Reacquaint yourself here: The Vlog

[Author's Note: Really, really sorry about the length - please don't be all TLDR :) ]

Just as Rebecca was about to take a bite of her lightly breaded, steaming mound of crab cake she saw her phone light up.

“Is that Leah the camera girl?” Ryan asked through a mouthful of lobster roll, reading her phone’s screen upside down.

Rebecca nodded as she set down her fork begrudgingly. “She better not be bailing.”

“Bailing on what?” Ryan asked.

Raising a finger to hush her boyfriend, Rebecca answered. “Hello Leah!”

Ryan tried to listen in, but Rebecca turned away from him. He only caught snippets. “Oh really?... Well, that is rather surprising…no, I think that would be fine…ABSOLUTELY…let me check.”

As Rebecca turned back to him, Ryan pretended to be engrossed with the beer menu. “Hey, babe,” she started, “would you mind if Leah came over tomorrow night?”

“What for?” He asked, his tone skeptical.

“Because I want her to,” she retorted and started to turn back. “Oh, and by the way, I was more or less just letting you know she’d be coming over,” she added, before turning fully away.

Ryan took a few more bites of his sandwich, which somehow seemed to lose its flavor a little as he pondered what might be going on. When Rebecca set down her phone and picked up her fork, Ryan had to ask, “So what was that all about?”

“You’ll see soon enough,” she replied and then finally took a big bite of her crab cake, which now tasted extra delicious.


When Ryan returned home from the gym Sunday, he was quite taken aback by what he saw waiting for him the living room. Candace, the vlogger they’d met the other night, was sitting on the loveseat, her hair, loosely curled like oversized golden hoop earrings, flowed past her shoulders and over a white, cotton summer dress patterned with blue and yellow flowers. Her blue eyes sparkled, enhanced by the flowers on her dress. Leah, the camera girl, was talking to Rebecca in the corner of the room as she set up her tripod. She looked completely different than the last time he saw her. Cat-like frames sat low on the bridge of her nose and her eyes were done up in a smoky fashion. She was wearing a very tight white v-neck shirt which clearly revealed she was not wearing a bra. Though Ryan was more into breasts of a larger size, there was something about the way Leah’s small nipples pushed through the fabric that made her boobs, which he put at a b cup, look firm and proud. Her creamy white legs looked long in her high-waisted denim shorts, but it was the cowboy boots that really caught his attention. Worn brown leather with paisleys cut into the tops, they were a nice touch to an already sexy ensemble.

“Oh hi, Ry,” Rebecca said sweetly, noting his slackened jaw. “Maybe you should close the door?”

Without closing his mouth, he reached out his arm and slapped the door shut. “What the hell is going on?”

“I told you Leah was coming over today,” his girlfriend replied, batting her bright green eyes innocently.

“Yeah, but what about her?” He asked, pointing to Candace.

“Oh that?” She laughed. “Well, wouldn’t you just know it. Candace received quite a bit of feedback on our little vlog experiment that it just seemed like a good time to do a follow up.”

“Fuck me,” Ryan said, dropping his head.

“Don’t be silly,” Rebecca said, bouncing over to him. “We’re not going to fuck you…maybe just fuck you up a little. Now why do you go take a nice hot shower and put on that tight little swimsuit you have. If you have to wear a shirt, wear one of those v-necks you have. But, really, I think the girls would enjoy seeing those nice abs of yours, especially since you just went through all the effort to tone them up.” She pushed him into the hall toward the bathroom. “Oh – “ she called after him, “try not to think about what’s on deck for you while you’re in there.”


As Ryan toweled off, he thought he heard a noise in the living room, voices other than Rebecca’s or the other two girls. But then he caught sight of the snug little swim trunks hanging from the door knob and cringed, his thoughts lasering in on what they signified. He tossed his towel aside and reached for the gray trunks, holding them away from his body like they were some kind of poison. He sighed and then pulled them on. Damn were they ever tight, he thought ruefully. As he situated himself properly so that no parts were hanging out, he seriously considered changing into something else. But then Rebecca’s scowling face popped into his mind and instead, he carefully adjusted the bulge so that his testicles rested snugly, front and center. The sacrifices I make, he thought wearily, running a hand through his rapidly drying hair. After one last glance in the mirror and a quick flex of his abs, which, he let himself admit, did look pretty fine, he opted to skip the shirt and instead made his way out to his impending doom bare chested and confident.

