Big thanks to Willie for kicking off the writing prompt idea. This is a great prompt, and I hope it will be the first of many. If anyone else wants to participate by writing a prompt or a story, I highly encourage you to do so.


Hermione Granger sat alone in the backroom of the Hogwart's library - as she is known to do - poring through long-forgotten spell books looking for a new spell to master. Behind the last page of one dusty tome she discovered a folded parchment. She carefully opened the page to reveal a single hand-written spell. It read:

Testicula Crucio

Warning: To be used with great caution. This spell causes sudden and immense pain to the testicles of any males within a given radius of the conjurer. The intensity of the pain, the length of the agony, and the radius of the effect are directly related to the harshness in which the spell is spoken. Spoken softly, the pain is a swift, biting ache to any nearby males that lasts only for a few seconds; at a normal speaking voice, the pain is debilitating to any males in a given area (e.g. a medium sized room) that lasts for 3-5 minutes; if screamed with purpose, any male within a large room (e.g. dining hall) or within hearing distance will be immobilized by a gut-wrenching agony for upwards of 20 minutes.

With practice, the user of this spell will be able administer the effect from greater distances and with varying degrees of intensity and control. A true master will be able to administer the spell across any distance, with total control, and to anyone by name.

A wry grin formed on Hermione's face as she slowly closed the parchment...she had found her spell.

Hermione woke up early the next morning, the alarm enchantment she'd woven shaking her gently awake. She was the only student in the girl's dormitory awake at this ungodly hour, but the excitement runnning through her body helped her shake off any lingering sleepiness. Hermione was the best student in her year, and she couldn't help but feel excited for the chance to run an experiment. She made her way to a bathroom in the outer hall, wearing only the nightgown she'd slept in. Most girls knew better than to leave their dorm until they were fully dressed. Peeves, the castle's poltergeist (a type of ghost) was an inveterate lecher, and he would take any opportunity to peak in on scantily clad girls in their bathroom. In this case, that was exactly what Hermione was counting on.

She slowly stretched in the mirror, arching her back in as enticing a position she could manage, and it wasn't long until she felt the telltale chill which warned her that Peeves was close. She slowly removed the nightgown until she was standing in just the underwear she'd worn for this purpose, and stretched again, luring the ghost closer. Then, as she felt the chill intensify, the snatched up her wand and spun around murmuring "Testicula Crucio!" 

There was a shocked yelp and she saw Peeves, who had been floating by the ceiling of the bathroom, grab his crotch. He rolled over and over in the air. "That's exactly what you deserve for peeping at girl's in the bathroom." She said primly. She pointed her wand at his crotch and repeated "Testicula Crucio!" Peeves keeled over holding himself and sinking slowly through the floor. It would be a solid 10 minutes before he recovered from that. Hermione smiled to herself as she pulled on her robes. She was have to conduct a few more "experiments", and if she happened to get some revenge in the process... well there was no harm in taking pleasure in that.

It was a few hours before morning quidditch practice started, and Hermione used the time well. She constructed a camouflaged hideout underneath the spectator's stands and overlaid a soundproofing enchantment. If she had done things correctly, she would be free to scream her new enchantment at the top of her lungs and nobody would hear a peep. Any males within the area, however, would certainly feel the spell's effects. As the Gryffindor team filed onto the field for practice, Hermione winced a bit. Ginny was watching practice today, but the spell wouldn't effect her, so Hermione supposed it didn't matter much. Ron's sister lacked the particular weakness which Hermione was targeting.

The captain of the team Angelina Johnson gave the order "okay everyone, broomsticks up". This was Hermione's chance. She raised her wand and yelled "Testicula Crucio!" Just as the quidditch players rose into the air on their broomsticks, every single male player on the team let out a cry and slid off their broomsticks. Hermione grinned at the results, but she saw Ginny rush from the stands towards her brother. The red-haired girl knelt next to her brother and rubbed his back. "Ron, are you okay? What happened?" Angelina's hands had gone to her mouth and she was clearly trying not to laugh, but she hoped off her broomstick and tried pulling her closest male player to his feet. It was Harry, but even as she pulled him up, he murmured "my balls... owww" and fell back to the ground, curling around the sensitive parts.

"Angelina! What happened? What's wrong with them?" Ginny asked worriedly. The captain couldn't contain a giggle as she took in the site. "Oh, I shouldn't laugh. It's not funny, but..." she took a moment to compose herself "I can only guess that there was some problem with the cushioning enchantments on the broomsticks. Every guy must have gotten his balls crushed." Hermione grinned inwardly, her plan had worked. Nobody suspected that a curse was responsible for the agonizing testicular pain on the field. Ginny looked confused, but Angelina took pity on her. "Look Ginny, why don't you run and fetch a healer to look at this guys. I have a feeling they're not going to feel up to any practice today."

