A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Juanita stayed in the dorm next to theirs, so it was a pretty quick walk. I decided to take the stairs up to her room rather than the elevator figuring I'd be less likely to be alone with any girls. When I got up there, there were a couple of guys talking in the hallway. I asked them if they knew where Juanita's room was and they pointed me around the corner and gave me a room number. That segment of the hallway was shorter and there were a couple of girls hanging out in that part of the hall.
One was a slender blond girl in tight jeans and a very tight blue sleeveless t-shirt. I could see clearly that she wasn't wearing a bra and that she had small, pert, pointy breasts with, at that moment, hard nipples. The other girl had curly light brown hair and was also wearing jeans. She was wearing a tube top over her much more substantial bust. She had a narrow waist and her bare midriff showed off her toned stomach. They were looking my way when I rounded the corner, and I could sort of see a spark of recognition in their eyes as though they were trying to remember if they knew me and from where.
Normally I might have tried to make conversation with them as they were pretty hot, but instead, I had a feeling that I knew where this was going. So I quickly brushed by them, hoping to get to my destination speedily and with some semblance of safety.
I knocked on what I had been told was Juanita's door. It was answered by a short, but very cute, black girl. I was a little surprised, as I had been expecting Juanita, but quickly realized it was probably her roommate who had answered the door.
"Hey," I said. "Is Juanita home? I'm Ed. She's not expecting me, but she knows me. We were in Linguistics together last semester and there's something I really desperately need her help with."
"Oh," she said, "um, she's not here. But she ought to be back in, oh, I don't know, 15 minutes or so. If you wait in the lounge, I'll send her to you when she gets back."
"Okay. Thanks." But as I started to turn to go that way I saw that one of the girls was looking my way and smiling in an eager way. "Uh, wait. Is there any way that I could wait in here?"
I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I'm worried that those girls are going to kick me in the balls."
"What? Why would you think that?" She looked past me out into the hallway. "That's Brooklyn and Tammi. They're harmless," she said in a nice loud voice, much to my dismay. "Plus I don't really know you like that. So wait in the lounge," she continued, with an air of irritation.
"Yeah, okay," I said, sheepishly. But as I turned to go. Brooklyn and Tammi were smiling toothy grins at me like sharks eager for their meal. I started to turn back, but it was too late. Juanita's roommate had already shut the door.
There was no one else in that part of the hall other than the two of them. I'd passed the floor lounge on the way in, so getting back to it without going out the emergency exit meant going back by them. My balls were still extremely tender and I really didn't want them kicked any more right then. In other circumstances I would have been eager for two hotties to punt my junk, but it was really getting to be way too much of a painful thing.
Looking at them looking at me, it was clear that we all knew the score. So I covered my nuts with both hands and tried to go past them down the hallway. The busty one knew just how to handle that, though. Right as I was moving past them, she suddenly reached out, grabbed my nipple, squeezed it and twisted. It hurt a lot and instinctively I brought both hands up to grab onto her wrist and try to make her stop. As soon as my hands were off my groin, though, her knee smashed right up into my nuts. It was a quick hit but solid, her kneecap having hit my testicles directly and pushed them right into my pubic bone. My tender balls were engulfed in extreme pain. My legs got very wobbly, and I collapsed to the floor. Instinctively I grabbed my balls with both hands as I moaned and collapsed onto the hallway carpet.
Once again the kick was so hard that I was actually completely out of it for a few moments. But the sound of the picture snap from her cellphone brought me back to basic awareness of the world, although I still wasn't expecting to be moving any time soon. After the camera picture sound next I heard the girls arguing.
"You got to go first last time we did this. Now how am I supposed to get a kick in?"
"Well, you saw how he was covering his nuts. I didn't want us to wind up not being able to get him at all. You never want to do the titty-twister. So if I'd waited for you he'd be in the lounge by now."
"Well, okay, but still, I want a turn. I could use the fifty bucks, plus, you know, it's fun."
"Well, I do have one idea I could try." She jostled me just a little using her foot. "Hey, guy, do you like big boobs?"
