A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Hey guys, your worst nightmare here. Today I want you guys to share with me something special. I want to hear your broken ball stories. Have you lost one ? Almost lost one? Know someone who has lost a ball ? Accidents, or intentional ? You brave enough to share your pain with me? Because i really want to hear it .
about 12 years ago, I was dating a girl who once castrated a guy. It was on an big festival event in germany, with a lot of alcohol. Many woman get raped at these days. A guy forced her to the toilet and forced her to give him a blowjob. She has been raped earlier when she was younger, and didnt wanted it to happen again. so she just bite down on his balls with all her might, untill they were seperated from him.
No idea, maybe they could be reattached ;)
What did she do with them? BTW that is a well deserved outcome.
Girls also can BITE a testicle in half with their teeth. They do not have to removed them or pierce the sack to destroy em with a mouthful of teeth. In many cultures women bite down on the scrotum of animals like Reindeer to control the breeding. THey bite dem nuts in half, or chew em a bit more while just inside the sack.
Yeah, I know of someone. We're not really close enough to talk about it, but the only information I have is that "he was playing basketball and one of the other kids had a pencil in his back pocket", and now the guy only has one ball.
I knew some dork in high school at was older than me that everybody thought was a total loser. His parents would buy him stuff like a CHERRY restored 1964 Mustang. Then he instantly crashed it. So they bought him a CHERRY original VW microbus camper. Anyways, We hung out with him sometimes because we would smoke weed in his bus. He was telling me and other people how this girl Kelly, who hand long red hair and was a rather large girl who looked kinda like a Goth/punk bull dike kicked him in the balls for being annoying with her steel toed boots. He said he lost one of his testicles to her kick and it was removed.
I had a home made ball crusher and a really good female ballbusting friend of mine. She loved to use the ball crusher on me and said it was her favorite form of ballbusting. BUT she always wanted to KICK my balls as well. Never just crush them. Anyways, one time she had the ballcrusher on me and was smashing my nuts really hard. I couldn't take the squeeze and ball pain anymore and I asked her to stop and let it off. She said "ok" Then she started turning the Red handle on the F CLAMP clockwise. To my horror I realized, That the pain I was unable to take anymore was gettting WAY beyond what I could take since I was already at my hard limit. She turned the handle what felt like about 3 full rotations. My balls felt a pain they never had before. Even having women stand with their FULL WEIGHT on my testicles with about 150-170 pounds of force was nothing like this feeling. I was sure my balls were going to pop any second and castration was imminent.
She just kinda looked at me for an unknown length of time, while I writhed a tiny bit nearly unable to speak. In a SUPER HIGH PITCHED whimpering voice I begged her and pleaded with her to please take off the pressure on my balls. She said "O Ok' and I could no longer tell if she was turning the handle on the F clamp to release me or if it was getting harder. My testes were at a point where they were no longer relaying pain information correctly to my brain. As she turned the handle I told her I cant tell if its being turned the right way anymore and to please not do it harder and let me go.
Afterwards I asked her if she MEANT to do that or if it was an accident turning the handle even harder when i told her I couldnt take it anymore. She said she meant to do it harder than I could take. I asked her wasnt she worried my balls would pop, since I was already at my limit and couldnt take it anymore. To which she just replied "Nope" I think she also did not care if they popped at that point in time. She was a sweetheart, but also crazy IRL, like on medication for it. I am glad she put me through that, as they did not pop after all and it gave me something I will never forget. BUT I would also describe what she did to me, even after being told to stop as "Male rape" by extreme testicle abuse. Those are cut pieces of LEXAN. Which is the only material that should be used for ball crushers. Lexan does not break, it BENDS. So it cant shatter. You can buy a sheet of LEXAN at home depot for about $40 and have them use their glass cutter on it to get the sizes you need. The F CLAMP system is BY FAR SUPIROR to any other ball crusher system. Because the finite control that the user has with only having to turn 1 handle to increase or decrease the pressure and pain. There is WAY more tactile feedback this way. Also with this design the F Clamp puts it's pressure directly above the center of the testicles for a much better crushing experience for both parties. This is a screencapture from a BB video I shot with the prototype version of this ball crusher.
My wife used to love kicking me in the nuts. She also loved twisting, which I hated, and was afraid of on account of the danger. I warned her and begged her not to do it, but she replied correctly that I told her I would submit completely, regardless of my feelings or the consequences. I don't know if it was the twisting or the daily impact that kept my testicles the size of softballs all day with the swelling (literally without a break for 6 years. The poor boys literally never were allowed to rest and recover or turn a normal color), or the standing, or the rubber banding, but I ended up completely infertile (literally 0 sperm production, and I was healthy before we got together) and am now in constant, excruciating testicular pain all the time, to the point that I often cannot sleep (I am getting about 4 hours of sleep a night, on my good nights).
She used to joke about neutering me and making me her eunuch and getting a boyfriend, but neither of us were ever serious about it. Neither of us wanted kids, so we didn't care. (Well, I always did a little)
Then something changed and she decided that she wants kids now. In fact, she wants them more than anything (even our marriage. She told me that if I want to take care of her and be her husband, I will have to let her have a life with other partners, and will have to be ok raising their children). When she found out I had been neutered, she cut me off from sex, and cried for days. She said that she will never bust me again and is very resentful that I got her into that fetish. She lets me give her oral now, but won't let my dick go near her. She told me that I am allowed to get busted by others if I want, but she wants nothing to do with it and doesn't want to hear about it. Her one stipulation was that I am not allowed to take anything for my pain (including aspirin), which I consented to.
