A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
[If you're thinking TLDR, bookmark this and come back when you have some time. It will be worth the effort. Or go old school: copy it into a Word doc and print it out ;) - Joe S.]
Hands-on training was usually Rebecca’s favorite part of the day. Not only did it mean getting out from under the harsh fluorescent, blue-white light of the cavernous lecture hall, but it meant turning all that classroom knowledge into action as well. Doing was always better than sitting. However today, unlike most lab days, Rebecca found herself going through the motions, like she was on autopilot, her mind constantly drifting from the tasks at hand. Her curiosity surrounding what might happen later on in the day was killing her. It was like her emotions were suffering a terrible case of blue balls and yet she couldn’t stop the thoughts from flooding in and consuming her. Something was in the air – she could sense it as soon as she stepped out of her building that morning – crackling around her, generating a sensation that felt like tiny little pin pricks spidering up the backs of her legs and down her neck as she made her way to class. And now, wishing she could simply fast forward through the day, the promise of what was to come produced a surge of excitement, a rush that left her feeling weak in the knees. Sometimes anticipation is better than the actual event but Rebecca had a feeling this would not be the case tonight. She couldn’t wait to see her old friend Roxana who was coming over with her boyfriend on the pretense of joining her and Ryan for a friendly little game night. But that was just a ruse – a scheme they’d concocted – and it made her chuckle silently to think about how, together, they’d connived such a brilliantly devious plan. Her pulse shifted into overdrive thinking about what they hoped would most certainly happen.
“We gonna do this stretch or what?” Bull’s gruff voice jolted Rebecca back to reality.
“Sorry,” she said distractedly to her training partner while glancing over at the therapy table next to theirs hoping to reorient herself. She watched as Rhonda slipped a wide rubber band deftly around her partner’s foot and handed the other end to him. He was lying on his back and Rhonda instructed him to draw his knee toward his chest as far as he could like he was giving it a bear hug. He held the position as Rhonda measured the bend in his knee. Rebecca quickly grabbed a band from the pile and was about to tell Bull to hop on the table but she found he was already there, the back of his head resting comfortably on a fluffy pillow, like he might just doze off. She slipped the tight band over his foot and gave him the other end. He was about to pull his leg up when Rhonda interjected.
“You should probably put your shoes back on for this, Bull,” she cautioned.
Bull rolled his deepset eyes and waved her off.
“Have it your way,” Rhonda said shaking her head.
A split second later there came a loud SNAP followed by a staccato grunt. Rhonda wheeled around, catching a glimpse of Rebecca with her green eyes as wide as saucers, and found Bull rocking on his side with his hands between his trembling legs, glistening droplets of sweat beading up on his shaved head. She shook her head and looked back to Rebecca.
“Snapped himself in the nuts, right?” She said, rolling her eyes in a resigned manner, a hand on her hip as she waited for her partner to come back from the water fountain. “That is why you always have the patient wear shoes for this one,” she said, gazing soberly into Rebecca’s wide eyes. “Socks are slick and the bands have a tendency to just pop right off the heel. If the patient is pulling hard, well, where else is it gonna go?”
Right where it did, Rebecca thought happily, looking over Rhonda’s shoulder at her quivering partner, without a trace of sympathy. She wanted to laugh but it seemed unprofessional, so she swallowed it down.
Despite Rebecca’s attempt to hide it, Rhonda saw the humor flicker briefly in those bright, emerald eyes which caused the corners of her mouth turn up just the slightest bit. “Serves him right, I guess,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, before adding, as a pained little grimace replaced her grin, “Only have to learn that lesson once.”
Seeing the pathetic attempt at sympathy on Rhonda’s face was the last straw. Rebecca turned from table and held her hand to her mouth bursting into hysterics with just enough presence of mind to let her long raven hair drape around her face in the hope it might shield her complete and total insensitivity from Bull’s view. It was the very least she could do. Feeling Rhonda’s hand on her shoulder gently guiding her away from the table toward the equipment room, Rebecca could hear Rhonda behind her laughing now, too, only quieter and with more discretion.
Once they were inside the cramped room, Rebecca threw her hands in the air. “I’m really sorry about that Rhonda,” she apologized, composing herself.
“Don’t be,” Rhonda said, leaning against a rack of pink and green dumbbells, still smiling. “It was pretty funny. I tried to warn him.”
“Guess that’s why they call him Bull,” Rebecca replied, mirroring her classmate’s toothy smile.
Rhonda arched an eyebrow and then leaned in closer, her voice coming in hushed tones. Rebecca could feel her breath as she whispered and it literally tickled her ears. But it was Rhonda’s words that provided a figurative tickle. “Actually, I’ve heard rumors,” she confided as Rebecca’s eyebrows lifted. “It isn’t because he’s hard-headed. Apparently it’s because his balls are as big as a bull’s,” At this revelation Rhonda turned her palms up, forming them into little cups before letting them sag under the imaginary weight.
A silence hung in the small room, draping the racks of mats, weights, bands and exercise balls, all four eyes riveted on Rhonda’s hands as each woman contemplated the potential size of Bull’s testicles. Then, as if cued, they up at each other and burst into laughter.
“Yeah,” Rhonda said, as her fingertips, perhaps driven by her subconcious, settled between her legs. “That had to hurt.”
As they tempered themselves, an idea wormed its way into Rebecca’s brain. She measured Rhonda, recalling a few of their latest interactions. Rhonda had always come across as a warm, caring soul, quick to laugh – though she was always careful to be appropriate – and yet, looking at her now, there was something in Rhonda’s eyes Rebecca recognized, sneaking around the periphery like a face at the edge of a window peaking in. It might have been embarrassment or discomfort, considering the situation, but as Rebecca turned it over in her mind, the more she believed it was actually the seeds of excitement trying to bloom. Feeling pretty sure about her instincts, she decided to probe. “Do you feel bad for him?”
Rhonda looked up, her thin, dark brows furrowing at the question. She opened her mouth but then stopped, pondering the question. “I was going to say ‘yes’,” she said, finally, “but, honestly? No, not at all. It’s actually pretty funny to me.” Rhonda quickly covered her mouth. “Is that wrong?” She asked, searching Rebecca’s face.
Rebecca smiled back reassuringly, making a mental note that Rhonda had just laughed about something she clearly thought was inappropriate. “Nope,” she said through a chuckle, thinking to herself how it was a completely appropriate reaction. “It is hilarious when a guy takes a shot to his jewels.”
Nodding her head thoughtfully, Rhonda agreed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Rebecca took Rhonda’s hand and pulled her toward the door. “But even if it is pure hilarity, and besides, we all know guys deserve it, we should still probably check to see if he’s okay. We are in this program to take care of people.”
Bull was sitting up, his legs dangling off the side of the table when they returned to the therapy area. He gave Rhonda a sheepish look. “Guess you were right,” he muttered.
Instead of rubbing it in like Rebecca would have, Rhonda joked, “Bet you’ll put your shoes on next time.”
“Mm hmm,” Bull murmured, sliding his big frame gingerly from the table. The girls watched him limp off to the lockers with his sad, shuffling gait and smiled at each other.
Picking up the therapy equipment after class, Rebecca caught Rhonda giving her a sideways glance. “What is it, Rhonda?”
Rhonda fidgeted with the collection of bands she was holding, stretching them and letting them give, her eyes far away. When she looked up, Rebecca was surprised at the intensity in Rhonda’s eyes. “What did you mean when you said, ‘we all know guys deserve it’?”
Rebecca grinned. Bait taken, she thought. “Let’s get this stuff put away and take that question to the lockers,” she said with a wink.
As they changed out of their scrubs, Rebecca addressed Rhonda’s question. “I said guys deserve it because they do. Look, you warned Bull and he didn’t listen. His stubborness was justly rewarded, don’t you think?”
“Well, sure,” Rhonda conceded, “But that’s a specific case. You don’t really think guys deserve it every time, do you? I mean, what if a soccer player gets cleated accidentally?”