"Yeah, definitely," I answered, confused.
"I'll let you feel me up if you let my friend kick your nuts."
I thought about it for a bit. In the end, I couldn't say no. I mean, despite all of the pain and the worry about damage, there was still a part of me that found this whole thing hot. And although I'd just gotten to do some very pleasant ogling of Alyssa’s very nice boobs, that was still a long way from touching some. This girl was cute with a great body and a nice rack and heck yes I wanted to feel her up.
"Yeah, okay. But can we do the kick in the lounge?"
"Sure, but we have to do the feeling up in my room."
"Sure. It's a deal."
So I followed the girls to the busty girl's room. (I never found out which girl was named Brooklyn and which was named Tammi.) And then the less busty one waited outside while the busty one and I went in.
She invited me to sit down on her bed next to her. When I was seated she pulled her tube top down and her big round breasts with their little pink nipples popped free. Then she said, "Okay, two minutes, enjoy."
I felt a little awkward doing this with a stranger, but I got over it quickly. And soon my hands were on her big soft breasts first just squeezing them generally, but then pinching and playing with her rubbery nipples. My cock got so hard inside its bandages enjoying touching her chest. Knowing the price I was going to pay later just made the whole thing sexier.
And then, before I knew it, my two minutes were up, and it was time to pay the piper. She pulled her top back up, and I followed her to the study room like a prisoner being marched to the gallows. Her friend was there waiting for us and seem to be almost drooling in anticipation. I found that simultaneously very worrying but also, honestly, pretty hot.
I stood there with my legs apart and waited for her to deliver a kick that I expected would be about as hard as any I'd gotten that day. And sure enough she lived up to those expectations. The kick came hard and fast and without mercy, and when it landed my nuts screamed in pain and I went immediately to the floor. I'm not really sure how long I laid there on the floor moaning softly in pain holding my crotch. I'm certain it was at least long enough that she got a picture although I have no recollection of that.
What I can tell you for sure is that I was still lying on the carpet when Juanita came into the study lounge. I wasn't completely out of it by that point but I also wasn't really quite ready to get up. Honestly, I'd hoped for a few more minutes to recover before she showed up because I had a sneaking suspicion that I was going to have to take a kick in the balls from her, too, in order to secure her cooperation.
Then once I saw her I figured I'd better say something. “Hey, Juanita. Remember me from Linguistics? I really need your help!”
“Yeah, I remember you. Why are you on the floor?”
I managed to roll up to a sitting position. “Well, it's actually all kind of connected. There's this really weird thing that happened to me. Now, I'm not supposed to know this, but I do, but, like, I'm on the front page of BallsBounty. Someone, I don't know who, put up $5,000 worth of reward on me. Like, I really don't know who. I have no idea who would do this or why. And I'm just trying to find out who posted it and why and what to do about it. I mean if I've upset somebody I'd at least like to know what I did.”
“So why come here to me?”
“Well, my friend, the one who told me that I was on the app even though she wasn't supposed to so that I know why so many people have been kicking my balls today, she let me look to try and figure out who it was. It's some user named HindenbergUncertaintyPrinciple, but I have no idea who that is. But she only has like half a dozen friends on BallsBounty, and my friend let me check them out on the app and when I saw the user called PatearHuevos, I recognized you. So, please, do you know who HindenbergUncertaintyPrinciple is? I'm on the floor because of the kicks I got from Tammi and Brooklyn. That's eight kicks today, and I don't think my balls can take too much more.”
“Sorry, I haven't used that in a year or more. I don't remember the username of anyone.”
“Are you sure? Could you at least give it a look and see if maybe it jogs your memory?”
“Si.” She pulled out her smartphone. “Wow, you were not joking. 50 bucks is a lot of money for a kick!” But then she seemed to spend a little bit of time looking at the app. “No. I have no idea who that is. I wish that I could help you more, especially because of what it's going to cost you,“ she said, giving me a sly look.
By this point I knew what was coming. “Okay,” I said, slowly climbing back to my feet. “I know what you need to do. Can I have a moment or two more to recover?”