His heart dropped, though, when he saw another girl had joined the party, and even Bette’s cartoonishly huge boobs resting in her lap as she leaned forward on the sofa checking her phone couldn’t shake Ryan’s feeling of dread. It was only when she looked up and stood to greet him that he noticed she had a companion, whom she was now pulling to his feet.

“Hi Ry!” She beamed. “Thanks for letting me crash the party! Hope you don’t mind I brought a friend.” Though the wink she gave him told Ryan her friend was probably more than that, he wondered if that would still be the case by the end of the day.

He forced himself to smile at Bette and then turned, extending his hand. “Hi, I’m Ryan,” he said, before adding hastily, feeling suddenly uncomfortable, “and please excuse this ridiculous getup. You can thank my girlfriend for that.”

“No worries, bro. I’m Chris,” the man said. He smiled affably through confused eyes but took Ryan’s hand in a strong grip. “Nice to meet you.”

The two men stared at each other awkwardly until Chris finally broke eye contact. Though he looked at Bette as he spoke, his words addressed Ryan.

“Bette invited me to join her. She said if I played along, there might be something in it for me.” After a quick wink to his buxom lady friend, Chris turned back to Ryan. “How could I pass that up? So here I am.” When Ryan burst out in a fit of laughter, Chris stepped back, eyes wide, completely caught off guard. He shot Bette a sideways glance, but she, too, was laughing. “Am I missing something?” He asked, sounding a little put out.

Ryan held up a finger, thumped his chest a few times to quell the resulting cough from his laughing fit, and composed himself. “So, she didn’t tell you what was happening here?” He stifled another laugh that vied to steal his composure.

Chris cocked an eyebrow, suddenly feeling very unsure. He looked around the room and saw that Rebecca and Leah were watching him with smiling mouths agape. He wondered if they, too, were having fun at his expense. He caught Candace’s eye and immediately felt a smidge better at the sight of her gentle eyes which clearly spoke of her concern for his situation. Looking back at Ryan, he shook his head back and forth.

“Well, then,” Ryan began, “who wants to be the bearer of bad news?” His eyes scanned the room as he waited for a volunteer.

Candace, stepping slowly toward the center of the room, raised a delicate, red-tipped finger, cutting off Bette who had started to open her mouth. “I suppose it should be me.” She twirled a finger through her blonde curls thoughtfully. “I’ll just get right down to it,” she said as Chris eyed her anxiously. “Last week, I did a vlog, at the suggestion of Bette, about kicking guys in the nuts.” When his eyes went large, Candace put a hand to his shoulder. “I know, I know. It sounds awful. And in some ways it was, but honestly, it generated a ton of comments. And while there were some pretty nasty ones, an overwhelming number were quite positive – which was really surprising to me. So Leah over there,” she said, pointing toward the camera, “convinced me to do a follow-up. So we’re all here to do a little Q and A session as a sort reaction to what transpired.”

From over in the corner, Leah piped up, “And don’t forget the most important part. I’m going to kick Ryan in the balls!” At this, Chris blanched. He looked at Ryan who was trying valiantly to look casual though the misery in his eyes said he felt otherwise.

Candace soldiered on. “Yeah, there’s that, too. Leah’s apparently never done it before so we want to capture her first time. And Ryan has some experience with it and volunteered to help out.”

“More like voluntold,” Ryan muttered, furrowing his brow.

Chris suddenly felt the walls of the room closing in on him as the realization sunk in. His chest tightened and he gripped Candace’s thin arm for support as he tried to take several deep breaths. “Damn bro,” he said, looking as miserable as Ryan, “your girlfriend is making you do – “ he paused, clearly unsure of what to say.

Seeing Chris’s sickened appearance, Ryan flashed him an affable smile in an effort to calm the poor guy’s nerves. “She is, but it’s okay. It’s not a big deal.” He thought his nonchalant tone would ease Chris’s anxiety, but he could tell immediately it did not. “Seriously Chris, it’s okay.”

When Chris looked at Bette, his eyes spoke of utter betrayal. “You don’t think I’m participating in this, do you? When I said I’d play along, this is not at all what I had in mind.”

Bette’s eyes narrowed, but the small smile remained fixed on her face. “Aw Chris, don’t worry, I’m not going to make you take a kick in your manly bits, big boy. I just wanted you to get to know me a little better.” She made her eyes large and batted her lashes, holding her hands together over her heart. “And maybe join in on the conversation?”