“Shoulda worn a cup,” Rebecca shrugged.
“Wow, you’re cold,” Rhonda said flatly, though there was no real disapproval in her tone.
“Let me ask you a question,” Rebecca said, leveling her gaze on Rhonda before taking the plunge. “Have you ever hit a guy in the balls?”
Rhonda’s head recoiled as a small gasp escaped her. “Oh my. No,” she answered almost immediately. But after thinking about it for a beat she added, “But I’ve definitely wanted to a few times.”
“Because he deserved it?”
“Oh yeah. My ex could be a real horse’s ass sometimes.”
“And there you go,” Rebecca said matter-of-factly, resisting the urge to ask So why didn’t you?.
“But wait!” Rhonda protested. “I do remember once, a few years ago, when we were still together. We were at a bar and this drunk lady came up where we were standing. She squinted at my ex and then me and then my ex again and said ‘Fuck you, Chuck, you cheating bastard.’ Then she kicked him in the groin.” Before Rebecca could point out that it sounded to her like he totally deserved what he got, Rhonda laughed. “But my ex – his name was Theo – so she had the wrong guy! You can’t tell me Theo deserved that! He didn’t even know the woman.”
Despite the exasperation in Rhonda’s eyes, Rebecca wasn’t about to concede the cold, hard truth. “I guess that’s where we differ.” When Rhonda’s mouth gaped, Rebecca grinned deviously, a grin so sly it might have pushed little red horns up through her dark hair. “You see Rhonda, I’m of the opinion that any time a girl gets a guy where it hurts most, then he deserves it, accident or not. He doesn’t have to do anything to deserve it. It’s his problem he has those dangling bits hanging there just waiting to get hit. I don’t care if that lady was so drunk she didn’t even know where she was. All I know is that in that moment she thought she was being cheated on and felt compelled to issue the appropriate response. A kick in the balls. So whether Theo knew her or not, doesn’t matter. All that matters is that she felt the need to kick some balls and he just happened to have them. Wrong place, wrong time. Right outcome.”
Rhonda gaped, staring back at Rebecca with utter shock. “Whu…what?!? That’s…that’s just crazy…and mean,” she sputtered.
“Sorry if that was too much to take in,” Rebecca said, putting a hand on Rhonda’s shoulder. “I can get carried away.”
“It’s okay. I was just caught off guard,” Rhonda said quickly, trying to play it cool even as her mind reeled.
They dressed in silence, Rebecca snatching quick glances at Rhonda, trying to get inside the girl’s head. She certainly seemed to be doing some heavy thinking but Rebecca couldn’t decipher how it was coming along. She slung her bag over her shoulder and called over it, “See you Monday.” When she heard Rhonda’s voice call out, she turned back.
“Look,” Rhonda said, now fidgeting with the straps of her bag. “This is a little weird. I’ve never really talked to anyone about this kind of thing before. But I have to admit, it’s something that has popped up in my mind randomly every so often. I usually just try to shove it back down but I don’t know,” she paused and drew in a calming breath, “I guess I’d like to talk about it some more sometime… since you seem to be quite comfortable and highly opinionated on the subject. You know, If you’d be up for it,” she added hastily.
Rebecca smiled warmly and her mind immediately went to the little get together happening later. “Whatcha doin’ tonight?” She said, hooking an elbow through Rhonda’s arm. “I’m hosting a little gathering and I’m pretty sure this ‘subject’ will be front and center.”
Ryan put the armful of games on the coffee table just as a harsh droning tone sounded. He watched, bemused, when Rebecca practically bounced over to the intercom. “Come on up,” she called cheerily, pressing the buzzer.
“Never seen you so excited to play games,” Ryan said, studying his girlfriend. His eyes narrowed when she smiled innocently and batted her long, black eyelashes. “Something I need to know?” He asked dryly, recognizing that familiar expression of hers.
“Oh, you’ll see,” she purred as she pulled open the door.
As always, Roxana looked fantastic. Her platinum hair shimmered even in the dim light. She had on a light, white, cotton button down with just enough buttons purposely left undone to reveal the edge of the bra underneath as well as the high, firm swell of her cleavage. The knee length black skirt frilled out just past the round curve of her ass, like it was tailor-made to showcase perfection, while her feet were clad in matching black Mary Janes. Adam wasn’t quite so totted up but still looked nice in his plaid button down, untucked, faded jeans and sandals. Rebecca thought his new beard was a good fit, too. And though she wasn’t much of a beard person, she had to admit its thin lines accented his strong jaw nicely.
It caught Ryan off-guard when a third person trailed in. He looked at Rebecca, raising his eyebrows slightly. She shrugged.
“This is Tamara,” Roxana said. “She works at my gym. Hope you don’t mind I invited her.”
Ryan came over and shook her hand politely as Rebecca introduced themselves. “The more the merrier,” she said. “Welcome. We have snacks on the dining room table and drinks in the fridge. Help yourself,” she said, as the buzzer went off again. Ryan couldn’t help but notice Tamara’s tight butt in her thin, black stretch pants as she followed Roxana and Adam into the kitchen.
“I thought it was just Roxana and Adam,” Ryan said, turning back to Rebecca looking a tad distraught, wondering now if he had enough snacks, as she buzzed in the newcomer.
“Sorry. It was a last minute thing,” Rebecca apologized. “My classmate Rhonda expressed an interest so I thought why not.”
When she came in, Ryan’s concerns disappeared and he found himself grateful for Rebecca’s impromptu invitation. Rhonda’s hair, clearly dyed, was a deep plum color that really set off her rich, brown eyes and her full lips framed a wonderful smile that really fit her wide face. She was what fashion magazines might call plus size, but her body, like her lips, was full and voluptuous in a good way. A very good way, Ryan thought, unconsciously smoothing his shirt. Her hips were wide though her waist was narrower than he would have expected. But it was her oversize bosom that really caught his eye (surprise). Obviously, Rebecca owned his favorite pair – and they were certainly big, with the most adorable dime-sized nipples – but Rhonda’s were in a different class, stretching the fabric of her blouse to its limit. Of course, everything about Rhonda was bigger, but damn, did it work.
“Hi Rhonda,” Ryan said, holding out his hand, “I’m Ryan. Our friends Adam and Roxana and another girl, uh, Tamara I think was her name, are in the kitchen. We have snacks and drinks. I’m still setting up so Rebecca will have to introduce you.”
Taking his hand, Rhonda said, “Pleasure to meet you, Ryan. Thanks for having me.” Her voice was rich and smoky, and despite such a short sample, Ryan felt like he could listen to her talk all night long.
With food and drinks in hand, the party settled in the living room and began making small talk. Rebecca flitted around the room playing host with an exuberance Ryan rarely witnessed. He listened intently to Adam as he talked about baseball and then fantasy football, two of Ryan’s favorite subjects, but still couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at his girlfriend as she made her rounds. What the hell got into her, he wondered.
Suddenly, there came a chorus of laughter, contagious, the kind that makes you want to join in even though you have no idea what’s so funny. Adam and Ryan turned to see Roxana and Tamara doubled over holding their stomachs nearly crying they wer laughing so hard. Rhonda had this bewildered, bemused expression, like she’d just seen a horrific wipeout clip from Ridiculousness and didn’t know what to make of it. The sight of their turned heads caught Rebecca’s attention.
“Rhonda was just relating this incident in class today. We were working on stretching exercises and this one particular exercise involved these stretchy, elastic bands we use in therapy, like oversized rubber bands about as wide as a lasagna noodle. Anyway, what you had to do was lie on your back and put the band around your heel and then pull your knee to your chest,” she explained, mimicking the motion even though she was standing. Ryan’s eyes stole over to Rhonda and he guessed her knee wouldn’t make it very far. He laughed to himself as Rebecca continued. “My partner was wearing socks and damned if that band didn’t slip off and snap him right in the balls!” At this, the three other girls broke out into hysterics again. Rebecca smiled as Adam and Ryan both cringed.
