Three freshmen guys on the university's soccer team experience a unique round of hazing at the hands of three women players...

Hazing the Soccer Squad

Getting hazed and/or hazing the incoming freshmen was still an important tradition for both the men’s and women’s soccer team. The school’s official stance was that it was not to be tolerated, but everyone knew that both coaches turned a blind eye. The Men’s coach, Mr. Miller, and the Women’s coach, Ms. Welch, had each been players themselves at one time and had made it understood so long as no laws were broken and no one was at risk of being permanently hurt, then the coaches wouldn’t stop anything. In fact, in an effort to help build up team morale, the hazing was done across teams. That meant that the seniors on the men’s team would haze the incoming women, and the seniors on the women’s team would haze the incoming men. It kept the freshmen from forming any ill-will toward the seniors on their own team while still allowing the seniors to enjoy the time-honored tradition of being mean to people younger than yourself.

This year, the seniors on the women’s squad were Ashley, Danielle, and Melissa. A few minutes before their unsuspecting freshmen targets were scheduled to arrive for evening practice, the girls started scheming about what to do.

“Ok. Do you remember when we were freshman and Rick Percy made us rub icy hot on our breasts?” asked Ashley.

“Yeah,” grumbled Danielle. “It burned so bad and we weren’t allowed to rinse off until we took off our tops. It was humiliating!”

“Right!? Well, this year, Rick’s younger brother Nate is a freshman and I’d really like to get them back” proclaimed Ashley.

Melissa got excited. “Oh, totally! So, like, what? Make them rub icy hot on themselves?”

“Better” explained Ashley, “we’re gonna play last-man standing Wall-Ball. And we’ll have special prizes for the loser and runner-up.” The girls laughed together but quickly hid their joy as the three freshmen men came around the corner and coolly approached them.

Nate was a tall, powerful center midfielder and he was flanked by Drew, the young backup-goalkeeper, and Phil, a small but nimble forward. Nate’s older brother was a bit of a legend at the school which meant that Nate always acted a bit too cocky because of his family name.

“Hey, Ashely,” Nate said as he and his friends walked up. “Can we get this over quickly, I don’t want to be too late for practice.”

“Definitely. I heard the guys last year had to eat some really hot hot-sauce or something. Same thing this year, ladies?” asked Drew.

Danielle smiled at the young men. “Oh, boys. That’s silly. Nothing like that. We’re just gonna play a little Wall-Ball.”

“Wall-Ball” said Phil. “Like where we line up against the wall and you kick soccer balls at our ass? Sure, that’s fine. Let’s get it over with.”

“Well, not quite.” Melissa chirped.

“As Melissa said, ‘not quite.’ You’re going to line up facing us with your hands behind your back and we’ll kick soccer balls at you. You can quit at anytime, but we’re going to do a last-man-standing version of the games. There will be a punishment for the two losers and a prize for the winner” explained Ashley. “Ok, now line up.”

The boys briefly exchanged glances before Nate shrugged and took his position against the wall. Drew and Phil stood off to the side, waiting for their turns against the wall. Ashley lined up only a few yards in front of Nate and placed her ball down, preparing to take her shot.

“Hey! That’s way too close!” exclaimed Nate.

“Too bad, frosh!” Ashley yelled as she ran up and kicked the ball full-force. It screamed off her foot and slammed into Nate’s midsection while also catching a bit of his dick. Nate yelped a little while jumping up and down to relieve the sting. Both Drew and Phil started to get extremely nervous. Phil was up next and it was Melissa’s turn to kick. She was a goal-scoring striker, just like Phil, and could place her shot with as much force and accuracy as anyone on either team.

 Melissa set down the ball, eyeing her target. “You know I’ve got the scoring record, right Philly?” cooed Melissa. Before Phil could answer, Melissa blasted the ball as hard as she could. In an instant, the well-struck ball quickly struck Phil’s balls.  He felt his poor nuts smash under the rocket-shot and he dropped to his knees, coughing. It stung more than anything at first, but the stinging pain in his sac soon morphed into the agonizing torture that comes from a hard hit to the crotch. Phil cradled his balls with both hands as he lay on the ground, looking up at Melissa with hurting, sad eyes.

“Awe, he looks like a little sad puppy!” Melissa said, as she bent over inspecting the guy she’d nailed. “Do we really have to punish him for going down first? That seems almost too mean.”

