go see the nurse after they broke up with their girlfriends because each of them got it in the balls when they did. It’s been a truly terrible day.”

“Jesus,” Billy said, his voice sounding sick. “No wonder you don’t want to break up with Sareena. Man am I glad I ended it with Kelly yesterday.”

Jack was about to agree when suddenly Billy’s body went sailing ahead of him. He cringed when Billy’s bony body hit the linoleum with a sharp crack. Wheeling around, Jack saw Kelly leering past him, her eyes narrowed on Billy’s sprawling frame, standing with her hands on her hips. He glanced back to Billy just in time to see the poor guy curl into a ball as he grabbed his groin. As Jack knelt to check on Billy, he looked back at Kelly. She was still glaring but there was a definite thrill in her blazing blue eyes.

Ignoring Jack, Kelly cocked her hip arrogantly and flipped her flowing blonde hair. “That’s for breaking up with me,” she spat.

Jack’s jaw dropped as he gaped at Kelly. He was so stunned he couldn’t even react when she pushed hard on his shoulder, sending him onto his ass next to Billy. His dismay only increased as he watched Kelly reach down and grab Billy’s knees, pulling his legs apart roughly.

“This is to help you remember our break up,” Kelly said, sneering down at Billy. Then she raised her thick, hard-soled Mary Jane and stomped down hard on his groin, smashing his fingers against his testicles and his testicles against the ungiving floor.

Jack blanched as the sound of cracking echoed in his ears, followed by an anguished howl as the pain of his broken knuckles and the pain of his smashed balls registered harshly in Billy’s brain.

As Billy returned to the fetal position, he squeezed his thighs around his injured hands and tried to quell the pain in his busted balls with his forearms. The veins in his neck and head looked ready to burst as he groaned thickly. Then he puked.


The feminine cry of disgust broke Jack from his trance and he quickly glanced around to find several students gathered around them. The cry had come from a somewhat nerdy looking girl with a wide face that was now scrunched up in disgust. Next to her was an Asian girl recognized but didn’t know. She, too, looked disgusted but she was smiling anyway. Behind Billy were two boys Jack didn’t know but they both looked green in the gills and one of them had a hand in his own groin in some sort of instinctive sympathy.

For her part, Kelly didn’t look disgusted at all. In fact, Jack thought, she looked mighty pleased with herself. She looked over at the two male gawkers and sneered. They shrank back from her gaze and then hurried off. Turning to the girls, Kelly favored them with a conceited grin.

“That’s how you do it girls,” Kelly said as the girls stared at her with wide eyes. “Smash his balls hard enough to make him puke. That’s when you know it hurts.”

The girls looked overwhelmed – almost fearful – as Kelly lectured them. The nerdy girl’s eyes fell to the floor under Kelly’s intense gaze as she shifted her weight uncomfortably. Without a word, she turned to go. As she did, the Asian girl looked as if she was about to say something and to Jack it seemed like she wanted to commend Kelly for what she’d done. Instead, she nodded slightly and then followed after the other girl.

As they walked off, Jack felt Kelly’s gaze on him and he looked up at her from his seated position. Instead of saying anything, she flicked her Mary Jane in the direction of Jack’s groin and then tittered when he covered his vulnerable spot with his hands. “Smart boy,” Kelly said as she strutted away, leaving Jack to sigh with relief that she didn’t make good on her little threat.

Jack stood shakily, his nerves momentarily wrecked, as he looked around, not even sure what he was looking for. His nose wrinkled at the sight of the small pool of vomit by Billy’s head and Jack decided that was the first thing he needed to tend to. With the hallway emptied and Billy looking like an absolute mess, Jack figured it would be best to let him try and recover before attempting to moving him forcefully. He rushed off to the restroom and grabbed a giant was of paper towels. Then he grabbed some more just to be safe.