“It was pretty funny,” Rhonda conceded through her giggles.
Ryan rose, shaking his head. “I’m sure it was,” he said, the sarcasm in his voice as heavy as Rhonda’s chest. “Anyone need a drink before we get started?” He asked, trying to move things along.
After passing out the refills, he waved a hand over the stack of games. “Let’s see. We have Pictionary, Charades, some kind of trivia game, Monopoly, Risk – “
Rebecca cut him off. “Hey, how’s everyone feeling? Nice and loose? I know I’m feeling a bit relaxed thanks to these,” she said, holding up her drink. She looked around the room pleased to see that everyone seemed to be feeling pretty good. “How about we play a lil’ old game called Truth or Dare?” Heads nodded, though Rebecca noted the skeptical look on Adam’s face. She walked over and grabbed two small baskets hidden behind the television. “Great! It just so happens I have some questions,” she held up one basket, posing like one of those girls highlighting the prizes on The Price is Right" and some dares all ready to go,” she said, holding up the other basket, winking at them. “Ryan, would you be a dear and pass around those cards behind the games? One side is labeled Truth, the other Dare. Put your choice face up before the question is read,” she said as Ryan picked up the small stack and passed them around. “Alright everyone. Make your choices and then I’ll start with Ryan,” she finished, walking over to her boyfriend.
Rebecca looked down and saw that he’d chosen Truth. “Wise choice, Ry,” she said, looking at him smugly. She reached into the question basket, picked out a slip and slowly unfolded the paper.
“Question one,” Rebecca said in her best game show host voice, slowly gazing around the room. “And the moment you find out if you’ve made the wrong choice,” she tittered, immediately breaking character, as she looked from Ryan to Adam. “Ooh, what do we have here?” She asked, teasing out the moment. “Looks like there’s one question for the girls and a different one for the boys. Here’s the boys’ question. Have you ever,” she paused, letting a deliciously malevolent smile play on her mouth, “had a girl kick you in the balls?”
“What?!” Ryan huffed, his long arms snatching for the paper. “It doesn’t say that!”
Rebecca danced away from him, holding the paper above her head, taunting him. She moved across the room to Rhonda, who looked caught between being half-shocked and half-amused. “Could you read this for Ryan, please?”
Rhonda took the paper and gazed at it. Then, in that sultry, smoky voice of hers she read, “Have you ever had a girl kick you in the balls?” She looked at Ryan, smirking. “But Rebecca, it also says in parenthesis ‘if yes, then provide a story’.”
“Oh right!” Rebecca exclaimed, rolling her eyes as if to say silly me. “You must tell us the story, too!”
Ryan scowled. “Fine.” He threw his hands in the air. “My answer is yes. Now, my story,” he said, rubbing at his face like his hands were an eraser, one that might make him disappear from the room.
Before he could start, Rebecca piped up. “How about I pick your story?” When he shook his head, she retorted, “I wasn’t really asking.” Then she mouthed ‘Doctor Cameron’ thinking to herself that while Roxana, and probably Tamara, would get a kick out of that one, it would most certainly blow Rhonda’s mind.
The skin covering Ryan’s high cheekbones darkened to a beet red shade, making him look like he’d just spent a hot day swimming at the beach. He took a long swig of his beer. And then another as he looked around the room. The girls were sitting forward, gazing at him intently with an unsettling eagerness. Next to him, Adam looked horrified but also slightly relieved. When Ryan noticed the Dare card in front of him, he understood the relief. “Okay, so this was what, two years ago?” He said with a heavy sigh, trying to give Rebecca his best sad puppy dog eyes, hoping she’d give him a reprieve and save him the humiliation of recounting the horrible memory. She only nodded confirmation. So, with deep resignation in his voice, Ryan began his tale.
“I guess I should start at the beginning. For some reason, which turned out to be really stupid of me in hindsight, I told Rebecca about this old girlfriend I used to have and how when we broke up I said some clever quip and slammed the door in her face. Of course, Rebecca immediately got pissed because she said I never gave the girl a chance to end things properly, which, if you haven’t picked up on things by now, meant I never gave her the opportunity to kick my balls. So somehow Rebecca found her and made sure we ran into each other. Well, this time, Stacy, the ex, got her chance. And then later that night, Rebecca decided to ensure I got the message, adding a kick of her own, which completely wrecked me. I mean all I wanted to do was pass out. But I couldn’t.” Whether he was shaking his head in sadness at that deplorable memory or whether it was from what he was about to say, only Ryan knew.
“And then Rebecca had this crazy idea she thought might help me out with my dilemma. And that was to punch my already swollen balls as hard as she could. Her hands might look small and dainty, but when she makes a fist, look out,” he said, rubbing his jaw in memory of the time when Rebecca had tried to prove to him that the best way to put a man in his place was through his nuts. First, she’d slapped his face, which wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was more thrilling and sexy than painful. Then she’d smiled at him and drove a right cross into his jaw, making him see stars, though it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle. But then, a few seconds later, he discovered that taking her punch was a walk in the park compared to the pain that erupted when she rammed her knee into his groin, smashing his balls and proving her point. His hand slipped between his legs as he refocused himself. “So yeah, needless to say, I blacked out.”
He paused and surveyed the room. Tamara and Roxana were smiling wide enough to split their faces. Rhonda looked shocked, but pleasantly so, as her soft, brown eyes sparkled over the ‘O’ shape of her mouth. Adam, on the other hand, looked repulsed. Then there was Rebecca, arms folded under her chest, beaming, clearly proud of such a brilliant idea. He went on.
“When I came to, my testicles were enormous, which freaked me out, so Becca took me to see a doctor. The doctor – just had to be a woman – and although I tried to say it was just an accident, well, she saw through the flimsy excuse I tried to feed her. Yeah, she knew right away it was this little darling here,” he waved his hand in a playfully sarcastic manner toward his girlfriend, “ who’d caused all the swelling. In fact, the doctor even told Rebecca how impressed she was with the great job that Bec had done, complimenting her on just how hard she must’ve had to bust me to elicit that kind of swelling.” Ryan shook his head, shuddering at the memory, though a small, appreciative grin played on his lips, as he recalled limping around for days because of the number she'd done on him. “But then she said I’d be fine and to give it a few weeks. Oh, and the worst thing was, she wrote a prescription for Rebecca. It said that once I was feeling better Rebecca needed to kick me in the balls again – because I made her drive out in the middle of the night – and here I quote – ‘for nothing’.”
Ryan’s head continued shaking. To this day he was still incredulous at Dr. Cameron’s dismissive words. At the sound of Rhonda’s sweet voice he looked up.
“Did she?”
Ryan looked at her, surprised – surprised that it was Rhonda asking and not Roxana. Before he could answer Rebecca held up a finger.
“I actually gave him three whole weeks to recover and then took him in for a check up. Dr. Cameron said he looked right as rain but said she was disappointed in me that I didn’t follow her prescription. So right there in the office she had him stand there and take my kick, which he did. She was so clearly excited about how hard I kicked him that, even as he was rolling around, struggling to breathe, she asked me if she could take a shot, too. Girls,” Rebecca said, amazement washing over her face as she looked at them, “that doc knew what she was doing. I can’t believe Ry’s balls didn’t explode as hard as she proceeded to kick them.”
Roxana clapped happily while next to her Tamara sat smirking. Rhonda still looked stunned, but then she said quietly, “Wow. Do they even work anymore?”
At this, Rebecca roared with laughter. She jabbed Roxana and pointed. “Uh-oh. It looks like Adam is about to be sick. He’s gone green!” It was true. Adam was looking a little ashen, though probably more gray than green as he fidgeted awkwardly in his seat, staring hard at something in the carpet, pretending this wasn’t really happening.
“Actually Rhonda,” Ryan said, appreciative of her sympathetic tone, “you’d be amazed at how resilient our testicles are. I used to worry that Rebecca would really damage them one day but she has proven that they’re far too tough for that.”
