The rain, if you want to call the dreary mist that enveloped Rebecca as she walked home from class, in fact, rain, was neither cold nor warm. Holding her hand out from under the wide umbrella, she decided it was just about the temperature of tepid bathwater and about as appealing. But at least it wasn’t chilling her to the bone like the early spring rains tended to do.  Still she put some giddy-up in her step, thinking about how great the pizza was going to taste after such a long week. She’d called her boyfriend, Ryan, earlier and let him know she probably wouldn’t be home until closer to eight that evening and he’d graciously agreed to wait to eat until Rebecca got home. It was a nice gesture on his part since she knew he’d be starving, so she’d taken the liberty of surprising him with his favorite pie.

Water streamed from the umbrella as Rebecca closed it before entering the apartment building, giving it a good shake so it wouldn’t leave a wet trail behind her on the already slick foyer tiles. The elevator was waiting and she hopped in. She was hoping it would be filled with the savory smell of a piping hot pizza, but only the mingled odors of sweat, cologne and perfume greeted her nostrils. Rebecca sighed. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to wait too much longer because she was definitely feeling her hunger.

Inside the apartment, she was relieved to find it did not smell of food. It would’ve been a shame if Ryan had gone to the trouble of cooking only to have a pizza come in and foul up his plans. Carefully, Rebecca pulled the small welcome mat into the corner and set the umbrella on it so it wouldn’t leak all over the floorboards of the entryway.

“Hey Ry,” she called out, “I’m home.”

“Be right out,” he called back from down the hallway that led to the bedroom.

Rebecca slipped off her shoes and plopped down on the sofa. Lord, she was tired. She sighed again, kicking herself for not grabbing a beer before she sat down and now she didn’t feel like getting up again.

Padding soundlessly down the hallway, Ryan peeked around the wall and found Rebecca, feet propped up on the coffee table, staring idly out the window. She looked drained. He managed to slip silently past the opening into the kitchen where he grabbed two beers from the fridge. Her eyes lit up as he approached her, holding a cold bottle in front of him.

“Aw, Ry,” she purred, “You’re the best!” She patted the cushion and he joined her on the sofa.

“Cheers,” he said, tipping his bottle to hers. “So what do you feel like eating? I’m starved.”

A flicker of a smile trembled on Rebecca’s lips at the thought of revealing her surprise but then it blossomed into cheek-splitting grin as she answered him. “Hope you don’t mind, but I ordered us a pizza. It’s bacon and banana pepper from Vito’s,” she added before he could ask what kind. A grin nearly as wide as her own smiled back at her.

“Looks like it’s you who’s the best,” he said, laughing.

“I ordered before I left, so it should be here pretty soon,” Rebecca said, looking out the window as a car pulled up to the building. Inspired by the anticipation of food, Rebecca felt a little exhaustion slip away. She stood and strode over to the window as Ryan followed.

A short girl wearing a plastic hooded poncho climbed out of the car. She looked up at the sky as the rain intensified and seemed to curse before reaching back across the driver’s side to pull out a large square box. Quickly, she darted across the street about to reach the door, when a guy that was walking down the sidewalk jumped in front of her. He danced this way and that for a moment, blocking her attempts to get by, before finally ceding his ground. Rebecca could see he was laughing by the way his head was thrown back as he walked off but she could also see the delivery girl was not amused.

“What a douche,” Ryan commented, as if reading Rebecca’s thoughts.

“No shit,” Rebecca said sourly as she walked over to the intercom to buzz the poor girl in.

Amazingly, the pizza box held up pretty well despite the not-so-funny extended exposure to the elements. “Can’t believe you were able to keep it from getting soaked,” Rebecca said, handing the dripping girl some cash. Before the girl could say anything, Rebecca added, “Yeah, we saw that guy pull his stupid prank.”

With a massive roll of her big, brown eyes the girl shook her head. “I think he was just trying to be funny, but it kinda pissed me off.”

Rebecca sized up the girl and remarked, as casually as if she was relating the time, “I would’ve just kicked him in the balls.”

The girl’s jaw dropped as she gaped at Rebecca for what felt like an eternity. Just when Rebecca thought she might have offended the poor girl, a hearty laugh exploded from her open mouth. “If only,” she said through her laughter.

