experiment in male neutering through ballbusting prt 2

Sue brought her husband round yesterday as I had received his sperm analysis back and she was excited to know how it had gone.

His testicles had been heated by Sue every day since his ballbusting and of course he had been kept fully in chastity without relief in any way. I examined his testicles and even now they was quite swollen still after all this time. He was very apologetic to both Sue and I and swore he would never look at porn again, Sue told him quite matter of factly that if this didn't kerb his addiction then the next step would be a more permanent fix and motioned with her fingers in a snip snip motion that left him in no doubt what that meant. he glanced at the various jar,s I have in my male correction room and took a gulp. 

I produced the test result and we began to talk about it as though he didn't exist and Sue made him kneel naked before us as we talked. His result was a massive decrease from 85% down to 15% and his sperm count was nil therefore technically neutered. Sue wanted me to bust them some more to be certain so she ordered him to position himself across the bench. he begged like a puppy but complied and was soon firmly strapped down after sue had taken his chastity off and I had taped his little shrivelled penis to his belly out of the way. his swollen balls hung down like two ripened plums awaiting harvesting and I gagged him with a large rubber ball. I glanced at Sue and she calmly  said "Do em Amanda dont hold back" my first kick landed squarely between both balls and i continued the thrust until I had firmly flattened them into his pubic bone. He literally gut wrenched a heaving movement implying I had got them good and solid and Sue smiled. He seemed unconscious so Sue began to inspect his balls to see if I had done any damage, but both little balls was still intact. I asked Sue if she wanted him properly neutered ie ruptured but she said no  not yet. Just give him something to think about this time and I will see how he goes on. I continued with his  treatment and fairly gave them a good seeing to but with a knowledge she didn't want me to rupture him. I warned her I cant actually guarantee that  but she just nodded so I continued/

after twenty minutes his balls had again swollen very large and both was still intact, he was blubbering and was leaking saliva   he was released and Sue took him home    Job done 

Lady Amanda

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Comment by KDB on August 1, 2020 at 8:15pm

Why did you use to help you yes I'm not from him for that anal massage 

Comment by playfight on April 7, 2017 at 6:16am

I was thinking more like guys who like hard bb and make sperm check before and after and similar 

Comment by Johnny BB Goode on April 6, 2017 at 8:03pm

Playfight, I have no doubt that if you look up the medical journals of the Nazi's during Hitler's realm, you're bound to find this kind of testing. Even after 60 to 70 years, they're still finding and sending to trial the people that did this kind of testing. It wasn't a fantasy.

Comment by dave j on April 6, 2017 at 5:52pm

  Are you going to take another sample?

Comment by Lady Amanda on April 5, 2017 at 5:30am

well i can tell everyone it is far from fantasy or fiction     i dont do fantasy or fiction

Comment by playfight on April 5, 2017 at 4:18am

If this is not fiction story it is first time somebody did this kind of experiment with sperm check and bb at least that i read on net in 15 y or more.

My sperm ability is 20% but i never did check it before i started with bb, never did so extreme like this but a lot of hard bb with some swollen, few times brusie and similar for 20 years.


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