“Oh my,” Rhonda murmured, leaning forward with her hands pressed between her legs like she was super glad not to have testicles. “Does she kick you in the balls a lot then?”
Ryan nodded, trying hard not to be distracted by the expansive, inviting cleavage stretching her shirt. “Mostly it’s kicks, I guess. But she also really likes to knee them. Sometimes she’ll punch them. Fortunately, she doesn’t stomp on them too often because that usually only happens after she’s already kicked them and they’re hurting pretty bad.”
Rhonda held a hand to her heavy chest with wonder in her eyes. “And you let her?”
“What choice do I really have? I love her and I’m not going to leave her. So if I have to take a few kicks and knees, it’s the price I have to pay,” he admitted, a sudden admiration coming into his eyes as he looked at Rebecca. “Besides, it really makes her happy to give my balls a good busting. It turns her on to see me holding them in agony, knowing she’s the reason why.”
Rebecca was nodding enthusiastically when she saw Rhonda staring at her. The poor girl’s mind looked completely blown. For a moment Rebecca wondered if maybe she just might cut and run but there was something underneath Rhonda’s dazed countenance that caused Rebecca to think she wouldn’t. Perhaps the sheer amount of estrogen now blanketing the room would give her the fortitude to see the night through. Rebecca could only hope.
Deciding her classmate might need some time to collect herself, Rebecca moved the game along. “Looks like Tamara is up next,” she said, picking up the slip of paper from the floor where it had fallen from Rhonda’s hand. She bent at the waist and let the neck of her blouse hang open, giving Ryan a perfect view of her breasts. A little reward for being so forthcoming, she thought. She lingered a moment and then stood. “Let’s see. Question for the girls. Have you ever…kicked, kneed, punched or otherwise made a boy’s balls hurt? If yes, story please. If no, well,” she said, chuckling, the excitement of the moment overwhelming her, “I can’t imagine getting a ‘no’ on this one!” The earlier conversation with Rhonda was far from her mind.
Tamara adjusted her glasses, sat back in her chair and crossed her legs above the knee, tapping her chin with a finger. “Hmm, let me think…um, yes!”
The girls roared.
“So,” Tamara began, looking at Roxana. “You remember big Olav from the gym, right?”
Roxana furrowed her brow briefly but then brightened, remembering their introduction, although the only true introduction had come when she introduced her knee to his balls. “How could I forget?”
“Is there a something I’m missing?” Rebecca chimed in, as Roxana and Tamara shared a knowing gaze.
“Actually, there is,” Roxana admitted. “How about we come back to Tamara and I’ll take my turn now?”
“Fair enough,” Rebecca conceded, giving Roxana the floor with a quick wave of her hand.
“So this guy Olav – oh, and my answer is a huge YES!, obviously – I guess he was a big deal at the gym or something. Big, hulking musclehead. I mean massive,” she said, holding her small hand several inches above her own bicep. “Anyway, I didn’t know who he was or that he was a big deal and one day I hopped on what I thought was a vacant machine. Turns out Olav was using it and was just off getting a drink at the moment. Regardless, I was on it when he came back and he yanked me right off it, giving me some bullshit about how it was his machine until he was done with it. Well, I wasn’t in the mood to be bossed around so I straight up kneed him in the balls, pretty darn hard, honestly,” she said, looking quite pleased with herself. “We were standing next to this punching bag and as he was beginning to drop, he tried to grab the bag to keep from going down, but because of his body mass, the thing just tore right from its moorings. The whole thing was a mess, really. But especially Olav’s balls.” Roxana smiled warmly at the memory. Then she looked at Tamara. “Hey, I don’t think I ever saw him again. Does he still workout there? Or did he take his balls and go home?”
Tamara merely smirked from behind her glasses in response to Roxana’s last question. “Funny you should ask because that’s my story.” Roxana’s eyes widened. “Oh, and by the way,” Tamara added, looking admiringly, like a kid sister, at Roxana, “you’re the reason I can answer ‘yes’!” She laughed as Roxana’s jaw dropped.
“I gotta hear this,” Rebecca chirped.
“So you will,” Tamara said, a starry twinkle gleaming in her eye. She wet her palate with a long sip from her glass, letting the pause whet Rebecca’s appetite. “About two or three weeks after Roxana caused Olav to ruin yet another punching bag, although this time it wasn’t from him beating on it, we now know, thanks to Roxana’s titillating revelation, I made a little discovery of my own – which tends to happen when you run the front desk. Old Olav had been coming in late, right before closing, to work out. As if someone that big could go incognito! One day he asked me to keep the gym open a bit later so he could finish his workout. He looked a little sad and we got to talking. He explained that ever since the incident,” she formed air quotes around the last two words with her fingers, “he really didn’t have the desire to workout anymore. What was the point, he said, if it didn’t do him any good. Getting beaten so easily by a girl really messed him up. He was just lingering there and it seemed to me like he wanted to confess something but was having trouble finding the words. It was just a feeling, but intution was telling me there was something about the whole experience that he acutally liked. Well, I’d never hit a boy down there before in my life, but hearing about what Roxana had done – unfortunately I didn’t actually see it – I really wanted to try. So, knowing that Olav was obviously trying to sort things out in his mind, I decided to help him. I smiled at him, trying my best to look flirty, as he stood there with a muddled expression on his face looking so, so forlorn. Oh my god, I was sooo nervous but, like, really excited too. I could feel my body get all tingly as I stood there with him towering over me and I knew I just had to do it. I took a deep breath and then I kicked him right in the balls!” There was pure joy on Tamara’s face as she spoke. “And then something happened that damn near floored me. He passed out! Right there at my feet! I probably should have been worried but it was just too caught up in the moment. It was the best feeling ever!” Tamara gushed, bouncing in her seat.
“Oh YEAH!” Rebecca cried as she reached over to high five Tamara.
“Good girl,” Roxana said with admiration, adding her own high five. “So what happened when he came to?”
Tamara shook her head sadly. “I honestly don’t know. He was out for a little while and I had stuff to do. I figured I’d check on him when I got done, but when I got back, he was gone. And he hasn’t been back since.” She gave Roxana a pouty little look. “And I was really hoping I’d be able to do it again.”
“I totally understand,” Roxana said, putting a hand on Tamara’s slumped shoulders, playing the role of big sister. “Once you get the taste for something…” There was a flush in Roxana’s cheeks and a hunger in her eyes as she spoke, the color enhancing her beauty while warning of the danger lurking inside her.
“Speaking getting the taste for something,” Rebecca said, turning to Rhonda, who was sitting wide-eyed with her palms pressed against the sides of her head. “Is your appetite whetted, yet?”
Slowly, Rhonda dropped her hands down to her knees, oblivious to the fact that by doing so her arms squeezed her huge boobs in a way that had them spilling from her top, and looked at Rebecca. “This is some crazy shit,” she said in an even tone, gazing around the room at her companions.
When she said nothing else, Rebecca was worried they’d gone too far and that Rhonda was just psyching herself up to deliver a scathing rebuke about how sadistic they all were. But her fears were for naught.
“But I gotta tell ya,” Rhonda said, finally breaking the heavy silence – or maybe it just felt heavy to Rebecca. “Ever since,” she paused and scratched at the back of her neck, “well, puberty I guess, I’ve found myself thinking about this subject. I was raised never to hit a boy below the belt, but for some reason that never really jived with me. But then again when something’s been ingrained at a young age you kinda take it as truth. Hearing ya’ll talk about it so openly, so…” she threw hands in the air, palms up, “I guess with so much glee that it makes me feel like I haven’t been wrong to have those kind of thoughts all these years. It’s kinda freeing to be honest.”
“That’s awesome!” Rebecca said, pumping her fist encouragingly.
“Maybe,” Rhonda said. “But you know what that means?”
Rebecca started to shake her head but stopped, suddenly remembering. “Oh no! You have to answer ‘no.’ That’s right, after class you said…” she trailed off, sounding sad and disappointed.