Keeping her face straight, which was no easy task, Rebecca said seriously, “I’m not joking. Pizza be damned. That guy would have been trying not to cough up his nuts.”

When the girl blanched, Ryan chimed in. “Trust me, she would have.”

Before the situation could get too awkward, Rebecca let her off the hook with a twinkling smile. “I’m just messing with you,” she said, slapping her palms on her knees as the uncertainty cleared from the girl’s face. “But,” she added, “I really do think you should have dealt him a swift kick.”

“Oh,” the girl started, “I could never. That’s just so…so…wrong,” she blurted, averting her eyes as the crimson made it’s way up her neck.

Rebecca patted the girl’s shoulder. “It’s not. And I’ll bet you could,” she said airily. As she set down the pizza box, trying hard to ignore the incredible aroma, Rebecca continued. “It’s really quite easy.”

The girl looked at Rebecca doubtfully but she was clearly interested.

“It’s like this,” Rebecca said, turning away from her to face Ryan. She flashed him a brief, saucy grin and then crushed his balls with a huge kick.

“Oh my god!” The girl blurted as Ryan’s eyes bulged. She watched him stagger, a few small, teetering steps, toward Rebecca, looking completely stunned. He groaned and then sank to his knees, somehow managing to set his beer down without spilling it. She watched him look up at Rebecca with his pitiable eyes and then marveled at the way he unabashedly clutched his groin, like he was holding onto the most precious thing in the world. She watched him, for longer than she intended, as he cradled himself, looking so miserable, and when she was finally able to break off her stare, she found herself wearing a cheek-splitting grin. She glanced over at Rebecca and saw her smile was just a big.

“You…you…,” the girl stammered, half in shock and half in awe, “how could you just, you know, do that?”

“Do what?” Rebecca smirked. “Kick him in the balls?” When the girl just nodded, she added, “I told you it was easy. You should try it.”

The girl looked around, past Ryan and then behind her with distrustful eyes. “Wait, is this like another prank? Like the guy out front? At least this was pretty funny,” she added, seeing Rebecca’s cheeky little grin.

“It’s not a prank,” Rebecca assured her. “I just thought you might find it helpful to see it done. You know, in case you ever needed to do it yourself.”

“But that’s crazy,” the girl said, a pleading tone in her voice. “I mean, he didn’t even do anything,” she said, gesturing down at Ryan, who was now curled up on his side, still too caught up in his misery to take notice of them.

“Pffft,” Rebecca said, waving her hand. “He doesn’t mind. Well, he does, but he doesn’t. I kick him the balls all the time.”

“You do?” The girl said, her voice now a whisper like the excitement of the moment had left her breathless. She looked at Rebecca with amazement.

Taking stock of the situation and realizing the position she’d put the poor girl in, Rebecca got an idea. “Listen,” she said, taking the girl’s hand. “This might sound weird, but I don’t mean it to be,” she said, giving the girl’s hand a gentle squeeze. “But don’t tell me you weren’t a little intrigued – and amused – by what I just did.” The girl’s eyes widened momentarily, like she was appalled by Rebecca’s assessment, but then they fell, conceding that Rebecca’s intuition was spot on. “That’s what I thought. Now, how would you like to try it yourself?”

The girl squinted, pondering Rebecca’s question. But then she glanced at her wrist. “Well, I’m actually working right now, so I doubt if I could.”

Sensing a touch of disappointment in her voice, Rebecca plowed ahead. “How late are you working?”

The girl considered this for a moment and then answered somewhat hesistantly. “Truthfully, I can cut out whenever. The dinner rush is basically over and I make my own schedule. I guess I could just quit now?”

The question mark at the end of her statement caught Rebecca’s attention. “Hey – if you’re not up for it, don’t worry about. You can always just remember us as the crazy couple you delivered a pizza to one rainy night.”

“Oh no,” the girl quickly blurted. “It’s not that at all. I’m actually very interested. It’s just, well, like you said, a little weird.”

“I get it,” Rebecca said with a warm smile. “How’s this. I’m Rebecca and that heap on the floor is my boyfriend Ryan. And you are?” She asked holding out her hand.

“I’m Natalie,” the girl said, shaking Rebecca’s hand.

