The full Interview with Infamous Victor Bernardo from Victoria B.C Canada. We hear from the horses mouth about his story and experiences with his kink of bei...

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Comment by Ned The Second on November 24, 2019 at 1:40pm

Man...  this dude makes bb fetishists look terrible.

Comment by Lexeme on November 22, 2019 at 10:42pm

The complaints in the videos with screenshots, and from E+C were about randomly sending a bunch of women unprompted requests for kicks. What does that have to do with them being naive or psycho or not if you're already harassing people with unsolicited fetish request IMs in the first place?

Aside, it's pretty weird to be all for women getting a guy off on his ballbusting kink, and then say the women are psycho. 

Comment by Eric on November 22, 2019 at 11:03am


"These women aren't innocent, they are sociopaths that actually want to hurt him for money." Wtf are you even talking about dude? "They aren't naive, they are selfish and psycho" Where are you seeing this? What are you basing this on? By the fact that Victor is saying so? Firstly, THAT'S PART OF HIS FETISH, secondly, by paying them, he is in the position of control to dictate what they do to him and how they behave, as is evident by his trademark overconfidence and challenges to "break him". If Victor didn't want these women to go this hard on him, I 100% guarantee you they wouldn't. Are they potentially opportunistic? Yes, and that's fine given the context. Victor approached them with offer of compensation. But they absolutely are naive to this fetish.

Also yeah that Kat thing is total bullshit lol. Those folks are on the opposite end of the country.

Comment by Allen Witts on November 22, 2019 at 5:03am

@Tyler the complaining is because what he's doing is ethically dubious, to say the least...

Comment by Tyler Durden on November 21, 2019 at 11:46pm

I can't believe there's actually complaining about this guy's successful methods. These women aren't innocent, they are sociopaths that actually want to hurt him for money... Out in the woods, wow. That's insane. They aren't naive, they are selfish and psycho, don't feel sorry for them at all. It is a voluntary exchange for money. We've all done this, I've even read that kat was duped into kicking him to make his boner go away. Lies! Lol. No virtue signaling please. 

Comment by Jared on November 17, 2019 at 10:19am

Thank you Chaiyles for shining some light on this guy's methods.  After reading your post and Eric's, I 100% agree with that exploiting the naive or enabling the desperate aren't techniques that should be celebrated.

Comment by Lexeme on November 16, 2019 at 9:01pm

Thanks for the background details Eric and Chaiyles, having watched the other video too, yeah messaging hundreds of people unsolicited isn't cool..

The interviewer I think is just being a nonchalant goth rather than demeaning lol. The totally vanilla camera guy in the other video though, I guess he's just a confused teddy bear...

+1 for the youtube message thread consisting of femmes offering to beat the shit out of him for $$ lol

Comment by Mike None Ya on November 15, 2019 at 1:49pm

I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought this dude has a few screws loose.  

Comment by Eric on November 15, 2019 at 12:30am

100% agree with the lady on this one (surprise surprise). Been iffy about the dude ever since he approached C a long time ago. She showed me the messages between the two of them (yes, she shows me the funny messages that horny guys send her, and we giggle lol), he's one of those "betcha can't floor me!" dippy doo fellas and I promise you more girls find that kinda shit infinitely more annoying than they would endearing. I mean, he's free to live out his kink how he wants and if he can get the girls he wants to do the things he wants and everyone's happy yee haw have at 'er, but I just don't personally dig the narrative he's promoting. Sorry folks if this is a hot take, not trying to start shit.

Also, good on the interviewer for trying to potentially broaden this kink to new audiences and help normalize it and all, just wish he'd have chosen a different subject. I mean, C and I are in Vic too..? :p

Comment by Chaiyles on November 15, 2019 at 12:22am

Well, well, well... Being 100% honest, Victor gives me bad vibes. Eric and I are from the same city as him and I am also one of the girls he has messaged offering money in return for "services".

1. It is extremely inappropriate for him to be messaging random girls/women on social media soliciting sexual favours and it's a little concerning to see that so many people are inspired by him. Sorry not sorry. 2. It's shady as hell to agree on a monetary figure and then back out to offer the girl some meth instead of money. It should go without saying that any kink play under the influence of hard drugs is a bad idea. 3. He's confrontational and preys on the inexperienced. There's a reason he doesn't go to pro-dommes in the city, and it's not money. He could get easily a good sessions worth of playtime with a pro-domme with the money he is potentially offering to these girls who have no experience with this kink. 4. I had to block him after he wouldn't stop messaging me after I repeatedly declined his offers. Firstly, his alpha attitude is a total turn-off to me personally and spamming multiple requests and "challenges" to "break him" is cringe-worthy. Secondly, I feel like he sets a bad example of what a lot of people in this kink are like. It's unfortunate that with this video now people are going to associate ballbusting with this guy. I could go on but I'll spare you all for now lol.

I haven't been on this site for months, but when Eric mentioned he had appeared on here I just needed to add my two cents haha. Okay sorry for ranting, bye again. 


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