Hello yall, welcome back to Why I love Ballbusting - part 2. Last time kind of went a little into Why I love BB so much. It is a very sexy an empowering thing for me to do and I absolutely love it doing it. I kind of went into how it makes me feel, but I want to dive more into the why it makes me feel that way. 

     Part of why it makes me feel so sexy is because when I am busting his balls, I am literally the centerpiece of everything in his mind at that point. 

      Now I have always been attractive and I have had more then enough men hit on me or tell me I am beautiful. What people don't realize is that it is all superficial. Rarely does a guy admire me, just to admire me. Most of the time I just feel like a piece of meat that they are checking out. A big ass and nice tits to stare out while they wonder if there is a chance they are going to get me naked or not. I know not all guys are like this, but let's face it, I have personally found that it is a good majority, it's just facts. That doesn't make me feel sexy at all, it just kind of leaves me feeling a little dirty to be honest. Like I am just a potential cum retainer in their thoughts. 

    When I am busting ball's, I don't feel like that. I know on average, the guy's reality is shaken and throbbing between his legs, and not in a good way. I am the cause of it. The only thing he is thinking of is making the pain stop and the humiliation he is feeling. I become hyper aware of my body, my femininity, and my sexuality when I bust a guy. That is why I feel so sexy.  In that moment I am superior and powerful as he trys not to vomit all over himself. If I wasn't, he wouldn't be on the floor. 

     Now obviously this dynamic is going to change a bit when doing it to someone you care about or are friends with. Like my husband for instance. It is slightly different in this scenario because he isn't just trying to get in my pants or use me. He genuinely cares about me. He enjoys pleasing me whenever he can without really expecting anything in return, regardless if it is sexual or just helping me in general. Don't think he is perfect though, he isn't. He still is a man and has his moments of course, which makes busting his ball's so rewarding for me. When I am in a hot and heavy ballbusting session with him, the power dynamic is beyond apparent. His universe is reduced to Him, Me, the pain, and the pleasure. I am at the center of it. 

      Why do I feel superior, and do I believe that woman are more superior to men? That is a question I do get a lot, and have a hard time answering. People love to disagree or argue about it. I don't. It's my personal opinion so I don't really care to argue about it. That being said, yes I think woman are superior to men.

     First off, our brains aren't even wired the same, we might as well be a different species sometimes. Woman are literally designed for sexual pleasure. We are physically designed to procreate and sustain life. All men have to do is provide the sperm. You don't even have to be part of the process. Send your shit to a lab and they can get a woman pregnant with it. We can survive in harsher environments longer. Men are more likely to freeze or starve to death faster then a woman will. Most woman naturally have a higher pain tolerance then men do. We endure pain better and we deal with it differently. Woman are emotionally more competent then men. We tend to get over things quicker then men do. We are able to move on faster. Woman are less prone to getting sick and developing diseases later in life then men are. Men generally have shorter life spans then a woman, be it to do with something physical or psychological. We have better orgasms and can repeatedly have them. Men are a one shot wonder. Last but not least, woman don't have the  source of their sexuality just hanging there like ripe fruit waiting to be picked. Need I go on? I can do this for days if I wanted. 

     Notice that I try to stick to "generally" and "most" when speaking about it. This is because people are pretty diverse, it is what makes us human. That and to help the snowflakes who disagree not want to argue about it. That is just how I feel about it. If it has ball's, it is more then likely inferior. Do I feel superior to my husband? Yeah I am. I know that I am. It is a fact I don't have to prove, there is no point. 

    Honesty, I don't understand why it is such a problem? What is wrong with a woman being superior to a man? Does it really matter? Men have been standing and walking all over woman since forever. That is how feminism was born. I don't think feminism is right either. They wanted to be treated as equals, with the sameness. There is nothing the same about a Man and Woman though. We aren't the same, get me? Moving on now.

  Why do I feel powerful when I am busting balls? That is another one I get. Well why wouldn't I? I can bring a guy three times my size down to his knees with nice hard kick to his nuts. I have done it. If I kick harder, he could puke everywhere or pass out. You know what? I have done that too. If I really want to, I could kick hard enough and potentially rupture one or two organs (that are basically responsible for your very masculinity, sexuality, and your reproduction) like they are fucking grapes. That IS power. You are allowed to disagree if you want though.

