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What we both found most enjoyable was me rolling around on him, straddling his leg, and kneeing his balls, followed by grinding and another knee, varying to power to prolong his pleasure and mine. But that took time to develop. 

Did you notice ever that his pain tolerance is much higher when he is more turn on then usual, like that he can take more hard knees then usual so only latter he realize how much painful it was.

Did he ever escape grinding  because he was close to cum so to stop it on time or did you ever use super hard knee if you noticed grinding excited him too much :)

He was and is more sensitive when he is aroused, but that also makes him more tolerant, probably because of the enhanced pleasure the pain gives him. My husband is the same, so he really enjoys being busted just as he is on the point of ejaculating. My brother ran off the first few times he felt like cumming, but once he realised that his sis did not mind, he never tried to avoid it after that.

How he cum first time, was it from a lot of grinding or more knees, some kicks maybe. How you reacted like you did not sow or you comment something

It was early on. I did not actually see it happen, because he rushed out of the room, but I was sure he came.

This was, say, the second or third time I had caught him with a knee. His cock was caught up in the folds of his shorts, so it could have been the pulling and pushing that got him hot rather than my knee.

I did not say anything, because I did not want to embarrass him, but he must have known that I would realise what was happening. 

Did you ever make one of them cum from one hard surprise knee? Do you notice they are more sensitive if you knee them by surprise when they aren't expecting it at all. If so how much more of an effect does it ha e on them. Do you enjoy shocking them with a surprise knee. Is it satisfying for you in a different way? How does it make you feel to do a surprise knee and drop a man to the ground in an instant before they even knew what happened?

I usually combine busting with foreplay, so I build up to my busts rather than take guys by surprise, although I have done that sometimes. It is not my thing, really. So my hubby comes when I bust him, but that is at the end of a session and he is ready to blow anyway. He says it heightens the pleasure, making the orgasm more painful but the pleasure more intense. 

You are right that guys can tolerate pain better if they are prepared. I think it is a mental thing with them. Maybe it is also about being aroused. 

And do I find busting satisfying? YES. YES. YES.

After first time do you think he knew you noticed he cum. So how it happened next time, did he also cum so easily from rolling and few knees or he was more open to it letting you use more your knee.

How your sessions look like now without playfight, did he still get some knee grind and some chance to cum

I am sure he realised that I noticed he had cum. I can't remember all the details of what exactly happened and when, but it was not long before it was obvious that he was getting aroused by being kneed and was making less and less effort to avoid it. 

We don't get much chance nowadays, but when we do he is standing while I knee or squeeze, with an occasional kick.

How often he cum after that, was it always more from rolling and just few knees or sometimes it was a lot of knee grind. Does he still cum sometimes now in sessions?

Like most guys his age, it did not take much to make him cum. A lot of it was anticipation after a while so a few knees was all that it would take. He still cums now but it takes longer. I am sure that is a matter of age as much as anything else.

How it looks like now in session, is it still from knees?

Did he ever cum while you squeeze ?



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