I'm uploading these here partially because I feel like my answers are relevant to why I'm on this website, and partially because some of the answers do require explanation before they make sense or are completely accurate. Some of my answers are long and inclusive, and some don't ask for much information. On the off chance that anyone has questions for me, just post 'em, I'll get them answered.


Q. SInce you participate the survey, you must either have busted or be willing to do so. So, do you identify/consider yourself a Buster?

         A. Yea i identify myself with being a buster because Im pretty much into doing it I feel like this deserves an explanation. The one person I've busted, I enjoyed the hell out of myself, and never got tired of it. But can you assign yourself a title like "Buster" after so little time?


Q. Ok, lets begin. What is your age?

         A. 19, specifically.

Q. Is BB/CB/CB something sexual for you?

         A. It's definitely a rush. And I'll admit, it's a sexual feeling - most definitely. Does that mean NOT having sex lessens the experience? Of course not. My one weekend of experience contained no sex... it was intense enough without it! No, I'm not going to explain that.

Q. How do you regard BB/CB?
         A. I cant define it by these options Be a bit weird to call it one of my passions at this stage, ne? Though it definitely could be someday.

Q. As with any fetish, BB would be considered an intimate action. But most peoples first busting was not in an intimate situation, how was yours?
         A. It was purposely a Busting or a dare to bust somebody Mine was sort of an intimate-yet-between-friends things. It definitely wasn't one of the other options, that's for sure. Let me put it this way - it was an intimate experience between strangers, at least on my side.

Q. When it comes to self defense, will you simply take advantage of the vulnerable spot without much hesitation --- or do you consider this to be one of the very last measurements that you only make use of if anything else fails?
         A. I used it as one of the last options Because while it's not exactly fair, neither is mugging someone.

Q. When was the first time you busted somebody, intimate or not.
         A. Adulthood -cough- A week ago?

Q. Are you a ballkicker type of buster, or do you do the entire yet more intimate squeeze, grab and bite program? This question is interestig because many ballkickers do it in clothes, like a sport, regarding BB as a kind of standalone discipline or a kink. It is all about the balls. Whereas, those who do the "intimate" program understand BB to be part of the Cock and Ball torture that belongs to BDSM and also includes penis (mis)treatments. So, are you a happy Ballkicker type of Buster or rather the dungeon type?
         A. Im a Ballkicking type I think the testicles are more intimate than the penis, personally. Most men offer their penis to their lover - how many men offer their testicles? So I answer your question with another question - aren't balls intimate ENOUGH for you?

Q. Were you introduced to the "world" of ballbusting by somebody?
         A. Yea Was introduced to the website by him, too.

Q. Do you like "normal" sex too?
         A. None of the above. Lame answer, yes, it is. Sex is something I really wanted to enjoy, but my partner was somewhat deficient. So I can't really answer this question accurately. If the question is "Can you get aroused without some form of fetish" then it's a yes. If it's a question of personal history.... no.

Q. Do you prefer BB over normal intercourse?
         A. Unsure And by unsure, I mean: This question was stupid the first way you phrased it. Why would I answer it a second time?

Q. The most important question, its VERY comprehensive and it is about self-estimation. How would you define your sexual type of personality? Note that none of these options is "better" than another but just a mirror of your situation.
         A. Timid / shy without much experience and maybe hoping for the one partner who changes it or even pull you into a swinger club I'm totally scared to approach anyone about ANYTHING, let alone sex. I can't do it. If people come to me, I tend to swing one of two ways: offended by someone approaching me without even getting to know me first, or really excited that I get to experience something without the awkwardness of having to ask. It all depends on how its phrase, and the setting. Hint, hint: If you approach me online, it will ALWAYS be no, unless we've met face to face.

Q. Do your friends know about that you are busting?
          A. Only the best one(s) My mentor heard about it too - my Dominance/submission mentor, he's not related to this - and I haven't gotten a response about that yet through email, nor have I seen him face to face as recently as that. Also, my best friend, because I was sort of hoping she would join me in tormenting this poor person who made the mistake (evilgrin) of introducing me to this fun activity.

