A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Since being on this site and talking to so many boys who are super into getting their testicles smashed into their throats, it's become clear to me that there is something of a secret epidemic of clueless young preteen-teenage schoolgirls kicking balls without thinking of the future consequences.
It seems as though getting your dick and balls forcibly kicked into your buttholes plays a large part in how you turn out sexually.
I think it's hilarious to imagine all these young, uniform-wearing schoolgirls kicking testicles completely consequence free. I say uniformed because it seems like, from what you boys are telling me, that the majority go to private or religious schools. The scenario is usually the same, even though it sounds specific, and the details might be different but it's basically this:
Their mothers tell them that if a boy ever bothers you, all you have to do is knee their balls hard and fast, or in my case she said send your shoe straight into their balls as hard as you can. Then they go to their private schools and start doing it and the teachers ignore it or even just the boy gets in trouble. Though some boys deserve it, many don't but all a girl has to do is lie and say, "He touched my [newly budding] breasts so I crushed his balls 'uwu'" and this causes enough embarrassment that it's all just quickly shoved under the rug and oftentimes the girl is told that she was right. Someitmes the boy is shamed and made fearful that his parents will be informed LOL, honestly so good :'D
It's not really the mothers or the uniforms that cause the ballbusting, it's the institutions. The environments create the circumstances. The Institutional Ballbusting Academy LOL
At any rate, 49 out of 50 girls go about their lives and usually even grow out of ballbusting. Most probably forget that they even kicked dicks unless you remind them. It's such a nothing to them, a no-consequence act, like catching the bus or waiting to be picked up. Totally ordinary.
But for the boys who then grow up with their hearts and balls all mashed together through violence, they got their wires crossed. Testicle destruction and love follow naturally. Only the Alpha ballbusting girl can truly soothe their boners.
You're doomed to forever chase that freshly nut-smashed high that goes hand in hand with the giddiness of puppy love.
That's why you need women like me to tell you to take your ballbeatings. Girls who never grew out of the habit of mincing nutmeat into chuck.
I'll always squish them flat and laugh at you haha. Because I mean, let's face it it's funny and it never gets old.
Here's a question, who here likes uniformed schoolgirl fetish wear crossed with ballbusting?
I also had MANY times where I was busted growing up. Be it sports accidents, crashing on bikes, girls kicking or kneeing me in the balls or guy friends hitting each other or just getting my balls kicked in out of the blue.
I guess the first thing I remember actually doing intentional purposeful ballbusting was with a Friend In I want to say 3rd grade. We just decided to play "BALL WARS" on each other! Im pretty sure he started it but we were nut tapping or kinda light punching each other but the ONLY target was each others balls!
We were in the hallways walking to class and this Female teacher who I did not know saw us and INSTANTLY got mad at us! She started yelling at us that "We can't do that!" Me and my friend were confused and we were like "We are just play fighting BALLWARS so it is fine." Then we started hitting each other in the nuts again. She yelled at us again telling us we were not allowed to hit each other in the testicles. To which we just ignored her and like kept hitting each other as we continued to walk off.
Some people are just super brainwashed to think The TESTICLES are OFF LIMITS! I can assure you, testicles are NOT off limits! Also The first girl to ever kiss me was the first girl to have an actual ballusting session with me where during playfighting,
I would let her kick my balls and that was her ONLY target while attacking me in the playfight. After one of the kicks, I asked her to kick me "Harder" . She completely stopped, looked shocked at me and said "NOBODY has Ever said THAT BEFORE!" Then she went back to trying to kick me in the balls. But I already knew a few years before this that I WANTED girls to smash my balls, so this was not the impetus of my BB fetish.
As far as I can recall I was super terrified of the weakness I carried between my legs being used against me by girls or boys or getting a Baseball to the nuts or other kinds of accidental testicle trauma. I am sure I was obsessed with balls being smashed, but it was the exact OPPOSITE of being into the BB fetish because I had HUGE Phobia of getting ballbusted.
It was not until I was 14 That I can recall actually LIKING the pain in my testicles being inflicted by myself or OTHERS. But years before that, I used to play with my action figures in long drawn out well choreographed knock down drag out fights that included LOTS of ball smashing.
