So I have a challenge pending with a girl I’ve had some competitions before with, and this time we wanted to up the stakes.
She’s not a small girl and she’s very tough/strong so I was shocked to find she could handle some rough housing just fine. Last time we did this, she was able to win some of the grab rounds and had a few near victories with striking, but no wins.

So here are the 3 challenges we have planned:

Striking- both wearing head protectors/mma gloves and I’ll be wearing just compression shorts for my balls. Stand up sparring with me throwing light jabs and trying to block. Her goal is to try to land a groin shot that drops me before the end of the rounds (likely be about 5 min rounds) and she’s allowed to throw punches/kicks anywhere else as well to try to open me up to a low low.

Grappling- head protectors, no gloves, i’ll be wearing loose gym shorts. Grappling only, to win she has to get me to tap out within the 5 minute rounds. If I pin her, we reset with the clock still running, so I can’t just pin her and ride out the round like that.

Cup- gloves, head protectors and I’ll be wearing a cup underneath my shorts. She’ll be allowed to wear sneakers so she doesn’t hurt her foot. kicking, punching, grappling is all legal. She’ll get to wear MMA gloves so she can grab but I’ll only have boxing gloves, so the opportunity will be there for her to move the cup out of place and I wouldn’t be able to re adjust during the round with full boxing gloves.

My prediction was I win all the striking rounds, MAYBE have to tap out on a grab round. Cup round I think she may get close but I’m still winning

Her prediction was “you will be stop drop and rolling like you’re on fire, grabbing your balls” for the striking rounds, tap outs every time for the grab rounds and the cup rounds she wasn’t sure about.

We agreed to video tape and post the results, regardless of how badly either one of us gets embarrassed. Let’s hear your predictions!!

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That sounds fantastic!  (I'll reply more later)

you have a clear disadvantage on striking that a very weak kick would still have effect, if she is strong and experienced you will have to fight anchored. doubt you will have the seriusness to win so her prediction most likely.

in grappling you should win its damm easy grab groin  but a combat squeeze its not so desirable experience so you most likely just easy pin her,

the third run should be an easy victory for you. the cup at least allow you go for a full blow exchange when your strenght will give you advantage. the only way you could lose its if she is so leages ahead of you in fighting or if you too weakened from previous rounds

Volcan, last time she actually did really well on the grab rounds and not so good in the striking rounds. She doesn’t have a lot of martial arts experience, but she says she has improved and she’s getting some tips on how to better open me up for shots

Grabbing though, I’m much stronger but she is tough, and was able to slip out of my grip a few times and lock on. I was in loose gym shorts so once she got her hand in that area she almost instantly locked on to one or both balls and I was in agony.

To make things fair, since I have some MMA experience and she doesn’t, she wanted to even things out by starting off with a blindfolded snap kick to soften me up. We’ll be doing that first before the matches start. I think she just really wants to kick me blindfolded lol. I’m a little scared of that

actually that its more fair than you realize since most woman bust by surprise. 

the kick itself depends on your tolerance (will you have time for recover?) outside clips4 sale even a very weak woman can drop a guy with just one shot, if she its strong and land a serious one you will be leages ahead of "softened"

Eh, I think you're exaggerating here.  It helps if you're into BB, sure, but in general you can deal with a fair amount of pain and get through it if you're focused.

not very much .there are videos of guys dropping serious after a kick of a  little girl with less than 10 years old.

Of course to a bb guy or mma guy a punch in the face hurts more. haha

If you're already accustomed to this, though... I think that you might still be exaggerating tbh.

I just saw that you wrote ..."and she’s getting some tips on how to better open me up for shots."  Where is she getting tips from, out of curiosity?  This site?  Friends?

If she want she can make game over before it start with that blindfolded kick :)

Ok, so I know the opening free kick will definitely make it so that I can’t handle glancing blows as well in the rounds, but I’ll get as much recovery time as I need so I don’t think it will be game over from the start (unless she kicks me full force maybe, which I hope she doesn’t, but that’s going to be up to her lol).

As far as the sparring, obviously it’s still sparring, not a real fight, so I’m not going hard at all. The only thing that may be close to full force are her groin shots, but I think it’s easier to block most groin shots than most think. We will see though!

Any women care make a prediction? She wants to see the replies.

Oh, you're showing her the site?  Nice.

Tbh, I think it's pretty great that she wants the blindfolded shot- shows that she finds it hilarious, if nothing else XD  Have you been kicked while blindfolded before?

when can we see the video.



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