“Well, Natalie, now we’ve met. See, it isn’t so weird.” Before Natalie could say anything Rebecca was already carrying the pizza into the dining room. “So why do you take off your poncho and come on in for a slice or two? You want a beer?”

Feeling like she was in a dream, Natalie slipped off her ponco and draped it over the umbrella. She stepped carefully around Ryan and followed Rebecca’s path. “Sure, I’d love a beer.”

As Rebecca set out three paper plates and some plastic utensils, Natalie sipped her beer, glancing over her shoulder. “Oh, don’t worry,” Rebecca said, understanding Natalie’s glance immediately. “He’ll be fine. I kicked him hard, but I’ve certainly kicked him harder. He’ll join us when he’s ready.”

“Turns out I’m ready.” Ryan’s voice rasped from around the corner. He was hunched over and shuffling a bit as he made his way to the table, but there was a smile on his handsome face. Sitting down gingerly, he looked at his girlfriend. “Jesus, Becca. Some days I really can’t believe your audacity.” When Rebecca batted her eyelashes innocently, Ryan merely shook his head. Looking at Natalie, he said, “I did catch Becca introduce me, but now I will officially. I’m Ryan.” He reached across the table and shook Natalie’s hand.

“I’m Natalie,” she said, taking his hand. “Sorry about your balls.” Natalie’s hand flew to her mouth when she realized what she’d just said.

Ryan measured her sternly but then broke into a smile. “No worries. I appreciate your condolences,” he said, sliding her a full plate of pizza. “But you might want to save them.” When Natalie looked at him blankly, he continued. “I think I understand what Becca has in mind, and if I’m right, I’ll be in a lot more pain before the night is out.”

Natalie looked from Ryan to Rebecca and back to Ryan again. “What do you mean?”

Ryan chuckled, though it wasn’t entirely happy. “I think Rebecca was dead serious earlier. She wants you to kick me like she did.”

“Seriously?” Natalie sounded incredulous. When Rebecca nodded to her, Natalie confessed. “But I’ve never done that before. I’ve thought about it – I mean, what girl hasn’t? – but I’ve never done it.”

“Perfect!” Rebecca beamed and she wasn’t referring to the slice of pizza in her hand.

As they ate, Rebecca laid out her plan. First, Natalie was to kick Ryan and then they would do a little interview about the experience. Natalie still looked a little unsure but after studying Ryan, she felt he was being completely honest – though she could almost hear the preemptive regret in hs voice – when he said he was okay with it.

The time it took to plan things was brief, but, thanks to the lateness of the dinner hour, it didn’t take them that much longer to scarf down the pizza. As Ryan cleaned up, feeling far better than he had before the pizza, Natalie pulled Rebecca aside.

“What is it?” Rebecca asked, leaning into Natalie.

“This might seem weird, but - ,” Natalie started.

“Can’t be as weird as this whole evening must seem to you,” Rebecca joked.

“Good point. So, the times I’ve imagined kicking a guy down there, I’ve always seen myself wearing high heels,” Natalie confessed, barely meeting Rebecca’s eye.

Rebecca’s big green eyes grew larger with understanding. “Hmmm. Classy – and not weird at all. There is something alluring about a good pair of heels causing the damage,” she said, stroking her chin. “What size shoe do you wear? Because I’m pretty sure I’ve got some heels you can use.”

Leading Natalie down the hall, Rebecca called over her shoulder, “Be out in a minute, Ry!”

Lucky for Natalie, she and Rebecca’s shoe size were close enough and Rebecca had a beautiful pair of shiny black heels that came to a rounded point and had two inch platforms which gave Natalie some boost in height. And while Rebecca could always use the lift, she guessed that Natalie stood maybe an inch or two shorter than her boyfriend as the girl admired herself in the full-length mirror.

“Even though these are pretty fancy,” Natalie commented, “I still think they look quite good with these jeans.”

Rebecca appraised them and then said, smirking, “As good as they look, they’ll look even better buried in Ryan’s groin.” As she said it, Natalie swung her leg back and then brought it forward toward her reflection. Rebecca laughed. “You look like a natural! C’mon, let’s go see how you do for real.”