As soon as the coast was clear, Hermione hurried off to the men's locker room and began casting several soundproofing charms. Her day wasn't over yet. Not by a long shot. 

The boys of Gryffindor's Quidditch team shuffled in nearly 20 minutes later. Every one of them was walking a bit awkwardly, and a couple even looked as though they had thrown up. Hermione watched them enter, and waited until they filed out one by one. Until... just as she'd predicted Harry and Ron would be the last ones remaining in the locker room. She would teach them not to take her for granted. They would learn to respect female wizards. 

She slipped into the room and spoke firmly "Testicula Crucio!" She crouched behind a locker, knowing that the enchantments she'd laid would prevent Harry or Ron from having heard her. She wanted to teach them a lesson, but she couldn't risk getting caught using black magic on them. The magic took hold and doubled the boys over. "Blimey Harry, my balls... I feel like someone just used 'em as a punching bag" said Ron as he gasped for breath. Encouraged, Hermione bellowed "Testicula Crucio" and both boys crumpled to the ground, holding their crotches and writhing in agony. Hermione readied her wand for another curse, but just then the door burst open.

Ginny stepped in, her eyes sweeping over Hermione's crouched form. "Hermione, I saw you come in here." It was only then that she saw her brother and Harry groaning on the floor. "Hermione, what... what's going on?" Well that sunk it. Hermione would need to take control of the situation now that her presence had been revealed. Ron saw Hermione step out from behind a locker and raise her wand. She said something and he felt a sickening pain radiating from his testicles throughout his body. The pain intensified to unbearable levels as his friend and sister looked down at him until he finally, mercifully, faded into unconsciousness.

It took some doing. But Hermione finally managed to get both boy's unconscious forms and Ginny into the room of requirement. She sealed the entrance and turned to Ginny. "So... I suppose you would probably like an explanation." The younger girl looked aghast "ummmm, yeah. What were you doing to them. How did you knock them out. Did you do the thing on the quidditch field?"

"I found a spell which takes advantage of the inherent weakness in testicles. And yes, I did do the thing on the Quiditch field." Hermione responded proudly, expecting Ginny to be impressed. "Testicles?" Ginny asked. Hermione looked aghast. "Testicles, nuts, balls. Are you telling me you grew up with six brothers and you don't even know what they've got between their legs?" Ginny looked down. "There very first time I used magic, I made a bat come to life. It hit Fred right between the legs as he was picking on me, and he fell down crying. My mom got really mad and told me never to do that again. Whenever by brother's picked on me I tried to hit them there. It always worked, but it made my parents really mad if they found out and I never really understood what was happening."

Hermione looked down at the poor girl. "It's okay. You didn't have a big sister to educate you about these things. Allow me." Hermione's British accent and knowing tone carried an amused weight. First things first. "Sartorial Redictus!" Hermione incanted, flourishing her wand. There was a flurry of movement, and suddenly everyone in the room, including Hermione and Ginny was standing in their underwear. Hermione flushed a deep red "oops, I meant only to take away the boy's clothes, but I must have made a mistake." She rushed on, trying to bull past her mistake, and gestured at Harry's unconscious, underwear-clad form. "Every boy has two parts hanging between their legs." She explained as she pulled down Harry's underpants and gestured to the appropriate area. "These genitals consist of the penis and scrotum." She gestured to each as she explained.

"The penis looks like a short rope, but it's filled with pleasurable nerve endings. If you rub a male's penis, you can produce a feeling of ecstasy in him. Boys will do anything for the pleasure you can give. You can bet I used that to control the muggle boys at my old school." Hermione smirked. "But that was only until I discovered the real power women hold over men." She reached down and took Harry's scrotum in her hand, pulling it out gently towards Ginny. "This scrotum contains to oval-shaped 'balls,' properly called testicles." Hermioned gently rolled one of Harry's balls between her fingers, emphasizing the shape so Ginny could see. "These testicles are extremely sensitive to pain. Before I realized I was a witch, I learned the benefits of this. Hitting a boy there can put him out of commision, no questions asked. But there's an even better way." Hermione's fingers worked their way slowly up, towards the top of Harry's testicle. "If you can get your fingers on these things and squeeze, you can put a boy, any boy in agony. Even better, there's a nerve that runs down and connects the ball to the rest of his body." Her fingers probed Harry's sack, seeking to find the nerve to demonstrate for Ginny. "If you get a hold of this... well then you own the boy. You own him as long as you have him in your hands. And with magic..."


Possibly to be continued? Or perhaps one of you would like to pick up where I left off? Regardless, thanks for reading and I welcome your feedback! I hope that all of you will consider participating in this or a future writing prompt. I have an idea for a prompt, so depending on the feedback from this, I can't wait to see where things will go!

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Replies to This Discussion

Well done! I enjoyed reading this very much. I hope someone will take it up from here or write their version. There's no reason we can't have multiple takes on a prompt. Now I am trying to imagine a world where women had a spell like this... oh my.



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