My response to Nick Gardner's post about story requests.

Cup Shopping

Brittany was working on her laptop at the kitchen table when her mother strolled into the room wearing nothing but a white robe. “Oh Brittany!” Her mother cooed. “Can you drive Jake to the sports store? He needs a cup for baseball practice tomorrow.”

“But Mom! I’m busy!” Brittany resisted as she continued to type her Harry Potter fan fiction.

“Well so am I.” Brittany’s mother said as she pulled a bottle of vodka from the freezer and filled two martini glasses.

“Can’t he just go without it tomorrow?” Brittany moaned.

“Honey…” Brittany’s mother said, heavily placing the vodka bottle down on the counter. “What if a foul ball smashes right into his little testies? Wouldn’t you feel bad if your step-brother lost his balls because of you?”

“Well sure, but then why don’t you take him?” Brittany asked again.

“I already told you that I’m busy!” Brittany’s mother said. With that, a shirtless, muscular man that Brittany had never seen before walked into the room. He grabbed Brittany’s mother by the waist and his hands began tracing her ass.

“Look.” Brittany’s mother continued, ignoring the man. “Heres $50. Buy the cup with this and you can keep the change.”

“Fine…” Brittany said as she snatched the money away. “JAKE!” Brittany screamed across the house. “We have to go buy you a cup!”

“What!? No!” Jake cried back. “I’m busy!” He said to the sound of gunshots in Call Of Duty.

Brittany’s mom walked to her bedroom with the burly man and called out. “Jake! Go with your step-sister or no more X-Box for a month!”

“Ugh…” Jake groaned as he switched off his game. He walked into the kitchen to find Brittany. “Well… let’s get this over with…”

When Brittany and Jake arrived at the sporting goods store, Brittany hurried off to find the cups. Jake lagged behind and couldn’t help checking out his step-sister’s ass. Brittany was petite, and her acid wash jeans gently cradled her perky butt. Her long blonde hair swayed with her hips as she walked briskly down the aisles.

They came to a wall of cups in all shapes and sizes. “Alright pick one and let’s go.” She said.

“Oh this kind of cup…” Jake said. “I thought she meant like for drinking.” Brittany squinted in disbelief, amazed by how dumb her step-brother was. “Well either way I don’t need it…” Jake said.

“Ugh… yes you do need it!” Brittany said. “What if a foul ball comes and blah blah blah…” Jake had already stopped paying attention. Instead his focus had drifted to her boobs this time. Brittany’s breasts weren’t the biggest, but behind her white blouse, a heavily padded bra had eked out a solid few inches of cleavage.

“Hello?!” Brittany snapped her fingers and Jake’s head popped up. “Hey numbskull. Remember Dylan Tracey?” Brittany jeered. “I was there when he fell off his skateboard and took that railing to the nuts. That dude puked everywhere.” Jake winced at the thought.

“I mean, I laughed.” Brittany admitted. “But they took him away in an ambulance. I think he had to have one of his testicles removed.”

This scarred Jake but he was too proud to back down now. “But it’ll limit my mobility!” Jake said. “I need to be quick out there.” Jake took a goofy stance to make Brittany laugh.

Brittany wasn’t having any of it though. “Alright smart guy.” She said, tapping her foot. “How about this. Let me kick you in the balls, and if you still think you don’t need a cup, we’ll go home.”

“Uh… sure…” Jake said less confidently than he had wished.

Brittany and Jake squared up across from one another. “Spread your legs.” Brittany said. “It’s got to be a good one.” Jake adjusted his package as he took a wide stance. “Ready?” Brittany asked. Jake hesitantly nodded.

Without another moment Brittany kicked her foot as hard as she could into Jake’s crotch. Instinctively, Jake recoiled his hips, but in doing so, the tip of Brittany’s sneaker perfectly clipped his right nut. “Ooof.” Jake groaned as the air rushed from his lungs.

“What the hell!” Brittany protested. “You can’t just pull back like that! I get another try.” Little did she know that she had seriously smashed Jake’s nut, and he was really feeling it. He tried to straighten up but was having trouble. Brittany grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to attention.

Without hesitation she let loose another hard kick. This one was right on as her foot crushed his already aching gonads into his pelvis. Jake’s legs immediately buckled and Brittany grinned as he descended to the floor. Jack caught himself tho, one hand on the ground, the other cupping his balls.

Brittany was pissed that he hadn’t gone all the way down. She also felt a wave of excitement rush through her body and her nipples began to strain at her shirt. “Wait!” She said, feigning ignorance. “That one wasn’t good.”

Brittany desperately thought of another reason to kick Jake. “I didn’t go full out that time.” She said, grabbing him by the armpits and yanking him up to stand. Jake was in a lot of pain, but he was oddly aroused as well. He quickly adjusted his growing member as he was hauled to his feet.

“Last one I swear.” Brittany said as she placed her foot behind her. This time she didn’t even ask for the go ahead, and launched a powerful toe kick, straight to his balls. The tip of her shoe squashed his already beaten right nut as his testicle was compressed directly between her toes and his body.

“Aghhhh!” Jake shouted as he lurched to the floor. A concerned employee came around the corner to check what was going on and was shocked to see Jake writhing on the ground.

“It’s okay!” Brittany commanded, putting a hand out. “Just testing out the cups!” The employee had seen enough and uncomfortably backed away. “Jake get up!” Brittany begged while tugging on his shirt. Jake’s legs were completely incapacitated though and there was no way he could stand. “Jesus Jake are you alright?”

Jake was obviously coping with a lot of pain, and Brittany had no idea what to do. The heat of the moment had just gotten away from her. Now she had to figure out how to get a boy with severely busted balls out of a sporting goods store. Brittany grabbed the first cup she saw and corralled Jake as he crawled towards the cashier.

“Just this please!” Brittany said as she dropped the cup on the counter. The cashier only saw Brittany, but she could hear a quiet mewling coming from behind the desk. She looked over and saw Jake in the fetal position by Brittany’s feet.

“Whats wrong with him?” The cashier asked.

“Uh… I think he’s got a stomach bug.” Brittany stammered. “Bad nut bacteria. I mean gut bacteria!” The cashier eyed her warily, but wasn’t paid enough to inquire further.

“Will this be all?” The cashier asked again.

Jake’s head popped up from behind the counter grimacing and said in a high pitched voice. “And we’ll take one ice pack too please.”

The end

Views: 652

Replies to This Discussion

Nice story! The exchange idea didn't work out as well as I would have liked, but do you have an idea for a story? I'll post your idea as a flash fiction writing prompt and write a response.

love it!

This is great

This is a fun story, well done! =D

Cute story :)



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