It was on this one afternoon, from what I remember. Reid was picking on Naomi again, as usual, and he did it so often that most of us didn’t even notice it anymore. We always thought, he’s going to get what’s coming someday. Naomi wasn’t very popular with the girls, but lots of guys were interested in her. Or maybe they just wanted to get with her. She did fit the common beauty standard that most of the guys then were into, with her slim body and long black hair. 

Well anyway, we figured one of these days, one of them would step up to him. But Reid, while of modest build, was quite a bad ass and not many of the guys wanted any trouble with him. And it’s not like he was going too far with it anyway, so she just put up with him for the most part. That is, until that particular afternoon. It was an extremely hot day, and he must have been peeved by it and was taking it out on her. I can’t even remember what he said, but she retorted at him and said something about his manhood being inadequate and he pretended to smack her several times. Now she was with Amanda, who was getting really tired of his shit. 

It’s complicated; I think he used to date Amanda a few months ago, or maybe it was just a fling. They kept things pretty private, but they would show up together most of the time in the mornings, and now that I’m thinking of it, I’m pretty sure they were an item. There was this once when they thought the girl’s locker room was empty, and she was giving him head. I remember his moans echoing throughout the stalls, that was definitely him. But they broke up. 

Well after he faked it for a second time, laughing at Naomi flinching, Amanda stood up and walked up to him quickly. It all happened so quickly, and I didn’t believe my eyes for a few seconds. We were always told during sex ed classes to not hit a guy down there, because it’s a very sensitive area for them and if we kicked too hard he would not be able to have kids. I guess Amanda just didn’t care, because she strode up to him and kneed him between the legs. One moment, he was laughing loudly, and then she just raised her leg into his unsuspecting nutsack and it was all over so quickly. It must have felt so much worse, because the heat would have had his nuts hanging low. That would hurt more, right?

He let out a loud bark at first, like, he yelled “Oh” very loudly, before slinking away backwards pathetically, his eyes wide with shock, staring at Amanda who was grinning at him wickedly. I guess she knew what would come next, because he slowly rocked back and forth, hunching over and holding himself carefully. His eyes closed slowly, and he dropped to his knees. A few of the girls nearby said some things, like “Say Goodbye to that guy’s future!”, I can’t really remember. He was gasping for air on the ground for a long time, and when I went over to take a closer look, it looked like his stomach was convulsing. He laid there all curled up like a millipede for about five minutes, making a few small movements every few seconds and saying “oh fuck..” as if the movement caused a strain that made the pain worse. Amidst his heavy breathing and gasping he would mutter “my balls.. she kicked me in the balls..”, before letting out an even louder moan before he started puking all over the floor after a few seconds more. Balls are really sensitive.

It was really gross, at first he let out a little while choking, followed by a long, thick stream. He tried to uncurl himself a little, but instead took an even bigger breath before letting out another pool. I was pretty sure it was his first time getting hit in the nuts from his reaction. From my experience, my gentle light touches can sometimes even cause a guy to get nauseated if I rub the wrong parts with too much force, so she definitely did permanent damage to him. 

Eventually, Amanda went over to help him up, and he managed to awkwardly walk to a table to sit. She was nice to him and helped him apply an icepack as he moaned loudly. His moans of pain were so agonized I was certain he could no longer have kids. I don’t really know if she caused any damage to him, but he seemed fine the next day, just a lot quieter. 

He stayed clear of Amanda for a long time after that, and eventually somehow joined her and Naomi to become a trio? It was really funny, until he pissed off Naomi one day and they got into a huge fight. It wasn’t even like Amanda sneaking in a nut kick on him, because Naomi was on the taekwondo team. 

He took a boxing stance, and she stood her ground with her taekwondo stance. She feinted and he brought his hands up, with his legs spread wide open. He never stood a chance though, and we saw her tilt her head downwards very obviously. Gosh was this guy slow. She quickly snapped her leg up and there was a loud “SLAP” noise when she connected, and he lurched forward immediately unlike the previous time. 

His reaction was exactly like the one he had when Amanda kneed him, except that this time he was moaning loudly the whole time. It was weird, because I’m sure Amanda hit him a lot harder than Naomi’s kick did. He didn’t puke this time, but his toes were curled, and his face was stuck in this contorted agonized look. I again heard some of the girls joking that Amanda and Naomi were going to turn him into a girl. He was crying and gasping for air for an even longer time which was weird because Naomi didn't even use as much strength as Amanda's full-force nut kick.

This hit was really bad however, because he had to see a urologist this time and disappeared for a week. I found out first hand about a year later. What? It was just another dick appointment. He was an asshole, but he looked so sweet after the humbling. Also, I was curious to see if it still worked. 

It did. Very well, in fact. But I realized something was missing when I reached down while blowing him. Yes, he was missing a testicle. I wasn’t surprised though, because I thought he wouldn’t have had any balls left. He moaned loudly just like he did in the showers, and when Naomi kicked him when I cupped it while sucking him off.

Of course I did not ask him about it, despite my curiosity. He was already quite insecure around me, because I was on the team with Naomi and would probably have destroyed him as easily as she did.

My girlfriends and I have a bet, with one camp thinking he lost it when Amanda first kneed him. But I think it was Naomi’s kick for sure that did it, based on his reactions to both. 

It felt really good, feeling him use his messed up manhood with me, and as a bonus, I moaned extra loud for him to let him know he was doing a good job. He still used a condom though, and nearly filled it up til I swear it would have burst if he pumped anymore out of his gonad.

So I guess those girls didn’t castrate him after all.

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Excellent work as always! Superb!



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