As Ryan waited for the girls to emerge, he found himself feeling nervous. But it was a good kind of nervous – excited anticipation almost – and he wished the girls would hurry up. He flexed at the knees and cupped himself gently and then realized things were still a bit tender. Before he could change his mind about the expediency of their arrival, Rebecca bounced into the room while Natalie walked slowly, in an almost purposefully seductive manner, behind her, heels clacking on the hardwood floor. His eyes immediately went to Natalie’s feet and he gulped at the shoes she’d slipped on.

Not one to miss much, Rebecca punched him lightly on the shoulder as she went by. “Yeah, Ry,” she whispered, feigning sympathy, “I’d be nervous, too. Those shoes look like they could make your nuts obsolete with one kick.”

Natalie stood in front of Ryan and put her hands on her slender hips. She’d opted to tie off the black t-shirt she had on so that it showed just enough of her belly so Ryan would see how toned her stomach was. Plus it added some extra pizzazz to go with the classy black heels.

Just seeing her standing before him, looking one hundred percent sure of herself, sent a tingle up Ryan’s thighs. His testicles suddenly felt like heavy stones. Heavy fragile stones. He took a deep, calming breath in an attempt to slow his racing pulse and tried not to imagine Natalie’s foot blasting into his nuts.

Though she was facing Ryan, Natalie looked over at Rebecca with a nearly imperceptible shrug of her shoulders.

Rebecca smiled at her reassuringly. “Take your time. And don’t worry about Ryan. He’ll stand there and take whatever you give him. Won’t you dear?” She asked, turning toward her boyfriend and giving him a look that intimated he’d do just that if he knew what was good for him.

By way of an answer, Ryan clenched and unclenched his fists, which were hanging at his sides and took several long breaths. He looked up and met Natalie’s eyes. They were as soft and brown as a deer’s and just as innocent. Would she really be able to summon up enough cruelty to do the deed? He smiled nervously, feeling slightly off-balance at how the natural kindness in Natalie’s eyes didn’t seem to match up with her apparent eagerness to kick him where it hurts most.

For her part, Natalie also took a calming breath. She was just as nervous as Ryan was, though far more excited. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she studied the the area where Ryan’s legs came together. She visualized the top of her foot splitting right up the middle. She felt too far away so, without even giving it any thought, she raised her leg slowly to get a sense of space. The top of her shoe made soft contact perfectly between Ryan’s legs and she felt his bulge heavy on her foot. She gave it a light bounce, and Ryan, to his credit, held his ground and let her get things measured.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Natalie asked, bringing her leg back to the floor. When Ryan nodded silently, she felt the corners of her mouth turn slightly upward. She glanced at Rebecca and found her new friend wearing the same reassuring, go-for-it-girl smile. This is it, she thought, the sensation of electricty racing through her entire body.

Natalie tightened her core and took a small step back before bringing her leg forward, straight and true. She felt something give against the top of her foot and then in an instant, Ryan was hunched over with his elbows against his knees, groaning lightly. Though she’d never done anything like this before, something felt off about it and when he looked at her, she knew what it was.

“Is that all you’ve got?” He asked, between breaths, giving her a playful sneer.

Rebecca’s heart leapt with love as she watched her boyfriend goad Natalie. She could tell immediately that Natalie was holding back, even if it was unintentional, and the fact that Ryan understood this as well, and was trying to coax Natalie to go harder, made her practically melt.

When she looked at him, Ryan could see the embarrassment, or possibly discouragement, in Natalie’s eyes. Sealing his fate, he pressed further. “Seriously, Natalie, I’ve sat on them harder.” And while Natalie couldn’t stifle a laugh at his taunt, he could see the first hints of irritation touch her eye. He straightened and put his hands on his hips, giving her a cocky, defiant grin. It was all Natalie needed.

This time, Natalie took a much bigger step back and concentrated on whipping her leg so that her kick would take her foot all the way to the ceiling if there wasn’t anything to stop it. Fortunately, there was something to stop it and she felt her knee bend slightly as her foot buried itself in Ryan’s groin. She felt the soft give like before but this time she also felt a sharp twinge in her foot as she compressed his testicles against his pelvic bone. For a nanosecond, time froze leaving Ryan looking like he’d grown the business end of a woman’s foot and leg which was sprouting out from between his legs. Had Natalie seen a picture taken at that exact moment she may have been shocked to discover how perfectly her foot fit between his legs, like it belonged there, and that it was a thing of artistic beauty, eloquently capturing in a single visual the power a woman has over a man, her foot crushing his very essence. But then gravity and balance prevailed and almost as quickly as her foot landed, Ryan was on his knees in front of her.