Rhonda nodded, her eyes matching the tone of Rebecca’s voice. But a hope stole into them when she saw Rebecca’s face brighten.
“Good news for you, Rhonda,” Rebecca said cheerily, walking over and yanking Ryan to his feet. “I’m calling an audible.” Positioning her boyfriend, like he was a mannequin, in front of Rhonda she commanded, “I want you to kick Ry here. Go ahead. Stand yourself up and give him a good kick. Right in the balls.”
Rhonda looked up at Rebecca with disbelief in her eyes. But even though she found a panicked, but determined, expression on Ryan’s face when she turned to him, she could see him nodding – or was he just trembling? – condoning his girlfriend’s offer.
Truth be told, Ryan really wasn’t in the mood to get his nuts crushed, but the opportunity to get a close up view of Rhonda’s full breasts and watch them wobble like jello in a mold as she kicked him made Rebecca’s proposition a littler easier to swallow. When Rhonda stood up and moved toward him, he took in every last curve with a laser focus, even though Rebecca was standing right there.
When Rhonda was a few feet from Ryan, she looked at Rebecca. “Would it be okay if I tried a knee? I’ve always wanted to grab a guy’s shoulders and then, WHAMMO!” She said, her eyes hopeful.
Rebecca chuckled. “Whatever you want to do girlfriend. Just be sure to do it hard,” she added. “Seriously, don’t worry. They’re as resilient as he said. It will hurt but he’ll be fine.”
Feeling emboldened, Rhonda stepped up to him, lifting her hands to his shoulders. Ryan could feel her breasts give against his chest, soft and squishy like giant marshmallows, sending an utterly exquisite sensation all through him. He barely noticed the little bump between his legs as Rhonda lined things up. He gritted his teeth and tensed for what seemed like an eternity when he felt Rhonda’s fingers dig into his shoulders as she tightened her grip. A split second later, his balls were flattened, disappearing deep into his abdomen. He lost contact with the floor momentarily and when he came down, he fell all the way, his body prone, face down on the ground. His hands tucked automatically underneath his body and he cradled his testicles, enduring wave after sickening wave of pain, so intense he didn’t even register the tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.
A pang of jealousy passed through Rebecca as she watched Rhonda crush her boyfriend’s nuts. But then the pained grimace that sprouted on his face and the way he fell like a stone to the ground at Rhonda’s feet brought a smile to Rebecca’s lips. She’d seen him ogling Rhonda’s full figure and knew he deserved every last ounce of the pain that was now wracking him. And, she thought happily, his blatant ogling gave her a good reason to bust him again later. She looked over to see Rhonda wearing such a blissful and angelic expression on her pretty face that Rebecca thought all she needed now was a halo to complete the image.
Rhonda gazed down at Ryan’s prone body and listened as he groaned deeply. There was no doubt – it was music to her ears. The feeling of his tender organs giving way, flattening out under the force of her knee, sent electricity through her body, making it quiver with delight. Then to see him fall in such terrible agony, right there at her feet, well, it put a proud, warm glow in her bosom that made her feel wonderfully and divinely feminine. It was like she was walking on air and then she realized she was indeed bounching lightly out of sheer happiness. She looked over at Rebecca, suddenly remembering where she was, and a flicker of panic bit into her ecstasy. But, to her relief, Rebecca was smiling and seemed to be nodding her approval.
“Wow,” Rhonda gushed, her sultry voice pinched with excitement, “That. Felt. Sooo. Good!” When Rebecca’s smile widened, she added, surprising only herself, “I can’t wait to do it again!”
“Yaaaay,” came a twin chorus from Roxana and Tamara, who were now standing on either side of Rhonda, also gazing down intently at Ryan, enamored by his obvious misery. “Neither can we!”
Rebecca knelt down and rubbed Ryan’s back gently, the sight of his contorted face and tortured body fueling her lover’s passion for him. She felt the tightening of his muscles and realized, with surprise, that he was already trying to get up. She put her arms underneath his and helped him up to his knees. That small effort alone was enough to leave him breathing heavily as his head sagged. With a finger under his chin Rebecca lifted his face up to where Rhonda was standing over him, forcing him to meet her gaze, to reveal to her, through his eyes, the shame and embarrassment he was entitled to feel. Just as Rhonda deserved to experience the wonderful, powerful feelings of superiority a woman was entitled to – especially when she was looking down on a man she'd put in his proper place.
The sight of Rhonda’s beatific face and voluptuous body, along with the knowledge that this beautiful woman was the reason he was on his knees, created a stirring in Ryan’s loins, even inspite of the throbbing pain and the embarrassment from the way Rebecca was lifting his face. Fortunately for him he was still cradling himself so no one could see his excitement.
Rhonda was overcome with emotion as she studied him. To see a man, on his knees, cupping his balls – because of her! – so weakened that he needed his girlfriend to hold his head up, sent a rapturous joy flooding through her. She couldn’t help but smile openly in his face. The way he was trying to look tough but was unable to hide that submissive, beaten, hangdog expression in his eyes, well, it was too much for Rhonda. “Aaaaw, did I make your balls hurt?” She cooed breathily, taunting him. She clasped her hand over her bosom when Ryan looked deep into her eyes and nodded. “Oh Ryan,” she cried happily, “That’s wonderful!”
Rebecca removed her finger and let his head drop. “It is, isn’t it?” She said, looking at Rhonda, the thought of how wonderful it was rousing her to the point she had to fight the urge to spin around and drive her foot between Ryan’s legs. “Aren’t you glad you came tonight?”
Rhonda nodded. “Never in a million years would I have thought I’d do something like this. Now I’m not sure if I’ll ever stop,” she admitted, shaking her head in wonder.
Rebecca, Tamara and Roxana looked at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing for the millionth time that night.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Roxana asked sharply, grabbing Adam by the arm as he tried to sneak past them.
“I’m getting the hell out of here,” he said, glowering while pulling away from her grip. That turned out to be a mistake. Roxana’s hand shot down and grabbed his gonads, tightly, as if the denim fabric of his jeans wasn’t even there, and squeezed hard. Suddenly, his legs were jelly and he was wriggling like an eel in her grip. He grabbed at her thin wrist but his anger was quickly replaced by terror when he found his own grip to be weak and ineffectual. Backpedaling as Roxana pushed him against his will, Adam was helpless to do anything about it. He fell back into his seat as she shoved him down.
“You’re not going anywhere until we finish this game,” she said authoritatively. “And I see here you have chosen ‘Dare’.” Roxana picked up his card and waved it in front of his shocked face as he rubbed his groin. Without taking her eyes off him, Roxana held her hand in the air. “Dare bucket, please,” she said, waiting for Rebecca to hand it over.
“Here you go, Rox,” Rebecca said in a happy little voice as she draped the bucket handle over Roxana’s fingers.
Roxana rifled through it, reaching way down, and produced a strip of paper. She chuckled menacingly as she read it to herself before muttering under her breath, “This is gonna be good.” Adam didn’t catch what she said, but her tone didn’t sound pleasant. “Well, Adam, looks like you’d better brace yourself,” she said, looking at him as she put her foot between his legs. She pressed the hard toe of her Mary Janes into the seat cushion, threateningly, as her boyfriend tried to disappear through the back of the chair. Sh then read the paper aloud. “It says here ‘Be a man. Take a kick in the balls from your girlfriend.’”
Adam grunted when Roxana flicked the toe of her Mary Janes into his groin. Just as he was starting to feel a little better, he once again felt shimmers of pain spreading throughout his body.
“That’s it?” Rebecca exclaimed, leaning over Roxana’s shoulders, clearly disappointed.
“Hell no,” Roxana shot back. “That was just to ensure he’s not strong enough to make a break for it.” She grabbed her boyfriend by the forearms and yanked him out of the chair. “Maybe a little help?” Sheasked, glancing at her female companions. Rebecca, understanding immediately, got behind Adam and grabbed an arm. Tamara, quickly catching on, hustled over and grabbed the other.