Chris’s head snapped over to the door as he heard the distinct sound of a lock being turned and caught sight of Rebecca flashing a wicked little grin. “You’re in for good now,” she teased.

“And the camera’s ready to roll,” Leah chimed in, sounding like a sorority girl on a caffeine high. “Let’s get it started!”

Bette patted Chris reassuringly on the shoulder and eased him into the loveseat before bouncing down next to him, much to the delight of his eyes. Candace sat on the edge of the sofa as Rebecca and Ryan joined her.

“If I sit in the recliner, I think I have us all in the shot,” Leah said. “Shall I hit record Candace?” When Candace nodded, Leah hit the button and bounded over to the chair.

“Hello boys and girls,” Candace began, looking into the camera, “It’s me Candace and we’ve got something crazy cooking for you today. You may recall the other day that I did a vlog with some pretty gals who were into a very strange thing – kicking guys in the nuts. I was a bit taken aback – I’m sure it was written all over my face – but clearly, based on the many, many responses, y’all seemed to enjoy it. It was hard for me to watch this poor guy,” she thumbed over toward Ryan, “as he writhed all over the ground. He looked in such awful pain, but,” she continued, drawing out the conjunction in her sweet drawl, “I must admit, somewhere inside me I found it amusing to see these ladies drop a man to his knees – and so easily.” Here Candace gave a small chuckle and then covered her mouth with an I-should-feel-guilty-but-I-don’t gesture.

“So today, we’re going to delve into the minds of our panelists as we look back at the fun and keep an eye on the future. With me are Rebecca and Ryan, Bette and her very surprised friend, Chris, and,” Candance swept an arm over toward her camerawoman, “my very own cinematographer, Leah! Who, I must say, is looking very Western today. Nice boots, Leah,” she finished, as Leah, smiling mischievously, uncrossed her legs and pantomimed a kick.

“I know, I know,” Candace said, shaking her head with a laugh, “you’re just chomping at the bit – no pun intended little cowgirl – but I’d like to start with Ryan.” Turning her head toward him she asked, “What goes through your head when you find yourself in situations like these?”

Ryan looked at their host for a beat and then asked a question of his own. “Like right now, doing an interview?” Rebecca’s sharp elbow in his ribs made him instantly regret his smart ass response. But at least it was just his ribs, he thought.

“Very funny,” Candace deadpanned. “What I meant was, walk us through your thoughts when you know Rebecca is about to kick you – or even your thoughts after she does.”

“Well Candace,” Ryan said, turning serious, “things have changed a lot over my years with Rebecca. When I first met her, I really hated it and would do what I could to avoid it. But let me tell you, she’s very crafty and much quicker than you might expect, and the more I avoided things, the worse it got for me in the end. My abhorrence soon changed to resignation, like just get it over with already, after a few months of, as she would probably put it, ‘training’. And now, while I wouldn’t say I’m overly eager for it, I tend to accept my fate willingly and even find it,” he paused, his eyes searching the ceiling as if the word he wanted might be scrawled up there, “stimulating. That’s how I’ll describe it – as stimulating.” He looked over at Chris and shrugged his shoulders at the incredulous look Bette’s boy toy was wearing. It was a cross between disgust and horror and Ryan could certainly understand the poor guy’s reaction.

Without really thinking about it, Ryan addressed his fellow male, though he was still looking at Candace. “Look, I’m not a fan of the initial pain. It’s really, really hard to get through and it never gets any easier. I’ll admit I still dread it. But, there’s something amazing about Rebecca when she sends me to my knees. There’s a radiance that washes over her and, as trite as this may sound, she really looks like an angel.”

“With devil horns,” Rebecca interjected, causing everyone to laugh, even Chris.

“Sometimes it feels like the horns are on the tips of your shoes, Bec,” Ryan smirked, sending more ripples of laughter through the room. “So for all you guys out there who think I’m crazy, don’t judge until you’ve let a girl give you a big kick. Trust me. Once the harsh pain fades, it’s replaced by a really deep ache. Your senses return and you can move again like normal,” he raised an eyebrow, “well, maybe not totally normal, but well enough, and then there’s this sweet pain that reminds you of her power over you.” Ryan stopped at the sight of Chris’s face which was scrunched up in disbelief at what he was hearing.

