Hi guy's, Mel here. I was wondering if you guys have any experience with ball crushers? Have you used one?  What did it feel like. How painful was it and what was your reaction to having your balls crushed? What was going threw your head? I am dying to hear more about these things because I have used this lovely device on my husband's testicals a many times and the pain seems absoululty exquisite. He has described what it feels like and I want to know how other's feel about it too. So please share your experiences if you have the time. 

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Hi, if you would like to do some CAD, I can describe some other tool I developed for crushing.

I made it all from wood, because that is the only material I can work with, but that is not a must. Unfortunately I am crap at drawing, but maybe I can describe it adequately.

It has a base plate that can be fixed to a bench, e.g. with a bar clamp, if you are sitting, or to a table, if you are standing.

Fixed to this base plate is a „wall“ (full width and approx. 10 cm high) with a semicircular opening, where you have to place your package in. Then a mirror-image piece comes on top, so cock and balls are trapped. Obviously the opening must have the right size, so nothing can be withdrawn, once it is closed. The two pieces must have some mechanism to be fixed. I had used metal connectors on both sides, where a bolt can be inserted. If you can lock this somehow, the male is trapped by his genitals, even if he has his hands free.

Next the dick must be removed (not literally) out of the way. For this, the upper part of the trapping wall has an elongation pointing upwards. The dick is flapped upwards and strapped to this part while the balls lie on the base plate.

Now the crushing plate: it also needs a semicircular opening to pass around the upwards pointing dick, and it is attached to the „wall“ by some kind of hinges on both sides of the dick and just at the right height. Then this plate is moved downwards and on its far end meets some screw thread where it is fixed.

Ready. Now the woman in charge only has to adjust the level by tightening the screw, and the male‘s job is standing there and taking it.

Optional: after a while the dick can be loosened again. It will just fall on the upper side of the crusher plate and should be limp. If it isn‘t, the screw needs adjustment.

You can also add a scale to the screw, e.g. from up to down: fixation, training, punishment, severe punishment, castration

Hey Melinda and all others,

I want to present my wife with some small, handy crusher she can apply to my balls to squeeze them while I am doing the dishes or hanging the laundry or whenever she is just too busy to bust my balls personally. Then she could tell me that she will take it off when I am finished. It doesn‘t necessarily have to provide a lock (though it would be nice) because I would not take it off unauthorizedly, anyway.

But one requirement is that it should fit into my trousers, so after activating it can be hidden, just in case the kids come out of bed unexpectedly or the neighbours have the idea to come over for a late glass of wine.

Does anybody happen to know such a thing or have a good description for making it myself? It needs to be quick and easy to use, cause it is intended for opportunities when my wife has lack of time.

Happy about any ideas and suggestions.

I see some guys posting on here its like a squeeze. But I find it quite different. crushed really is an appropriate word. It feels like the life is being taken from your nuts. Im into some pretty rough BB but someone could make me admit to anything with one of these on. When I get to my limit the writhing and moaning is out of this world. And the pain rather than quickly peaking and subsiding after a few minutes after a kick this just keeps on building. If the woman using this on you is truly sadistic you are in for a memorable time.

Oh I love this thing! Its one of my favorite toys for sure. I doubt it feels like just having them squeezed. I mean they are literally being crushed flat. The uncontrollable shaking is what I love. The mind melting agony that this thing seems to induce is amazing!

I wish you made videos showing your talents at Testicle Torment and your pure enjoyment at inflicting Ball Pain

I had a girl take me to my limit with a ball crusher that I designed and when I asked her to please stop, she responded by saying "OK" only to crush them even harder with too the point where I was losing my mind and begged in a highest pitched voice ever for her to stop.  Thought they were going to rupture any second...Bless her heart. 

I'm absolutely terrified of these things, haha.

You should be terrified of these things. That is the whole point!

Does anyone have a good brand recommendation by any chance? I have a BB friend potentially coming over in a bit and she might have some fun these lol.

That is probably the most terrifying thing I've seen on this site other than spiked shoes. It looks like the squeeze from hell that won't release. And I think I would rather take any blow knee kick or whatever than be trapped in this.

Still by far my most favorite toy.



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