Q. Does your family know of your busting fetish?
         A. Nay My family hasn't had time to find out accidentally, and I'm not stupid enough to tell them!

Q. A little fun question: The classic case from many movies... A boy and a girl are making out in the bed, then the parents come home and enter the room. Now imagine the same thing happens , youre back in teenage and youre busting your nude teenage friend - how would that be?
         A. OH SHIT Oo
Q. Back to the serious questions. What is your feeling when busting?
         A. Im enjoying the control that i have over the bustee I'm also a reaction whore. LOVE that little noise, and the expression. <333

Q. Imagine a fantasy busting... Which of these sceneries appeals most to your inner being?
         A. A fetish club with the perfect audience Because I'll admit, I enjoy being the center of attention. I also like the idea of doing it around the folks in the dungeon in this area, for security reasons and for the atmosphere.

Q. How would it be if your partner was not into busting?
        A. I would miss something To elaborate, I would miss causing someone pain in such a dominant way. I'm normally very submissive, with the desire to one day be a slave. However, I've always had a sadistic streak, and now and again I need to play Domme for a little bit, too. Scenes would be wonderful for that. While it would drive me crazy within weeks to be dominant or even fully vanilla as a lifestyle, for a little bit at a time, having someone at my feet, mewling in pain, and knowing I put them there? Now that's hot.

Q. If your partner was not into busting: Would you go to another person to bust him/her.
        A. Nay, that would be cheating, so I would not go to somebody else and live without busting. But I would be very unlikely to choose a partner in the end who is both non-masochistic AND wouldn't allow my sadism free reign elsewhere now and again.

Q. Do you think Busting and caressive or even romantic elements can go hand in hand? (You have not to be into that, the question is just if it works)
        A. Yea, i.e. placing a kiss on my partners lips before i knee him the next moment Oh, hell yes. In a sort of sick way, it IS an expression of romantic feelings. If you've ever seen the music video by Pink, Please Don't Leave Me, it's a little like a less extreme version of that. I hurt you BECAUSE I care about you. And there's no reason I can't express it in the scene. In fact, the "perfect" ballbust in my mind (at this point, anyway) would involve someone I just kneed hard in the groin collapsing into my arms, where I would cuddle them and kiss the top of their head. The pain and sweetness blending to become indistinguishable.

Q. Are you into swinging in general? (This only goes for you, your current partners opinion about swinging isnt a priority here)
        A. Im unsure since or I have not done it but I guess I want to find it out Or "I don't know, and I don't really care enough to find out."

Q. If your partner comes up with the wish of a double busting (you and somebody else shall bust him/her), would that be...
        A. Alright or even adding excitement to you If they're having fun and I get my reaction... -shrugs- In this scenario, where the person is a partner of mine, I would be unhappy if they didn't pick me MOST often. As long as I rank first, I don't mind there being other people on their list. If said partner invites someone else along, it could be fun.

Q. A permanent question for girls only: Provided youre a girl and bust guys - doesnt it feel great to cause so much pain on the vulnerable spot of the strong gender?
       A. No this has nothing to do with why I kick'em I'm not nearly that insecure.

Q. Do you/ would you bust one or both genders? (even if you might've just busted one so far). This question doesnt aim to know wether you're bi, but i.e. some ethics might not let you kick a girl, or wahtever.
       A. Both But I'd better get my pretty reaction!

Q. Regarding the previous question, if you answered "Both" --- would you bust one gender different than the other, i.e. with an increased sadism, a depise, less hard, with a vengeful emotion, etc?
       A. Yea I'd make a difference I really feel like men rank higher on my list.

Q. While "BB/CB" is a pretty acceptable term, how do you consider the term "Cuntbusting"?
       A. Sounds unneccessary vulgar or in another way unappealing http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/forum/topics/ballbusting-compared-...

Q. How do you consider the health risks that everybody talks about?
       A. I think both "disciplines" bear about the same risk to injure during a session and the risk is moderate RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink. Either he knows what he's getting into and has a right to make that choice for himself, or he doesn't, and sort of deserves the risk for sheer stupidity. I've made plans to be someone's first buster in the near future - and I'm going to make sure he does some research first. If he lies and doesn't, I take no responsibility.