“For all you macho guys out there who think you’re superior to a woman, I say this directly to you,” Ryan continued, staring at the camera, though his words were leveled at Chris. “It’s inevitable that one day you will experience this whether you want it or not. Some girl will decide you need a kick right in your precious jewels. You’ll feel pain like you’ve never felt before. You’ll feel embarrassed. You’ll feel helpless. Hell, you’ll feel super pissed. And you should. But give yourself a chance to breathe again and then relive the moment. If you don’t feel respect for her – maybe even adoration – well, I hope she kicks you again. Even harder.” At this, a sweet feminine chorus of ‘amens’ rose into the air causing Ryan to blush ever so slightly. Amusing them further, he held his hand out high, palm down, and opened his fist. Mic drop.

Candace stared at Ryan with wonder-filled eyes. “Wow,” she whispered, “that was some testimonial! It looks like our female panelists certainly agree whole-heartedly.” Ryan nodded and smiled, anxious for her to move on, as he realized his bulge had sprung as the body-hugging trunks grew tighter yet in response to his merely thinking about Rebecca putting him in his place. He made a casual effort to cross his legs to hide the raging beast, and hoped like hell the camera wasn’t picking it up. He was at least relieved that neither Candace nor Rebecca had seemed to notice.

“Let’s skip over to Bette,” Candace resumed, looking across the room. “You may remember she delivered the first kick in our last episode. It really seemed to do damage, too, though if I remember right, you did say you were holding back?”

Bette nodded and, even though Chris wasn’t trying to be funny, she laughed as he edged closer to the armrest of the loveseat. “I think I only went at ninety percent, so yeah, I held back. But I guarantee I still damn near cracked his nuts clean in half.” Now Chris was the one crossing his legs, and not to hide a hard on.

“So how does it feel to know that you don’t even have to go full strength to – “ Candace trailed off as she tried to find a clever euphemism.

“Break his balls?” Bette practically roared, which made Leah and Rebecca erupt into hysterics and Chris shift uncomfortably. “As you know,” Better started, after the cackling died down, “I work at Hooters and, due mostly to these,” at which point she underscored her bust line like a game show model showing off the prizes, “I get a lot of catcalls and come-ons. Well, sometimes the floor is a little slick, and even though I’m wearing sneakers, it can be a challenge to balance properly. So it’s always comforting to know that even if I can’t put my all into it, my kick will still rock his dumbass world. Over the years I’ve found that even if the situation won’t allow me to put him down with my best kick, he’ll at least be stopped in his tracks. That’s the beauty of testicles, Candace – even the lightest tap causes them pain.” Bette paused to flash a cruel sneer at the camera. “But of course, I love it most when I can kick them as hard as possible and especially if it makes them pass out. I always wonder how they feel when they come to and their balls are screaming in pain. Hopefully they remember it was this busty gal that made them hurt so bad!”

Before Bette could get on too much of a roll, and before Chris slid right off his seat, Candace snuck in another question. “Speaking of catcalls and come-ons, do you think your method of rebuffing them will make those guys think twice the next time around?”

“Honestly, Candace,” Bette said, looking the host dead in the eye, “I certainly hope not. Whether it’s me or some other gal, I hope they do it again and again to us. A girl can’t get enough opportunities to bust some schmo right in his dangling balls.”

As Candace sat completely dumbfounded at Bette’s brazen attitude, Rebecca seized the moment and took over. “But, Bette, of course it’s good to put a douche in his place, but I think it goes even deeper. It’s not just about correcting bad behavior or employing self defense. Every man needs his balls kicked. Yes, even you Chris,” she said as he furrowed his brow and stared stonily at her. “In fact, you’re lucky I don’t kick you right now for that look of derision.” Rebecca shook her raven hair, calmed her rising agitation, and retrained her thoughts. “It’s true. They all need kicked. And further, it is the responsibility of a woman to make sure a man gets what he needs.  Ladies,” she said turning to the camera, “there’s a reason a man’s balls hang outside his body, so exposed and vulnerable. And there’s a reason that they’re so sensitive. It’s to keep them in check. No man is going to rack another man – they’re on the same team. So it’s up to women – women like you out there watching, or me, or any of these ladies –,” she said with a commanding voice, sweeping her arm around the room, “to act on our responsibility which is to remind them of what they are. Men. Or boys. Or males.”