Ashley rolled her eyes. “For someone who kicked that hard, I’m surprise you’re taking sympathy now. Ha, well, fine. You don’t have to punish him, but he’s still getting punished. Danielle, would you hold him and help give me access for a second?”

“Wai…ugghn” groaned Phil as Danielle walked over to him, rolled him onto his back, and yanked down the front of his soccer shorts. His whole package was an angry pink. Before Danielle could tease him about his situation, Ashley slapped her hand onto his sack. It was covered in an off-white cream that she roughly massaged over the area before pulling his sorts back up.

“What the fuck was that? What’d you do to him?” yelled Nate.

“Hahaha, maybe you should ask your brother about that? He’s a big fan of Icy Hot too.  Did you hear that, Phil? You fell first, so that’s your punishment. You’ve got to keep that stuff on your junk until the contest is over. If you try to wipe it off before then, we won’t be so nice” scolded Ashley.

Drew had been watching in horror. It was his turn next and he was not looking forward to the prospect of a soccerball hitting his nuts or the cruel Icy Hot punishment if he fell. Concerned, he spoke up “S..s..sssoo. If we fall, you’re going to put Icy Hot on us until the last guy falls?”

Danielle laughed, “Of course not! That was the punishment if you got last place. We have something different planned if you get runner-up. And if you’re man enough to win the game, well…”

“You get to spend some alone time with Ms. Welch!” Melissa squealed delightedly.

“Spoiler!” chuckled Ashley. “But we’re not there yet. We’ve still gotta figure out the runner up. And it’s Drews turn right now. Enough wasting time. Stand up against the wall and spread ‘em, Drew!”

Drew put his back against the wall and watched Danielle place the ball for her shot. He smiled to himself- not only was Danielle gorgeous, but she was also a defender and was a pretty horrible shot. He doubted she’d be accurate enough to get his balls. Hell, she might even miss him completely. There was a good chance he’d be able to win this stupid game. Drew’s mind wandered to thoughts of spending some alone time with Ms. Welch as he watched Danielle bend over and adjust the ball on the ground. She had an amazing ass!

Danielle finished adjusting the ball and looked back at Drew. “Hey, that’s not quite right. You need to stand more like this…” Danielle said as she approached him. Danielle made some minor adjustment’s to Drew’s shirt and grabbed his hands to help reposition them on his head. Danielle looked into Drew’s eyes and smiled. Drew’s heart fluttered as he melted into the beautiful pools of Danielle’s eyes and felt her soft hand on his. Enamored, he failed to notice as she brought her leg back behind her and kicked out. Her foot smashed directly into his balls, her eyes never once looking away from his. Drew yelled and clutched at his battered nuts, falling to the ground in tears.

“Hahahahaha. Oh, Danielle. You never could shoot to save your life, but damn, can you kick!” laughed Ms. Welch as she stepped toward the group. She’d been watching from a nearby alcove, enjoying the whole show. “So, I guess you still have to give Drew his punishment for being runner-up? And then I get my time with Nate?”

“Yeah, that’s right Ms. Welch” the girls responded.

Nate was grinning as the sexy coach approached. “Are you sure you can handle me, Ms. Welch?”

“Oh, of course I can you silly boy. I’m just wondering if you can handle me…” Ms. Welch asked mischievously. “Why don’t you come with me and we’ll let the girls take care of your friends.” Ms. Welch grabbed Nate’s hand and led him away.

Once the two were out of ear shot, the girls burst out laughing. Danielle looked down at Drew who was finally sitting up, “Man, your friend Nate is an idiot. Ms. Welch isn’t going to fuck him. She’s going to fuck him up! Anyway, it looks like you’re doing a bit better. Well, let’s get on with giving you your punishment so poor Phil over there can get cleaned up.”

Phil was squirming in pain, rubbing himself through his shorts in a vain attempt to wipe away the cream that had long since been absorbed into his sack. Drew looked over at him and then looked up at the three pretty faces smiling down at him, not knowing what would happen next. “Ok, I’m ready…”



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I don't usually share my stories, as they're often written for a specific person or based on a request or chat.  I'm not sure if I'm going to continue writing/sharing, so if people like these or have comments, please let me know.  Any feedback is welcome. Thanks all!

Really enjoyed the story :)

Great story, would love to see it continued

Great story , hope there is a part two

Very nice story. I hope you continue sharing.

I hope Dominic J continues the story too.

And soccer girls make the story so much better. :)



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