Footsteps echoed through the house. Roused from his dozing, Tim stumbled from his bed and to the door of his bedroom. He opened it a crack, peering through. "Who the hell is in my house?" He whispered to himself. The footsteps had stopped. There was nothing, just an empty corridor in one direction. He moved his head around trying to get all the angles he could through the cracked door, but nothing unusual.
He began to open the door further, enough to be able to poke his head out and scan the other direction, but as he did, everything became a blur. Two hands grabbed him by his shoulders and swung him around into the opposite wall of the corridor. Before he could process what had happened, he was overwhelmed by wave after wave of pain flowing through his body. As he regained his bearings, still in some pain but less stunned, he noticed he was hunching forward, looking down. He saw a tan leg, lifted up between his legs... Kneeing him. Hard. He was being kneed in the groin. At the top of the leg, he saw... Short-shorts? He forced himself to raise his head back up... a feminine torso? Those were clearly breasts inside... was that a singlet top? What was happening here. He saw the knee drop away.
"Boss?" A feminine voice directly in front of him called out.
The knee rose again, hard. This time it completely knocked his breath out of him as it connected, crushing his manhood once more and causing him to lurch forward, his face brushing the side of an exposed arm.
"Turns out there was somebody home," the voice continued.
She could clearly tell he was defeated at this point, and after jerking her knee upwards one last effortless time, the woman pulled away, allowing Tim to collapse to the floor, clutching his nethers, soon after which he slumped down and fell to his side.
Tim could not bring himself to open his eyes, the pain was so intense, but he did hear the footsteps of three other individuals as they walked from the rest of the house into the corridor. One of these appeared to be wearing some very loud heels, but that was all he knew.
"Well, that's actually good," a smooth, feminine voice drawled, though she probably could have conveyed the exact same degree of satisfaction with her voice alone in whatever her native language was. "We haven't found the safe yet: so, that makes this easier..." He heard her crouch down, getting a closer look at the completely helpless resident. "Not to mention we now have access to somebody who will know the combination," she let out a brief chuckle, "we no longer need to worry about Monique and Ruth having to carry it out of here."
She stood up and began walking out of the room, her heels clacking on the floors as she proceeded to lounge room.
Another voice, another woman, began, "well, I guess she wants him in the living room, then."
Tim felt a scarf being tied around his face before one of his legs was seized and he was dragged off into the living room. All he could muster by this point was a brief groan.

