Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4

I snuck my way home uneventfully. Once there, I hung out for a little bit in the BB chat room I visit and chatted about my experiences. Everyone was very jealous and asked a lot of questions. Afterwards, I was really horny from all the talking about it. But my penis still felt really tender when I tried just touching it a little through the gauze, so I didn’t bother trying to unwrap it. I was hopeful that it would be better the next day, though. I felt so exhausted by all of the excitement, that I was sure I’d go right to sleep.

But when I actually went to bed, I found that I was more awake than I thought. My mind kept turning over the basic mystery: what had happened to Zepz? Why had she posted a huge bounty on my balls? Her roommate, Emma, was really worried about it, and that worry began to infect my consciousness more and more.

I’d always liked Zepz. I mean, I have a natural tendency to like pretty girls with nice figures, just being a pretty normal straight dude. And being a ballbusting fan, knowing that she had busted guys with wandering hands is always a plus. But it was a little more than just a sexual attraction. I liked hanging out with her. She’d always had a sense of fun about her and clever remark ready. She was whip smart and sharply sarcastic, but also aggressively loyal to her friends. Dating Libby had meant seeing a lot of Zepz, and I’d definitely missed her once we broke up.

So I really was concerned, and that worry was keeping me awake. Plus I usually went to sleep around midnight and it was only a little after 10 at this point. I didn't see that there was anything else I could do to try to solve the mystery that night, but I did have one thought: I really ought to buy a cup.

Most of the normal stores in town were closed at this point. However, we had a 24-hour Walmart and I was sure that would have protective cups in the sporting goods section. So I changed from my pajamas back into my regular clothes and took the shuttle out to the remote lot where my car was parked. Fortunately the shuttle was driven by a male driver and no one else was aboard.

I drove out to the Walmart easily enough and found its sporting goods section. It was easy to find the cups near the shin guards and mouth guards and other protective gear. After wondering for a moment if I should get a hard cup or a soft one, I figured with the amount of ball abuse which might be coming, I needed the extra protection of a hard cup. So I picked out an adult-sized one and headed to the register. Aside from the self checkout, there were two registers still open, so I just went to the nearest one.

It was manned by a thin, pretty, substantially tattooed girl with short, curly blonde hair who looked to be in her mid-twenties. She was surprisingly cute for a Walmart cashier even if girls with tattoos aren't really my thing. She was checking someone else out when I got in line, and that transaction took a while.

When they finally got done and I put my one item down for her to scan, she looked down at it, looked up at me, looked down at it, looked up at me. And then she smiled widely and shook her head back and forth, saying, “Nah, I don't think so.” Then she grabbed the mic on her register and said, “Security to lane five, shoplifting attempt.”

“What?“ I asked, but before she offered any answer, the security guard showed up. She was an amazing-looking black woman. She had to be six foot one and had big square shoulders and strong looking arms, so she definitely looked like a security guard. But, she also had tremendously huge tits and nice curves in her lower half. Her uniform included a dark blue button-down shirt. In the middle the buttons were clearly having quite a time keeping everything in, and through the gap I could just barely see glances of her huge white satin bra and hints of her dark cleavage. When she got close enough to me she grabbed me very roughly by my upper arm.

“What did he do?”

The cashier turned her light off. “Davida, can you just take him to the security office? I'll be along to explain as soon as I finish these customers. Oh, and don't tell the manager yet.”

“Sure. Come with me, sir,” she said, yanking me towards the offices at the front of the store. The. security office was just a plain carpeted room with a desk, about four chairs and a bank of video monitors which were facing away from me. Davida directed me to sit in one of the chairs, so I did. And then we just sat there quietly. She just sort of glowered at me. For my part, I mostly spent my efforts trying to make sure that my appreciative glances at her figure stayed glances instead of turning into outright staring.

After four or five minutes of this uncomfortable silence the cashier finally showed up. Davida was as eager to be done as I was. “So, you caught him shoplifting? Shall I pull up the security footage?“

“No. I just said that as an excuse to get him back here. Don't you recognize who he is?” Davida squinted at me for a moment, clearly not recognizing me. “He's the guy from the front page of BallsBounty!”

“Really?” She looked at me with wide eyes, and then got out her phone to look at the app. I could see where this was going.

“Yeah. I caught him trying to buy a protective cup,” she said with a smirk.

“Yup, that's him alright. Wow. There is a bunch of proof photos and videos that have been uploaded already. No wonder he wanted to buy a cup.”

“Look, it's not like I even did anything. This whole thing is just weird!” I protested.

“Oh, I'm sure you know what you did,” the cashier said, looking at me smugly.

“So,” asked the security guard, “are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?

“Easy way I suppose,” I said. I stood up and faced security guard and spread my legs and put my hands on my head. She smiled at me and had an eager look in her eyes. I got the feeling that she hadn't done this much before but was really looking forward to it. She handed her phone to other girl to take a video. Eagerly she stood up and faced towards me and then she took a couple of steps backwards. I watched in horror as she suddenly came running forward and punted me right in my nuts with all the force she could muster.

