With a practiced grace, Amanda quietly slid out of her side of the king-sized bed. The floor might as well have been hardwood as thin and worn as the carpet was. Her naked body shivered and she darted to the bathroom nearly tripping in the pre-dawn dark on one of his loafers that had been tossed away, hurriedly in the moment, last evening. She cursed quietly under her breath as a stab of pain shot up her big toe. Closing the door, stealthy as a cat burglar, Amanda flipped on the lights and turned the shower to hot. After a few minutes steam began to fill the small room. She held a hand under the falling water and quickly yanked it away. Too hot, she thought, turning down the temperature.

The temperature was still a tad too high when she finally got in, but after the initial burning sensation, she realized the water on her skin felt amazing. She stood under the spray, enjoying the fantastic water pressure as the tiny beads massaged her scalp, her neck and upper back. Amanda felt like a snowman melting, all the anxiety and pressure drifting away with the steam. Say what you want about business trips, but at least they put you up in some nice places, she mused.

Despite her youth – Amanda would turn the big three-oh next month – she was already a grizzled veteran when it came to business travel. She had the routine down to a science, and though it was a lot of glad-handing and boring meetings, there was always that one night: the night that started off with innocent, rapport-building dinner but then got spicier as the drink tally lengthened. Next came the flirting, the innuendos and insinuations, and then, more often than not, the eventual hookup. Last night had been that night.

Though he was older than most of the men she dated, Amanda was immediately drawn to Gil’s boyish enthusiasm. There was an energy about him that belayed his forty years. It didn’t hurt that he was tall with warm, sparkling brown eyes and a wide, dimpled smile. Even if he was a decade older and his hair held a dusting of gray, he was something to behold. Unfortunately, it seemed as if everyone else at the dinner was drawn in by him as well, men and women alike. At least she’d been able to snag a seat across from him, and though he engaged easily with everyone, when their eyes met – and it was often – there was a subtle change that came over his. Sometimes it was an extra sparkle and other times they were soft and lusty. She could tell he was into her.

After the third round of drinks, Amanda stole away to the ladies room. As she reapplied her rose-colored lipstick and tidied up some loose strands of golden hair, Amanda pep-talked herself. She appraised the final product and decided she still looked a little buttoned-up. Literally. She undid the top three buttons of her blouse and adjusted her bra so that her cleavage swelled. Much better, she thought. Back at the table she was pleased to see that Gil had noticed her efforts. Though he didn’t break off his conversation, she saw a smile flicker on his lips as his head turned toward her slightly and she lowered her eyes in a bashful manner when he winked.

Eventually the dinner party dwindled and she found Gil loitering at the bar.

“I know a great little dive around the corner,” he said, his voice rich and inviting. When he offered an arm, she took it.

It had been a fun night, Amanda thought as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair. Gil was much funnier one on one than he’d been at dinner. And though he had that boyish charisma, his humor was mature and sophisticated. Later she discovered it wasn’t the only thing that demonstrated his depth of experience in life.

The sex was incredible. Not just the sex, but the foreplay and aftermath, too. How did Gil know just what to do at every turn? Just when she was on the brink he’d pinch a nipple or squeeze her ass or go deeper and send her into another stratosphere. And the low soft moans that escaped him when she took his full length in her mouth – not an easy feat, she mused, smiling – sent shivers through her. She allowed her fingers a little extra time caressing between her legs as she recalled the memory. It took the hot water turning cold to snap her back into the present.

She dried off quickly and wrapped the towel around her waist. Most women wrapped themselves a little higher, but Amanda liked the look of her naked breasts. They still sat high even without a bra and she liked to see them jiggle and bounce with her movements.

