Hey there, wondering if anyone could share some good classic bust stories from the 70s or 80s!  

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Do you mean real life experiences? Most of my favorite busts (that were of the unexpected kind) were in the 70s and 80s since I grew up during that period.

Yes, lets hear some!

Have you seen my recent blog post "Jamie the Cheerleader"? That happened in 1982.


Story from the mybbfe.com

"My first bust occurred way back in the mid to late 70s back home in France. After learning that my friend and his family were nudists and joining in with them. I once caught his mom squeezing her husband/his dad’s balls in their kitchen. It was so odd but yet so hot. I wasn’t sure what I saw so didn’t say anything until I see her do it again a couple weeks later, but this time it was in ther pool under the water. No mistaking it this time. I told my friend what I saw and he said yeah she does that to them all often, sometimes for no reason. He must have told her because later she came up to me and told me she knew I found out. After talking to me about it, she teasingly she lightly gripped my balls and she said I will soon love it and have a new appreciation for women. She was right."


Yeah, that's a nice fake fantasy lol.

I think this is a real story. Because I know of real ballbusting stories on the beach. Moreover, ballbusting is real on a nude beach. I'm sure this story is true

Did she squeeze hard or just playfully? The link doesn't work for me for some reason

Kandie's story:

the day camp incident, my parents enrolled me in a day camp program for about 6 weeks during the summer, I’m guessing the summer of 1976 this took place between the 7th and 8th grade. It was very rare that the girls and boys did activities together unless it was a day trip or BBQ. The day I’m remembering was an overnight trip to the lake and to camp out in cabins out on one of the beaches near Lake Superior. That night we had a nice bonfire burning on the beach. The first boy I hit in the balls came up behind me and dumped a handful of sand down the back of my shirt, I know he was just playing around, but I still ran after him and chased him all over the place for like 5 to 10 minutes, he was laughing and I was telling him that I was going to kick him in the balls. He stopped running and picked up another hand full of sand and said he was going to drop it down the front of my shirt. That’s when I kicked him in the balls. He dropped down to his knees, but actually didn’t seem very upset about the kick or the pain I gave him. Not three hours later another boy tried the same exact thing with a handful of sand, but this time I grabbed his shirt so he couldn’t run away, we struggled briefly and was able to get him In position and I gave him a knee that dropped him on all fours like a dog. Everyone seemed to get a good laugh out of all this. The shenanigans didn’t stop there, the next morning as everyone was preparing for that days activities, boy number three grabbed my arm and wanted to pour water on my head, I stopped him with my knee. That was the last time I hit anyone in the balls for a long, long, long time.


Another old story from the https://mybbfe.net / mybbfe.com

 "As a young boy in east Germany at my all boys boarding school. The beginning of the year consisted of a mandatory health check. All the boys in each grade would line up in the gymnasium to see the nurse, her assistant, the headmaster and head mistress. The nurse would perform her health checks in front of everyone. The last part of it required us to strip nude so she could examine our cock. She checked for any abnormalities then measured us using a ruler. She would announce her finding loudly to her assistant who wrote it down. The last bit was the testicular check. She measured the hang of our balls and size of the sack. As she inspected the balls, she would squeeze and pull incredibly hard. Then when she was done. She would grab both balls in her hand and slap them with her ruler. It was incredibly humiliating and arousing. Looked forward to it every year."



Unfortunately this man's profile has already been deleted, but I copied this story before deleting

I think that this is not a fake, but a real story, since I have met something similar in real life. Moreover, it happened in a boarding school. In such institutions, similar stories are very real.

It’s fake

In the 70s and 80s everyone wore form fitting skin tight pants and jeans and I'm wondering if made it harder or easier for women to bust a guy in a self defense scenario back during that era. 



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