This is a sequal to sister’s awakening, brother’s nightmare. 


Jen felt a stinging sensation in her nose. She was stunned for a moment. She saw another fist fly at her. Instinctively she ducked. He missed her face that time. She quickly adjusted her stance and moved backwards. He was a head taller than her. She couldn’t help but be scared as he wound up for another  punch. 

Jen put into practice everything she had learned. When his fist came forward again, she moved to the side, grabbed his arm and used his momentum to throw him off balance. She then gave him a side knee to the ribs and then a punch to the face. This time it was his turn to stand there dazed. 

His eyes were wide as he looked around to get his bearings. His stance was wide as he was trying to keep his balance. 

Jen’s karate training was clear on this. Time to put her opponent out of commission. She wound her leg backwards as far as she could, and concentrating all of her strength into her right leg, she flung it forward as hard as she could. 

The top of her foot sailed into the middle of the V shape made by his legs. The white cloth of his karate outfit bunched up as her foot pushed easily past it and onto her target. 

“Thwap.” Came a loud noise that echoed across the dojo. Jen felt a sharp pain in the top of her foot as her foot met hard plastic. She could feel the plastic bend inwards though as the force of her kick lifted her large male opponent off of his legs. She couldn’t help but thrust her leg forward as high as she could, despite the pain, hoping to get her foot through the cup and to the soft target underneath. 

As her foot came down, her opponent immediately fell to his knees. His hands went to his crotch and he looked up at her with this confused and dazed look. He felt around his crotch, as if to check that his balls were still there. Jen was surprised to see pain in his eyes. He looked surprised by the pain too. 

She could see him fighting it, but inch by inch, he slouched forward. He started groaning and then fully went into a fetal position. 

Jen stood there surprised by the whole situation, not knowing what to think. She felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up, startled. 

“Nice one!”

It was her friend Kate. She had a wide smile on her face. She patted Jen on the back. Other groups around her had stopped their sparring to see what was happening. Jen blushed at the attention. 

Emily, the dojo sensei, came over. Despite being in her late ‘30s and herself a mother, Jen had the feeling like being in elementary school at the principal’s office, like she was about to get into trouble. 

“He has a cup on,” she said defensively, pointing down at her opponent, who was rocking back and forth and still making pathetic wimpering sounds. 

“It’s alright,” said Emily. “The cup isn’t a 100% guarantee that he’s not going to feel any pain. With a hard enough kick, it’s possible that enough pressure can be exerted to still make contact with the balls. And probably the vibration from the cup itself transmitted a certain amount of force.”

Emily saw Jen’s worried look and smiled. “Hey, you did what you had to do. You did what you were taught. You defended yourself. And beat your opponent.”

Cheers erupted from the growing number of other women that were huddling around the scene. “That’s right!” Said Kate. “You got him good girlfriend.”

“You did indeed,” said Emily. “He’s lucky this was just a sparring match and that he was wearing a cup. If this were real life and he wasn’t wearing a cup, and if you had shoes on, well, I think you could easily have ruptured both of his testicles.”

Kate whispered into her ear, “Oh well, too bad, maybe next time.” She winked. 

Jen playfully pushed her friend away. “Oh come on, you’re terrible.” 

Jen couldn’t help but continuing to think about the incident for the rest of the day. What was bothering her about it? She had this nagging sense of guilt. But why?

The next evening, the usual gang of friends came over for their book/movie night. There was Kate, with her daughter Hailey. Hailey and Sarah had been best friends for a while, and Kate and Jen had also become friends. Then Kate invited Jen to a book club with a group of ladies about 6 months back, and since then they had all become quite close. The theme of the book club was women’s empowerment. They worked their way through a number of books focused on dissecting the patriarchal power structures of society and discussed how they could empower themselves as women and their daughters. They also all joined karate, which is what they had been doing the night before.

“Hey Ms. G, heard you got a guy really good, right where it counts!” Said Hailey, laughing, as she entered the door. 

“You heard about that?”

“Oh yeah. Of course! Mom and I had a great laugh talking about it!”

Kate giggled. “Well, maybe just a little.”

Sarah was waiting by the door to greet her best friend. Her eyes went wide. “Really mom? You kicked a guy in the nuts!? But you’ve always told me never to do that!”

“Well it was karate honey. It was self defence.”

Sarah didn’t looked convinced. She leered over at her brother, who was hanging back from the conversation, standing awkwardly in the corner. Jen could tell he was uncomfortable about the topic of conversation. 

“Hear that Dougy?” You better not try anything, or maybe I’ll have to do some self defence of my own!” Feeling very uncomfortable, Doug left and went to his room. 

The group of women sat around the living room and were on their second round of drinks. They had caught up with one another and shared the latest round of gossip. Jen was embarrassed that a major topic of conversation was her recent kicking of a guy in the groin. 

“How’s the foot?” Kate asked jokingly. 