As the girls got Adam situated, Ryan held out his hand to Rhonda. “I could use some help, too,” he said hoarsely, struggling onto one knee. Rhonda took his hand with both of hers and pulled him to his feet, enjoying his pained wince as she did. When he rocked unsteadily, she put her arm around his shoulder and let him lean into her. His weight almost knocked her off balance, but she quickly regained her balance and smiled to herself. How embarrassing it must be to have to rely on the strength and support of the woman whose very knee just crushed your balls, she mused, her pulse racing at the thought.
With the bulk of the pain finally ebbing away, Ryan found he was actually able to enjoy the feeling of Rhonda’s curves against his body, especially the softness of her breast as it pressed into his ribcage. Emboldened by the sensuality of it, he whispered into her ear. “Adam’s in trouble. Roxana kicks like a mule.” Seeing the shock in Rhonda’s eyes, he smiled grimly. “Yeah, she’s kicked me. More times than I can count.”
Rhonda searched his eyes, amazed at his unsolicited honesty. “Is there anyone here who hasn’t?” She asked.
“Tamara hasn’t,” he confessed. “And I really hope I can still say that after tonight. I don’t think I could handle that. You really nailed ‘em square, Rhonda,” he added earnestly, his admiration for her evident.
“Good,” she said, almost dreamily, squeezing his shoulder in acknowledgment of his compliment while across the room Roxana was kicking Adam’s legs further apart.
Stepping back, Roxana appraised her boyfriend. “That’s perfect. Hold him steady girls.” She took another step back and then raised her foot, extending her leg slightly until the black toe of her shoes nudged the bulge in Adam’s pants. He squirmed and Rebecca immediately slid her own leg inside his, preventing him from moving too much. Roxana looked at him with determination. “This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it will hurt me,” she said gravely, inspite of her little twist on the old adage, while she drank in the terror oozing from Adam’s eyes. After a deep breath, Roxana took a long step back with her right leg and then sent the hard toe of her Mary Janes hurtling toward her boyfriend’s exposed and unprotected groin. Her dress flared up revealing, at least to Ryan and Rhonda standing behind her, the satin panties hugging her firm, round ass, and then Roxana’s foot connected with its intended target.
There was an audible crunch as Roxana drove her foot straight through his testicles and into his pelvic bone and Ryan, as he leaned there against her, felt a sympathetic shiver run through Rhonda’s body at the sound. The crunch was followed by a click – Adam’s teeth coming together – just before he issued a blood-curdling yowl. Rebecca and Tamara jumped back as Adam writhed violently for a brief moment. Then he sank to the floor, curling up pathetically, knees drawn in, at Roxana’s feet, and rolled from one side to the other and then back again, unintelligable groans gurgling from his mouth.
As she watched him struggle, Roxana’s hand slid down the front of her skirt and she let it rest on high on the inside of her thigh. What was it, she pondered blissfully, as a woman, that felt so good – so satisfying – about kicking a man really hard in his balls? Oh, there were so many things that she loved about it, she realized, and it was all of them, combined, that formed this absolutely euphoric rush engulfing her entire being. But don’t waste time analyzing things, she chided herself, just enjoy the moment. And she did, floating atop a sea of ecstasy that swelled from putting a man in his place the way only a woman can.
As Ryan clenched his jaw in empathy, he heard Rhonda whisper under her breath, “Oh sh-i-i-i-t.” He looked at her and saw that she was grinning as she said it. How quickly things can change, he thought. Mere minutes ago she seemed to hold serious reservations about hurting a guy and now she was hungry for it, like a fat man at a smorgasbord. He looked over at Rebecca, currently laughing openly at Adam, and caught her eyes, directing them with a slight nod over toward Rhonda. Rebecca saw the happy wonder on Rhonda’s beautiful, wide face and nodded back to Ryan in appreciation of her transformation.
After a few minutes of staring at Adam and his undeniable agony, Roxana and the others realized his senses were coming back to him as his rocking body slowly stilled and his moans quieted. Turning towards Ryan, Roxana glided over pulling him away from the softness of Rhonda’s body, much to his disappointment, and whispered into his ear. He nodded and made his way gingerly into the dining room. Then she walked back to Tamara and Rebecca and had them help her lift her boyfriend and drag him over to where Ryan was sitting before plunking him down on a chair.
The girls returned to the living room, where Ryan could hear them talking amongst themselves excitedly, pausing to laugh, with gusto, every so often, and he found himself envying them. He didn’t begrudge their merriment, they had every right to be happy, but it sure sucked to have them flaunt how good they were feeling while he had to sit around nursing his aching, probably bruised, possibly swollen balls. He sipped his beer slowly, his thoughts drifting between the unfairness of life as a man and the exhilarating memory of Rhonda driving her knee between his legs, with the latter finally winning out. He peeked out into the living room but Rhonda was facing the other direction. Still, the sight of her profile, a top-heavy hourglass, made him sigh contentedly. He picked up his bottle and found Adam staring at him.
“You okay?” Ryan asked, though he already knew the answer. Adam picked up the beer he slid him with one hand. The other remained where it was, glued in his groin.
“Fuck no!” Adam hissed after taking a swig. “I thought we were just getting together to play some games and then your girlfriend turns it into a fucking nightmare.”
Ryan swallowed down a chuckle. “She does have a tendency to do that sometimes,” he admitted.
“And don’t get me started on Roxana. We’re done.” Adam set his bottle down with enough force so that it banged though not loud enough to catch the ear of the girls in the other room.
“Easy there, Adam. Don’t be too rash.” When Adam just stared daggers, Ryan continued, “Roxana’s a great gal. She just happens to be a little, um, devious, that’s all.” His face twisted into an awkward smile.
“Yeah?” Adam shot back. “Well, I don’t like devious if it means she’s gonna keep going after my nuts.”
“That’s because they’re hurting too much right now. Sip some beer. Relax. Bide your time. The pain will go away. Eventually,” Ryan added, shrugging his shoulders helplessly. It surprised him when Adam actually did just that. They sat for a long while in silence. “I don’t mean this to be awkward,” Ryan said, upsetting the quiet, “but, uh, do you like sex?”
Adam grunted and looked up disgustedly. “What the fuck, man?”
Ryan chuckled, glancing away from Adam’s glare. “No harm meant. Just think about this. However you think it’s been with Roxana so far, it’s going to be ten times better tonight, no lie, if you play it cool.”
That got Adam’s attention and he nodded for Ryan to go on.
“If you go out there, calm and composed, and own the embarrassment you’re feeling, it will be nothing but brownie points for you. Tell her how bad she made you hurt. But don’t get mad when the other girls laugh,” Ryan paused reading Adam’s eyes. There’s no way I can do that, they seemed to say. “Seriously, getting mad will only get you kicked again. Trust me, you don’t want that. But staying cool and taking whatever taunts they dish out – without looking like a sad sack, either – it’ll do wonders. And definitely tell Roxana how beautiful she looked exerting herself like that.”
“Sounds like some stupid shit,” Adam snorted.
“Suit yourself,” Ryan sighed. “But you’ll be missing out on the best sex of your life.” As the silence settled over them once again, Ryan could see that Adam, despite his poor reaction, was mulling over the advice.
After draining the second beer Ryan offered, Adam sucked in a deep breath and then exhaled. There was a force behind his eyes that made Ryan shudder slightly when Adam looked at him. “You’d better be right,” he said, in a tone that made Ryan sincerely hope he was, considering Adam’s edge in both height and muscles. After all, he didn’t have the same advantage as the opposite sex. Kicking a guy in the balls is something only a girl should do. Suddenly, a thought made him shudder. Dear god, I’m turning into Rebecca. The sound of Adam’s voice, calmer and quieter now, brought his attention back. “I’m feeling a lot better now and I think I’m ready to test your theory,” he said, though the expression on his face seemed to say otherwise.