Dimming the lights, she cracked the bathroom door and spotted her clothes in the various places they’d been strewn in the madness of their passions. She gathered them up quickly and dashed back to the bathroom when she noticed Gil stirring. As she began to pull the door shut she saw that Gil was up on one arm, the other rubbing his eyes. Amanda decided to leave the door open and angled so that he could see her dressing in the mirror. She let the towel fall as she slipped on her satin bra, making an exaggerated effort to situate her big boobs properly. Then she pulled up the matching panties. She turned as she pulled up her lavender skirt, wiggling it over her shapely, youthful ass. She bent over at the waist, giving Gil an eyeful of her long legs and round butt as she pulled on the cream heels. The fabric was soft, but the hard, upturned toes were not. That little fact made her smile as her feet nestled into them. Quickly, she pulled on her blouse and buttoned it before attending to her hair and makeup.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Gil was sitting up, checking his phone. He looked up and flashed that big, dimpled smile of his that nearly made her change her mind. When he stood, she could see the outline of his shaft hanging down his right thigh, like a snake, in his dark gray boxer-briefs and for a brief moment she wanted to take it in her mouth once more. When she saw the protuberant bulge in the sac-like pouch her brain got back on track.

Gil slid off the bed and made his way toward her, his abs rippling as he moved.

“Good morning,” he said, his voice still raspy from sleep, as he stopped an arm’s length away, holding out his hands to pull her to him.

Amanda relished the moment. It was her favorite part of every trip: the good-byes. They always looked so lovey-dovey and longing. And so unsuspecting.

Instead of taking him around the waist in a hug like he wanted, Amanda stepped back slightly and then launched a cream-colored high heel, the one with the hard, rounded toe, straight up between his legs.

As he crumbled to the ground, Amanda slipped her purse onto her shoulder and grabbed the complimentary ice bucket. She set it next to his slumped head and walked to the door.

Before closing it, she took one last look at Gil. He lay slightly on his side, knees drawn up with his cheek resting on the thin carpet. Both of his strong hands were nestled in his groin as he lay motionless. He would’ve looked peacefully asleep except for the grimace that remained etched onto his face. Her heart never failed to flutter at that woeful expression because she knew it meant she’d kicked each and every one of them good and hard.

Gil wasn’t the only experienced one, she laughed to herself. Like a signature, she never said good-bye after a one night stand. Instead, she always left her man with a better memento: busted balls. And that same misery-laden look every man wears as a result, of course.

Amanda closed the door gently and felt great satisfaction knowing that his balls would bruise and swell and hurt for a good long while. Maybe only a day or two, but maybe, hopefully a week or so. But regardless, she thought, at least she would be on his mind whenever the pain flared up, which would only be every time he moved. She laughed out loud at the thought as she strode down the hotel’s lush corridor. No man can forget a woman when she’s left him with broken balls.

As she waited for the elevator she wondered if he’d be the first to ever call on her again. She thought about the note she’d left in the ice bucket.

Dear Gil,

Thanks for an amazing night! Everything about it was perfect, including you. I’m sorry for leaving you the way I did, but just know, it wasn’t because of anything you did. I just wanted you to remember me. I’m sure you’re in a great deal of pain, so if you can limp down the hall to ice machine, I’d suggest filling up this bucket and getting ice on the swelling as soon as possible.

Maybe you hate me, but then again, maybe not. I’d love to see you again so I put my number on the reverse side. I won’t hold out hope because I know it takes a special kind of man to call after what I’ve done. But still…

Take care of yourself. And your balls.



Riding down the elevator it occurred to her that she’d lied in her note. She was holding out hope. Gil was amazing – she really wanted to see him again. She was already missing the comfort of that big ol’ smile and those soft brown eyes. She was still hungry for him in the bedroom, too. Maybe, in time, after the pain finally fades away, he’ll remember me fondly, she thought.

Stepping out of the elevator and into the hotel lobby, Amanda’s face brightened like the sun-filled atrium. Maybe – just maybe – he will call. And better yet, maybe he’ll even – dare I even dream it, she thought – let this sassy girl kick him in the balls once again.


Views: 472

Replies to This Discussion

Great story!  *two claws up!*

Also, it reminds me of a former member - Sydney I believe - who talked about busts after one-night stands.  Been years since she's been around but always a good story!

Thanks Smoo!

You're back!  Good stuff...is Amanda in Rebecca's world?

Not yet...but there's still time ;)

Fingers crossed, hope he calls!

Wow, this is super awesome!  Thanks, Joe!



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