“Actually, it’s a bit bruised on the top.” Said Jen. It actually did hurt quite a bit. 

“Stupid cups,” another woman chimed in. “They ruin all the fun!”

All the ladies laughed heartedly. 

“I suppose it would be hard to get men to come to the class voluntarily if they didn’t let them wear cups. Either that, or they wouldn’t be men for very long!”

They laughed again. Jen couldn’t help but laugh, even though she felt naughty for doing so. 

“That brings us to our movie for tonight,” Said Kate, sounding more serious now. “It’s a documentary by avant-garde filmmaker Beth Walker. Unfortunately, it has received no support from the mainstream movie industry, which is typical, given that it’s ruled by our patriarchal system.

It’s called ‘Breaking the Family Jewels.”

There was a murmur if excitement from the ladies. They had all heard about it. It was a very controversial movie. Hailey and Sarah gleamed as they also joined the ladies to watch the movie. Kate had insisted. 

The movie opened with two large, shiny jewels filling the screen. They glittered in the light as the camera moved slowly out. A woman’s narrating voice began speaking. 

“The family jewels. Every girl learns growing up that her brother, cousin, classmate, has something that she doesn’t have. And no matter how smart, talented, or amazing she is, she’ll never have them. She can be an Olympic gold metallist...” the screen focused on the strong legs of an Olympic gymnast as she vaulted, to the cheers of thousands. “She can go to space. She can do any number of amazing things, but she’ll never have the family jewels. That is, unless she finds herself a man and marries in order to get some jewels of her own.”

“This is how our patriarchal system works ladies.” The diamonds still glittered in front of the camera, but now the narrator could be seen too, dangling them in her hand. “In this simple expression - used and known by all people in the world - we are summarizing an attitude that subjugates women.”

“And not only that. War. Violence. Crime.” Scenes of horrible violence filled the screen. “These all stem from these little jewels.”

The movie went on to develop the theory that testosterone in males is the primary cause of most of the world’s problems. It really wasn’t a hard case to make, thought Jen. It all made so much sense when someone actually just laid it out factually. Testosterone, the drive for sex and power, it’s what drove men to do terrible things. 

“But what if things could be different?” Asked the narrator. “Well, we don’t have to imagine it. History is full of examples that prove that societies are better off when they break the family jewels.”

The movie delved into the story of the Amazons, the ancient group of warrior women, who defeated their male opponents and built a successful society that lasted hundreds of years. Historians were interviewed who pieced together the archaeological and written records. It made the case that the Amazons reproduced using selected males for reproduction, and all other men in their society were castrated. Castration ceremonies would be done after they won a battle, and would be done annually. When males reached a certain age of maturity, it would be decided if they would be breeding stock or not. If not, then they would be castrated in a large and public annual ceremony. Jen was shocked to learn that castration didn’t have to just mean the cutting off of the male genitalia. 

“Based on our best evidence,” Said one researcher, “the Amazons typically preferred to crush the testicles in order to turn the man into a eunuch. This was more practical, as cutting could have easily led to infection and then death. Whereas if you crushed them, it’s possible that the body would naturally get rid of the... uh, remnants...” all the ladies in the room laughed. “...All the nutmeat, for lack of a better word, would naturally dissolve over time. And if it didn’t, or there were signs of infection, then a small incision could be made and the contents could easily be squeezed out, and then the sack could be sown back up.”

The narrator asked, “Wouldn’t this process have been extremely painful?”

“Oh, without a doubt, it would have been the most excruciating thing a man could ever feel. It certainly would have made him wish he were born a woman!” Said the researcher, breaking into laughter with the narrator. 

The movie went on to cover other ancient societies and their use of eunuchs. It made the case that eunuchs were not created as some sort of punishment, although sometimes it was the case, but they actually had a very useful role for society. China’s prosperity for thousands of years was due in large part to its use of eunuchs. What was missing, argued the film, was the additional step of putting women in charge. If most men were made into eunuchs, and only women were allowed into positions of authority, there would be a ying and yang balance that would lead to harmony. 

“But we don’t only need to look to the past. There is evidence in our modern society.” Said the narrator. 

The film covered a research study group of castrated males over a period of two years. The men all had different ways they had become eunuchs. The movie covered each story. Some were accidents - a motorcycle crash, a skate boarder, a man who fell from his roof and directly onto his fence. With one leg on either side of the fence, the fence broke his fall - and his balls. The movie did a dramatization of each castration and the ladies laughed it up. 

Particularly amazing, though, were the non-accidental castrations. One guy admitted to touching a woman inappropriately at a bar, and she turned around and kneed him so hard that she immediately exploded his left nut. 

“I heard this popping sound,” the guy said. “And I couldn’t believe it was coming from between my legs.” The ladies in the room all laughed really loud and cat called. Jen smiled but was surprised at their casual reactions to a guy losing a testicle. 

“I know she heard it too,” the guy continued. “Her knee was still between my leg, and I know she could feel she had popped it.”

