This is a video by Jenna Turtles, "He Wanted Me To Kick Him In The Balls | Tinder Story Time".

This guy who messaged her on Tinder is a real creep, and gives the BB community a very bad name. Please don't do stuff like this to other girls. :(

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Comment by Tim Bowens on July 13, 2019 at 2:56am

Some guys just don’t get it and/or just don’t care. Although i suspect guys like this actually get off on creeping her out/scaring her. A fucking asshole started PM’ing my wife on Instagram about 6 months ago. He kept saying pretty normal stuff and of course she wanted to be nice and finally acknowledged him. He sent a couple more messages and asked her why I didn’t mind that she was messaging him.  

She told him I didn’t care. And I didn’t. But he didn’t get the clue. I don’t care because I’m not one of those guys who tells my wife what she can and can’t wear. What makeup she can and can’t use, and I don’t check her private messages. She shows me everything. 

He thought I didn’t care if he took my wife out on a date and had sex with her! Lol. The dummy. He didn’t get that I didn’t care because he wasn’t getting anywhere with her. Nowhere. He was wasting his time. He tried telling her he was a pro baseball player a couple years ago. He was married but snuck around cheating on his wife. 

Then the dick and ass pics started. So she told him to stop messaging her. She told him again to stop. 

Oh, I forgot to mention he says he saw her where we both work out. He says he works out there too. He said he never said hi in person because of me. I’m 6’9” and 280(ish). Or at least that’s what I am when I lift. When I get lazy and stop I go down to 250. 

Anyway he gets ets real nasty with her, taunts and everything else. So finally I told him that if he didn’t get lost I’d post all of the pics he sent of his small ass dick and I’d tag all of his friends. I’m sure his wife would find out too. 

Wife blocked him him and never heard from him again. 

Comment by Richard on July 12, 2019 at 7:09pm

It is way better to go to the strip club and ask a stripper for this stuff

Comment by dave j on July 12, 2019 at 5:50pm

Why would she reply after the first weird message?

Comment by Missy Gero on November 12, 2017 at 11:34pm

This video is 25 minutes long. Is there a tl;dnr?

Sorry, that was the first video I posted. I didn't know how it would display.

Here are some of the highlights:

= = = = =

First, it starts with the creepy Tinder messages:

= = = = =

Creep: "Hello. :)

I want to get kicked in the balls with a pair of spiked heels. Can you help me out with that? ;)

I wanna bleed baby. ;)"

Creep: "Wouldn't it be fun? ;)

I wanna get shackled up and blindfolded with an elastic band strapped around them for better precision.

;) I wanna make them bleed. ;)"

Girl: "Wouldn't that cut off circulation?"

Creep: "Oooo, that's what I want. ;)"

* * *

Creep: "Oooo, what about needles? Would you want to shove some of those in there before you kick them? ;)"

* * *

He then brings up castration and all this other extremely creepy (or at least things on the extreme BB spectrum) with her. To a girl he doesn't know, never met, and isn't into that.

= = = = =

Then about a year after she deletes Tinder and stops communicating with this guy, he commented on one of her old Facebook posts.

She decided, probably very poorly, to just message this guy and say a normal:

"Hey, how are you?"

* * *

Creep: "I'm doing all right. My balls say hello by the way. ;) They miss you."

* * *

and on and on.

Comment by bustmynuts on November 11, 2017 at 10:11pm
Comment by None on November 11, 2017 at 7:36pm
This video is 25 minutes long. Is there a tl;dnr?
Comment by Jared on November 11, 2017 at 3:04pm

This was painful to watch and not in a good way.

While she was nice and didn't; I thought she had every right to name the guy because of the platform he choose to message her with that stuff.


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