Ryan had planned to play up how much she’d hurt him regardless of how hard Natalie kicked him, but in the end it wasn’t necessary. As soon as the shiny black tip of the heels showcasing Natalie’s small foot connected, all thoughts flew right out of Ryan’s mind. His balls felt like they were exploding and he grabbed desperately for them. For a brief second, his face lingered near Natalie’s crotch, cut down submissively to half her size, and then he was on his side, rolling pitifully back and forth, both hands firmly cupping his jewels, the ultimate picture of submission. Such was the intensity of his pain that his face turned beet red from lack of remembering to breath. But then finally breath came in big heavy swells and Ryan felt the pressure in his head dissipate. The pressure – and pain – in his balls, not so much.

Natalie leaned over Ryan’s writhing body, her hands between her thighs as she watched the fallout from her kick. She was surprised at how awful his pain appeared, and yet, it pleased her to know he was hurting solely because of her well-placed kick. She felt a hand on her back and realized she’d been caught completely unaware that Rebecca had sidled up next to her, so rapt was her focus. Natalie straightened but her eyes never left Ryan’s tormented face.

“Now that’s how a girl should kick a guy in the balls!” Rebecca gushed.

“You think?” Natalie asked earnestly, though still not looking at Rebecca.

Rebecca rubbed Natalie’s back like a proud mother. “Trust me. That can’t help but leave a lasting impression.” When Natalie finally looked at her, Rebecca could see the girl’s exuberance tinged with embarrassment. “Seriously, Natalie, you should feel really damn good.”

“Do you think I kicked him too hard?”

Rebecca shook her head and rolled her eyes, sighing. “Don’t worry about him. Just let yourself fully enjoy the moment. You just sent a man – one much stronger than yourself – straight to the ground with one hard kick to his balls. Celebrate it.”

Seeing the happiness bubble up in Rebecca’s green eyes brought joy to her own eyes and Natalie smiled a great big toothy smile. “Can I admit something?” She asked Rebecca.

“Sure,” Rebecca said, nodding her head with enthusiasm.

“I really want to kick him again!” Natalie blurted, pressing her palms together.

“That’s the spirit!” Rebecca said with a knowing nod of her head. “But as much as I’d love for you to get your wish, I think Ry needs a break.” Rebecca paused for a beat and then tittered. “Well, the devil in me says you should have at it. Pull his legs apart and let him have it. Ka-BOOM! But my merciful side says to let him be. He’s hurting enough.” She sighed but then brightened. “C’mon. Let’s get you another beer and reel you back in from the stratosphere.”

The two women were already a few sips into their second beer by the time Ryan limped into the dining area. Natalie looked at him intently with her soft and deep brown eyes, trying to read his feelings and now that she had had time to calm down, she let a little tenderness lurk under the surface. She wasn’t sorry that she had done the deed, but there were stirrings of sympathy for him – she was human after all. Ryan met her gaze with humble eyes, and yet, there was a resolve behind them that intrigued and excited her. He was humble, but he wasn’t about to cry uncle in submission. The resolve intrigued her because it meant that he was still willing to suffer despite the excrutiating pain he’d just suffered. But the excitement came from knowing the option was there if she wanted to blast his balls into his throat again – something that she most certainly wanted to do.

“Have a seat, Ry,” Rebecca bade as she rose to fetch him a well-earned beer.

Ryan took a seat at the end of the table so that the three of them were sitting in a triangle. He accepted the beer Rebecca slid him gratefully and took a huge swig, hoping the icy cold liquid would douse the remaining fire still burning inside him. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite reach as far down his body as he would’ve liked. He slid a hand to his groin realizing it would have to be comfort enough.

Rebecca had taken the liberty of setting up a small tripod. “Do you mind if I film our little post-bust interview? You know, for posterity?” She asked, looking at Natalie. When Natalie shook her head, Rebecca slid her phone into the tripod’s cradle, pressed record and sat down.