Nudging Billy aside, Jack sopped up the thick liquid, trying not to add to it, and then wrapped the soggy wad in the extra paper towels he’d grabbed. After dumping them in the trash, he went back to Billy and asked how he was doing. Billy could only moan in response.  Ah fuck, Jack thought, realizing they were not that far from Mrs. Callahan’s office. Here we go again.

“This might hurt,” he said to Billy, who cracked an eye distrustfully. “But try to relax. I’m going to drag you to the nurse’s office.” Despite the protest in Billy’s eyes, Jack did just that, feeling grateful Billy was only half the size of his football buddies.


Jack heard Mrs. Callahan’s voice as he rapped on her door. “It’s Jack Sanders. Again,” he added with a sigh. He heard the clacking of heels and then the door swung open.

“Hello again, Jack,” Katy said. Her voice was light but there was a dubious look in her eye. “No more trouble I hope?”

Jack shook his head and motioned for Mrs. Callahan to step outside.

“Oh dear,” Katy murmured as she put a hand to her mouth. The skinny boy slumped against the wall looked utterly miserable. “Another break-up?”

Jack shrugged. “Kinda. Billy was following me down the hall and then suddenly he went sprawling ahead of me. Since our backs were turned, I didn’t see anything, but it’s obvious that Kelly kicked him you know where. Poor guy never saw it coming.”

“Kelly?” Katy asked, trying to conjure up an image of the girl who’d done this.

“Morton,” Jack answered. “Kelly Morton, Billy’s ex-girlfriend.”

“Ah,” Katy said, placing the name with the face. Kelly had a soft face but smooth, clear skin and full lips. She was average height for a girl but thick and curvy in all the right places. Katy’s heart smiled as she pictured Kelly sneaking up behind Jack and Billy, the two boys blissfully unaware. She could see Kelly’s leg swing back and then drive forward as it launched Billy’s narrow frame airborne as she kicked his balls hard from behind. “Well, he seems to be in a lot of pain from just one kick.”

Jack shook his head. “Oh no, Mrs. Callahan, that’s not it. While he was on the ground, covering himself up, Kelly stomped on him. I think she broke his fingers.”

This caught Katy’s attention and she stooped over to get a better view. As she took Billy’s arms, lifting them gently, he could’ve had the best view in the school had he not been so out of it. With her hands busy inspecting Billy’s fingers, she had no way to cover her chest as her dress hung loosely, exposing her deep cleavage. Alas, it went unseen.

“You’re right, Jack,” Katy said, rising. “It feels like he has a broken knuckle – possibly two. Can you help me get him into my office?”

After they dragged Billy inside and hoisted him onto a chair, Katy nodded toward her desk. “Hopefully you won’t need any more,” she joked as Jack tore off a late pass from the pad on her desk.

“Thanks Mrs. Callahan,” Jack said, tucking the note into his pocket. “I hope so, too.”

As Jack exited, Katy sighed. While it made for a busy day, a part of her truly hoped Jack would need another one. There was something satisfying about getting to treat all these injured boys. Men, she quickly corrected herself. These boys are full-grown men. Which meant they had men-sized testicles. Which meant the target was nice and big. And, so far, the girls weren’t missing.

Katy looked back at the heap of a young man on the chair across from her desk. He wasn’t big like the others she’d treated earlier but clearly it didn't keep Kelly from missing, either. And even if his knuckles prevented part of the blow, his balls were obviously hurting and Katy’s body tingled with desire as she made her way over to him. Her heart quickened with the anticipation of what her inspection might uncover.

It always did when Katy knew a boy’s tender balls were left bruised and swollen because of a pretty girl.

Views: 323

Replies to This Discussion

Nice continuation!

Very well written stories. This one was surprisingly short compared to the others, but still well worth the read. You've got us all anticipating the next chapter. So when can we expect it to be posted?

After the holidays when I get back home. Meant to post there would be a break in the action. Sorry.

Hi Joe

Hope you had some nice holidays ;o)

Any chance of more chapters in this series? I am hungry for more, and hope that Katy will soon introduce her nyloned knees into some boys balls :o)

I love the idea of this. Thank you.



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