       Let's see, what is another one I get asked alot? I got it. I do get asked alot what does a guy have to do to deserve a kick in balls? Have I busted guys othet than my husband in certain situations? 

     That is a hard question to answer as it is highly situational. I have busted men who tend to put hands on me when it isn't wanted. Which is all the time because I am married. Thinking you can just touch someone however you want just because? It is an archaic way for thinking. Who does that and why do you think it's okay? Of course I am going to touch you back, just not as nice.

     These kind of bust are frustrating and are very unwelcomed. I do not enjoy them, I don't get turned on by them, and they really piss me off. Its usually young people who are the worst at this. I will kick or knee you as hard as I possibly can and have actually hurt a few dude's pretty bad doing it. It isn't what I call pleasurable by any means. It's why I don't usually talk about them or bring them up. If your dumb enough to grab my ass because you want to, then I am going to hurt you. I have decked a few guys outright, but I prefer busting his ball's. It is the harshest lesson I can think to give a douche bag who thinks it is ok.

     To be quite frank, I hope any guy who has been unfortunate enough to receive that lesson has lost the ability to have kids or ended up losing a nut, or even better, lost both. In my mind, there is no excuse for touching a woman like that without her consent. Period. It is unacceptable and I treat it as such. That is just me though. Hopefully some of those guys learned a valuable and hard lesson  about respecting a woman's space and boundaries.

     Before you ask, no I don't know what happend to most of them, I didn't stand by and take notes on how they were feeling. I had heard from a friend that had worked at one of the clubs that a guy I kicked ended up in the hospital a few days later after our incident. Supposedly they had to remove one of his testicles. I dont know how true that is though. I do know that no man ever tried to grab ass in that club again and even until this day men are cautious and respectful towards me when they approach me.

    I know one guy puked in the parking lot shortly after I racked him with a knee in one of the bars I was in, though it could have been the booze.

    One guy stopped coming to the bar I kicked him in for months before he came back. When I did see him again he was super respectful and actually apologized for touching me that night. He told me that it was wrong and he no longer condones behavior like that. That was shocking. I told him I wouldn't apologize for what I did, that he deserved it. He actually agreed with me! Not only that but he was a gentleman to every woman in the bar after that. Hell,  he even threw one guy out of the bar one night for grabbing one of the servers ass's when they were working.

     It may be harsh and extram and you may not agree, but I don't argue results. I would say that every man should experience that at least once.  Racking your balls on fence, during sports, or even busting yourself on a skateboard will make you rethink your choices.  An angry woman busting you with all her power will make you rethink your reality. Oh and if you think touching a woman like that just to get your "kicks" is ok,  then I have no respect for you. 

     Alright, moving away from that topic for now and going into "Have I always liked ball busting?" I didn't get into it as a fetish until I started kicking my husband, but I have actually always been a ballbuster.

     I have been kicking dude's in the nuts since I was in grade school. I still remember the first kid I kicked in the nuts.

     I was super young, and I remember this kid kept pulling my hair and kept telling me that I was just a stupid girl, and what I was going to do about it. It was super frustrating and I just remember balling my eyes out. He did it for weeks and then he started pushing me down.

    Now I had already known at that age about that "particular" weakness, I had seen my brother get hit there so I knew what would happen. It just seemed like a mean thing to do, so I never thought about doing it. Until he pushed me down the third time. My anger and frustration got the better of me and I stood up, trying not to cry and I yelled at him to leave me alone.

     Without even realizing what I was doing, I kicked him hard, right in the groin. He dropped and started to cry and I remembered saying "If I am just a stupid girl then why are you crying?".

    I thought  I was going to get into trouble but no one ever said anything to me and the boy never messed with me again. Actually, no boy did. They all just seemed to be scared of me after that. They avoided me at all cost. Made the younger days of school a little rough, I didn't have a lot of friends. It didn't really bug me though. 

   Eventually high school came around, and then it was the opposite. I couldn't get them away from me. I came into my body earlier then the rest of the girls, and hey hated me for it. They always thought I was trying to steal their boyfriends or something. Which was absurd, I was a extremely shy person and constantly self conscious about my body. I was the girl who wore neon green fishnet underneath shredded t-shirts and ripped pants, sunglasses and a baseball cap smoking a cigarette when I should be in class. Yeah that was me.