“So,” Rebecca began, flipping her raven hair as her face turned serious. “How did it feel to kick a guy in the balls?”

Natalie chuckled but then felt silent. There were so many emotions and she wasn’t quite sure where to start. She glanced at Ryan and found his eyes keen with interest and it was enough support to loosen her tongue.

“All in all, it felt great,” Natalie said with a smile. “But I can’t believe how nervous I was.” She looked at Ryan and he arched an eyebrow. “Seriously. Standing in front of you, thinking about what I was about to do…it felt so…so…taboo, I guess. Like I’d be getting away with something. And yet, there was a thrill to that. It felt dangerous, or maybe naughty, but totally exciting. I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest,” she chuckled before quickly shaking her and dropping her eyes down to the table. “But then there was that first kick. As I was about to go through with it a thought flashed in my mind. ‘What if you really hurt him?’ the voice cautioned. And I totally held back.” Natalie sighed but then smiled, looking warmly at Ryan. “But seeing your reaction, the way you hunched over, breathing so shallow, made me wish I’d kicked you harder. I wanted to make you fall the way Rebecca had.” She gripped the table with both hands, like it might keep her from getting bowled over by the swirling emotions rising up inside her. “And then you taunted me – which was hilarious, by the way. The image of you sitting on yourself – ,” Natalie laughed again at the thought and then collected herself. “Anyway, it just added fuel to the fire that was already growing.”

Rebecca, reaching over and taking Ryan’s hand, interjected. “That was a real stroke of genius, Ry,” she lauded as he shot her a wry grin.

Natalie, admiring the way they seemed so at ease with each other in spite of what she still thought of as a bit of a strange situation, let them share their little moment before continuing. “Yeah, that little cocky sneer reminded me so much of an ex-boyfriend – one I really should have kicked hard for being a dick all the time. So I just pretended Ryan was him.”

“Oooh,” Rebecca said, crinkling up her nose in mock horror. “You must have really let poor Ry have it then.”

Natalie laughed heartily at Rebecca’s mockery. “For sure,” she said through her laughter. “Honestly, I was trying to kick his balls through the ceiling.”

Now it was Rebecca’s turn to laugh. “Priceless,” she said.

“I think you did,” Ryan said, looking grim but not upset. “Goddamn, you kicked ‘em square.” Then, choosing his words carefully so as not to set off either girl, he added, “I mean, Rebecca has kicked me hard enough on several occasions where I thought she might’ve really broken my balls.” He caught Rebecca’s broad smile from the corner of his eye. “But she’s had lots of practice. And here, your first time, you came pretty freakin’ close to matching her. A few more times and who knows?” He said with a shudder.

“Awww,” Natalie cooed, blushing slightly at the compliment. “I don’t know about the others, but judging from that kick she gave you earlier, I feel honored. I mean, I was shocked at how hard she kicked you. But,” she said, twirling a finger through her hair, “it is nice to think I kicked you as hard, since I was really trying to.”

Rebecca and Ryan glanced at each other, both grinning at the dreamy look in Natalie’s faraway eyes. Under the table, Rebecca’s foot worked its way up Ryan’s shin to his knee and beyond, stopping just short of his groin as her smile turned playfully cruel. She could feel his body tense and knew he was fighting the urge to push away from the table, instead holding his ground, and it was enough for her to slowly slide her foot back down his leg, letting him off the hook.

“You know,” Natalie said, coming back to reality, “I think the best part, though, wasn’t feeling his balls flatten out – although that was a wonderful feeling. It was watching him just…just crumble…like a broken cookie. You look so broad and strong,” she explained, looking at Ryan, “but after I kicked your balls, you looked so pathetically miserable and weak, like your appearance of strength was just a shell. I mean, there it was, your long, lean frame, writhing around at my feet while I just stood over you, completely unfazed.” Natalie’s eyes got that faraway look as she spoke. She shuddered, a tremor of delight. “I don’t even think I can explain the feeling other than it just felt so good and right to put your balls in that kind of pain.”

“A feeling of bliss, like justice was served?” Rebecca offered.

