This message is for anyone who watches ballbusting videos, and creators old and new.

You know, I get it; the internet can be a beautiful place, and a horrible place all the same. I think most of us understand how it operates, and how like in real life, you still have to deal with some unsavory people online as well.

For years, people have pirated, illegally downloaded, or uploaded content that isn't theirs. I completely understand that this is a normal thing. BUT! It doesn't mean it doesn't upset me when small ballbusting studios have their videos uploaded by people who are just trying to get views or traffic on content that isn't theirs. They go on to try and justify it by any means; "More people will get to see it!" "It's the internet, it happens, why are you mad?" I know this is a little extreme but if your best friend gets raped, do you go "Oh, it's just life, shit happens"? If something crappy happens, you would naturally do anything in your power to make things right. You're allowed to get upset. 

If you're a content creator, and you have your things constantly reposted, you have Every. Single. Right. to be upset and take action. The same way YouTubers make a living off of producing videos, can be the same for people making videos on Clips4sale, Patreon, OnlyFans, etc. I'm no saint, I used to edit clips that weren't mine and post those edits on the web. I don't anymore, because it would super hypocritical of me as someone who believes you should support the studio with content you enjoy. We're all human, and people feel emotions. Getting angry because some dickhead is sharing content for free that a small time producer is taking time, energy, and literally risking their balls to make, is a completely normal reaction. I don't consider Violet and I to be the best, but we are just having fun and doing what we can. So it really sucks when people try to tell us how we should feel because "lol it's the internet." Patreon literally helps us make a living, so people mucking around posting our content really ruffles my feathers, let me tell ya.

Guys, no matter what I'm always going to flag the content I don't post. Simply because I have a right to, and that's how I feel. The internet is what it is an I accept that. If more content creators did this, honestly I'd say go for it. I'm not risking my balls to make your content, and I don't wanna hurt your business. 

Being a producer of any video or digital media runs you the risk of dishonorable people sharing your content. I'm saying it's okay to be mad, and to fight back. After you're done feeling angry, get a level head and find your solutions, even if they're temporary. What you care about is worth fighting for. Never forget that.

My whole heart goes out to those who are on the same page as me, or at the very least respect our work and others who work hard doing the same. I'm sorry if Violet and I can't always be active or talking to community, but we're around, and we do care about all of you, even if there are things we unfortunately can't do to please everyone. You still mean the world to us and that won't ever change. Peace.

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Comment by John P on September 28, 2019 at 2:52pm

"No one ever likes my advice on the internet but in real life people take me very seriously cos I’m pretty much always right."

Thank you for that, genuine laugh out loud. 

Comment by Ash on September 28, 2019 at 9:56am

I’m new here and from what I can glean, you’re talking about a specific guy on pornhub uploading your paid content. At last that’s what I think you’re saying. 

So so this is a tricky issue without easy solutions, obviously. I recall Knave having a similar reaction, what looked like a breakdown more or less, over the same thing. 

But I’ll interrupt myself to say to say what I really want to say which is that I’ve started edited bb, cb videos for my personal use. Compilations. So far I haven’t used any independent creator content..... although I did use some creatrix chalice slightly out of context to wonderful effect, if I do say so myself. 

Now, I’m allowed to do that under Fair Dealing/Fair Use. What I should do is credit all my sources when I post publicly but instead I have asked people to contact me if they wish to be credited. 

I see my videos as serving a few functions, not least of which is to pay homage to creators like your good selves. It’s also a form of feedback because I edit out all the annoying bits and improve the pacing and narrative as much as is humanly possible. 

Because im not a professional and frankly I’m dyslexic as all fuck I’m likely to accidentally use someone’s paywall material that I’ve stumbled across somewhere and have no idea I’m doing so. 

So anyway, I just wanted to make the distinction between remixing and outright fraud. I’d like to think of myself as a collaborator, if it’s not too lofty and indeed it would be cool to actually collaborate on some videos with creators such as yourself. 

And while it must be frustrating to have your stuff let out into the wild, it’s also how I discovered your work. There’s a saying, perhaps you’ve heard it, I think everyone who deals with the internet and copyright issues has by now: if you can’t beat em, join em. How you would join em is open to interpretation but watermarking your videos would be a start. Finding ways to incentivise purchase, knowing damn well people will steal. Maybe even encourage people to make mashups like I’m doing. 

I wish i could cite examples but I think many artists have had to deal with this issue and the approach is usually to bring the audience, the offenders even, onside. Punitive actions just don’t work, as you’re discovering. 

 Heres some more tl;dr which is bound to make me unpopular but I mean it with the best of intentions.

