A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Heres a new story idea. Let me know what you liked/disliked and if you have any suggestions. Thanks for reading!
The Model Student
I exited history class and took off to go to lunch. As I walked down the hall, I saw a familiar face, my longtime friend Katie. She skipped towards me in her typical bubbly fashion.
“Hey!” I said as she passed.
“Going to lunch?” She asked.
“Yup,” I replied.
“Well… don’t forget your… NUTS!” She shouted. With that, she backhanded my crotch, rapping her knuckles hard against my poor unsuspecting testicles.
“Ooofff!” I exclaimed as I doubled over, clutching my gonads. My eyes bulged as I slid to the floor.
Katie cackled into the distance as she walked away. My knees hit the floor and I rest my forehead on the cold blue tile. A few seconds passed before I heard a female voice come from behind me.
“Uh… Are you alright?” The voice asked. I looked up to see two girls from my class, Patrice and Nina. Their faces grimaced, showing real empathy for my ball pain.
“Yea… yea…” I said waving them off, struggling to stand. “I’m fine.”
“Really?” Patrice asked. “Looks like she nutted you good.” She bit her lip.
“Yeah, but Katie and are good friends,” I said. “She does it all the time honestly.”
The girls look astonished. “So you just…” Nina said in a hushed voice. “Let her hit you in the balls whenever she wants?”
“Not exactly,” I said. “But it’s okay if she does.” I pondered this. “I mean, sometimes I punch her in the boob so…”
“Yeah, but that nothing compared to a ball tap,” Patrice said. “My brother can tell you that.” The girls shared a coy glance. I shrugged. “Then…” Patrice continued. “I guess you wouldn’t mind if I did… This!”
With no other warning, Patrice launched out her foot, smashing it into my already beaten package. My balls were totally unprepared. I yelped and crumpled to the floor again. Nina covered her mouth in shock as Patrice burst out into laughter. Patrice took Nina by the shoulder and led her away. The girls cackled as they left.
When I finally got back up I saw another girl, Kelly, staring at me from down the hall. She had obviously seen everything and seemed intrigued. I was very embarrassed that someone had seen me in this moment of weakness, and not wanting a repeat ballbusting, I got up and scurried away to lunch.
- - -
Later that night I was sitting in my bedroom when my Mom called from downstairs. “Honey!” She cried. “You have visitors!”
“Huh?!” I exclaimed, “Who is it?”
“I’m not sure!” My Mom replied. “There are two girls at the door asking for you.” It must be Patrice and Nina, I thought to myself. I begrudgingly walked down the stairs and opened the door. To my surprise, it was the other girl, Kelly and her friend Michelle.
“Hey,” Kelly said in a sultry voice.
“Hey,” I said in confusion. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. “What’s up?” I asked. I couldn’t help noticing that Kelly was wearing a very low cut top, showing a ton of cleavage. I took a peak but tried my best not to stare.
“Well,” Kelly said. “I saw you let Patrice practice some self-defense move on you today.” I eyed her warily. “And we were wondering if you’d do the same for us.” She sang.
“Eh…” I hesitated. “It wasn’t really a self-defense thing... She kinda just did it.
Kelly leaned in, exposing her cleavage more. “Please? We just want to practice self-defense. Don’t you want to help us out?” She used her biceps to press her melons together even more. At this point, I stopped pretending not to notice. I took a long eye-full of her gorgeous tits before taking a deep breath and sighing.
“Okay fine,” I said. “But only one kick each.”
- - -
We went around to the back of my house. “Okay go for it,” I said hesitantly. Kelly confidently stepped forward. She lifted her knee into the air then aggressively snap kicked her sneakered foot into my crotch. The tip of her shoe contacted perfectly with my right nugget. It was the worst ball pain I had ever experienced. I fell to the ground screaming.
“Boom!” Kelly shouted. Pumping her fists and high fiving Michelle.
“Aghhh! My Balls! What the hell!” I yelled.
“Nice one.” Michelle lauded. “My turn!”
“Ugh.” I spat, clutching my groin. “No. No way. I can’t take another hit like that.”
“Come on don’t be a baby,” Kelly said as she wrapped around behind me and lifted me up by my armpits. Kelly lifted me up enough to be on my knees. “Okay Michelle, kneeling is a great position for ball kicking. Just tag him in the ball bag and he’ll be down for the count.”
“What?” I cried. “How do you know so much about this?” I asked looking up a Kelly.