“Yeah, kinda,” Natalie said, considering Rebecca’s words. “And I guess I just felt so powerful, in a way I never have before.” She sighed dreamily. “It’s really intoxicating.”

“Must be why Rebecca just can’t seem to get enough,” Ryan said slyly.

“Yup,” Rebecca agreed with enthusiasm. Then turning her attentions back to Natalie, Rebecca asked, “So, now that you’ve done it, do you think you’ll be doing it again?”

Natalie’s head might have bounced right off her shoulders, so hard was her gleeful nodding. “OH YEAH!” She exclaimed. “And hopefully sooner than later. I feel like a whole different person – like a a whole new world just opened in front of me.”

“Atta girl,” Rebecca said, smiling proudly and raising her bottle. As Natalie and Ryan raised theirs, Rebecca toasted, “To a historic moment. The fates of men now even more in peril thanks to Natalie, our newest official Ballbuster. May you go forth and join womankind everywhere in regularly putting men in their rightful place. At her feet,” she finished as the bottles clinked, even Ryan’s.

After slipping her own shoes back on, Natalie walked with Rebecca to the door thanking her for the fantastic evening and for opening her eyes to the pleasure that was busting a man’s balls. Ryan was waiting with her poncho at the open door.

“Thanks for being such a good sport,” she said to Ryan, offering her hand.

He shook it, nodding and handed her the poncho which she slipped on. “My pleasure. Believe it or not,” he added quickly when he saw Natalie’s eyebrows raise. “I mean, once the pain diminished, it was my pleasure.” He chuckled a bit awkwardly. “Anyway, it was definitely a pleasure to meet you and I know you made Rebecca’s night, so thank you.”

“And thank you again!” Natalie gushed as she gave Rebecca a parting hug. Then she slipped past Ryan into the hallway, lingering for a moment, staring at the couple she’d just met.

“What is it?” Rebecca asked, leaning around Ryan’s broad frame.

Natalie looked at her with hope in her doe eyes. “It’s just – ,” she broke off, unsure of her words.

“It’s okay,” Rebecca assured her. “Whatever you want, go on. I’d say we’re past mincing words.”

Natalie smiled at her and shook her head, feeling confident she’d read Rebecca’s eyes correctly. “No words,” she said. “Just this.” Quickly, she reached out and grabbed Ryan’s shoulders pulling him toward her. At the same time she brought her knee forward.

Natalie’s kneecap smashed his already tender testicles and she felt his body cave at the impact. She could tell he needed to collapse but she managed to hold him upright. “And one more for the road,” she proclaimed and this time kneed him in the balls as hard as she could. She stepped back and watched him stagger in place, doubled over, groaning. She looked at Rebecca with a shrug of her shoulders and smiled.

Rebecca smiled back as her arms curled around Ryan’s hunched and heavy frame. She pulled him close, letting his head rest against her soft bosom, feeling him trembling with misery in her arms as Natalie turned to go. A smile played on her lips as she thought about the monster she’d just released into the world. No doubt she would soon be leaving a trail of guys curled up and holding their injured balls in her wake.

Kicking the door shut, Rebecca slid down, her back against the wall of the small entry into their apartment, pulling Ryan down with her into her lap. She ruffled his hair and rubbed his head and listened to his breathing as it came in sputtering gasps. “Oh Ry,” she sighed in a half whisper. “I’m as surprised as you must be.” She felt the slight movement of his head nodding against her breasts. “But I sure am proud of her. What a perfect exit. She simply kneed you in the balls and walked away, leaving you with the best thing to remember her by.” She smiled as Ryan’s cupped hands tightened their grip, and finished her thought. “How painfully she broke your balls.”

Views: 431

Replies to This Discussion

“Seriously, Natalie, I’ve sat on them harder.”

I had to stop due to laughter at this line.  Of course, the rest of the story is amazing, but just found that line hilarious.

Ha ha! Thanks CC!

I really enjoy your stories- and on top of that, you're actually a pretty talented writer :)  Thanks!  I really appreciate the effort that you put into these.

Thank you Allen! That means a lot to me. I appreciate you reading.

Great story!

Great story. I expected to end with Rebecca staring out the window seeing Natalie's second encounter with the funny guy.

I ship Rebecca and Ryan SO HARD, I swear.



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