Roxana looked around the gym and her smile faded. She usually came early in the morning before the rush, and while she thought it might be a bit busier, she was not expecting the mass of sweating bodies before her. Despite several fans blowing, the air was suffocating and humid. She reached behind her and flipped her silky platinum pony tail to discover beads of sweat already breaking out on her neck. She grimaced with the thought that it was going to be a long workout. With a deep breath, she tried to find some internal motivation.  When she slipped out of the sweatshirt she was wearing, her mood brightened. In just a sports bra, the temperature seemed much more bearable.

She set the sweatshirt down next to the one open treadmill and happened to catch sight of two guys staring at her as she bent. She stood up quickly before they could indulge on her cleavage any further. One of the guys looked away but the other treated her to a wolfish grin. Roxana merely stared back in disgust remembering again why she generally preferred to wear a shirt and not just a sports bra. She set the treadmill for a decent pace, slipped on her headphones, cranked up the tunes and forgot about the ogling ogres.

After 30 minutes she decided to give the weights a little tossing. Though it wasn’t really her thing, she tried to keep her body guessing. She started with some shoulder machines before working her way down. Most of the machines she used were available but when she got to the chest portion of her workout she found these to be completely occupied. She did a few sit-ups, keeping her eyes peeled until she finally spied an open machine and jumped up to grab it.

Goddamn, she thought, reaching down to set the weight. Whoever was using this must be hella strong. The pin was all the way to the bottom of the stack. She pulled it and put it under the first weight. Sitting down, she put her elbows against the pads and proceeded to bring them forward while squeezing her pectorals together, giving her firm breasts a nice lift. When she got to 12, she opened her eyes and found a hulk of a man standing directly in front of her. To her dismay, the seated position she was in left her at crotch level. Clearly, the man was proud of his physique as he wore a three-sized too small t-shirt and way too tight shorts, which, of course, left the bulge of his crotch as the focal point of her vantage. For a man with biceps as big as head and a thick chest to match, Roxana found herself surprised at the size of the bulge he owned. Weren’t muscleheads usually all ‘roided up with tiny peckers, she thought?

“I was usin’ that, Missy,” the man growled, looking her dead in the eye.

Though she found his tone rather disrespectful, she did appreciate that he wasn’t staring blatantly at her tits like most the guys at the gym. Despite her initial distaste, she took a pleasant tone.

“I’m sorry,” she said, offering an apologetic smile, “no one was on it when I came over.”

The man snorted. “Yeah, well I was just getting a drink.”

“I’ll be off it soon. I promise. I only have one more set,” she said, getting herself back in position. Before she could start in, the man grabbed a pad and held it firm.

“You can do it after I finish,” he said, scowling.

Flabbergasted, Roxana could only manage a weak, “Seriously?”

The man nodded his head and crossed his arms.

Now Roxana was getting pissed. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? She responded sharply, “How about no. I’ll finish and you can wait your turn like a gentlema – “

Before she could finish the man yanked her from the machine and pulled her close. She could smell his sweat which was losing its battle against the cologne he was wearing – very unpleasant. But at least he was chewing gum so his breath was okay, she thought. Plus it made his growl slightly more bearable when he uttered, “Do you know who I am?”

Funny you should ask, she thought, I was just wondering. The thought made her crack a smile, which the man took for insolence, and he yanked her by the wrist over to a corner of the gym. As much as she didn’t want to follow, she also didn’t want a broken wrist.

He pulled her up in front of a large punching bag. “See this?” He sneered, pointing a note taped to the top of the bag.

Roxana peered at it.

 Open to all members. Except you, Olav. You know why.  Love, Management.

He looked at her smugly after she’d read it.

“So, I take it you’re Olav?” Roxana asked, playing along.

“Yeah,” Olav grunted. “Last month I punched this bag so hard it ripped. Now I’m not allowed to use it.”

“I’m not surprised,” Roxana said, rolling her eyes as he flexed his biceps as they lay across his chest.