    It also somehow labeled me the school slut within week's even though I was shooting down boys left and right. The girls didn't appreciate the fact that their so called boyfriends couldn't stop drooling over me all the time, so they decided to spread around rumors that I basically was whoring around.

   Being 14 going on 15 and still a virgin, that made the whole high school experience awful. Needless to say, I had a lot of guys who sexually harassed me, making unwelcomed advances, asking for sexual favors and hitting on me. I kicked a lot boy guys in the balls during that time. I was even giving a nick name after awhile, "The Ball Buster". Go figure right. 

   I remember one day I was ditching class, sitting on an old tree stump smoking when I heard someone come up behind me as she said "Hey you dirty bitch! Keep your mouth of my man's dick!"

  I was super confused as I turned around to respond, then all I could  see were stars. I found myself on the ground, dirt on my face and the taste of blood in my mouth. This blond cheerleader bitch had come up behind me and cold clocked me as I turned around. She started to scream at me, telling me how dare I seduce her boyfriend and that I was a dirty slut. I had no idea on what the fuck was going on as I tried to clear the cobwebs out of my head from the hay maker she had just delivered. 

  I tried to tell her I had no idea about what she was talking about  when she reared her leg and kicked me in the stomach as hard as she could not once but twice, before I was able to curl up into a ball. I couldn't breath, I couldn't see anything. All I could do was cry silently on the ground as I desperately tried to get air in my lungs. 

    I was in so much pain, it took everything I had not to throw up. She told me to remember this feeling the next time I try to whore with another girl's man. I was so utterly confused, all I could do was lay their and cry.  A good friend had found me and made sure I was okay and asked what had happen and I told her what went down.

  She was one of those girl's that had friends in multiple circles in school and knew everybody and everything. Apparently Miss cheerleaders all star quarter back boyfriend had told her and everyone else that I had tried to seduce him and suck his dick in the bleachers one day. 

    I was completely blown away about the lie that he had spread around. Then I realized he was one of the douche bags that was trying to hit on me and get into my pants one day. We were in the bleachers and donI remember him saying that most girls would kill to suck his dick and he started to undo his pants. I got up and left immediately and told him to suck it himself. Apparently that didn't sit well with him, hence why I just got my ass kicked.  

   Once I recovered I was so full of rage, I went to the football field where I knew they hung out at not thinking about what I was walking into. They were all 2 or 3 years older then I was.       As I walked up to him and almost half the football team, his girlfriend stepped in front of me asking what the hell do I thought I was doing. I didn't hesitate or even think as I made a fist and hit her in the face with a right hook, benefits of my father showing me how to box. I knocked her clean the fuck out and then walked up to her boyfriend. I had dirt on my face and dried blood coming from my mouth so I know I must have looked insane. 

   "Why the fuck  are you talking shit and making crap up, bitch?" I had yelled at him

    He was stunned at first as he said, "bitch, are you crazy?". 

    He went to check on his now unconscious girlfriend with no apprent concerned as I yelled at him "As a matter of fact, yeah I am. Why are you saying I tried to suck your dick huh!?"

      He chuckled at me and said "Oh yeah, that's right," as he snapped his fingers like he was trying to remember something, "Your that hood rat that tried to get with me. What's the matter? Did you change your mind hood rat?" 

      He grabbed his junk with one hand and said "It's all yours Spic."

      I was so enraged that all I could see was red, I brought my hand back to slap him as hard as I could without thinking. 

       His reflexes were quick as he caught my hand and twisted it, making my cry out in pain. I thought he was going to break it. He gapped a fistful of my shit in the front and hosted me off the ground. I could feel my bra strap break and I could hear my shirt ripping as he lifted me up 

     Now as side note, remember I am not even 5 foot  and this guy was more than a foot taller then me. 

      Before I could think to do anything. I felt myself flying through the air as he chucked me like rag doll. I remember hitting the dirt, the wind being driven from my lungs. The back of my head slammed into the ground, almost knocking me out. My vision went dark as I tried to stay conscious as my ears rang. I tried gasping for air, but it wouldn't come as I struggled to breath. I put my hands over my head and rolled on to my side to protect myself. 

      At that moment, I was terrified that he was going to start kicking me when I was down. All I could think about is that I was on an old dusty football field about to possibly get stomped to death by half the football team. 

     I could hear muffled voices arguing as I was able to get a small amount of air in my lungs as tears streaked my face. The ringing in my head slowed down and stopped allowing regular sound to return, but my head was throbbing now. My airways had finally opened up allowing me to gasp and I begin to cry. 

