Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven

Jack stared at the second hand of the clock and watched it circle slowly, almost painfully so. This day couldn’t end soon enough. And he still needed to catch up with Sareena and let her know about the break-up prank and how stupid it was to him. The taste of bile touched the back of his throat as he recalled the awfulness of the day. Four of his teammates had gone through with the prank and all four them were left icing their balls in return. He’d never seen any of those guys look so pained before and, frankly, it frightened Jack to see. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he’d been hearing girlish giggles all around him as the day progressed and overhead plenty of gleeful tittering as his female classmates shared amongst themselves different versions of things they’d heard or seen.

“Did you hear about Tristan?” Asked a girl Jack knew to be a cheerleader, sounding almost breathless with excitement. He’d seen the other girl’s brunette pony tail bobbing up and down and heard her knowing giggle. “Oh yeah. I heard Lacey kneed him in the balls because he broke up with her.” Her laugh only grew louder as the cheerleader, sounding smugly happy, retorted, “Actually, she kneed him three times and he had to go to the nurse to get his nuts checked. I’ll bet Lacey crunched ‘em like a nutcracker.” Now they were both laughing hysterically. Jack wanted to slam their pretty heads together but instead swallowed down his ire.

Sitting in the back row of another class, he overhead two other girls mocking Colin. “I wish I could’ve been there,” said the first girl, whispering across the aisle in front of Jack. “Me too,” the other girl whispered, flashing her friend lugubrious eyes. “It would’ve been awesome to see Missy kick him in the balls.” When she broke into a smile the first girl said dreamily, “For sure. I bet she kicked him super hard, too.” The image of Missy’s foot blasting into Colin’s groin sprang into Jack’s mind and he’d looked away from them, sickened at the thought of his buddy curled up on the ground.

“Glad you could join us,” Mr. Thomas said lighly, though there was some irritation in his tone.

Jack looked up, grateful for the interruption of his dour recollections, and saw a girl with big, round glasses and rather mussy hair standing in the doorway. He couldn’t remember her name but he’d seen her around. She was with that big kid who always hung around Tony like a goddamned shadow, Jack recalled. Except she looked different. He’d remembered his impression of her as rather mousy, but as she looked at Mr. Thomas, she seemed almost defiant, like she wanted people to see her come in late. Her face looked flush, too, but not in an embarrassed way – more like she was excited about something.

“Take a seat, Tamara,” Mr. Thomas said, waving toward an empty desk. “And see me after class.”

“Ooooh,” came a chorus from the peanut gallery, which Mr. Thomas hushed quickly with a scowl.

Jack watched Tamara stride to the desk, her head held high, chin in the air and it struck Jack how at odds her confidence was with how he’d always seen her when she was with that kid always shadowing Tony. He pushed it aside and tried to concentrate on what Mr. Thomas was saying but his mind kept wandering which infuriated Jack because it kept going back to the morning’s break-ups instead.

A movement from outside the second floor window caught his eye and he glanced outside to see a big body shuffling across the parking lot. It was the big kid Tamara was with. Jack peered harder and saw that the kid was holding his stomach, like he had a bad cramp, as he ducked between parked cars. He looked like he was trying to move quickly but he just couldn’t find the extra gear.

For some reason, Jack looked over to the desk Tamara was sitting at and found her staring out the window as well. A slow smile crept onto her face as she watched the big kid hunt down his car. In fact, Jack could almost hear her laughing as the kid climbed into the driver’s seat of his old truck, looking rather pained as he stepped up on the running board. When he saw Tamara’s smile grow even wider, Jack realized what must have happened. Oh no, he thought, feeling sick again. Though he could barely bring himself to believe it, considering how diminutive in both size and spirit Tamara had seemed, Jack could feel the truth of what had happened like a dagger in his heart. He sighed, utterly disheartened. That makes five, he thought ruefully. At least this one was able to make a getaway, unlike Colin, Tristan, Zach or Tony. But still, he looked like he’d seen better days, Jack admitted as the truck tore out of the parking lot.

The final thirty minutes of class finally elapsed and as Jack made his way toward the door, his suspicions were confirmed as he heard Tamara talking excitedly with the girl who’d been sitting in front of her as they exited together. “It was amazing,” Jack heard Tamara gush. “I totally punched him in the face – oh, wait, that was after I’d already punched him square in the jewels.” Jack heard Tamara laugh heartily as the other girl gasped. “You punched him in the balls?” She asked, sounding incredulous but excited. “Oh yeah,” Tamara beamed. “I kicked him, too.” “What?!” The other girl cried in disbelief. Tamara nodded happily. “Damn girl. That’s incredible.” “I know, right?” Tamara agreed, starting to laugh again. “You should’ve seen him drop. He just laid there on the gym floor holding his nuts. It was absolutely hilarious.” When Jack saw the other girl glance over to a group of guys filing out of the classroom and give a hungry look, Jack let his eyes drop to the ground like maybe by doing so he’d become invisible. Tamara’s tale had clearly excited the girl and now she looked like all she wanted to do was give this nutcracking thing a try for herself.  Considering the girl was nearly as tall as Jack was, he wanted nothing more than to avoid eye contact lest she try it out on him.

It wasn’t until he was well on his way down the hall that Jack realized he was still covering his groin with one hand. Quickly, he pulled it away and tried to walk a little straighter. Still, it was hard for Jack to walk with any confidence when all he could think about was how the girls were having their way, so completely and so easily, with the guys – the girls busting their balls hard at every opportunity,  it seemed. He shook his head, feeling sorry for himself and all the other guys. It really was a bad day to own a set of testicles.

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Replies to This Discussion

Great continuation! Hoping for more exams in the nurse's office. You are a very good writer. 



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