I collapsed to the ground with a yell, grabbing my crotch with both hands. I was in absolute agony. On the ground I thrashed about some, doing anything I could to try to lessen my agony, but to no avail. I was done. There was no way I could take another hit. Somewhere in that haze of pain, I heard her take the selfie with me in the floor.

“Okay,“ she said, “get up so Veronica can kick you, too.” I just lay there, not moving or speaking.

“Shit, Davida, I think you killed him.”

“Nah, he's still breathing.”

“Well, you killed his balls, at least.”

“Do you really think so?”

“We should check, to be sure. Let's get his pants off.”

I felt them pulling down my pants, and some little bit at the back of my head wondered if I ought to be resisting, but I just stayed limp except that my hands stayed firmly in front of my crotch. Next she started to pull off my underwear, too. This further action was enough to penetrate my awareness, and as they started to pull them down, I grabbed into them around the crotch area and wouldn't let them go.

“It's okay. We're just going to check that you're still intact. I can't kick you for BallsBounty while you're naked anyway. Nudity isn't allowed,” Veronica argued. Somehow the sensibility of her statement managed to get through, and I let her pull my underwear off. “What’s with the gauze?” she asked.

I managed to squeak out through the pain, “An earlier kick scraped my dick up.”

“She should've been more careful. They don't call it DickBounty.”

“That's what she said,” I said. Thinking and talking was starting to distract me from the pain.

“Was that a ‘that's what she said‘ joke? I don't get it.”

“Yeah, me neither,” said Davida.

“No, I mean the girl who hurt my dick said the same thing. ‘They don't call it DickBounty.’”

“Oh, ha, ha, that's a pretty funny coincidence,” Davida commented.

“Yeah, that is funny,” Veronica observed a little more dryly. “Anyway, it seems like you're okay. Everything's intact, just a little red and swollen. Get up and get your clothes back on so I can kick you too. I need to get back to my register before my manager complains.”

I pulled my underwear back on, but very slowly, still worrying about the tenderness of my testes and bring careful with them.

“Come on, hurry up. If you don't quicken the pace some, I'll go find every woman in the store and we'll make a party of destroying your nuts.”

“I'm doing my best,” I protested, but I did manage to hurry a little more as I pulled myself up off the floor and got my jeans on. I thought she might warn me or something before she kicked, but as soon as I got to my feet, she stepped right up and kicked the hell out of my already tender balls. I was so sore from the previous kick that I didn't stand a chance. I collapsed again immediately, shrieking in pain and grabbing my crotch as I fell to the carpet. The last thing I remember was Davida saying, “Perfect, got it on video for you!”

I kind of think I might have passed out from the pain, but I may have just lost my wits for a while. The next thing I remember was that I was lying on the floor in the security room when I heard Davida cackling. I looked around and saw her sitting in a folding chair. Veronica had apparently left already. Davida let loose another peal of laughter. “What's so funny?” I asked.

“Oh, I just realized that it could check out all of your evidence pictures and videos. These videos are hilarious. The way your eyes bug out is amazing! I'm surprised your nuts aren't mush.”

“They feel like they will be pretty soon if this keeps up.”

She laughed at that, too. “Oh, well. No great loss. I can see why you wanted to buy that cup, though.”

“Any chance I could still get it?”

“I don't think so,” she said with a chuckle. “I think you'd best be going now.”

If there was no chance of getting the cup I'd picked out, there was no point in staying. All that might happen is that they'd find yet another girl somewhere to take a turn at trying to rupture my nuts. So I gathered myself up as best I could and limped back to my car.

When I got back to my dorm room it was late and I felt completely exhausted from my ordeal at the Walmart. I had no difficulty falling asleep despite the moderate ongoing continual ache in my battered testes and my worries about what had happened to Zepz.

Continued in Chapter 6

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Nice twist and threat. A part of me wants to know how it ends but another doesn't want it to end.

TLDR: Bravo. 

My favorite part of this chapter was:

[...] she looked down at it, looked up at me, looked down at it, looked up at me. And then she smiled widely and shook her head back and forth, saying, “Nah, I don't think so.” Then she grabbed the mic on her register and said, “Security to lane five, shoplifting attempt.”


Don't you recognize who he is?” Davida squinted at me for a moment, clearly not recognizing me. “He's the guy from the front page of BallsBounty!”

“Really?” [...]

“Yeah. I caught him trying to buy a protective cup,” she said with a smirk.

Coming up with any excuse to get him away from prying eyes and getting some extra backup. (Plus getting her friend an extra $50 too as extra sugar on top?)

And then after it's all over:

I can see why you wanted to buy that cup, though.”

“Any chance I could still get it?”

“I don't think so,” she said with a chuckle.

Maybe he should've tried to get a male cashier instead... his whole night would've gone so much better.



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