“I guess so, but I have to go to dinner soon. And I have plans with friends tonight, so not too long.”
I sat there for a moment or two and then the silence started to feel awkward so I figured I should make a little small talk. “So, How’ve you been?”
“Oh, I am doing well. How are you doing? I know you’ve been kicked in the balls a lot, but other than that, how are you doing?”
“Oh, I'm fine. Semester's going well.”
“Libby seems to be good now. I don’t think she is in love with you any more. I don’t think she misses you. I hope you don’t miss her.”
I'd forgotten that she was a friend of my ex. “Yeah, I mean, I'm not with anybody new yet, but it's not as if I spend a lot of time pining over her.”
“What is pining?” Juanita’s English was very good, but there was still some vocabulary she didn’t know.
“Oh, it just means thinking about someone a lot and missing them.”
“Okay. That's good that you are not missing her. I have not seen her much this semester. I have heard that she is dating some guy who is new. I have not met him yet.”
“That's cool.”
“Are you ready now?”
“I guess so,” I said, going ahead and standing up. I spread my legs and faced towards her. She wasted no time. As soon as I was in position she reared her foot back and smashed it forcefully right between my legs. I was still so tender from the last hit and probably the cumulative effects of everything that day that I went down in a heap right away.
Next she posed in front of me for the selfie to show the proof of the kick. I heard the camera snap and then I could see her using her smartphone waiting for the picture to finish uploading. As she was looking at it she said, “Interesting. That is odd.”
“What is?” I managed to squeak.
“The app shows me that I have a mutual friend with HindenbergUncertaintyPrinciple. We are both friends with TallSuperHottie. I don’t remember who that is, but let me check if there are pictures. No. There are no photos from that account. I have no idea.”
I already knew that TallSuperHottie hadn't posted any proofs of kicking. But she didn't know that I knew that so I appreciated that she was trying to be helpful. “Thanks,” I squeaked.
“No, thank you,” she responded. “I really enjoyed doing that. It is fun to kick boys like you in their eggs.” She gave me a smile as she departed.
I stayed on the floor of her study lounge as she went back to her room. A couple of minutes later I managed to pull myself up off the floor, worried that if I stayed there too long some other girl would find me and nail me in the nuts too. Not sure what else to do I headed to the cafeteria to have dinner. I figured that in such a big public place nobody would be able to get me.
And, believe it or not, that time, I was actually correct. I made it through all of supper without getting kicked in the balls once. I sat at a table by myself and just tried to think through my predicament. At first it seemed to be like my time with Juanita had just been a total dead end. But as I thought about it I realize that the fact that both she and Hindenburg uncertainty principle were friends with TallSuperHottie could actually be useful information.
And as I thought some more, I realized that I hadn't really done everything I could to find the identity of HindenbergUncertaintyPrinciple’s friends. Sure I had tried looking for pictures, but I hadn't tried looking at their friends. I mean, obviously you could push that off and look at friends of friends of friends of friends forever and probably not get any useful information but maybe I could identify at least one of her friends by looking at who their friends are.
To do that, though, I'd need the cooperation of someone with the app. Juanita had sounded like she wasn't going to be in. And Alyssa and Cynthia had said they had plans as well. I headed back to my dorm room, hoping that now that I knew the basics that either Stacy or my RA would be willing to help. Fortunately I didn't get trapped in the elevator with any ball kickers. Unfortunately, neither Stacy nor my RA was around.
I hung out for about a half hour waiting to see if either of them would appear. And then it occurred to me that I did have one other option: Brian's ex. She'd given me her location and invited me to come see her. She'd always seemed reasonable, so I figured I could probably strike a deal.
Continued in Chapter 4
My favorite part was this:
“Are you sure? Could you at least give it a look and see if maybe it jogs your memory?”[...]
“No. I have no idea who that is. I wish that I could help you more, especially because of what it's going to cost you,“ she said, giving me a sly look.
Again the girls hold back information for a nice, even trade! :)
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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