I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Just guys I've met in everyday life in ordinary places.

How did the topic come up? What I mean is, how did you and your buddies find out about your mutual interest in ballbusting?

Let me see if i can answer this as short and sweet ad possible, it was basically a 10 to 15 year journey. In the beginning, i didn't even know I had a fetish, so i wasn't looking for signs that anyone might be liking this. The seed was planted when i smacked one of my now bb buddies in the balls. He reacted quite humorously, so i giggled. He then planted the seed, he said, "You must like doing that, since you seem to do it a lot". It took a few weeks, but that sort of sunk in and i was looking at bb on line including this site. My bb buddy already had a fetish, but he was keeping it to himself as we all do. I didn't know what to look for initially, and it took a few more years for me to finally notice my guys liked it when i hit them in the nuts. They would always bring it up, even months later, and they didn't seem to get angry at me either, which i found odd. Plus being a member here, i was able to realize there is a male population in the world that loves this stuff, my bb buddies sort of showed interest. Eventually, I was able get up the balls :smirk: and bring up the subject. One by one they became bb buddies over the next few years.

What's the worst reaction you've ever had to busting a guy have you ever had one cry?

I never got to see anyone cry after, if they did...they didn't do it in front of me. The worst I saw was of course some writhing about and a little coughing and spitting with a little gagging mixed in.

What was the longest you ever had a guy curled up in a ball on the ground from a hard knee? What's your record for how long they were in the fetal position?

Well, that i really can't answer, I'm usually gone in a few seconds after those really hard busts. For the busts I did stick around for, those weren't as hard, I'd estimate the longest anyone was down for those lesser hits would be a couple of minutes.

Why gone so quick after the hard busts?

A lot of them are guys I don't know. It's definitely better that i don't stick around too long.

Have you ever kicked a guy as hard as you could? Does it still feel amusing when you bust the guys that did not want to be busted? Were those self defense busts, the hardest busts you referenced? Does a self defense bust still give amusement and excitement to you? 

Sorry, I didn’t catch this earlier.

I assume you mean in accidents or playful hits on friends by surprise? Yeah, I find it pretty amusing and funny, ill laugh at them.

Assholes, Idiots and Jerks will always get the hardest busts from me and I bet from any buster.

All busts give amusement eventually, even the ones on assholes.


What if it's your boyfriend, but you've been arguing and you're angry at him?  Do you bust his balls then as hard as you would any "asshole, idiot, or jerk"?

The hardest busts I've had, by far, started out as "relationship talks" then turned into arguments. Then the arguments turned into us messing around. And messing around turned into her beating my balls and utterly emasculating me while we resumed the "relationship talk".  



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