When I complain people take me seriously because I’m terribly underprivileged and I have a fucktonne of street cred. When Knave was complaining it was really hard to empathise because he’s a guy with seemingly endless privilege and the tone was whiny middle class entitlement. 

Its all well and good for people here who like you to empathise and agree but it’s not going to solve your problems, it might even make them worse. You won’t get any sympathy by sounding entitled and condescending. It just makes bad people feel justified and enjoy trolling you. As you yourself said, it’s done out of spite. So the uploaded is enjoying you posting diatribes here. It’s part of the game. He’s trolling you and you’re responding, he w acts t make you triggered and as the yanks say ‘live rent free in your head’. 

Here endeth the diatribe. No one ever likes my advice on the internet but in real life people take me very seriously cos I’m pretty much always right. Or at least if I’m not I will admit it cos i care solely about finding the truth and the solution. I hope you’ll consider what I’ve said and try to find your own solutions. 

Comment by Soulfire on July 22, 2019 at 5:20pm

@Joe | Violet

That Pornhub guy is at it again.

Comment by Buckled on July 19, 2019 at 1:43am

I had a youtube channel and would post clips with some public material (just to share and get my fellow fetishists OFF) and many with my own private material. 

Never tried to make a dime off my own stuff, but it was that stuff that fuckheads would flag and eventually got my channel shut down.   Had a lot of great subscribers but profit was never sought, gained or ever a motive.  Getting fellow fans of BB OFF was.  Can never win with something as grand and wide reaching as the Internet.   Salute though to all the creators, sharers and promoters of this great and universal fetish.  

Comment by Joe | Violet on July 17, 2019 at 3:53am

@John P: I should start doing the same. If I see any video that isn't meant to be reposted I'll flag it, and join the fight alongside amateur creators.
@Tim Bowens: I did flag his account, and I sent PornHub an email saying I was being technically harassed by an individual literally uploading our videos out of spite. An IP ban sound so glorious and almost too good to be true if they could do it. He hasn't uploaded anything today but I'll always keep my eye out. No matter what i'll always keep fighting and it helps knowing that there are still good people in this community. It's infuriating and a little funny that he's getting pissed off that I keep flagging videos he didn't even make.

Comment by Tim Bowens on July 17, 2019 at 3:12am

@Joe | Violet  you know if it’s the same dirt bag you might be able to just get his account terminated. Do you have an avenue to community with an admin or even the site owners. If a certain account repeatedly uploads copyrighted material sites usually terminate the offending account so they don’t get dragged into any legal battles if you decide to go that route. 

Hopefully they IP ban him.  Obviously that’s easily bearable but most idiots typically give up after a couple of times. Something else catches their attention. 

Im not saying that’s how it’ll go but it’s an outlet for you to explore. 

Comment by John P on July 16, 2019 at 4:32pm

I always make it a point to flag videos I know originated from a user here

Comment by Joe | Violet on July 16, 2019 at 3:05pm

@Katie I know, it's from a specific user that is literally uploading our content on purpose even though I've asked him nicely to take our stuff down. I keep having to remove them everyday which honestly sucks. I emailed PornHub and hopefully the staff can do something about his account.

Comment by Katie Hoffman on July 16, 2019 at 1:27pm
Theres another one on pornhub...
Comment by Joe | Violet on July 16, 2019 at 2:40am

@Dustin: I honestly was so excited seeing new content creators and you two showed so much promise. Honestly a breath of fresh air! But I completely understand where you're coming from. Ballbusting is such an amazing fetish and it's so small and niche it's a miracle when people like you guys start posting videos. It doesn't help that ballbusting is so taboo. My heart goes out to you and Annie, seriously thank you for what you were able to put out.
@Wutcha: That's honestly such a good idea. It's a start, but some people are so desperate they will probably end up finding a way to get those videos downloaded and reposted. Sad place the internet can be smh.
@Ted: Seriously man thank you so much for your words. That means more to us than you can imagine when someone even remotely considers us "the best" to them. I get where you're coming from too, and I respect the choice to remain anonymous. I'll keep fighting the good fight and hopefully that can inspire and give courage to those who are interested in starting up. We all gotta stick together.
@ryandenn: Thank you for having a watchful eye, I'm on KITG as much as possible and my inbox is always open if you find links that i can take care of. Violet and I have been verifed (represented by  a blue check mark icon by our username) on PornHub so anything on any other user isn't us. We'll stay vigilant and keep creating content because ballbusting is honestly such a big part of my life and fans like you are what keeps my mind in tact when I'm going crazy with all this internet bullshit lmao.


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