Ryan smiled a cautious smile. “For your sake, I’m glad to hear that. But brace yourself. The girls are a bit liquored up and when they’re in a frenzy, there’s no telling what might happen. Just keep telling yourself to stay cool.” When Adam pushed himself from the table and stood, Ryan didn’t miss the brief wince wash over his face. Better, but not good, he thought as his mind drifted to his own condition where he found, much to his chagrin, that he was pretty much in the same boat.
The jabbering in the living room stopped on a dime when Adam entered the room, trying his best to walk normal and not let his hands linger pitifully inside his thighs. He looked at Roxana who was gazing back, her blue eyes large and innocent, a smug, but playful smile, on her face. She had pulled her hair back into a long, platinum pony tail that arced into the air like a scimitar. Adam was surprised to realize Ryan was right. She did look stunning. How could he ever think of breaking up with her? He smiled back at her.
“You look better,” Roxana said, measuring her boyfriend, “but be honest. Your balls gotta be dying.”
He started to say ‘no’ but then remembered Ryan’s advice. “Actually, the really bad pain is gone, but they’re definitely still aching.” He said it like it was no big deal, nothing he couldn’t handle.
Roxana’s enthusiasm faltered. “Oh… so I should’ve kicked you harder?” She asked, clearly disappointed in herself.
Adam shot a nervous look over to Ryan, suddenly unsure of himself, like he was in some kind of catch-22. When Ryan gave an almost imperceptible shrug, Adam swallowed hard and then blurted out, “No, you kicked ‘em plenty hard, Rox. But I’ve just had two beers and it’s been like thirty minutes. Did you want them to hurt all night?” When she nodded, the smile returning to her face, Adam could only gape at her.
“Aw, babe,” Roxana cooed, “of course I wanted them to hurt all night. If a girl’s going to make the effort she wants the effect to last as long as possible, right ladies?” She said looking at the female contingent.
“Hell yeah,” Rebecca laughed. “He needs the pain to last a long time to remind him.” The other girls were nodding and smiling.
“Remind me of what?” Adam asked, a bit more petulantly than he’d planned.
“That a girl kicked your balls and dropped you to the floor,” Rebecca said, staring him down. “When the pain goes away, you boys have a tendency to forget all about girl power.”
Adam’s head swiveled to Roxana as she cut in. “It’s true. Everything inside me hopes the image of my foot hurtling toward your groin pops into your mind every time the pain flares up, but,” she said, rising from her chair and taking his hands as she looked warmly into his eyes. “On the other hand, if the pain goes away and you forget, well,” she leaned in closer, “I guess it just means I need to smash your balls again… to help you remember,” she added.
When Roxana drew back her leg slightly, a ripple of terror coursed through Adam. She smirked, feeling the tremor as it spread all the way out to his hands into his fingertips. “You’re right to be worried, but don’t be. I’m going to let you off easy this time, since you were man enough to come in here and admit, in front of all these girls, that I really made you hurt.”
Instead of feeling her knee in his balls like he fully expected, Adam was surprised to find her mouth covering his as Roxana kissed him deeply. He didn’t even hear the other girls voice their reactions.
“Aaaaw,” came a silky voice, no doubt Rhonda.
“Get a room,” Tamara cried, though she was laughing.
“Nooo! No kissing! Why can’t you just kick him in the balls again!” Rebecca shouted, rolling her eyes, only half joking.
When Roxana broke off the kiss, she looked at Rebecca. “Don’t worry, Bec, I will definitely be doing that. But probably not tonight,” she added, seeing Adam’s face cloud over.
Just then a sharp rap sounded from the doorway and everyone jumped. Ryan looked at Rebecca, who shrugged and pointed to Tamara. “Can you check on that?” Tamara, being closest to the door, nodded and opened it slightly. They saw her head jerk back as a grumpy voice growled in her face.
“You mind keeping it down? It sounds like we have a pack of hyenas in the building. Jesus.”
Tamara pulled the door open to reveal a middle aged man, rather rumpled and a bit sleepy, but not half-bad looking. Perhaps a little older than Tamara usually preferred, but certainly not as ugly as his tone. He was looking at her with narrowed eyes and a huffy little sneer on his face. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she purred back, “were we being too loud?”
“Duh,” he snapped, his hands on his hips.
“Well then,” Tamara began before finishing her thought with a swift kick to his groin. She smiled, delighted, as he groaned, one hand grabbing the door frame and the other his injured jewels . As he slid, or rather oozed, to his knees, her smile turned into a smug laugh. When he yowled a few choice curse words, Tamara put a foot to his chest and pushed him out of the doorway onto his back. “Could you keep it down?” She said sweetly. “It sounds like we’re in an alley full of stray cats.” When he looked up at her, staring daggers, Tamara raised her leg and let her foot hover just below his belt. He got the message. As fast as he could – which was not very – he rolled to his knees and crawled off down the hall as Tamara slammed the door. Turning back to the group, it caught her off guard to see them all staring at her dumbstruck. “What?” She asked, flipping her hair. “I was feeling left out. Besides, he deserved it, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely,” Roxanna agreed.
“You already know what I think,” Rebecca said, pounding her fist into an open palm.
“But what if he politely asked us to keep it down?” Rhonda asked, innocently playing devil’s advocate.
Tamara looked at her from behind her black-rimmed glasses as if she was giving the question some serious thought. “Well, I suppose I would’ve apologized.” She could feel a small grin forming as she watched the girls’ jaws drop. Unable to control it, Tamara broke into a huge smile. “Just kidding. His fate was sealed when I saw he was a guy. But I’m glad he was a jerk about it. It gave me the extra incentive to kick his balls that much harder. BOOM.” She finished by kicking her leg high into the air.
When their laughter finally waned, Rebecca said, in a dreamy voice, to no one in particular, “I just hope when he crawls through his door, his wife is there wondering why the hell he’s down there on the ground holding himself like an idiot – ha ha – so then he has to explain to her that some pretty girl just kicked his nuts right up his throat. That oughta make her smile.”
Tamara blushed at the compliment. “Aw, thanks Rebecca. But,” she said, raising her eyes to the ceiling, sighing heavily, “I was really trying to kick them so hard he couldn’t help but spit them out – like cherry pits.” She put her hands between her legs and doubled over, screwing her lovely face into a twisted snarl as the girls started to laugh. Then her hands went to her throat as her eyes bulged behind her glasses and she made a gagging noise right before she leaned over and feigned spitting something onto the ground.
“Oh hey, speaking of pretty girls,” Roxana said, batting her eyelashes even as she was laughing at Tamara’s mimicry, “This one needs to get going. Thanks for a great night! I can’t wait to do it again.”
“Do what again? Have a game night?” Rebecca winked at Roxana and then flashed a sly look. “Or,” she drew the word out, “kick Adam’s balls again?” She snickered and gave Adam a playful punch on the shoulder as he passed by her, following Roxanna to the door.
“Gimme a break!” When he saw Rebecca’s eyes narrow, Adam quickly amended his knee-jerk outburst. “Please?”
“That’s better,” Roxana said, waving as she pulled him out the door.
Tamara gave Rebecca and Rhonda a quick hug and smiled at Ryan. “They’re my ride, so I gotta go too. Wish I could stay. It’s been a blast.”
“A blast in the nuts,” Rebecca cracked as Tamara walked out laughing.
When they’d gone, Ryan started cleaning up while Rhonda and Rebecca grabbed a seat in the dining room. He tried to catch some of their conversation, but their voices were too low.
“Are you glad you came over?” Rebecca asked, popping open a bottle of red.
“Oh yeah,” Rhonda said, her eyes sparkling with joy, though not because of the glass of wine Rebecca was handing her. “Not at all what I was expecting, but well, much better as it turns out. Mmm, this smells good,” she remarked, holding the glass to her nose. Then, raising it, she made a toast. “To you Rebecca, for bringing my crazy, hidden thoughts out into the open and helping me realize I’m not a weirdo for having them.”