I love her with all my heart, but she has become so resentful of me that she will just blurt out how disappointing and inadequate I am, and has told me multiple times that she regrets ever meeting me. I know she is only taunting me because she is hurt and wants me to know it, but I don't think she can possibly imagine how much her words hurt. They kill me, and I would take any physical pain over them. Sometimes she is playful about it like she is enjoying teasing me and mindfucking me in a flirty way, and other times she is earnest and bitter.
She hasn't gotten pregnant yet, but has been out many times with other men, and doesn't really give me any attention other than letting me lick her on the weekends. We have always been in a flr, so I do all the housework, which keeps me busy and is a small way I can feel like I am still serving her and useful. One day I am gonna raise and love thr children she has had with another man, and it feels so scary and weird to think about that. I will love them like my own because they are from my Queen, but it will always hurt to know that I wasn't able to give them to her. I am hoping kids will help bring us back together, so I am actually routing for her to get pregnant every date. I desire her affection and goodwill more than any fetish.
I still love ballbusting, but I learned that there can be very real and very painful consequences for you and your loved ones. It almost ended our marriage, and it has caused us both a lot of pain. I have tried to talk her into busting me again since my nuts are now useless and we stand nothing to lose, but that made her extremely angry. If I ever get busted again, it will have to be by a stranger.
And speaking of that, apparently I got really lucky on my first try finding a curious woman, because since she told me I could find someone to bust me, I have had literally 0 luck.
My testosterone is extremely low after she broke me, so I'm not sure if that is affecting my confidence or what. I asked you for tips regarding that on another post, if you wouldn't mind being so kind as to help me. I really would value your opinion over that of 99.9% of people.
Friends and friend of friends are good for busting opportunities. Most people will be shocked or find it funny or interesting that somebody would LOVE to get kicked in their BALLS! Parties are also good for the for shits and gigs atmosphere of getting the chance to kick a dude in the balls for fun.
Mostly you have to TRY to find a ballbuster! For example 2 blonde girls showed up at my Garage sale and wanted to know how much for a random box of crap they picked out. We were smoking Ciggs in the back yard at the time and I told em they could have all that stuff for doing my favorite thing in the world. Making a little video where girls kick me in the nuts over and over.
They thought that sounded kinda fun and a bit shocked that a guy could LIKE THAT! Then 1 of them game over 2 more times. Got some good hard knees in as well. And got set up with another one of their friends and she hit me with a baton and tiny toy baseball bat so many times in my naked testicles that I started to dry heave and nearly puked from pure BALL pain and nausea. I had to her before it happend though because I thought she would feel bad and kinda freak is she saw she hurt my nuts soo badly I was puking.
U just gotta put yourself out there and act like you are PROUD to be busted and think its fun and funny. Dont be SHY about it, shyness will come across as creepyness due to their being a strange fetish involved.
ONE of these girls told their mom in her late 30's about me and ballbusting and she said her mom FREAKED OUT AND WAS ECSTATIC at the idea of getting to kick the hell out of my testes and maybe film it! So hopefully I can make that happen. This all took place within 2 weeks of me not giving a FUCK and putting myself out there. NO REGRETS! BTW If you story is true you dont need working balls anyways. SO get out there and get BUSTED!
This- I couldn't have said it better. Be proud to be Busted. Don't be shy lol.
Yay BallBusting Pride! Need our own MONTH of celebrations lol! But ya, be proud about it. Just look at Joe from Joe KakatBBsaverz Joe/Violet, Joe/Princess Sabrina. Joe is not ashamed in the SLIGHTEST and is super open and jolly about it when asking girls even randoms on the street or at school to kick his nutz.
This fun loving jolly openess seems to be a major Key to making it not seem like your being creepy when asking to get your balls kicked in.
Our fetish really is one of the BEST because you can actually get busted to tears in public. With a hard kick or knee to your jewels in front of people and they will just be laughing, going WTF or wondering if they really saw what they thought they did.
BB is sort of an under cover fetish in that way. Just like the Nut Hunting girls at Tae Kwon Do that were into it and KNEW I was into it as well. We could commit ballbusting in front of everybody and nobody was the wiser it was a kinky thing.
Thank you for the advice. I think that I have been so afraid of coming across as creepy that I've actually been coming across as creepy. :P I am gonna make it my goal to ask one random woman in public every week to kick me in the nuts. I'll let you know if I find success.
This unfortunately is not an easy answer. It sounds like she is resentful of the fact that she neutered you and that It was you who asked for it. She wasn't prepared for the consequences of what busting your balls could do. This is kinda of murky water to traverse through. It sounds like revert on her part and if she doesn't partake then maybe you will eventually be able to have kids. The fact that she doesn't support you though is concerning since she is the one who caused it. Obviously she was not prepared for that to happen. Maybe she no longer thinks you are man enough, but in my opinion is not the way to go about it. Look, I have literally destroyed any chance of my husband ever having kids again. That boat has sailed already. I was 100 percent sure though that I didn't want children anymore. He will never be able to have kids again because of me. His sex drive has dropped, it is nothing like it used to be. I am pretty sure mine is way higher at this point but i don't think less of him for it. I caused it. Plain and simple. There is no right answer here, and I am sorry for that. It is and age old cautionary tale. You guys think that you can go years being busted and not be affected by it. The human body can only take so much punishment, it is not different for a man's balls. No matter how many years, or how hard you do it. A man's balls can only take so much, I don't care who you are. It will catch up to you, like everything else does.
Very true Melinda!
I in fact get off on the idea that females have hurt my family jewels soo much that I can no longer have kids. I did not want them to begin with for various reasons. At least not kids MY BALLS MADE! I told my mom a few years ago I wanted to be the first successful recipient of a Testicle Transplant! She laughed hard at that thought!
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