      I could here the douche bag arguing with two of his teammates as I brought myself back under control.  

       "Hey man, back the hell off, that is enough!", one of his team had told him. 

     I tried to get off the ground as I heard him walking toward me, but I wasn't quick enough. He grabbed a handful of my hair and I literally screamed as he yanked me up by it. It hurt so bad, I was sure it was going to rip out by the scalp. 

      My eyes were squeezed shut as I heard him threaten "Next time, I am gonna mess up that pretty face of yours, you hear me?" As he jerked me around.  

      I opened my eyes as I tried to pull his hand off of my head, and then I noticed the bulge in his pants. I gritted my teeth and said "Fuck you!". 

      I had enough leverage to bring my foot crashing up between his legs with fear and the adrenaline fueling me. I had on my favorite black steel toe combat boots on as my foot slammed into his pelvis with a jaring and sicking thud.  

     He let go of me instantly as he made this weird high pitch "ahh" sound as eyes got as big as saucers. He crumbled to the ground and stared whimpering as he pissed  himself. 

   The one team member that told him to stop cringed and said "Oh dame girl!"

    I had to hold my shirt together because of how it ripped, as I bent over him and said "Try using that now, fucker."

       At the end of it I was trembling, and all I wanted to do was cry.  That one team member  gave me his coat to cover up my self as my shirt was barely holding together, and then said I should probely get going. 

     I thought that I was going to get into trouble but nothing ever came of it. I am guessing it was because they assaulted me first and they didn't want to say anything. 

    As for star quarter back, I am not sure what happend to him. He couldn't play the rest of the year,  but as far as I know he walked away with both balls still intact. Him nor his girlfriend ever bothered me again, they made it a point to avoid me at all cost.  

      Needless to say that event shook me, and I started  to respond with aggression when men grabbed me or pulled some crap like that after the incident. It got me in a lot of trouble in school. Not nearly a few weeks had gone by when another guy smacked my ass in the hallway one day. It was so hard he end up leaving a bruise. I had slammed him up against the lockers and put my hand arm across his throat pinning him there. 

    I yelled at him, "Did just touch my ass!? Don't you ever touch me again!". 

       He tried to apologize but I didn't care, I kneed him as hard as I could and walked away. I could hear him squeal "I'm sorry" from a distance. 

    After that I started going for nut shots everytime a guy hit on me or grabbed me inappropriately. Hell, even cat calls got you kicked in the ball's.  That is where the nickname "Ball Buster" came about. I would even bust the guy's I was really good friends with, giving them random sac taps as you guys call it whenever I could. 

     It's a safe to say I didn't have any boyfriends in school as they where all terrified of me. It got better after school, but me busting an asshole never did. 

     For the sake of not making this any longer, I am going to stop right here. I didn't mean to dive into that with so much detail. Sorry that this took a little darker of a turn. There is more to come, so stay tuned. I got a lot to talk about. More BB stories, thoughts and feelings. Maybe I will touch on the times I almost neutered my man. You just have to wait and see I guess 

See you in part 3, love ya. 

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Comment by KingMe on September 8, 2021 at 11:30am

Wow Mel, this is intense. This was a good read. Not for what happend to you of course, I don't wish that kind of thing on anyone. It seems like a highly uncomfortable and personal moment for you so I appreciate you being able to share it.

Comment by Tommy T down in cali on August 25, 2021 at 10:32am

@petron lason- she has a husband! Please make comments with respect and courtesy. Don’t worry, there are other sadistic ladies out there. It just may take patience to find them. :)

Comment by Petron Lason on August 24, 2021 at 6:08pm

Dear lady LovesBreakingBalls, I love you. Please write. I have a great desire to read your other texts. 

