Hi everyone! I know not all of you know me since I don't post or chat much, but I am very much into CB and I'm willing to answer any personal questions you may have on the topic (but keep decency in mind). I also know I'm supplying a niche here, but I do have some interest in BB and I do find it arousing if kept healthy.

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Hi Rachel, thanks for doing this great interviews! I am into cb but am not always so sure it is welcome here so I thank you for bringing it some attention! As you have stated, ever since I realized females also had a sensitive spot downstairs, cb has been so hot to me. I really enjoy catching my gf by surprise with a playful random vag slap - have you ever been busted by surprise? And if so what was your reaction?
I have, yes. My bf does it to me all the time. But it isn't painful at all, he makes sure of that. It's more arousing and to set a playful, romantic mood.
I do get caught off guard bit I usually respond by doing the same to him.
Cool! It sounds like we are in very similar situations! Is there any certain way that he busts you that you enjoy more or find more arousing than others? Care to share any favorite experiences with getting or trading unexpected shots?

I like a lot your interview rachel, i think you really get the busting experience at all quite fan of you

have you learn something about how hurt guys nuts? when you get the best reaction from hurting a guy?

how you do it to catch your target out of guard? do you have some tips to share?

Hey Rachel, thanks for your answers!

On the reacting to seeing someone get hit, do you ever pull a funny face, or make an "ooh" sound? Lol.

You said you shudder when the girl is hit in the nerve. How can you tell exactly? Is this when there is more of a "jolt" reaction from the bustee? Just curious what you meant by that.

And it makes sense that all humans instinctively protect their genitals as they are important body parts. I thought I'd ask coz there seems to be a large number of girls who have no idea about their own groin pain, and might think it just doesn't hurt them. Am glad to see you're not one of them, haha. :)

And yes, that paintball bust was pretty funny. Have you ever been shot in the vag while paintballing? It looks hella painful. When I did paintballing for the first time (indoor) I decided to wear a cup after I heard the sounds the paintballs made when they hit the wall. Sure if it's an indirect crotch shot, especially with thick pants, I probably wouldn't feel too much, but I couldn't help but keep imagining a direct testicle shot. The thought alone makes me cringe slightly, haha.

I actually got hit right on the right one playing paintball once.. Actually was a really delayed reaction. I was squatted down, behind a building, and kinda resting on one knee, firing around the corner at the opposing team. I tend to be up front, and aggressive when I play, so I ended up getting myself in too far past my team mates, and no one to back me up, so I got overwhelmed in my position, and THWAP! One got my nut, like dead on!

I called myself out, stood up, and began walking, thinking to myself that "wow, that strangely didn't hurt much!"

Then, I found myself unable to stand anymore, and pulled down into fetal position, and unable to move for a bit. It was like all sound and light went dead, the whole world winked out of existence. All there was in the entire universe was intense pain coursing from my right nut, up into my stomach.. I don't know how long I laid there, but when I finally came to my senses, a few people were standing around me asking me if I was ok, and I was like "yeah, I'll be fine, just don't touch me, leave me here for a bit longer".. Eventually I got up, and went to the staging area, and sat down for a bit. I sat out the next game, but the following one, I was back in.. 

Crazy enough, I thought for sure I would bruise from that hit, but no visible sign of darkened skin, or anything.. 

It's rather strange none of the guys mocked you. With guys being guys they usually have the tendency to laugh a minor hit or accident off rather than respect each other's privacy. That's true with adults as well.

Honestly, if they were mocking me, I wouldn't have known I was really gone for a little bit there..  It was pretty early in the game when I got hit, so they were kinda busy shooting and getting shot at too. 

I had wiped the paint off by the time I made it back to the staging area where we sat and waited for the next game, this was a woods game, so there was only a few who were nearby when I collapsed. 

I don't know if anyone really knew how I got hit, so that might explain why I don't get continually razzed about it till the day I die, LOL.. 

Heya Rachel.

Have you ever been hit in just one lip? And was the pain obvious that it was on just one side?

Also curious if it's anything like a nut shot, where say I get hit in the left nut, I feel the pain radiating upwards, all on my left side.

Thanks. :)

Hi Rachel.
I've heard that getting hit hard when cb'ing causes like a shock that travels up hurts the insides a bit like bb, ever experienced that? Also, girls that are into cb, does it necessarily follow to breast squeezing / hitting? What's like feel like I'd you're into that. I particularly find the thought of a kick between the legs from behind sexy AF cause a shakn booty is divine.

Hi so glad you’ve joined. Run into very few CB fans like myself here :)

Have you ever kneed a guy and made them cry



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