Double Date

Selena and Kevin were out on a double date with their friends Brandi and Cory. They walked the streets of  town - talking, joking and having an overall good time. At least, until Kevin made an off color joke. Cory said something about how he would like to go skateboarding here, but there weren’t enough hills. To which Kevin replied:

“Yeah, this town is just about as flat as Brandi’s chest.” Cory snorted out a quick laugh but buttoned up as soon as Brandi shot him a sneering glance.

“Excuse me!?” Brandi asked. Kevin held back a laugh, tickled that he had struck a nerve with Brandi. “Oh you think this is funny huh?”

“Oh come on Brandi, it was just a joke.” Selena said, attempting to quell the situation.

“Easy for you to say, Miss Utters-worth.” Brandi said gesturing to Selena’s large breasts.

“Wow okay…” Selena said. “Let’s just calm down.”

“Calm down!?” Brandi shouted. “Hell no I won’t calm down!” Brandi turned her attention to Kevin. “You know, it takes some pretty big balls to make fun of someone’s body like that!” She eyed Kevin up and down. “In fact…” She said, and with that she swung her leg out and kicked Kevin right in the crotch!

Kevin let out a guttural moan and dropped to the ground. He clutched his groin and rolled around in agony. “How are those big balls treating you now, Asshole?” Brandi mocked at Kevin’s pain.

“Oh my god!” Selena shouted as she knelt down to comfort her beaten boyfriend. “Kevin are you alright?!”  She looked up at Brandi in anger. “What the hell Brandi!? You can’t just kick a guy in his nuts every time he insults you!”

“Sure I can.” Brandi replied. “I can rack a guy’s ball’s whenever I want. It’s my womanly right. Why? Is someone worried about her boyfriend’s little baby-makers?”

Selena was furious and wanted to get back at Brandi, but as her eyes glanced over Brandi’s crotch, she knew there was nothing she could do. Brandi didn’t have balls that Selena could bust. It was then that Selena noticed Cory snickering in the background. ‘Or does she…?’ Selena thought to herself.

Selena popped to her feet, leaving Kevin on the ground writhing in pain. “Oh you think this is funny too huh?” Selena said as she quickly advanced towards Cory. “Well let’s see how you like it!” She said as she shot her sneakered foot right into Cory’s most sensitive spot.

As Cory joined Kevin in clutching his testicles on the ground, Selena looked to Brandi, crossed her arms and smirked. “Two can play at that game!” She said.

“You bitch!” Brandi gasped. “He didn’t even do anything!”

“I’m just exercising my womanly right.” Selena said. “Or does that only apply to YOU kicking MY boyfriend’s balls?”

Brandi was pissed. “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be huh?!” Brandi shouted as she stomped towards Kevin once again. Kevin was on his side in the fetal position, covering his junk. “Move!” Brandi demanded as she kicked Kevin’s hands out of the way and unceremoniously booted him hard in his already sensitive nuggets.

Kevin screamed in pain, but his scream was nearly drowned out by Selena’s gasp. “Oh, it’s on now!” Selena said as she walked over to Cory and followed Brandi’s lead by batting Cory’s hands out of the way and kicking him square in the nuts!

“Yeah, it is on!” Brandi said, punting Kevin hard in the plums again.

“Fine!” Selena shouted, as she kicked Cory hard in his junk.

This continued on for quite a while, each girl kicking the other ones boyfriend in the balls over and over. They didn’t seem particularly mad at the boy’s anymore, and they definitely didn’t seem worried for the safety of their testicles, they just seemed concerned with winning this impromptu ball-busting competition.

After about a dozen kicks, Brandi spoke up. “Had enough?!” She yelled.

“Yes!” Kevin pleaded. “Please stop! I can’t take anymore!”

“I wasn’t talking to you!” Brandi yelled, turning her attention to Selena. “I won’t stop kicking Kevin until you stop kicking Cory.”

“Fat chance!” Selena replied. “But I thought you and Cory were going to get engaged. Sure would be a shame if Cory couldn’t have kids!” Selena punctuated this with a particularly hard kick to the plums.

“I was going to say the same thing for YOU!” Brandi said, sending a devastating kick to Kevin’s junk.

The boy’s were in the worst pain of their lives. One kick to the balls is bad enough, let alone a full on barrage. At this point they had lost track of how many times they had been kicked! The pain was just too great, and as the twisting testicular trauma percolated in their abdomens, it eventually became too much. At the exact same time, both Kevin and Cory vomited on the floor.

The girls perked up in glee and in unison said “Ha! I made your boyfriend puke!” But quickly their excitement faded as the reality of the situation started to set in. The sight of their boyfriends broken on the ground, with bile still dribbling out of their mouths, brought them back to reality. Both girls ran over to their boyfriends and began comforting them.

“Kevin are you alright?!” Selena shouted. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what got into me!”

“Ya did good Cory.” Brandi said patting him on the back. “I think we put them in their place.”

After letting the boys recover for a little while, the girls decided it was best that they part ways and get some ice on their boyfriends’ swollen testicles. Selena and Brandi also made a pact to give their boyfriends congratulatory blowjobs later for being such good sports.

At the end of the day, the two couples remained friends, and they still hang out to this day. And every once in a while, one of the girls will lightly ball tap the other girls boyfriend, to subtly remind him of her “womanly right.” And they all lived happily ever after…

The End

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Love this

Fantastic story.



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