Now in the living room and still unable to move, Tim felt himself being raised up onto his knees, each of his arms being held and pulled out away from his body by two people, one on each side of him. Then something struck terror into Tim. Behind him, he felt a foot slipping in between his calves and pull his right leg away from his left. He tried to fight it, but powerless or not, he was also not in a particularly good position to resist.
"Monique, his other leg. Fuck, do I need to remind you of everything?"
"Oh, shit, sorry," another female voice replied. Another foot brushed the inside of Tim's left calf, near the knee, and pulled his leg out. As his legs were spread, a sudden twinge of dread seized him. The not so rapidly fading pain of that previous encounter was unlikely to be that last pain he felt there today. For a moment, he hung, suspended by four limbs, gripped with terror by what might come next.
The woman in charge started to speak again, "I think he knows what's happening now. Take the scarf off his head, Kate."
The scarf was lifted and Tim just saw legs, though much more pale this time. Sitting on his dining room table in front of him was the home invaders' boss, a shorter brunette woman wearing a similar singlet top and short shorts, though her shoes were a very chunky looking pair of wedges. She shifted slightly, stretching out one of her legs, the muscles of her calf tightening under her skin as she pointed the shoe gently towards Tim.
"Since you've already met Monique, I suspect you have no desire to go through any more pain today." The boss nodded in the direction of the woman holding Tim's right arm and leg.
Tim looked up at her, he hadn't realised from his limited encounter with her earlier, but this 'Monique' was a good two to three inches taller than him. Her legs were solid, muscled, toned... It did not take any imagination from Tim to understand how she had so demolished him in a few short seconds. As his gaze climbed to her face, her beauty struck him. She was clearly of east-Asian descent, but he didn't know how to analyse that any further. She smiled at him as she temporarily freed one of her arms to brush her hair behind her ears, and he smiled back, as though he had somehow forgotten his situation.
His attention was quickly restored as one of the previously mentioned wedges quickly found itself lifted gently between his legs, the contact was hardly as soul-shattering as the previous impacts he'd encountered at the hands, or rather knees, of Monique. Despite now only coming under the slightest of pressure, his balls were still quick to send a quick shock through his whole body to remind him that this was not a pain he was supposed to endure any longer.
"And so especially while I am ensuring your ongoing vulnerability," she gently removed one foot and slightly less gently replaced it with the other, tilting her head to look inquisitively at Tim, "I'm sure you will be more than happy to answer any information requests I have of you."
She pulled her foot back, and even more quickly replaced it with her other, landing a little harder than the first time. The taps were still light compared to other experiences he'd had so far today. Even the faintest of taps left him needing a moment to recover, however, especially while he was still recovering from a few particularly devastating knees to the area. Now those moments were not even coming close to passing before the next tap, however gentle... and they were only getting less gentle. The other voice, which he by now had assumed belong to Ruth, quickly cut in with an authoritative, "Do you understand?"
Tim nodded, vehemently, gritting his teeth, breathing hard and trying not to get too lost in the pain.
The kicks stopped. Their leaders voice returned to a tone of satisfaction, "Well, I'll need to know where your safe is."
"Oh god," Tim's mind cried, "that's what they're here for."
The boss, seeing hesitation in Tim's silent response, was not pleased.
Another wedge connected firmly with his balls, then the other, then the other, then the other, then the other. "I said I want to know where the safe is! Unless you want me to keep this up all day, and I can, I advise you to tell me. I'm hardly likely to get tired from swinging my legs like this. I really must thank you, by the way, this table really is the perfect height for effortless and endless nut shots."
Tim hunched forward, though not far due to the women on either side of him restricting his mobility.
"Bedroom, under the bedside table," he wheezed.
"Kate," the boss muttered, and the fourth member quickly disappeared to his bedroom.
Ruth piped up, "that was disappointing... I was hoping you'd get to the point where we'd wait for him to be able to stand and finally get to get someone to compare a knee from Monique to a knee from me."
The boss laughed, "I don't think he's going to make it that far, it would take a real man to endure..." she paused, both her sentence and her kicks, as she pondered for a moment, "was it only two knees from Monique?" She let out a brief chuckle and the kicks resumed, "Two knees from Monique and then, how long was it I did this to the last one? 15 minutes? This one won't stand up again for the rest of the day, let alone before we leave. He's going to give us everything we want, aren't you?"
Kate returned, "that's where it is."
"Good," replied the boss, ceasing her onslaught. "Now, combination, please."
Tim looked up at the boss, realising that, although of a smaller stature than Monique, she too was really quite stunning. "Why are you doing this?"
The boss started swinging her legs again, each impact was light, but the pain once again built up rapidly.
"Combination, little boy, now," she demanded.
His head hung forward. Ruth freed up one of her arms to grab him by a scruff of hair at the back of his head and pulled it back to raise his eyes to those of the boss. She was looking down as his groin and continuing swinging her legs. She looked up and met his gaze, the perfectly aimed light kicks continuing at their pace without ever once missing their target. She held back the laughter bubbling up within her, only letting it bring an entertained smile to her face.
