Female castration fantasy/penis envy a possible explanation for BB?

Do you think Freud may have been on to something with his theories? Perhaps there is an innate desire for women to cause pain to mens' sensitive parts?

How many people got their first observation or experience of BB at school? I personally know of several girls who have threatened their bf with castration, penectomy or general cbt. How often are girls threatened with boob slapping?

It also seems that these threats are widely promoted across popular culture. Is there a deeper psychological explanation for why girls get so much joy from kicking boys in the nuts?

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I have been wondering that myself for awhile as well. I have had a female coworker who said she was going to kick the manager in the nuts, then my other coworker, then I would be next. A female coworker at the same job threatened to kick another male coworker in the balls as well. When my manager shared a story about how his daughter kicked his son in the balls, two other female coworkers looked at each other and smiled, trying to hide it but failing. I also have been threatened by my sister with a kick in the balls a couple times as a kid. Lastly, I have two female friend who almost religiously joke about harming testicles in some way, whether it's tasing, kicking, punching, etc. When one of those friends was struggling with a video game she said she would "punch this game in the testicles" the same girl also said some criminal should've been "tased in the nuts so he can't have any douchebag kids". But there has been virtually no threats to breasts or vaginas that I can think of by either men or women. There are other verbal BB experiences in my life but I'll stop here for now.

kinda long, but I think you might be right with your idea.

I've also had a similar "theory" (though I use that word very loosely) of women having an innate, though many times subconscious desire to castrate men. It kind of reminds me of Chaucer's story of the Wife of Bath, who says that the one thing all women desire is to have power over men.



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