Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six

Katy walked out of the teacher’s lounge and blew on the steaming mug of coffee she’d just poured. Wanting to avoid the crush of students, she’d given herself an extra five minutes after she heard the bell ring before heading back to her office. As she passed one of the short corridors that connected with the school’s main artery, she caught a shadow from the corner of her eye. She stopped and leaned back into the opening of the corridor and was surprised to see someone curled up in front of the lockers. Quickly, but not so fast that she spilled her coffee, Katy turned down the short hallway toward the figure. Her nose crinkled as she moved through a thick wall of homornal odors and the wispy hairs on the back of her neck stood up in response to the lingering excitement hanging in the air of the vacated hall. Clearly she had just missed something big.

“Hey,” Katy said, making her voice soft and soothing. “Are you okay?” One brown eye, so dark it was almost black, opened to reveal slivers of red spreading out from the young man’s iris – the unmistakeable sign of tears. He was definitely not okay. “What happened?” Though her voice remained soft and calm, Katy could feel the leftover excitement seeping into her as her curiosity surged.

“She…ungghh…she kicked…ungghh…me.” The boy’s breathing was shallow and heavy as he struggled to speak and his open eye closed as if the effort was just too much.

“Who? Who kicked you?” Katy probed.


“Vanessa who?”


“Vanessa Spiro?” Katy asked, making sure she heard him right. That girl was just a tiny little thing. She saw his head nod ever so slightly. “And where did she kick you?” Once again, Katy already knew the answer. A guy would only allow himself to be in such a position, curled into a protective shell, if he’d experienced some kind of testicular trauma. But still, there was something exciting about making him spell it out.

“In the…ungghh…groin,” he admitted weakly.

“Oh my,” Katy gasped, faking a mixture of shock and sympathy. “She kicked you…in the testicles?” When the boy cringed visibly, Katy couldn’t help but smile. Why is it so difficult for a guy to admit he got his balls kicked by a girl? The thought amused her and her smile widened. She nearly licked her lips when his hands seemed to close tighter around the wounded area. Katy squatted down on her heels, trying to lower herself to his level. In order to balance, she had to hold her back stiff which caused her breasts to jut out dangerously close to the boy’s face. She peeked down briefly and felt a sense of pride well up inside her as her view confirmed how nice her tits looked. Perhaps it would do the boy some good to see them looming large, she thought. She put a hand gently on his shoulder. “On a scale of one to ten, how bad does it hurt?” She could’ve sworn the boy started to say ten but then he opened his eyes again. It was like she could see his strength visibly returning to him as his eyes focused in on her chest.

“It’s not that bad,” he said, forcing volume into his voice while letting his eyes linger greedily.

Katy sighed, but what did she expect. It must be some kind of natural reflex to cultivate bravado, no matter how obviously false, whenever a man saw a good-looking woman – especially one practically pushing her boobs in his face. Whether it was innate or not, such ogling, if the circumstances were just a little different, would’ve earned the man a sharp slap right across the face. Sure, she might’ve been making it hard for him to look away or not stare, but that was just too bad for him. In fact, Katy remembered, smiling to herself, hadn’t she done that very thing to John when they’d first met? She’d been wearing a tight top with a plunging neckline and a bra that really pushed her boobs together making her cleavage nearly irresistable. As she and John had talked she found his eyes continually slipping down, lingering longer and longer until she finally felt compelled to clear her throat in a chastizing manner. When he looked up, his eyes wide with guilt, she slapped him so hard he dropped his drink. It made her feel good to see him rubbing at his reddened cheek as he stumbled over himself to apologize. Looking back now, it was regrettable. She’d missed a golden opportunity to follow up that slap with nice, swift knee right in the balls to really drive her point home. Knee in the balls! The words flashed into her brain. Shit!

Quickly, Katy composed herself and offered her perspective. “It looks like it hurts pretty bad to me. Lucky for you, I’m Mrs. Callahan, the nurse, and I think I can help,” she said, beginning to rise.

“You can?” The boy asked, looking briefly dejected as Katy’s full bosom disappeared from his field of vision before he turned his eyes to hers with cautious hope.

“It’s probably nothing a little ice can’t help,” Katy replied, trying to sound reassuring. She offered a hand. It took several tries, the boy groaning miserably with each attempt, but eventually Katy was able to get him to his feet and steer him back to her office. It felt strangely empowering to Katy to feel the big boy leaning heavily against her as they walked. Suddenly, her heart went out to Vanessa. How great would she have felt if she were in Katy’s position right now? After all, it was she who’d made his balls hurt so bad he could hardly walk. Alas, it was Katy who got to enjoy the pleasure of feeling his large frame, knowing it was weakened now because of a girl, using her as support.

Once they were back in her office, Katy got the boy’s details and was able to do a quick inspection. While it wasn’t as bad as Tristan’s situation, there was definitely a good deal of redness and some scrotal swelling. Fortunately, as with Tristan, there was no serious damage. Just a great deal of pain.

“It looks like you’re going to be fine, Zach,” Katy said as he carefully zipped his jeans. “But don’t be surprised if the pain lingers for the rest of the day,” she added, frowning slightly to show him she understood how much it sucked. “I would suggest, though, applying ice right now for about fifteen minutes and then again this afternoon if you can. And definitely this evening when you get home.” She handed Zach a bag of ice and a late pass and instructed him to hit the restroom to do his icing since she had a phone call to take.

After his slow exit, while Katy waited on her call, she found her mind drifting. It wasn’t even lunch and already she’d had three visitors. Was this just a hint at what was to come or would the afternoon find her even busier? Since it was so much fun to see these big, macho young men having to hold their balls because some sweet, pretty girl had kicked them, Katy hoped for the latter. But even if it wasn’t the latter, Katy would still head home smiling.

As it stood now, the score was: Girls 3 – Boys 0.

Views: 222

Replies to This Discussion

Another great segment! With your great writing style, I would love to have you describe in some detail when she examines the boys, their embarrassment, and pain. 



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