I also used to get super uncomfortable in public settings when there were intense or hard core ballbusting scenes or testicle abuse in movies, like SpaceBalls! Where Lord Helmet Force squeezes the testes of his minions publicly. The fact people would laugh at that or horrible testie trauma in America's Funniest Home Videos I found very disturbing.
I guess it would be like if every time somebody got a stick shoved in their eye or broke a limb and people laughed at the victim's suffering. I think also as I got older and bigger the testicles get WAY bigger and I was able to take the pain a LOT better.
Mostly because when you are young your balls are soo small and all those nerve endings are so super close together that the pain from severe testicle trauma was just completely overwhelming.
I mean my balls used to be the size of Peanut M&Ms. Full grown they are the size of medium chicken eggs....Unless I have a busting session and they Swell Up to the size of Lemons!
Not far off at all! I think this resonates with most of us here. Anyway, I typically wouldn't share this, but growing up others would bully me with hits to the groin or threaten me with me with it. It seemed so unfair, and I also hated that no one seemed to have sympathy for busted boys.
It did have a huge impact on my mind and contributed to my masochism; not ashamed to admit it because it's simply the truth. What was once a terror for me is now a thrill as well.
In my childhood never any girl kick me in the balls. I aslo no seen it in my childhood. (Maybe only in the movie, but I didn't any attention for it.) I discovered it only in my puberty as sexy thing for me.
Early school times definitely also started my obsession with ballbusting.
There was a girl in a grade above me, who lived nearby, and for some reason (i don't know why, i don't recall that i actually liked or disliked her) i provoked her many times during time between classes, but always succesfully ran away from her when she chased me. A day when i was playing outside at home, she came by with some friends, and said she wanted to show me something. I had no idea what she meant, as she got really close to me. I was a little frightened, although i was probably stronger than her she was still a year older and i knew she had a lot of temper. When we were almost face-to-face, she snapped her knee up into my groin, quite hard, and i went straight to the ground curled up. Back then i didn't know it hurt so bad to get your testicles smashed. She said to me, never to bother her again in school, and left with her giggling friends.
From that day i truly feared her, and never dared to harass her again. But at the same time fell somewhat in love with her (as much you can when you are only a little boy), and was turned on by her legs when she walked by and i recalled what she was capable of with those hard knees of hers.
I truly learned my lesson back then, i did have a lot more respect of women since then.
Girls in Denmark don't wear uniforms to school, so that is not part of my fetish, but i am turned on by girls wearing sexy uniforms in bb-movies etc. Mostly i find stockings/pantyhose/tights weared with high heels sexy.
That is very close to what happened to me. Though it was public school. I was in 7th grade and fighting with a girl over a pencil. She kneed me and I had to leave class and recover in the hall, it was horrible!. I have always wondered if that was the "secret". In grade school there was a group of girls who beat boys balls, but that is a story for another time...
It is borderline frightening just how accurate this post is to how I ended up with this fetish. Biggest difference with my experience was that where I went to school, at least the girls would get in trouble if they were caught doing it unprovoked. But even when they'd get in trouble, if it was a female teacher who scolded them, they'd still have to struggle not to laugh at what they just saw.
As for the uniform question: Yep, definitely. Bonus if I'm able to see up the girl's skirt after she just kicked me.
I never got busted while I was in school, but in school we'd watch movies or AFV clips where someone gets hit in the balls and all the girls would laugh. The fact they thought it was so funny and that it could only happen to me and not them really got to me. But yes the schoolgirl outfit is one of my favorites.
This is fucking hilarious! I have come to a similar conclusion. Most men on here have had something that has happened during their childhood that gives them the urge to be busted as bad as they need oxygen haha. Granted not all but a pretty big portion.
I'm honestly a control freak. There's nothing I hate more than being out of control; what I really love about BB is that I'm forced not to be.
A hard kick is going to be crippling no matter how hard I wish otherwise, and that's the beauty of it.
Step 1: Find a gal you trust and find pretty
Step 2: Get balls smashed for a while as a way to give up control
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