What 7 Things every girl should know about ballbusting.

1 It hurts everywhere: A kick in the testicles hurts the head, arms, stomach, makes them nauseous, makes it difficult for them to breathe and can even render them unconscious

2. It hurts them psychically: It not only hits their privacy, it hits them in the soul. They have a feeling of being gutted, emptied and abandoned, all at the same time. It is a pain that breaks the barriers of time and space.

3. They take time to recover: it causes them pain that makes them enter a new time dimension. The seconds seem thousands of years, those 10 minutes on the ground are endless. Enough time to escape or tease.

4. It's embarrassing: Falling to your knees on the floor while feeling that all your goals in life are dissipating along with your hopes and dreams is the most exposed you can be. They have to resist the urge to scream because if they don't humble themselves more.

5. It is part of growing up: It is like the ritual that makes the difference between being a child and an adult. It is a burden that they will carry on their shoulders all their lives along with the fear of knowing that at some point they will have to feel a blow. One day some girl at her school will hit them in the balls and they will know how fragile and scary they get. Soon they will all be in that game where you constantly cannot find a safe enough place to be safe from the girls and their desire to break free and dominate the boys.

6. The threat of a blow is totally terrifying: They are fragile, exposed, vulnerable, more than such an important piece of their anatomy should be. A threat hurts almost like a blow, because the pain remains in their memory for life. Use the threat as an effective tactic.

7. It is your divine right: Women have the divine right to hit any man's testicles for any reason. Nature so arranged. No one can deny you your right to hit them on the testicles if you deem it necessary.are you up to?

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Is having balls really that traumatic? The men I have been around don't seem too concerned about being hit in them. If men live in fear of being busted then why don't their underwear come with protective cups? I also strongly disagree with point 7. I don't have a right to hurt a guy just because I can, no matter how much fun. This is like saying men have a right to slap and rape us women because nature has made them stronger.  

You definitely have the right to if you are play fighting or play wrestling, it's a natural vulnerability and it's there to be utilized by female to assert themselves immediately.

Idk, I feel like we might be out of the ordinary on this. It seems like most men are unconcerned about this, that it's something they ignore or compartmentalize. When asked whether men or women are 'stronger,' most men don't seem like they even consider this question.

There's a very interesting article here which makes me wonder if that is the case, though. In my case, at least, and I suspect many other men are like this, the idea that our balls make us vulnerable is a deep insecurity, something that really bothers us, given the widely held expectation that men are (and should be) the "stronger" sex.

I think that's why we can't acknowledge it or wear cups or whatever. It's simultaneously a constant fear, and a fear that we aren't allowed/supposed to acknowledge. If a woman punches or slaps me in the face, it might hurt, perhaps even badly (the same would go if she stabbed or shot me or whatever), but it doesn't have the same psychological effect. Getting kicked in the nuts has a unique kind of psychologically humiliating effect, because it's a reversal of power and a kind of sexual humiliation, one that we're supposed to pretend isn't possible, except when it obviously, undeniably is.

Having insecurities about having testicles is probably common among men in this community but I don't think it is among the general population of men. I will sight men's willingness to participant in activities that will result in them being hit in the groin. Such as sports and martial arts. I will also sight how you guys behave with us girls. You like to tease and jokes often have a sexual connotation to them that would cause an offended girl to kick you in the privates. Also the fact that men are the sexual aggressors and generally are the ones to initiate sex. If men truly had a deep seated fear of being hit in the balls than woman would be the ones who initiate sex.  

Maybe you're right, but I have to wonder. According to that psychologist's blogpost, a lot of men do have this fear, but they have strong social and cultural/evolutionary reasons for suppressing it. Maybe it's a latent but inarticulate fear, and men in this community are just especially aware of it?

I will say that, before I was at all into ballbusting growing up, I was really deeply uncomfortable with the idea that my testicles made me vulnerable and that women found it funny to exploit this. I was so concerned about this that I managed to convince myself that it didn't *actually* hurt, and that the whole thing was an urban legend. And then, one day when I was in high school, I got into an argument with a girl where I ended up telling her this, she called me out, and I basically dared her to prove me wrong. Yes, I was really stupid, but it was also due to underlying anxieties about it. Needless to say, she proved me agonizingly wrong.

I had much the same anxiety about men having uncontrollable sex drives. For a long time I denied that women had sexual power over men, and I maintained very naive beliefs about how autonomous and rational men were. And then, when I was a teenager, I was constantly "thinking with my dick," and eventually just had to admit that women could easily control me.

Idk, these are the sorts of attitudes and beliefs that it seems like a lot of guys either ignore (in the case of balls) or accept without embarrassment (in the case of being easily manipulated by girls), but people into femdom might be more aware of and sensitive to them.

"According to that psychologist's blogpost, a lot of men do have this fear..."

I'm a man and absolutely not have this fear. Also I don't think about my testicles most of the time. Most of the time I don't even know that I have any testicles...

But when a woman kicks/knees a man in the balls, It's very sexy for me.
Probably especially for it point number 7. I accept :)

I don't dispute some men have a fear of being hit in the testicles. I can imagine that taking a hard hit in the testicles at a young age would create the fear. I just deny that it is a common fear. 

Hello. The vast majority of men are really panicky afraid of getting hit in the balls. I can explain why men don't wear a protective cup. The fact is that a healthy man often has an erection and at the same time it is very inconvenient to wear a cup, because the erect penis tries to straighten up and hurts in a small space of the cup. Even tight panties squeeze an erect penis unpleasantly. Therefore, I always wear loose underpants.

Do adult men really get random erections through out the day? I thought that was only an issue for boys during puberty.

I can't speak for other dudes but yeah I get them throughout the day. It can get awkward to stand up unexpectedly sometimes lol.

Aye, not super often, but sometimes I can pop a stiffy for no reason if I sit a certain way, presumably forcing blood to the right area.

Yes. A healthy adult man can get a spontaneous erection even if he doesn't think about sex.



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