Marie Bailey had her dream job, but she wasn't as thrilled as she would have liked to be.  Sure, she was pretty much immediately hired to teach high school, but she missed one of her students.  He'd graduated months ago, but she missed seeing him every day... and having a little fun with him.

Marie had just gotten to work one morning when she saw, down the hall in the distance, a bunch of kids huddled together.  She sighed; Great, she thought, I haven't even had my coffee yet and I already have to break up a fight.  She would have run to get there and break it up quickly - she was in high heels, but she moved extremely well in them - but she didn't want her silk blouse or black skirt damaged or dirtied.  As she got closer, she realized that she didn't hear shouts of anger or aggression that are heard when there's about to be a physical altercation.  She arrived, a little confused, at the gathering of people and easily wove her way through to its center and saw two people hugging each other.  What the hell...? she thought to herself.  When they released, the guy, who had his back to her, turned around, causing Marie to gasp.

"Hi, Miss Bailey," he said smoothly with a little grin.  She simultaneously wanted to kiss him, knee him in his balls like she'd done many times before... or reprimand him for surprising her so badly.

"Been a while," she said simply, and inwardly patted herself in the back for staying out where she was standing; it would have been horribly embarrassing if she ran to him and embraced him with so many on-lookers.  "I didn't know you were so... popular."

"You didn't?  I had no idea, either," he answered self-deprecatingly.  He raised his voice a little, addressing the mob around them, continuing "I guess you don't know what you got till it's gone, right?"  The crowd laughed politely and MArie Bailey's cheeks warmed.  She didn't realize how badly she'd missed him until he was standing right in front of her.

Marie couldn't take it anymore and flashed him an excited smile, saying "Well, don't just stand there!  Give me a hug!"  He was instantly there, wrapping his arms around her tightly as the gathered group offered playful cheers and catcalls.  Jesus, she thought, he's been working out! she mused, feeling his hard body as she squeezed him back.  She whispered in his ear as inconspicuously as she could "Meet me in the parking lot right after school."  She let him go, stepping back, before she called to the rest of the people "Okay, let's all get to our classes.  C'mon, let's go!"

Marie was professional and composed through her day of teaching, but her thoughts were on seeing her former student again.  As soon as her last class was done, she stayed back and let the school clear out of students, so there wouldn't be anyone around to see what she was going to do, and then began to make her way to the parking lot.  The sudden tap on the shoulder almost made her jump out of her pumps.

"Miss Bailey?" a high female voice asked.

Once her heart left her throat, Marie turned to the source of the voice, answering "Sharon!  You scared me half to death!"  She then forced a little smile so the girl wouldn't think she was being reprimanded.

"Sorry," Sharon said, sheepishly.  She continued, even more shyly "So... I saw you hugging with... umm..."

"Yes, he came to visit," Marie started, her heart rate speeding up again, wondering where this was going.

"Yeah..." Sharon answered.  "He seems pretty cool with you... umm... has he ever mentioned me?"  She added quickly, almost a blurt "It's okay if he hasn't."

Marie Bailey felt a little bit sad for her, she had never heard Sharon's name pass his lips.  The girl was cute enough, though: long red hair and sharp blue eyes, a slim dancer's body and she'd be considered very pretty.

"He may have said a thing or two about your firey hair," Marie lied, hopefully convincingly.  She continued, switching gears suddenly, "What would you do to get his attention?"

"Almost anything!" Sharon blurted, smiling a little because she may have believed Marie's lie.

Marie Bailey thought for several seconds, with them considering each other in silence, before saying "If you can keep a secret, come with me."    With that, she turned and began walking out of the school and to the parking lot, Sharon following closely on her heels (no pun intended).  She scanned the parking lot and, when she made eye contact with him, she saw what looked like a hint of panic.

"Hi, Miss Bailey... hi, Sharon," he said hesitantly when they got close, raising his eyebrows at Marie.

"Sharon," she said, not taking her eyes off of her former student, the boy - no, he's a MAN - she'd missed so much.  Well, here goes, she thought to herself before saying to the student behind her "You said that you would try anything to get his attention?"  Her former student averted his eyes; when she turned back to look at Sharon, her face was beet red and she'd turned away, too.  Marie embarrassed them both and felt like she was being mean, but also enjoyed how authoritative she was over them.  She sauntered up to him, slowly slipped her hands on to his shoulders, giving him an appreciative squeeze, before backing him against a nearby car.  What has been doing? she asked herself, marveling at all the muscle he'd gained.  Marie lifted her foot off the pavement and slid her thigh between his legs, moving up and down to give him a gentle massage with her leg.  She felt a chill and a jolt go through her simultaneously as he took a firm hold of her hips.

"I missed you, sweetheart," she whispered to him, not really caring if Sharon heard.  She turned her head a little and said over her shoulder "This is how you get, and keep, his attention."  She could feel through his pants that he, ahem, was enjoying her leg work, so she put her foot back on the ground, removing her thigh from his groin... and then sent it up in a blur, slamming his balls with her knee.  Marie Bailey wasn't sure who yelped louder - Sharon or her former student - but she kneed him again, and then stepped back and let him slide down the car to the ground.

"Oh my god," Sharon shrieked in horror, "that was so mean!"

"It's ok, he likes it," Marie said matter-of-factly.  She watched as he grabbed himself and had the urge to kneel next to him and kiss him, but she refrained.  "When he gets up, you can try."

"I can't," Sharon said, sounding on the verge of complete panic.  "I don't want to hurt him, I just..."  She trailed off and blushed again, her complexion nearly matching her hair.

"Aww but he likes it," Marie said again, practically purring.  "Right, sweetheart?"  She saw, with satisfaction, that despite his apparent pain, he was nodding his head.  After a few more seconds, he made his way shakily to his feet.  "Okay, Sharon, give him a good one."

Sharon walked tentatively past Marie and stopped when she was right in front of him.  As Marie was envying of her lithe little body, Sharon suddenly lifted her knee into his groin, causing him to groan a little, but stay standing.

"Oh, Sharon," Miss Bailey said, assuming an air of disappointment, "You'll have to do it harder than that."  She got really close to Sharon, whispering in her ear "Just imagine that, the harder you use your knee, the more he'll want to kiss you."  Sharon, whose skin had returned to normal only seconds ago, immediately blushed again, but took a hold of his shoulders, just like Marie had.

"Sorry," Sharon muttered to him and, Marie noted with selfish gratification, that his hands were firmly on the car he was leaning against; his hands weren't on her hips.  Marie was just beginning to smirk when Sharon's knee crashed between his legs, and he crumpled to the ground like a pile of laundry.  Sharon somehow managed to looked worried and triumphant at the same time.

"That was... really good," Marie said, trying to hide her jealousy.  She mentally shook her head and then asked "Can you keep this a secret Sharon?  If this got out..."

"It'll be between us!" Sharon answered, finally offering a smile.

"Good.  If you want, we can continue tomorrow?" Marie asked them both.  When they agreed, she continued "See you tomorrow, then!  And Sharon, bring some heels, if you have some."  She winked at him as she left them both behind.  Marie was definitely envious of Sharon because she was closer in age and had a better body, but excited that she now appeared to have a partner in busting.

Marie Bailey got into her car and sped off, thinking about the long, hot bath she was going to take when she got home.

To be continued...

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Replies to This Discussion

Definitely want to see this series continued!

Good story...nice start

Would LOVE to see a part 5!

Yeah, I’d also love to see a part five! =D



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