Here, Rebecca paused and took a deep breath. She was about to go on a roll and really wanted to drive the heart of her philosophy home. She looked around the room and saw that each eye was upon her, entranced, and, then, turning back to the camera’s lens, she let fly.

“However you choose to refer to them, it is our responsibility to keep them in check. And we do this by busting their balls whenever we see that it’s needed. And guess what? He doesn’t have to do something to you to need it. He doesn’t have to attempt to take advantage of you sexually. He doesn’t have to behave poorly. Maybe he looks too cute for his own good – Lord knows Ryan does sometimes – and you just can’t stand it. Kick him in the balls. Maybe he’s being sulky when you want to have fun. Grab his shoulders and ram your knee right into his balls. Maybe he’s doing crunches in the living room and you want to watch TV.  Walk over and stomp down hard. Right. On. His. Balls.” With each word Rebecca stamped her foot onto the floor, making her message quite clear. “The point is, girls, we need to bust those balls whenever we see fit. Hell, sometimes I don’t even feel like it and I’ll still kick Ry in the nuts. He needs it. He just does. It’s no skin off my back whether I have the urge or not. His balls hurt the same either way. And that’s the point. His balls need to hurt. A man who’s not hurting,” Rebecca shook her head sadly at the thought of a man walking around on this planet pain-free and then broke into an icy smile as she brought it home, “is a man who’s in desperate need of a woman to own her responsibility and kick him hard in the balls as soon as she possibly can.”

Rebecca stopped, feeling the fire on her cheeks. She felt the dampness of sweat droplets as they rolled slowly down the back of her neck and into the valley between her breasts, rising and falling with each panting breath. The room was silent. She looked around and saw that jaws hung open, eyes flared wide, and heads spun in utter amazement, or dismay – depending on the gender. For a moment, she let the silence hang, giving her pupils time to digest her words.

“Back to you Candace,” she finally said and took her seat next to the host who was paling slightly and trembling and staring at her in total shock.

When Candace didn’t say anything, Leah jumped up from her seat and looked at Rebecca who could see the girl was clearly awed. “Now that deserved a mic drop! I’m sure feeling inspired!” She exclaimed. “And if Candace is at a loss for words, maybe the time for words is over.” As she spoke she was already pulling Ryan to his feet.

He stood and without resistance for he was still as dumbstruck as everyone else. The sound of Leah’s hands clapping together in excitement snapped him back into the moment and he immediately looked down to make sure his dick wasn’t still trying to escape the tiny trunks. He let out a relieved breath when he realized Rebecca’s intense and impassioned speech must have stunned it as well.

“Are you ready?” Leah taunted behind her black cat frames. When she saw that he was still processing what was about to happen, she gave a minute by bending down pertly and rubbing the top of her right cowboy boot. As she did, she said, mugging for the camera, “This is the spot. Yup. Definitely the spot that’s going to smash some big ol’ balls.”

Peeling his eyes from Leah’s beautiful, barely covered ass as she pointed it toward the sky, Ryan gulped hard as she stroked her leather boot. Was the toe really as pointy as his eyes were telling him, he wondered? And the top of it looked so wide there would be no escape from it. Was it too late to make a run for it? Sure he’d told Candace that he was willing to accept his fate, but that was with Rebecca, and he knew she loved him. There was some comfort and precedence there. But while Leah looked sexy as hell, with those smoky eyes and long legs, he didn’t know her at all. And she was so excited and enthusiastic. What if she doesn’t realize her own power? Tough. The word rang out, sounding as if Rebecca had spoken it directly into his mind. At the imagined sound of her voice, he looked over and saw her mouthing something. He squinted, and then regretted it.

“You better let her kick you good,” Rebecca repeated, no mercy in her eyes, when she saw his questioning gaze.

It was the look in her eye that made him reach down and adjust his nuts until they loomed large, like a bag of oranges, at the front of his trunks. He got them situated perfectly just as Leah stood up and looked at him with a syrupy smile. He smiled weakly in return and flexed his knees, giving her an easy target.

Leah saw his massive bulge and desire pulsated through her entire body. Her muscles tingled as her lust to bust him soared to a fever pitch. She was finally going to do it. As she bit her lower lip in concentration, she vowed to make it count.

“You go girl! Make his balls HURT!” Bette’s voice called out, and immediately on its heels came Rebecca’s. “Yeah! Kick him HARD!”