“Oh, I crack my brother’s eggs all the time,” Kelly replied. “I’m just here cause it's nice to have a new pair every once in a while. Okay Michelle, do it!” I looked forward, protesting, but Michelle wasted no time in taking a running start and punting my crotch like a football.
Kelly was right, kneeling was much worse. Michelle’s foot rocketed my nuts and I lunged to the ground. Kelly let me drop and laughed at my agony. “Nice one!” She said.
“My… balls…” I whimpered, rolling around and feebly clutching my busted balls.
“Aw, do your wittle nutties hurt?” Kelly mocked. "Poor boy..."
“Wow,” Michelle said. “He’s really down from that one.”
“Oh yeah,” Kelly replied. “You smashed them good. He won’t be getting back up for a looooong time…” Kelly grinned and turned her attention to me. “And that’s why, if you were my brother, this is about the moment that I’d whip those little nuggets out of your fly and really get… hands on…” She grinned.
Kelly squatted down beside me and whispered in my ear. “Have you ever had your nuts squeezed until you passed out?” I whimpered in fear. “Ha!” Kelly laughed. “Didn’t think so. You would be begging for mercy if you had. I know my brother would.”
“But a deals a deal,” Kelly said. “We said one kick each and that’s what we’ll do.” Kelly paused and grinned. “Maybe next time.” She said menacingly. The girls could see the fear in my eyes and broke out into laughter. They started walked towards the gate, leaving me crippled on the ground. “Thanks, boy,” Kelly called out. “See you at school tomorrow.
- - -
The next day I stood at my locker putting in books. Suddenly my locker door slammed in front of me and in its place stood Katie. “So.” She said confidently. “I heard you’ve been letting girls kick you in the ghoulies.”
I gave her a sideways glance. “Where did you hear that?” I asked.
“Everybody’s talking about it!” She said. “I also heard that it all started after my little sack tap yesterday.”
I smiled. “Maybe.” I stared at her for a second. “So?” I asked.
“SO!” She shouted. “I think I deserve a little action as well.”
“Psh…” I brushed her off. “You? You hit me below the belt all the time.”
“Yeah but never in a controlled environment!” She said. “And besides… I want to try this whole, self-defense thing I’ve been hearing about.”
“Well, it’s not exactly…” I said before being cut off. Katie grabbed my hand and started leading me down the hall.
“Shut up and follow me.” She said. We got to the boy's bathroom and she peaked her head inside. “Cleaning ladyyyy.” She cooed in an awkward attempt at a Spanish accent. We waited a bit. “Okay were clear.” She said before shoving me inside and locking the door behind me.
Katie turned to me, alone in the bathroom, and suddenly without a moments notice, kicked out her leg, pounding me right in the nuts. I groaned and doubled over. “What the hell?!” I said.
“Eh…” She lamented. “That didn’t really feel like self-defense. Here…” She said while turning around and sticking out her butt. “Grab me from behind. Pretend like you’re trying to assault me.”
“Uh… okay.” I said, I walked up behind her and grabbed her shoulders. Like the crack of a whip, she spun around and sent her palm into my crotch. My upper body fell into hers and she supported me with her shoulder, her hand still cupping my manhood.
“What the?” Katie said, tossing me off of her. “Your cock isn’t out. Would you still be wearing pants if you really wanted to rape me?”
“Uh… I don’t know?” I said confused by the situation.
“Here…” She said as she gripped my zipper and yanked it down. She undid my button and pulled down the front of my pants. My dick and balls flopped out at a half chub, so it looked quite nice. She grinned and gave it a quick stroke before turning around again and pressing out her big ass. “Alright, now try…” She said.
This time I lunged at her, grabbing her tits and pressing my boner into her round, soft cheeks. “That’s it!” She cried before wrapping around and sending a barrage of knees into my crotch.
“Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.” I moaned with each successive hit. Her knees were dead on. Suddenly she stopped and gripped my arms.
“Let me get a better grip on them.” She said before dropping to her knees. She was on eye level with my cock and she licked her lips. She reached up and I prepped myself for pleasure, but instead her fingers wrapped around the base of my scrotum and pulled my nuts into a little bouquet. “There we go…” She said.
She lifted her other fist and began pounding my nuts. Pow, pow, pow. Each punch more devastating than the last. I couldn’t hold myself up anymore and fell to the ground, straight on my butt. I laid back and looked up at Katie, now kneeling between my open legs. Her one hand was still wrapped around my sack and she looked down at my throbbing dick.