Q. Do you feel to carry responsibility for safety when busting?
       A. Yea, I carry a part of the responsibility but only half of it. I expect a grown-up person to be able to estimate what he/she is capable to take (Marina's wise words: Don't order more cheeseburgers than you can eat) I'm not psychic. If you lie to me or hide from me how much more you can take, or how much pain you're in, that's a deliberate choice you made. However, I need to pay attention to clues, too.

Q. Do you use a safeword?
       A. Yea And I always will. Green - Everything's perfectly alright, feel free to keep going or even go harder. Yellow - slow down, I need time to deal with the pain you've already given me, or you're just plain going too fast. Red - Stop NOW. Either something is actually seriously wrong or for some reason you've missed the clues that I'm done.

Q. Would you damage somebodys testicles or Pussy on purpose or if they ask you to?
       A. No! -cringes- I am a student nurse. My thing is to fix people, not send people to the hospital!

Q. How do you consider castration and severe damage, they are mentioned in a couple of peoples fantasies
       A. This is definatly part of the thing, its just very hardcore It is, yes, now leave me out of it. -shudders-

Q. Especially when regarding the likes of the previous question: Do you think those people that dont dig our fetish regard us sick?
       A. Might be I say "might be" because you can't generalize like that. Some people will see it as very, very sick. Some people will be open-minded and think it's pretty cool that people like it. Some people will shudder, but won't judge. Some people will judge a little, but not as far as the word "sick". It varies.

Q. Your Bustee is a masochist, thats for sure, but how do you regard yourself?
       A. Dominant-sadistic I don't like the answers provided here. There's definitely an air of dominance to it, a sort of endearing "You're in pain, so I have to cuddle you, even if I'm the one who caused it" and a thrill to making someone go down, and a definite kick out of the pain itself. But ordinarily, I actually regard myself as submissive. I'm only dominant OR sadistic occasionally. Very occasionally.

Q. How do you define the receiver (Your Bustee)?
       A. My subbi (submissive person that i like alot) Again, I don't like the choices provided. It's definitely not as impersonal as a bottom, but I'm perfectly willing to bust people I'm not with, either. There's a temporary connection that's quite powerful, almost motherly, and then a little bit that lingers after - but I certainly wouldn't go as far as saying "My" anything. Not even close. This is the closest choice, though, because there are emotions involved.

Q. How do you like your Bustee at a private indoor busting - Is there one among these dresscodes that you prefer?
       A. Underwear Because I tend to be sort of timid. Even if I'm squeezing, I'd be a little more comfortable reaching under the underwear than him not wearing any at all. Maybe it'd be different if I was doing it to somebody I was in a relationship with.

Q. How do you consider public busting (i.e. 1-2 spontaneous kicks in a supermarket)
       A. The idea turns me on but I have not done that yet And I probably never will - people in a supermarket did not consent to being exposed to any kind of kink, and I like the idea of consensuality.

Q. Do you have accessoires of choice?
       A. Blindfolds It's just plain hot knowing the submissive/bottom/masochist in question doesn't know when the next kick is coming, or where it's coming from. I'm perfectly willing to do without, though, if a blindfold would be a problem.

Q. Mistresses often have an assistant. Would you like to have an assistant to bust your partner?
       A. Yea Though it depends on the woman. There's one particular dungeon bunny who I wouldn't mind being an assistant TO, because she's just plain better than me. On the other hand, one day when I'm experienced, I would want it to be someone who is willing to respect my decisions as far as the scene goes. Too many cooks ruin the soup. At this point, I bow to almost anyone's experience, though.

Q. Some bustees offer themself as human punchingbags. Do you compensate anxiety when busting?
      A. Other - I don't understand the question.

Q. Regardless which technique and ways your partner requests the most, what is your fave that you will most likely pick when you can choose freely for a session at home?
      A. Kneeing It's more intimate, and has the potential for me to catch them as they go down and either continue torturing them, or hold them until they've recovered, depending on the person in question. There's also more control, and less chance of missing.