Leah smiled at the support and encouragement of her sisterhood. Without thinking, she blew Ryan a kiss. Though it caught him by surprise, he reacted quickly and reached out a hand, pretending to catch it. Just as his hand closed around Leah’s airborne kiss, she drew back her cowboy boot, the pattern blurring with its speed, and launched her foot forward with all her might.

The feeling of his testicles compressing between his pelvis and her boot was incredible. She knew Bette and Rebecca would be proud. Her aim was true and she’d kicked him hard. But it was the ensuing reaction that caused her beaming smile to nearly split her face in two. Even before she could regain her balance, teetering from the force of her kick, Ryan cried out and dropped straight to the floor, wriggling like a fish out of water. He clutched fruitlessly between his legs, moaning in agony. And it was the sight of a man writhing at her feet, having to endure unimaginable pain simply because she’d finally decided to own her responsibility, that left a delicious and satisfying feeling flooding through her. She’d kicked him hard and she’d made his balls hurt.  As his moans intensified, Leah merely folded her arms under her chest and watched his pain intently.

Only Candace seemed concerned for Ryan. She jumped off the couch and ran to him, her voice panicky, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Are you okay?” She knelt down beside him and grabbed his shoulders in an effort to stop his writhing. “Say something, please,” she begged as a string of ‘oohs’ and ‘argghs’ escaped him.

Through their giddy laughter, Bette and Becca sang in unison, “He’ll be fine!”

Candace looked up at them, bewildered. She shook her head in disbelief and then ran off to the kitchen to find some ice. As she rose, Chris also leapt from where he sat and made a beeline for the door. With everyone caught up in Ryan’s misery he took his opportunity to get the fuck out of this strange male hell.

Just as he was turning the lock, Bette called out, “Where do you think you’re going?”

He looked at her, taking in all the fullness of her glorious breasts, and made peace with his decision. “Girl, even the most perfect tiddies in the world ain’t worth this shit. I’m out.”

Bette started to stand, but Candace rushed into the room. “Let him go,” she said, finally exerting some of her host authority. “He’s clearly not into it, can’t understand it and straight up doesn’t want to be here.” As she spoke, Candace pulled open the door and Chris darted out.

Wham! The sound punctured the quiet hallway. Candace heard something hit the ground and they all heard a female voice yelp. Immediately, Bette and Rebecca were off the couch, following Candace and Leah into the wide hallway. Even Ryan mustered up enough strength to crawl to the door and peer out.

Being close to ground level, Ryan immediately saw the scattered contents of a purse. He looked up and saw Chris holding his arms out, looking flustered. Then he saw the unmistakable platinum hair of his neighbor Roxana and his interest heightened.

“Are you okay?” Candace asked Roxana, keeping her voice calm.

Roxana’s face reddened and her eyes burned brightly. Instead of answering Candace, she jumped at Chris. He was completely unprepared for this girl’s aggression and staggered backwards. In a flash, Roxana had her arm around the back of his neck and was pulling him into her. Candace gasped as this new girl on the scene drove her knee into Chris’s groin.

“That’s for knocking my shit everywhere,” Roxana growled. As soon as her foot hit the floor her knee rocketed back up and caught him again. “That’s for your stupid apology.” And then, with deftness that surprised everyone, Roxana spun the big man around, pushed him against the wall, drew her leg back sky high, and kneed him with all her strength, trying her best to make his balls burst in his pants.

Chris slid down the wall, his mouth gaping and in complete shock as Roxana swung around to collect the spilled contents. She dumped them into her purse, which Bette held out to her absently. When Roxana grabbed it, and stormed off huffily, Bette didn’t even notice as she was glued to the acrobatic contortions of Chris’s face.

When Candace saw the indescribable pain etched in the poor guy’s face, she became aware of the bag of ice in her hand. Thinking Chris probably needed it more than Ryan at this point, she stepped over to hand it to him. Bette snatched the bag before she had a chance to deliver it.

“Better hold off a sec, Candace,” Bette said, holding the ice away from her. Then to Chris she said, “Guess, Ry was right. It was inevitable.” He opened his eyes halfway and several tears leaked out. He tried to focus on her but the pain made his eyes swim. He let his eyes close and dropped his head as his body slumped.