"Just think of the combination as..." she trailed off, the smile on her face growing slightly, "as your 'safe' word?" She raised her eyebrows waiting for Tim to get the joke. Although there was a chuckle from all three of the women, Tim was hardly in a position to comprehend, let alone laugh at the wordplay.
"51 right, 21 left, 15 right," he barely managed to groan through all the pain, wincing hard as he tried to finish the last word just as another kick connected, harder than the few that preceded it. Kate instantly departed.
The kicks kept coming and coming and coming.
"I gave you the combination, please stop!" He finally mustered.
"Don't worry," Monique chimed in, "she'll stop when she knows the combination is right."
"What you're describing sounds a lot like mercy," the boss added to her endless flurry of light kicks, "which I typically reserve for people who don't question me."
Monique and Ruth laughed as the pain coursed through Tim's entire body, each breath becoming more and more of a struggle.
Kate soon returned... Or maybe it wasn't so soon; the overwhelming pain was making it difficult to track the time. "Didn't work."
The smile instantly faded from the boss' face. This had precisely zero impact on the endless flow of kicks to Tim's balls. "I gave you an opportunity, and you repay me with this? You wonder why the endless kicks to your junk do not stop until I have verified your information." She tutted. "well, here you have your perfect fucking example. You are going to give me the correct combination, and when we are done, Ruth is going to kick you in the balls too," she laughed, "as hard as she likes, and then," her voice became much sterner as she leaned in, a barely concealed derision in her eyes, "you are going to apologise to me for wasting our time. Understand?"
"51 left, 21 right, 15 left," he squealed, instantly followed by Kate's departure. "I'm so sorry, I must have gotten the directions mixed up." He let out a long wheeze, punctuation by slight hiccups with each new kick that met his battered manhood. "Please... I'm begging you," he struggled to whisper. The boss had heard it, she just didn't care. "Please" he managed to almost sob, "she doesn't have to..." before he couldn't muster anymore. "you'll have what you want..." he mouthed, though this last part wasn't even loud enough for them to ignore.
The boss' face did not change, she was completely unaffected by this apology. She returned her focus to visually aiming those wedges of hers, and Ruth's hand released his hair. He could barely breathe anymore, his breath came only in short, ragged gasps in between impacts. He couldn't focus; the pain completely overwhelmed him.
Kate finally returned with the contents of his safe. "Pretty sure this is all of it."
The kicks finally stopped. He let out a feeble wheezy cough as he struggled to start breathing again. The pain had not even begun to subside when the boss barked, "Get him on his feet," at her assistants. "Monique, Kate, hold his arms and legs."
In an instant, Monique hauled him up to his feet and Kate took Ruth's place holding his arm.
"Ruth," the boss said softly, nodding towards Tim, "one kick. As hard as you like, but leave him conscious, please." She gestured to Monique and Kate to rotate Tim slightly. Ruth rubbed her hands together eagerly.
She lined herself up, making sure she was at the right distance to connect firmly with her shin. She gestured to her boss, "please don't lie to her in future." She swung her knee up in front of him, flicking her shin out in a snap kick that collided heavily with Tim's already incredibly sore balls. Tim barely noticed the quick involuntary laugh from the boss right next to him. Another wave of devastating pain, stronger than any before it, surged through his whole body. He let out sharp burst of air, but he had no strength left with which to struggle. As his head rolled forward, he realised his eyes had been watering.
The boss gestured again, and Tim was rotated back to face her, still sitting on his table. She looked at her hands.
"Kate, I don't feel like getting my hands dirty today."
Kate nodded. She slipped a hand free of her hold Tim's arm and grabbed his balls tightly. The boss leaned forward, looking directly into Tim's eyes as he completely stopped breathing. She saw a tear flow over from his eye and she smiled, satisfied. She focused.
"I believe I am owed an apology for my time that you've wasted today."
Tim struggled to vocalise but managed a barely audible whisper of a "sorry."
She glanced to Kate, "tighter," and glanced back to Tim, placing her arms around his shoulders. "I trust that, if there's a next time, you will remember how valuable my time is," she slipped forward off the table, pulling herself towards Tim, Kate released her grip on Tim's testicles and moved her hand away, "and how little I value everything about you." With that, the boss drove her knee up hard into Tim's balls. Monique and Kate instantly let go, letting him drop to the floor in a heap. The pain might have been enough to knock him down under the best of circumstances; but as he lay there, it was a wonder he was even still conscious. He had never been in so much pain before, nor would he ever hope to be in future. He was so weakened that he could not even muster the energy to shift his arms to hold himself.
The four women proceeded to the door. Tim watched helplessly as they escaped with his most valuable possessions... And his dignity.

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Note: This is one in a long line of short stories I'd posted on Fetlife... but Eric encouraged me to start posting them here too. This is the most recent one, but I'll start posting the older ones too. :)

Very hot, but I wish that there was more description of the four women, as there weren't descriptions of Kate and Ruth. 

Fair point. Perhaps I got too greedy and put in women the story wouldn't have opportunities to adequately describe.


Glad you liked it! :)

Great story, very well written. Where on FetLife can the rest of your stories be found? If you don't mind me asking.

Search for the user Scire.



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