(Hello everyone! This is my first story I've ever written, at least on a topic like this. Be gentle with the feedback.)

Felix sat at his desk, bored out of his mind. This quarantine was really starting to get to him. He had been playing video games for about the fifth day in a row now and was ready for a break from gaming. He supposed he could play some VR, but even that got boring after awhile. He needed something new, something fresh.

What he really wanted was someone to partake in his fetish. He wanted to be kicked in the balls by a super hot girl. But this quarantine and his social awkwardness made interacting with others quite difficult.

"I wish I could just dive into a game and ask to be kicked. Not like an A.I. can judge you. God, I'm so bored I'm even thinking out loud now." 

Felix closed out of his game and started surfing the internet. He was looking for a new game to possibly play on his Oculus, but it all looked the same to him. That's when he found an interesting article.

The article talked about this new and exciting technology that would kick Oculus and HTC Vive to the curb. It was a headset that used binaural beats to put the user into a temporary dreamlike state where you can play, travel, and do whatever you please. It was basically an induced lucid dream. 

The Dreamweaver.

They were selecting a handful of people to test the equipment and detail their experience online. Of course listing any gripes and bugs along with it. Felix decided it couldn't hurt to sign up and did just that. He was surprised to find out that he had been one of the lucky few selected just several hours later. It would be shipped and should be arriving tomorrow afternoon. Despite his excitement, Felix fell asleep rather quickly. Tomorrow his wildest dreams would come true.

When he woke up, it was 10:30 A.M. He went about his morning, eating breakfast, playing video games as normal, and finally eating lunch before checking his email. By then, two hours had passed and his package had arrived. He walked out of his apartment and to his mailbox, to see the package he was looking for within. It was smaller than he had expected, but he made his way back into his apartment and made sure to lock the door behind him.

He opened the box and inside was the Dreamweaver. Packaged in a blue box with a small handle to carry it with. He lifted open the box and the first thing he saw were instructions. They detailed just how the Dreamweaver worked, but more importantly reminded the reader that they were in no danger while using the headset. However, they may want to pick a comfortable place to sit before entering the "Dream State". The instructions also stated that deactivating the device while in the Dream State was as simple as covering your ears and opening your eyes.

After reading through the instructions, Felix picked up the headset. It looked like what Cyclops in the X-Men wore, but silver in color and with memory foam padded headphones for comfort. On the left headphone was both an on and off switch and a USB-C charging port. He flipped it on and a bright blue stripe of light lit up on the visor of the headset.

All that was left to do now was try it out. 

He sat down in his computer chair, which provided him much comfort with hours of gaming and slowly put on the headset while it was switched on. The headphones were soft and comfortable and from them emanated a low hum. The binaural beats. He got himself into a comfortable position and soon faded off as if he was sleeping.

Then, he opened his eyes and he was...still in his chair. He stood up and walked around his apartment, searching for any sign of differences. But, it was just his apartment. "Damn, guess it was too good to be true. Not like I was hoping for much, just a kick in the balls from someone like Samus Aran." He closed his eyes and as soon as he did, he heard something that gave him chills.

"All you want is a kick from me? Well, if that's all, I suppose I could help you out." He opened his eyes to see Samus Aran standing directly in front of him, dressed in her bright blue Zero Suit and her blonde hair in a long ponytail.

"H-holy shit, you're actually here! It's working!" The sight of Samus was overwhelming and relieving, and it helped Felix realize that he was in the Dream State. All he had to do was think and it would happen.

His theory was proven correct when Samus sent her foot directly between Felix's legs. He felt a strange sensation from the kick, it was almost like electricity flowed through his body, but that feeling was soon replaced by pain that caused him to hunch over.

"Worried I kicked your balls into your stomach? I didn't, but I bet it feels like I did. How about some more? Your mind is begging for it after all." Samus said, as she walked closer to him. She grabbed his shoulders and straightened him out. 

Before he could stop her, Samus rammed her knee into his balls over and over until he eventually lost the strength to stand. When this happened, Samus held her knee between his legs as he slid down it and onto the ground. 