“So now you know what I can do and that’s why I’ll finish my workout before you get back on that machine.”

Roxana shook her head in disbelief. “So because you’re some big strong man, I should be scared and let you go first?”

Olav shook his head. “I’m the one with the guns and I could knock you out. Look at those skinny arms. Why you don’t even have abs!”

That last barb caught Roxana off her guard. She looked down at her belly. It was flat and smooth, but Olav was right, there were no defined abs anywhere to be found. When she looked back up at him, he was wearing his haughty sneer. Suddenly, Roxana was filled with rage. Who cares who you are, Olav, she thought. Just because you’re some big tough he-man doesn’t mean shit. And it sure as hell doesn’t mean you can yank me wherever you damn well please.

If Olav noticed the color rising on her cheeks and the fire stirring in her eyes, he didn’t let on.

“You may have big biceps that I don’t and a six pack that I don’t, but I’ll tell you something else you have that I don’t,” she hissed.

The sneer disappeared from Olav’s face as if Roxana had slapped it off. He took a step back in surprise but Roxana just moved closer.

“Wanna know what it is?” She growled, leaning into him.

Olav looked at her, his steely gaze returning, “Sure.” The sarcasm dripped from his voice.

“It’s two things, actually,” she said, her eyes lighting up as her hands gripped his biceps.  “Balls!”

As she said it, Roxana launched her knee dead into the bulge protruding from his shorts. She grunted with delight as her knee crushed his balls. She let go and watched him sway momentarily as grunts and groans sputtered from deep within him. The small grin on her face blossomed into a dazzling smile as he toppled over like a felled Sequoia, grasping desperately at the punching bag to break his fall.

In the end, Olav was too much weight for the poor bag and it tore loose from its moorings. The big man practically flattened it as he landed. It regained a bit of its shape when he rolled off and curled up into the fetal position, cradling his swelling balls.

Roxana watched him quiver and quake as he struggled to process the awful, sickening pain emanating from his groin. Suddenly, she felt as light as air – quite unlike the air in the gym – and in no pain whatsoever, despite the long workout that should have had her aching by now. Kneeing a guy in the balls was as pleasurable as ice cream on hot summer day, she thought, and then chuckled out loud as her brain took the simile further. Not ice cream, she thought, but a sundae, with chocolate sauce, and crushed nuts…especially crushed nuts.

She was still laughing as she left Olav lying there cradling himself. Without bothering to finish her last set, Roxana grabbed her sweatshirt and pulled it on before making a beeline for the door. She looked back across the gym and saw that a few people had finally noticed Olav and the punching bag on the ground and were attending to them.

“Can I help you?” Asked the girl at the reception desk.

“I just wanted to let you know Olav ruined the punching bag again,” Roxana reported. She could see the girl’s eyes roll even behind her black rimmed spectacles.

“That guy!” The girl muttered. “Is it totally broken?”

“Unfortunately, most likely,” Roxana confessed as the girl was already rising from her seat. The girl turned back when Roxana added, “and I don’t think it’s the only broken bag either.”

When the girl just looked at her quizzically, Roxana said, “You’ll see.”

And under her breath she added, “I hope you enjoy it!” as she left the building and practically floated home.

Views: 785

Replies to This Discussion

That's an awesome story!  Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading!

One of the best stories I have read. We can have multiple threads from this.


1 Olav taken to hospital and doctor busting him

2 Later Receptionist cracking his balls when he tries to be smart

3 Olav meeting Roxana in gym ( of course he has changed his time slot) and Him being scared of her

All good follow-ups. I think I might take a crack at number two.

Thanks Joe. Eagerly Waiting for it:)

Here you go Jan: Olav's Crush

Haha i really liked this one. Thank you love. 

Glad you liked it! I'd be lying if I didn't say your outlook and attitude have inspired my female characters and put the fear of god in my balls.

wow, he really need that knee, what a moron!



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