Teen Tormentress: Chapter 3 

By: SoleMann 


I didn’t know what was more of a slap in the face. The cool air inside the restaurant after baking in the sun for hours while we ate, or how with the slightest flick of her wrist, Kitty could have ended my torment at anytime. Hold on, Amber’s got me overthinking things, Kitty probably just assumed I took that seat because I was working on my tan or something. From her perspective, who in their right mind would suffer out in hot blaring sunlight, just so another could rest their feet in the cool shade?


Before I could think further on this, I was now slapped in the face yet again by the hot humid air as we left the restaurant. We hadn’t gotten far from the front door when suddenly Amber says, “Crap! I forgot I wanted to ask Kitty something. It’ll just take a second, go get the car and meet me back here at the front door.”


While Amber darted back inside, I walked out to the car. When I opened the doors, it was like an oven inside. Not wanting to keep Amber waiting, I took a deep breath, hopped into my sauna of a car and drove up to the front door. Once I got there, I starting rolling the windows down to let out some of the heat. After about 5 minutes, the door swung open, but it wasn’t her. As the people left and the door swung closed, I could just make out Amber and Kitty in the foyer. Another 8 minutes later, a group of people starting coming out the door, yet still no Amber. As they were coming out, I saw the two inside still chatting, and I swear I saw them both look out at me, smile at each other then continue on with their conversation. After about 20 minutes of sitting out in the car with the sun blaring in on me through the windshield, the door opened, I saw Amber give Kitty a little hug, and then she strolled over to car and got in.


The ride home was rather uneventful, I felt like I was in a trance. My mind was overloaded from the events of the day, not to mention my gourd baking out in the sun for hours. About halfway home, Amber decided to remove her sandals and prop her bare feet up on the dash. She crossed her legs at the ankles, giving me a perfect view of the long supple sole of the foot I had just been licking. I just stared at her feet like a zombie craving brains, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I even drooled a little.


When we arrived at my house, Amber quickly put her sandals back on, popped out of the car and practically skipped up to my front door. Once inside she, she instinctively kicked off her sandals, went in the other room and plopped down on the couch. As I entered the room, she had this quizzical look on her face.


“Now it makes perfect sense. You never really washed the kitchen floor or vacuumed much, yet we always had to take our shoes off at the door when we came in. Things become much more clear once you’ve peeked behind the curtain.”


I just kind of smiled and shrugged my shoulders. What could I say, she pretty much hit the nail on the head.


“Now it’s been a long day, could you get me something to drink? Maybe some sun-tea?”


I just rolled my eyes at her. “Sorry, I don’t have any of that, but will green tea do?”


“Hey, on second thought, that wine should be good and chilled by now. How about pouring each of us a glass of that? Then we can sit down and discuss things.”


Between the excitement and embarrassment of licking her feet for the first time, it had slipped my mind that we still had to discuss what she found in Beth’s journals and what plans she had with it. I got two glasses out of the cupboard, poured some wine, headed back into the living room and handed her one of them.


She took a sip, “Ah, that hits the spot.” And just as I was about to sit down, “you don’t expect me to hold this all night, it’ll get warm. You still have those TV trays laying around?”


“Sure, let me grab you one.” I stepped off into the other room and got one of the trays we would use to eat from if we got sucked into a show at dinnertime. I set it up in front of where Amber was seated and she placed her glass down. I then took a seat on the other couch across the room from her.


“Now just so you know, I never planned on reading through all of mom’s journals. When I first found them, curiosity got the best of me and I just had to take a peek. I was just going to skim through a couple of them, but once I hit a few sections about some of the kinky stuff you two were into, I was hooked.”


I shuffled around a little in my seat. It was starting to get awkward how she was nonchalantly bringing up what Beth and I did behind closed doors. Most people would have put it back where they’d found it and tried to forget what they read, but it inspired her to read more. She was definitely her mother’s daughter.


“Things that I couldn’t understand when I was younger suddenly started falling into place. Even the little things like how she’d somehow always get her way for movie night. One minute I would hear you two arguing over whether it was going to be an action movie or a chick flick, the next I would walk into the room with the chick flick in the player and you massaging mom’s feet. It just baffled me how not only did she get her way, but somehow talked you into massaging her feet as well. I came to find out mom would often use your attraction to her feet to win an argument.”


The more she talked about Beth, myself, and my attraction to feet, the more uncomfortable the one-ended conversation got for me. Unfortunately as she continued on, it also brought back old memories of the fun times we’d had together, and how I hadn’t had much foot action since then. Aw, who was I kidding? Licking Amber’s foot today was the only foot action I’ve had since I broke up with her mom.


“But the craziest part was near the end of you twos’ relationship,” she continued. “One week you’d be practically at each other throats, the next you two would be calmly sitting on the couch with you at her feet. At this point I was just old enough to understand the sex thing, and in the movies they’d chill afterwards with a smoke. I just assumed this was your way chilling, since neither of you smoked. Foolish me,” she rolled her eyes.


“By now, with the way you two argued, and how she’d get on you for the littlest thing, I couldn’t comprehend how you could take the abuse. I knew you were not the type of man to get physical with her, yet you always seemed to just take it and back down. At some point it must have gotten too much emotionally for you to take, since eventually you two did break up. But after reading mom’s journal, and finding out about your submissive nature and your intense foot fetish, it put a whole new spin on things. It got me wondering, if I was to give you the chance to indulge in your fetish with me, how much would it take for me to make you no longer want to be at my feet?”


I wasn’t sure I liked where this was going. I liked the part about being at her feet, but I wasn’t too sure what she meant about the how much would it take part?


She picked up her drink, took a sip, then stretched out her leg and rested it on top of the tray.


“Let me put it this way. Reading mom’s journal got me thinking about how cool it would be to have someone who was addicted to my feet, and to be honest, some of the things mom did to you even got me a little aroused. Especially the parts where she would be rough with her feet on your package. Now don’t get the wrong idea here, I’m not mom. I’m not attracted to you, I don’t want to date you, and I have no interest in you sexually, so sex is pretty much of the table. All I want to do is have some foot fun with you, and test your limits.”


I finally spoke up. “Test my limits?” I squeaked out, while staring at the long soft sole of her left foot.


“Yes, from mom’s journal, I have a rough idea of how much emotional abuse it takes to overcome one’s fetish and break things off. Now I’m curious if emotionally everything is copasetic, how much physically it takes.”


Wait, what? I was so confused. She wasn’t interested in me, but she liked the idea of me at her feet, and it aroused her, but only if she was rough with me? Damn her, it was so hard to concentrate while she was swaying her lovely little foot at me.


“Now don’t panic, I’m not interested in beating you to pulp or anything like that. But like I said, mom’s tales of what you’d let her do to your manhood intrigued me. Although, unlike mom I have no interest in making use of your privates, so there’s no need for me to holdback like she did. But don’t worry, I’m not planning on doing anything that would cause permanent damage. At least not intentionally, but accidents do happen,” she winked.


“And incase you haven’t noticed by now, I like to throw a little psychological torment into the mix as well.”


I just sat there dumfounded, with my jaw hanging open like a fool.


“I know, I said we’d discuss things, but it looks like I’m dominating the conversation. Your thoughts?”


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Replies to This Discussion

Amazing writing, can't wait to read the next chapter.

Beautiful! And he psychological + foot domination was so great I was afraid you might not put some physical into it as well. But finally the holy trinity is coming together!
I absolutely love this story and this girl!

I'm happy to hear you'll are enjoying my story :)
I'll be posting the next chapter here shortly ;)

Your writing is fantastic… thank you!



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