For the girls on here, do you write stories about BB? If so, why do you write them? Are they a turn on for you? Do you prefer reading stories over watching videos? Do you like the idea of guys reading your stories and do you enjoy the opportunity to be creative with your imagination?

Also, do you read other people's BB stories? It seems that a lot of girls prefer the written word over videos, which explains the popularity of 50 Shades of Gray and other kinky romance novels. Could the same be true for BB stories?

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No replies yet? I was hoping the girls might be a bit more open about their inspiration... Doesn't anyone else wonder about this?

I havent written any fictional stories, but i do love reading them just as much as watching videos. Just kind of hard to find many sources for new stories compared to videos. Me and chris have talked about writing a fiction story but have never gotten around to it. Maybe one day though.

I do like writing my own experiences and have written one already! However writing a good detailed account takes time which I am in short amount of at the moment :(

If you search google for ballbusting stories theres quite a few sites. Do you girls find reading or writing the stories arousing or is it more for entertainment? 

Any more thoughts?



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