Couldn't believe what I overheard. Timing could not have been better

I was dating this girl years ago. We were dating for a couple months at the time. I had met her mom a few times and she was a really nice lady. Actually hotter than my girlfriend. We were in our early 20's at the time and the mother was about 45-50ish.One night I was supposed to meet my girlfriend at her house. I was almost there and she called me saying she'd be late. So I knocked on the door and her mother told me I could wait and hang out. There was a game I was watching in the living room around the corner from the kitchen where her and her friend were. Her friend was also attractive. Her mother's friend was a college professor and was telling her friend about how a girl on campus kicked her cheating boyfriend in the balls. They had to know I could hear them but were drinking wine so maybe weren't really thinking of it. 

Now it'll be told from the woman's perspective telling the story. "Her boyfriend kept apologizing for cheating and after a few minutes he wouldn't let her by as he was still trying to plead his case. She kept asking him to move and when he wouldn't she reared back her leg so far and swung the top of her foot like this and kicked him so hard." Her mom's friend actually was showing her the motion kicking her leg and foot out with toes pointed down for a perfect instep front kick. She then showed my girlfriend's mom how the kick was done as they both kicked at the air as they laughed. She continued the story..."the poor boy stood there for a second and then slowly went to the ground in the fetal position crying. He was down for over 20 mins." They both started laughing. 

I had to use the bathroom which required walking through the kitchen. They must've not heard me and I came around the corner and my girlfriend's mom was in the act of pretending to kick and I saw the top of her barefoot sticking out of her jeans flying up fast near me. When she saw me she stopped it as fast as she could and it was still a few feet away even if she finished her kick. Even though it wasn't that close to me she apologized refusely. I said "that could have been bad. I could have ended up like that guy on campus". We all laughed and she embarrassingly said "oh no you heard that?" Her friend said "sorry, I was showing her some moves I learned in my self defense class" I then said "it's probably hard to get an accurate kick though. It hurts a lot but not if you miss". Her friend said "I never miss" and as I laughed she swung her foot fast and I thought she was about to kick them into my throat but she stopped right before making contact and lightly placed the top of her foot and I could literally feel all 5 of her toes under both of my balls. I must have muddered "thank god" under my breath and both women started laughing. I then had to admit "Ok, that would have hurt really bad." My girlfriend's mom then said "I want to see if I would be accurate" and did the same thing but slower and the top of her foot came up right on target as well. Her friend said to her "with a kick like that you can trap them between your foot and his body causing severe pain. I saw a few girls make guys cry with kicks like that in self defense class". I said "that tiny little foot couldn't really do that could it?" She was a size 5.5 foot. She was really small 5'1'' 115 lbs. good shape, blond hair blue eyes. Her friend was a little taller 5'5" 125 lbs., good shape, black hair, and green eyes. Her friend then said "I am gonna have to have you take self defense class with me. The instructor is a woman and the majority of the class theme is about striking the groin. I said "better them than me". Her friend then said "so I shouldn't do this" and swung her foot up so fast but again stopped right before connecting while saying "splat" as they both laughed. I did too because I knew they wouldn't really kick me even though I secretly wanted them to. I was shocked they were as forward as they were but they definitely had a buzz on.

My girlfriend then walked in and we all acted as if nothing had happened. It was awesome. If I had more time I am sure I could've gotten kicked by them but not sure how I could have explained that to my girlfriend when she saw my post kick balls

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Comment by BallbustingStacy on May 2, 2021 at 4:34pm

People love this story

Comment by Cheryl Novot on October 19, 2020 at 9:01am
Haha, that could have been me who kicked my cheating boyfriend. Guys cheat and x girlfriends kick and damage balls... moral of the story is, DON'T CHEAT OR YOU MIGHT LOSE YOUR BALLS.
Comment by John879 on October 16, 2020 at 11:01am

It's sexy when an adult woman (45-50) wants to play with male genitals.  

If she kick you and you have an erection it would be a lot of fun for them

Comment by anthony white on October 13, 2020 at 9:52am

love this story!

Comment by ElTioDelCasco on October 12, 2020 at 7:28am

This is so nice


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