Q. A lot of partners like sexy shoes, but wearing them, we don't feel as much as when we are on Bare Feet. So, regardless which footwear your partner requests the most, what is your fave if you can choose freely for a session at home?
      A. Bare feet Do I really need to explain this?

Q. HOw do you prefer to floor them? (Single kicks vs Multiple kicks topic)
      A. I prefer a full force kick to knock them off their feet But generally, I'd want to get in plenty of little kicks, first. Sure, a take-down is fun, but then it's pretty much over, and that sucks. The exception to that would be a surprise takedown. "Why am I on the ground and why am I writhing in agony?! What happened?!"

Q. What is most likely your thought when they cringe in pain on the floor?
     A."Lol now hes happy, thats good :)" But can we totally keep going when you get up?

A few of the male Bustees, though rather the BDSM people who implement BB into their program, want to "cum" during the BB session. How do you regard that?
     A. Its odd but I let them have their way I do care, though. Unless this is someone who's my partner, while I wouldn't stop them from getting their enjoyment, I would be extremely unhappy they didn't tell me this was going to happen (if they had, I would have said no) and probably not play with them again. Accidents are the exception. But really, if I'm not WITH you, there had better not be gross sticky fluids coming out of your body, or I will be pissed.

Q. Do you watch common porn?
     A. Nay Can't get into it. Which doesn't mean I watch BB porn.

Q. Do you watch BB clips and does watching them turn you on?
       A. Yes I watch them and it turns me on Sometimes. I appear to be picky, though. I mostly watch them for instructional purposes... but I won't deny some arousal, and that tends to be how I decide which clips to learn from.

Q. Many Bustees love to watch BB clips. What is a busters habit if it comes to BB clips?
      A. No opinion.

Q. Do you make your clips available (provided that you produce some)
     A.So far I havent produced my own clips but i would like to for all to see Personally, I think that would be really, really cool. I would be very interested in making clips, or even just taking photos... but then, I might be a little bit of an exhibitionist, depending on the crowd.

Q. In Youtube, there are many clips of people who bust each other for a laugh at parties or other places, or also, movie sniplets. These people are not into Ballbusting, now, how do you feel when you watch these?
       A. Other I feel a little dirty getting aroused by people who have no idea their clips are being used this way. I also get feelings of guilt if someone's not enjoy it that totally eclipses my own enjoyment. All in all, I really could never watch them for anything other than funnies. The worst is when someone handed me a clip of little kids doing it. Um, excuse me - this is a site for people who largely sexualize ballbusting, and you want to hand me five year olds doing it? I don't claim to know that you sexualize the kids, too, but the placement for that kind of sharing is totally inapproriate and extremely creepy. I left the chat right away, feeling slightly unclean. 

Q. Would you bust somebody for money?
        A. It does depend, I can be bought but not by everybody Though I'd probably feel guilty later.

Q. In regard to the previous question, would you ever consider to work as a dominatrix that focuses mainly on BB/CB?
        A. Yea That would be fun! I'd probably take lengthy hiatuses, though. I get bored if I do the same thing too often or on the same person too many times in a row.

Q. Would you like to occur in commercial BB movies from time to time?
        A. I'd like at least one time to have made that experience I doubt it'll ever be an option for me, though.

Q. Would you like BB to become really popular?
        A.I don't care No, really. It wouldn't affect how I feel about it at all.

Q. Bustees make use of the option of Selfbusting. If you have nobody to bust, do you bust objects then?
         A. Nay Do objects writhe in pain? And there's really no point in cuddling most objects.

Q. Do you think, aside from the fact they like pain, that masochists are different from other people?
         A. Yea  I tend to there there's more of a trust factor there, too.

Q. Some Bustees want to be punished, claiming they deserve humiliation. How do you see that?
         A. Its a farce, they wanna be busted, this would fulfill no punishing nor humiliating effect Or if it's not a farce, I still don't want to get involved in it. If the submissive/bottom is enjoying being busted, and this is demonstrable, that's one thing. I really don't like making people feel less than me, though, because they're not. I can't get into that kind of act.