"Fuck...I didn't think VR would hurt like this." He let out a groan and closed his eyes.

"What's that? You want me to crush your balls with my heels?" She questioned, hands on her hips. The heels in question were futuristic looking and glowed neon yellow. 

Deciding to tap out, Felix put his hands over his ears. He heard nothing but the low hum again and he opened his eyes. 

He was back in his chair, and his vision was partially covered by the visor of the headset. He removed the headset and stood up to stretch. Felix smiled in amazement, not only at his experience, but at the fact that he no longer felt any pain. It was just like a dream. Literally. And he wanted more. Specifically one experience he had always dreamed about. Only this time it would come true.

He sat back down in his last position and put the headset back on. This time, he worked harder to think about what he wanted. 

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a building with wooden tables, benches, and stools. At the back was a bar containing several drinks, and a small kitchen area off to the side. A jukebox and pinball machine occupy one corner, while a large television screen is located on the wall behind the bar. Neon-lit signs read "Texas" and "Draft beer". 

He had done it! He made 7th Heaven from Final Fantasy, or at least the best his thoughts could conjure up. He walked around, admiring it and taking it all in. 

"Are you new around here?" He heard a familiar female voice ask him. 

He turned around to spot none other than Tifa Lockhart. Dressed in her white crop top, leather skirt held up by suspenders, but on her feet were red boots with a thick heel. 

"Y-yes, I am. It's nice to meet you Tifa." He stammered out, both excited and nervous just by the sight of her.

However, she frowned before walking towards Felix. "Funny, I don't remember telling you my name," Her voice was calm as a devilish smirk formed on her face. "Which must mean you're a spy for Shinra!" She shouted, grabbing his balls with her right and squeezing tightly. 

Felix's eyes widened as he felt pain shoot through his body and he leaned into her for support. "N-no I swear it!"

"Quiet down, there's no point in lying. Now, why did they send you? What are they planning? Tell me," She paused and began tugging his balls downward. "Or I'll rip them off!"

Felix moved with her tug, trying to relieve the pain he was feeling. But it proved pointless until she let go of his balls.

"You're a tough guy. Well, I've dealt with your type before." She said, kicking him in the balls three times before he started to slump down. "Oh no you don't, I'm not done yet." She pushed Felix's back against a nearby wall, holding him up by his shoulders. "Care to speak up?" She questioned before kneeing him in the balls, keeping her knee in place. 

Felix couldn't even begin to describe the pain he was in. "I...don't even know what you're talking about!" He exclaimed with desperation. He was in a mixed state of excitement and fear as the video game girl of his dream busted his balls.

Tifa kneed him several more times before tossing him onto the ground behind her. Her walk was slow and sexy as she came closer to him, kicking his closed legs apart. "Last chance, talk, or I'll smash them." She emphasized her point by placing her foot directly on his balls.

Felix looked up at her, breathing heavy. "Just let me go you crazy bi-" He didn't have time to finish as pain fell upon him.

Tifa was grinding her booted foot into his balls, twisting and pressing with her heel. It was as if she was putting out a cigarette. "Wrong answer, now say goodbye to your balls!" She continued grinding around with her foot before lifting her leg high into the air before sending it crashing down onto Felix's balls, finishing him with more twisting.

He swore it all happened in slow motion, but the pain came fast. He screamed out in agony, but something was strange. His balls were still there, but they definitely should be dust. He took one final look at Tifa with her foot crushing his manhood before covering his ears, closing and opening his eyes.  

He was back in his chair, the pain gone, and his balls were intact. It was insane what had just happened to him. He figured since it really was all just a dream, any pain he felt was just in the dream. Not in reality. 

He set the headset to the side and got back onto his computer. He was going to give this thing one hell of a good review.

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Replies to This Discussion

I only found out about the ballbusting threat scene a month or so ago, but I know that I would've loved the scene if I'd played Final Fantasy VII back in the day! 

Great story

Part of me wants one.  But all of me knows I'd never interact with another human again.

Nice story, you're a talented writer :)



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