Bette crouched in front of him and set the ice aside. She reached out and pulled Chris’s hands from his groin. As she did, he opened his eyes and got an up close and personal view of Bette’s swollen cleavage. Somehow his eyes were able to regain their focus.

“Take a good look,” Bette chided him. “Isn’t it hilarious that you passed them up just to avoid the inevitable?” When Chris merely sat groaning silently, Bette laughed. “Hey Bec,” she called, “care to give me a hand?”

Rebecca pushed past Candace, and, reading her cousin’s mind, she took hold of Chris’s hands. His eyes left the sensual, inviting view of Bette’s breasts and looked up at Rebecca, terrified. She held a stern gaze if only to stem the sympathies rising up in her at the sight of such a wreck. God, he was pitiful, she thought. But family came first, and Rebecca knew Bette would never forgive her if she stymied this opportunity.

With Rebecca holding his hands high, Bette looked down at Chris and cleared her throat emphatically. His head drifted back to Bette and widened. Bette was bent forward, leaving her full bosom prominently displayed. She rubbed her hands slowly along the sides of her boobs and over the nipples, even gently caressing one. A glimmer of excitement bubbled just beneath his grimace and Bette knew her teasing was doing its job.

“I bet you’d like to get your hands on these big tits, wouldn’t you,” she said, teasing harder. “Well, too bad!”

Bette straightened and stepped back from Chris. She hopped lightly once, a move that threatened to spill flesh everywhere, and then strode purposefully toward him as Rebecca’s eyes grew large with delight. Bette’s left foot planted alongside his right thigh and she brought her right leg forward in a blur. Her foot connected with such force of power that Bette couldn’t stop her own momentum. She didn’t feel the underside of her boobs graze Chris’s head or the slap of her palms as they hit the wall behind him. All she felt was his balls as she smashed them.

Rebecca felt his arms go limp and she let them drop down with a thud. His head lolled for a moment and then he slumped over sideways. Rebecca caught his head gently with her foot and eased it to the ground. Bette, with far less kindness, picked up the bag of ice and tossed it into his groin. “Guess I was just too much woman for him,” Bette said, turning away as Rebecca followed.

Candace stood like a statue, unable to process that there was an unconscious man across from her. It was bad enough that he paid a terrible price for bumping into that girl, she thought, shuddering at the memory of Roxana’s multiple knees. But did Bette really need to add on? Still, she mused, it was rather amazing that Bette actually made him pass out right there in front of her. Candace made a fragile peace with herself. It was okay to feel bad for the guy. But at the same time, it was also nice to appreciate girl power. Having settled her conflicting emotions she started for the apartment. Like Bette and Rebecca, she was stopped in her tracks.

“I got it all on video!” Leah whispered emphatically, so as not to blowout the microphone. Seeing their stupefied eyes she continued, “When I saw that girl’s face, the one with the platinum hair, I just felt in my bones what she was gonna do. So I raced back inside and grabbed the camera. Just in time, too, to catch her grab him and knee the shit out of his balls. And then Bette -,” she broke off and sighed in wonder, lifting her eyes heavenward. “Y’all want to take a look?”

As the ladies followed Leah into the apartment, leaving Chris where he fell, a palpable electricity swarmed the room. Gooseflesh broke out on the back of Ryan’s neck as he felt it sweep over him. After seeing Roxana absolutely wreck Chris, he’d crawled back inside and managed to get himself into a chair.

“Oh, Ry -,” Rebecca cried, “You missed it!”

Unperturbed by her lack of concern for his well-being, Ryan just smiled and shook his head. He knew his girl to well. The excitement of busting balls trumped the concern about busted balls every time. “Actually, I didn’t,” he said. “I managed to catch Roxana. That was enough.” Before Rebecca could start in about Bette, Ryan held up his hand. “I know, I know. The door was open. I know Bette well enough to know what she was going to do. I heard the whole thing.”

“But hearing isn’t the same as seeing!” Leah shouted gleefully. “C’mon everybody, you gotta see this.” She stood next to Ryan, holding the camera out in front of him as Rebecca, Bette and even Candace gathered around. She cued up the spot and pressed play, and even on the tiny screen, it was plain to see. There was no denying the beauty, the fluidity, the graceful power, the inherent rightness displayed as the girl’s supple knee crushed his balls.



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TLDR: best story ever 

Haha. Nice. And thanks!

The story I have been waiting for. 



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