Derek had been living with his dad for a while after his mom had passed 5 years back until he went off to college. His father had started finally dating a new woman and finally seemed happy. After 8 months or so he finally wanted to introduce his new fiancé to his son. He called his Derek to tell him before he came back for summer break.

       He was going on and on about how great his new future stepmother was and how she had a daughter the same age as his so it would make things a little more comfortable since you're both in the same position. She has been away at college to and is coming back for the summer. 

       Derek came back to his house, and everyone was inside already there. He stopped in his tracks when he saw his father's new fiancé and her daughter, Candy. They looked almost exactly alike except Candy looked a younger but not that much. Wearing very similar outfits. Both wearing tank tops, tight black yoga pants, and flip flops. 

       They all hung out for a while and eventually it got late, and the parents went to bed. Candy and Derek stayed downstairs and were watching a random movie on tv. A self-defense scenario scene came up in the movie and the women were all taking turns kneeing and kicking the guy in the groin, among a few other things but mainly the former. Candy started laughing as she saw Derek wince and kind of grab his groin in sympathy.

      Candy started saying "that's just like the class I've been taking at college the last 2 years. No guy that ever wants children should consider attacking me, lol." as she swung her foot up from her seated position and said "splat". Derek felt a little emasculated even though it was a bit of a turn on because of how hot she was. 

      He got up to get them some popcorn and walked infront of Candy and she fired her foot up and stopped just short of his balls and said "splat, you're so lucky or else you'd be so done. Down on the ground in tears. Wondering, did this hot girl just burst my poor balls". Derek was getting really annoyed with her so tough Miss Self Defense attitude. His ego prevailed over his brain and said "please I'm way too strong. A kick to the balls doesn't hurt nearly as bad as you girls think. And your seated how bad could it really be...."

       Just as he was finishing the sentence Candy grabbed his arms and he was the perfect distance away and was so caught off guard. She quickly launched the top of bare foot up between his legs with much more power than Derek deemed possible. His eyes popped out and mouth hung open unable to speak. Candy giggled to herself and giggled to herself "guys are so easy to beat" and Derek was too stunned to even do anything, and Candy brought her foot down and swung it up 2 more times right into Derek's vulnerable nuts. She held her foot there for about 7 seconds, but it seemed like an hour to Derek.

      She was smiling and looking him right in the eyes while he was looking at her with the most helpless look with pleading eyes. He started sobbing and she let him drop to the ground as she started to feel bad as she could see how much pain he was in. He started softly crying and sobbing "my balls. They hurt so bad." Candy started rubbing him on the back and saying "I'm sorry. I know it hurts you guys so bad, but you had to be humbled a bit, don't you think? If you're not a dick the rest of the night maybe I will have these dangerous feet make it up to you as she wiggled her dark red painted toes. Derek said "please, anything to alleviate the pain and your feet are really pretty". She said "this is how you can show me you'll behave"...... Till Next Part


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awesome story! 



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