She slowly, sensually, moved her face down towards my package. She breathed hot breath onto my sensitive skin and I shuddered. I watched as she opened her mouth to take my member, and right as she was descending onto my engorged head, the PA bell rang across the school.
“Hello, students.” An elderly female voice called. “Would the two students in the east wing boys bathroom please report to the principal’s office immediately.” Katie and I stared at each other in shock and terror.
- - -
Katie and I sat in the waiting room of the principal’s office. We said nothing and barely looked at each other. The principal’s door opened and our principal, Mrs. Black stepped out. She pointed at me and said. “You.” She then curled her finger towards her.
I stood up and followed her. Mrs. Black was old, but she was still good looking. She had nice, big boobs, easily a D cup, and she typically wore something that revealed her cleavage.
She sat in her chair and I sat across from her. “So…” She said. “I’ve heard rumors that you have been letting girls practice self-defense on you.” My head shot up in confusion. “And when I saw it on my monitor I knew it was true.” She spun around her computer to face me and it displayed the boy’s bathroom.
I looked at the monitor then looked back to Mrs. Black guiltily. “Mrs. Black.” I began. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s just…”
Mrs. Black cut me off. “Ah, ah, ah…” She said lifting a finger. “I called you in to thank you for your service.” My jaw dropped. She stood up and began pacing her office.
“Your actions show complete selflessness. Allowing girls to practice damaging your most delicate, sensitive and vulnerable boy parts?” She slammed her hand on the table causing me to flinch. “A pure act of charity.”
She sat back at her desk. “So I’d like to thank you for being a model student… And… To offer you a position, only available to model students.”
“Uh… What?” I asked.
“I’m glad you asked.” She said. “I am on the education board for the state, and we are working on a self-defense program state wide.” She pulled up an image on her monitor. It read “A Girl’s Guide To A Boys Weakness.” I gulped. She leaned into her desk. “And I’d like you to be the poster child.”
“Uhh…” I hesitated. “So what would I do?” I asked.
“You would go around to each school in the state, and put on a short assembly.” She said. “We will compensate you with $200 per assembly, and of course, you will be cleared of all your classes for the year.” I liked the sound of that.
“And all you have to do is be a practice dummy. Our instructor, Mrs. Welch will be conducting the assemblies.” Mrs. Black’s eyes focused on something behind me. “And you can bring along Ms. Katie if you wish.” Mrs. Black said, pointing to her door. I turned around and saw Katie staring in the window. As we made eye contact she ducked out of the way.
“So.” Mrs. Black said. “Are you interested?”
“Uh… Yeah…” I stuttered. “But… Will the girls be kicking me in the balls then?”
Mrs. Black stood up. “Don’t look at it as a kick in the balls,” She said as she took me by the arm and led me towards the door. “Look at it as a service to your fellow man.” She opened the door. “So I’ll let Mrs. Welch know that you will be working with her?” She asked.
I hesitated before saying. “Sure, I’ll do it.”
“Splendid.” Mrs. Black said.
“One more question though,” I said.
“Please defer specific questions to Mrs. Welch.” Mrs. Black said.
“No… not about that,” I said. “Why do you keep surveillance cameras in the boys bathrooms?” I asked.
“Oh.” Mrs. Black said. “Mostly to catch boys masturbating.” She walked back to her desk and clicked her mouse. “Like Mr. Turner here.” A video popped up of a boy aggressively stroking his cock. “Like clockwork this one.” She said. “Looks like he’s watching MILF porn today.” I could see a wave of pleasure cross Mrs. Blacks face.
“Anyway.” She said. “Thank you again for your service and please close the door on your way out.”
I stepped outside her room. Katie looked up at me. “What happened?” She asked.
“She…” I stuttered. “She wants me to do assemblies…” Katie looked confused. “I…” I continued. “I think she wants me to let girls kick me in the balls for money.” A wide smile grew across Katie’s face.
_ _ _
To Be Continued…
I guess to put into perspective my state of mind...I read this entire thing and was unironically like "which one of the girls was the model student?". Then I was like....oh....I'm fucking dumb....rofl.
be funny if when the two girls came over to the back yard to kick the boy. his mom saw everything lol. she was she would say or do.
Very nice story. I like how each girl just assumes if he can take one hit or kick, he can take more, I like the assembly idea. I hope you write a sequel. I really like your writing style.
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