Rebecca touched her glass to Rhonda’s. “You’re not a weirdo! I suspect every woman has those same thoughts. And if they don’t, well, they should. I’m just glad you’ve seen the light.” They sipped and sat back contentedly for a moment. “So,” Rebecca leaned forward, “how did it feel to finally bring those urges to life?”
Rhonda ran a finger around the rim of her glass, relishing the fresh memory, but when she looked at Rebecca there was bewilderment in her soft eyes. “Oh gosh, this is kinda awkward. I mean, he is your boyfriend and all.”
“Oh, like I said, don’t worry about that, hon,” Rebecca said, laughing her off. “I happen to enjoy seeing other women send him to the floor. So, really, don’t be shy.”
“Ok, cool,” Rhonda said, smiling at her gratefully. “I guess first, I have to admit, I was quite surprised.” She chuckled as Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “I mean, I didn’t really expect that I would actually feel his balls, ya know? But I did. For a moment they were so soft and spongy, giving in to my knee so easily. But then they seemed to compact until I thought they might burst. That’s when I realized I was really doing it. I was actually smashing a guy’s testicles. Finally! I mean, it happened so fast but it was also a little like slow motion. I can still feel tingles in my knee when I think about it.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” Rebecca said, unconciously rubbing her own knee. “It does happen way too fast. The sensation is there and then it’s gone. And that,” she said, pressing a fingertip to the table, “is why women should do it again and again. We deserve to experience the exhilaration and power that comes as we feel his tender and precious jewels being crushed by our feet – or knees – or fists – as often as possible.” When Rhonda leaned over, her breasts resting heavily on the table in a way that made them look even bigger, if that was possible – poor Ryan was missing out – Rebecca, with no small effort, looked past Rhonda’s chest to see her nodding slightly with wide, eager eyes. She rejoiced inwardly, realizing Rhonda was definitely drinking her Kool-Aid now. “And that is why I said earlier that all guys deserve it. A woman, like you or me, deserves to feel that exquisite sensation whenever the urge washes over her. But she can only get that feeling by busting a guy in the balls. Ergo, he deserves it.”
“Wow, yeah, totally,” Rhonda said, mesmerized. She glanced over Rebecca’s shoulder and snapped out of her reverie. “Oh my, it’s later than I thought. I should probably get going,” she said, draining the remainder of the wine in her glass. “I hate having to run out – this was so incredible. I wish I could stay all night!”
“We can always do it again sometime,” Rebecca offered, her blood quickly cooling as she rose from the table. “Let me walk you down.”
Ryan already had the place cleaned up and the impressed look on Rhonda’s face as she was leaving brightened his mood, though he was sorry to see her go. When she came toward him, smiling big, he opened his arms. She pressed her body into his, holding the embrace an extra few seconds, for which he was grateful.
“It was a real pleasure,” Rhonda said, looking at him with dancing eyes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a sport. It made my whole year for you to let me knee you in the balls like that.”
With the feeling of her soft body still tingling him, Ryan had to fight the crazy urge to offer them up to her once again. “Glad I could help,” he said instead, wishing he were braver. “But I feel sorry for the next guy who’s on the receiving end of your knee,” he joked, adding his own laughter to hers.
As she led Rhonda down the hall toward the elevator, Rebecca called over her shoulder, “Be back in a few.”
Ryan sat back on the couch and put his arms behind his head. Reflecting on the evening, he decided the whole thing was definitely worth the current ache in his balls.There was plenty of laughter, some tears – well, just his really – and a whole lot of estrogen. But the giddiness and excitement emanating from the girls was wonderful to be around. To see them so happy and gleeful made him feel like putty in their hands.While he didn’t envy the crushing kick Adam took from Roxana – he already knew what that felt like – he did envy the rest of Adam’s night. Roxana was definitely making bedroom eyes at him when they were leaving. Ryan started to laugh thinking about their poor, hapless neighbor. Even though he was a fellow male, it was funny to see Tamara punt him in the nuts so casually. He was being kind of a dick after all. And Rhonda… what was there to say? He loved Rebecca but Rhonda looked (and felt) so damn fine. It would never go anywhere – Ryan wanted to keep his testicles for the foreseeable future – but it was a fun fantasy.
He kicked his feet up on the coffee table and, in doing so, knocked over one of the baskets Rebecca used for the game. Reaching over, he plucked up a strip and read it, his mouth turning down at the ends. He picked up another. And then another, his frown growing with each strip. All of them had the same question. His mind flashed back to Rebecca’s out-of-character behavior at the start of the evening and he smacked his palm against his forehead. Rebecca didn’t want to play games, he realized, she wanted to dive headlong into a night of ballbusting! That sly girl, he thought, shaking his head.
He swept the scattered slips from the tabletop into the empty basket and then picked up the one labeled ‘Dare’. The first slip he read had the same dare as Adam received as did the second. In fact, all of them said ‘Be a man. Take a kick in the balls from your girlfriend.’ Well damn, he thought, Becca wasn’t going to let this night pass without making sure Adam and I ended it with our nuts hurting. He heard a snickering at the door and looked up.
“Whatcha doin’, Ry?” Rebecca asked, leaning leisurely against the door frame.
God, she looked amazing, he thought, taking her in. “I see what you did here,” he said, letting his disapproval come through his tone, if not his gaze. “We were never going to play a real game of Truth or Dare, were we. Admit it. You just wanted all of us to join you in a spirited night of ball busting.”
Chuckling lightly, Rebecca raised her arms slightly. “You got me,” she said as she pointed to his hand. “What have you got there? A dare?” When he nodded, she knew she had him. “Sooo, are you gonna be a man?”
Ryan dropped the slip back into the basket and let his face fall into his hands, groaning. The pleading look he finally flashed her was met with indifference and he knew he’d better just suck it up. Slowly, he rose from the couch and came around the other side of the coffee table. He watched Rebecca tuck a loose strand of her silky, raven hair behind the elfish curve of her ear.
For her part, Rebecca let the tension build as she moved toward him with slow, deliberate steps, talking as she walked. “Don’t think I didn’t see you checking out Rhonda. It’s like her tits were magnets powerful enough to pull your eyes right out of their sockets. But who could blame you. They’re huge.” She stopped, crossed her arms, pushing up her boobs, big in their own right, and stared at him, daring him to look away from her eyes. When he didn’t, she unfolded her arms and put her hands on her hips and smirked. “I don’t think she noticed – she’s too polite or innocent for that – and that’s too bad. If she had, I’m sure that nice little knee she gave you would have been much, much harder. Honestly, Ry. She had every right to end your night with a trip to the hospital. That’s how hard I think she should have kneed you. You know what else I think?” She asked, not waiting for his reply. “I think you should have forced yourself back onto your feet right away, regardless of how bad you were hurting. You should have admitted to ogling her, especially her big tits, like she was a piece of meat you were salivating over, as you stood in front of her, intentionally spreading your legs far apart, watching the anger and disgust wash over her face. Then, when her anger reached fever pitch, and you could see in her eyes what was coming, you should have told her to go ahead and kick your balls. As hard as she possibly could. And then, when she did just that, the fresh pain, ten times worse now, would serve to remind you about girl power and about how a girl has the right to haul off and try her best to break your balls – especially if you’ve made her angry.”
Ryan’s heart was pounding as his girlfriend lit into him. He watched the color rise in her cheeks as her tone intensified. She was really working herself up and the thought terrified him.
“But she didn’t,” Rebecca said, throwing her hands in the air in disbelief as Ryan’s eyes followed them. “So I will.” Letting all the rage well up inside – rage that was rightly Rhonda’s as well as hers – at her boyfriend’s lewd and leering behavior, Rebecca clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes. For a moment, the room was as still as a graveyard. And then? A thing of pure beauty.
The girl kicked the boy in the balls, as hard as she could.
Wait, how did I miss this being posted? Great story again dude!
This is like the magnum opus of all ballbusting stories. Definitely one of your best!
Thanks for taking your time and effort to write these gems!
P.S Honestly these deserve way more recognition here than they get!
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