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 14, 2021 at 12:50pm

Dear Franco, you remind me of a kid covered in honey,  poking a sleeping bear with a cattle prod. Lol. Please don't take offense to that either, I have bit of a dark sense of humor. Those are excellent points, and I won't deny that. I understand the arguing aspect. I love to argue, and people usually underestimate my ability to do so and get shredded. If a guy is feeling at little insecure as you put it, about what I say and think and wants to argue that isn't my problem. I encourage him to reach down his pants to check if actually  still has ball's. As much you want to agree with  but  you can't, that is great! I would honestly question humanity if everyone just flat out agreed with my views. I will never claim that I am right or correct in my assumptions, and I will never say anyone should ever agree with me. It makes arguing about it irrelevant. My point is, I post these here solely for perspective. Everyone one wants my perspective but then bitch and complain when they get it. Dont get me wrong, I am not implying you or anything so please don't think that. If people  don't want my perspective, then don't ask for it is what I am getting at. Hate it or love it, it's there. Nobody has to agree with it, you don't have to like it. You don't even have to like me. Hate me if you have to, I am okay with it. I just refuse to argue about it is all I am saying. I do see your points though. On a parting note,  it ultimately comes down to perspective. Ones world through their eyes is never going to be the same as someone else's. I never discount how someone views the world, that is just stupid to do so. I also never discount how I view world though, becuse if I do, it can be dangerous for me. Pro tip about woman by the way, if you don't already know guys (wink wink) , most of us are walking contradictions, it's why we are so confusing to you lol. -xoxo

Comment by Franco on August 14, 2021 at 1:42am

If I may give my thought on just one of your propositions, though I know you don't like arguing about it, but at some point you said: "Honesty, I don't understand why it is such a problem? What is wrong with a woman being superior to a man?".

I guess I understand what you mean, but I DO think that most people, when they argue with you about this topic, if they disagree with you, and find it problematic, don't think that a woman being superior to a man is a problem, but WOMEN being superior to MEN is.

If I was feeling a little insecure, I might try to argue point by point (sorry, I love ballbusting, and I absolutely love you perspective on this fetish, I just love arguing over things even more :p). But I will just stick to two little arguments against some of yours stating the superiority of women over men. Doesn't mean I think either one is superior than the other but, eh... I think someone has to play devil's advocate. Fortunately for the devil, I love being his lawyer :p.

So I would just like to point out that first the possibility of mothering children without a man is only possible since at best like 500 years, and the technics might very well have been developped/discovered by a man, that needed the works of a hundred other teams largely composed of male scientists that uncovered all the preliminary research needed for such a success.

As my second point, I would like to point out that women may very well be more adapted to our modern very social society. But I'm not sure most of those points would be valid in a society more akin to violence like, say, the society humans lived in 99% of their existence. It wouldn't be unwise to remember that still to this day, most of the people that grows and brings everyone the food they cook for themselves or have cooked for them are men, and I'm not exactly sure what society could survive without food, be it its men, women or children. And i'm not sure most women would like to work as peasants so...

Just saying, that's not because women need less of a man's presence to procreate that it automatically men have lost any use for society. And that is not counting the fact that most of the time, a child with two parents will end up happier than a monoparent one. (Doesn't mean all biparental families are perfect, nor that a single parent can't take care of a kid. But since you made generalities, I allowed myself to do the same :p).

Honestly, I don't resent you for thinking the way you do. My fucked up brain even probably finds it incredibly sexy on your part! But uh.... As much as I WANT to agree with you, my rational mind wont allow it. He will unfortunately only let me go for "mean equality" :p

Comment by Gabriel Walters on August 13, 2021 at 9:44pm

Finally got to read this. Interesting to know what kinda started it for you, so thanks for taking the time to write it, was a good read :)

Comment by Brad and Becky on August 13, 2021 at 4:15pm

You are another reason why football players should always WEAR A CUP ;)

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 13, 2021 at 10:39am

Alex, I absolutely agree with you, it is beyond extreme. A fact that isn't lost on me. The whole purpose of the post was to let you know basically part of the reason I am the way I am. Why I feel the way I feel and think the way I think. Not every one is going to agree with it and that is a 100 % fine. I expect many not to. I also said I am not going to argue with anyone about it. Contextually speaking, I am pretty sure all those douche  bags can still have kids and besides the druggie who went to the hospital, still have both their balls intact. All America football leader I know for a fact ended up having two daughters. Does thinking like that make me a bad person? Most likely. Do I lose sleep over it? Not really. These are some of the reasons I think this way and they aren't even the serious ones. These are a day in candy land compared to some of the things I have been forced to experience. So I do apologize if it upsets you. 

Comment by Alex on August 13, 2021 at 5:52am

Say that a guy should lost the opportunity to have kids or even lost balls is just to extreme

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 12, 2021 at 1:57pm

Of course, I was glad to be able to share that experience, even though it was a little on the darker side. 


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