Q. (Note: THis question was very hard to form) Sometimes during a session, when the physical condition, the mind and the athmosphere is right, a sudden need to drastically amplify the intensity is said to occur sometimes. It seems to be drunk of power, a burst of energy; sadistic, euphoric and vicious emotions beyond control take over the buster for a moment. Since there is no term for this, best to be called an outbreak of aggression, pushed by sadism I think, so lets see, are you familiar with an emotion inside of you that could be described as "berserk" or "Beast" mode?
         A. Yea I've experienced that Not in relation to busting, though. Sometimes, if you're, say, playing baseball, there's a surge of almost ANGER against the ball. An extra push of something darker. It only happens to me when I'm repressing anger against something else, and not in a long time. if I felt this emotion, I would stop the scene immediately, because it means I'm not in control of myself.

Q. How do you consider Cyberbusting
         A. Its lame  Almost as lame as cyber-sex. Don't waste my time. 

Q. Which part of the typical conversation in the chat annoys you the most?
         A. How are you Because this is generally seen as something to get out of the way for politeness' sake before getting onto the "good stuff." If my emotions are relevant to the moment, I'll tell you. Otherwise, I'll probably just make something up. I don't like filler. This includes "poke" "um..." and "so, yeah."  There's no excuse for that online - you have a moment to think in chat. Use it.

Q. For which purpose do you log in to the KITG most of the times?
         A. Hoping to have a friendly chat about whatever is the topic It so rarely works out, though. Do people have nothing on their minds other than "So how hard are you willing to bust me if we cyber?" I. Do. Not. Cyber. I will not change this opinion for YOU. Move along.

Q. Do you like to exchange opinions, experiences, views, techniques (or magic melty snowball cookie recipes) with other Busters?
         A. Yea Yes, I would love that! -throws self at feet- TEACH ME, MASTER!

Q. Would you encourage people in a BB/CB chat to contact you in private messages?
         A. Other - I have to be in the mood for it, and I'm not, very often. I get so many chat invites at once that it's totally overwhelming, and they're generally either people who want to meet up in real life (isn't that against the rules?) or people who want to cyber (if that's not against the rules of the site, it's against mine - do not approach me about this!)

Q. One tricky question at the end of the survey. Some people speak of "belonging to the BDSM scene" and they identify themself with BDSM as a lifestyle by going to parties, events and meetings. Now, the opinions differ. BB/CB can be seen part of the BDSM so it of course must mean it can be considered a lifestyle, while others claim that this is not a lifestyle but simply a kink." THe question is not which one is true, but: Does performing BB/CB give you a feeling to belong into the BDSM scene?
       A.  I also practice other BDSM, so this question is hard to determine because it cant be denied that somehow i belong to whats called the BDSM scene. It definitely falls under the BDSM umbrella, though. Either under "discipline (dominance/submission)" or sadism/masochism. But then, most things do fall under the BDSM umbrella, if you fully understand the phrase, in my opinion. Yes, it's a subcommunity, but there's still a connection to the whole.

Q. Would you miss something in your life if you would never BB/CB again?
       A. Yea I think so, though I can't be 100% sure.

Q. The silly ass question every of the Normals wanna know, so we cant end the survey without it: Do you swallow?
A. Yea .....>.> That was a silly question.

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Replies to This Discussion

Awesome (and rather erotic) interview you've got there.
Is erotic a bad thing? XD
Erotic is awesome. Great interview. You have illustrated a relationship I could enjoy one day. This makes me even more optimistic.
:D Hope is a good thing! Thank you! I am honored.

Mike said:
Erotic is awesome. Great interview. You have illustrated a relationship I could enjoy one day. This makes me even more optimistic.
That was fun to read.  Good luck on here.  Hopefully the bothersome creepy people leave you be.
:3 Unlikely. But thank you!
I have no significant other - but I've never done that one myself, no. I can't speak for what anyone else would do. I don't find it weird, just not my thing.



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