“How do you know?” Asked the narrator. 

“Believe me, she had this wicked smile on her face. She knew. And she knew she had me beat. When she released her knee, all I wanted to do was crumble to the floor. But she pushed my shoulders up against the wall. And she kneed me again, and then again, and over and over...” The man was sobbing now as he recounted his own castration for a worldwide audience. “I lost count. I just remember wishing, “God, make this stop.” And then came a crunch sound. And the worst pain of my life. And at that moment, my life changed forever.”

The movie made clear that a court had found the woman not guilty of any crime, as she had acted in self defence. The man was pleading his case to the world, in the hopes they would see that she had went beyond self defence. That she had intentionally castrated him when she didn’t have to. Little did he know that the audience of his film could have cared less. They all would have done exactly the same thing to him. 

Jen shifted uncomfortably as all the women, including her own daughter, laughed. Would she have castrated that man? She just didn’t know. 

The next intentional castration was of a random, completely innocent guy just walking down the street. He was just minding his own business, walking on the sidewalk, when a tall blond woman wearing sunglasses, a mini skirt, and big, large leather boots was walking the other direction. 

“Out of nowhere, I see this blur as her leg shoots up towards me. I have no idea what is happening. Then I’m completely lifted off the ground. And I look down and realize that her boot is lodged between my legs. There was this sickening sound.”

“Can you describe it?” Asked the narrator. 

“I don’t know... it was like a “squick” sound.” 

“Oh my God, I’m gonna be sick,” Said the man, as he moved his head off screen and threw up. Just the memory of both of his nuts exploding at the same time was enough to make him sick. After he finished vomiting, the camera panned out as he lay on the ground shivering, re-living his traumatic ordeal. 

“Wow, she clearly did a number on you,” Said the narrator. 

The woman who kicked him was never found. 

Jen couldn’t help but feel bad for the guy, although technically he wasn’t a guy anymore. A woman in her group though said “Meh, I’m sure he did something in his life to deserve it! And if not, too bad!” The women all laughed again. 

The movie went on to cover the lives of the men after their castrations. It showed that after two years, all of their lives had turned around. They were doing better in all areas of their lives. Interviews with their female relatives, friends, coworkers found that they were much more sensitive and they contributed well to the successes of their families, teams, companies, etc. Although without their testosterone, they tended to shy away from male-dominated environments and they did better working with females. 

“Ok, but you’re probably asking yourself, how practical is this? It’s not like we can just castrate all - or most men. Right?” She winked at the screen. 

“There are a number of ways society could organize itself around that method,” said a sociologist. “Standardized tests, meeting a number of various physical criteria, behavioural tests, a number of ways could be used to determine which males would be castrated.”

And how would it be carried out? Asked the narrator. Who would do it?

The video showed clips of three different female researchers as they laughed at the question. “Well, I don’t think that would be a problem. There would certainly be no shortage of women willing to carry out the sentence.” The women in the room all yelled and laughed. 

“Sign me up!” They said

“You could have a lottery... you could award the right to castrate to women who have excelled in certain areas, such as on standardized tests... or you could give the right to decide to the nearest female relative of the male.”

“Oh, imagine that!” Said Hailey to Sarah. “You could order the execution of your brother’s balls!” The two girls laughed hysterically. 

Jen was taken aback. Imagine she or her daughter were put in a position where she had to decide who would castrate her own son?

“Ok, but pending some tidal wave in progressive feminists being elected to Congress and changing the laws, this system isn’t something we’re going to see overnight.” Said the narrator. 

“So does that mean we just give up?” 

“No!” Yelled the women. 

The video went to a female biologist. “Well, let’s not forget just how painful a kick to the balls is. Short of more extreme measures, even just a simple kick will cause debilitating pain that can cause a man to think twice about his behaviour.”

The movie went on to explain what happens from even minor impact with the testicles. The number of nerve endings, the coursing of pain through the abdomen, the spasm of muscles. 

“There was this researcher named Pavlov, and he found a simple but effective way to control behaviour,” said the narrator. The movie explained how repeated and regular kicks, hits, squeezes to the gonads could dramatically reshape a male’s personality and his behaviour. 

“Every woman watching this video can recall a time when she dramatically changed a male’s behaviour by kicking him in the balls. Think of that schoolyard bully who was convinced to stop harassing you after your sneaker met his balls. Or the guy who’s unwanted attention led to him writhing on the floor. And if he saw you again, he crossed the street.”

All the women laughed as they remembered their own ballbusting experiences. Jen was guilty to admit that she fondly remembered just such a time from when she was younger. 

As the film concluded, it laid out the type of male behaviour that should lead to “corrective” action. There were the obvious: violence, unwanted sexual attention. But it also laid out others. Male consumption of pornography, especially if degrading to women, should be punished. A male questioning the opinion of a woman, should be punished. The film even advocated for random kicks to the balls, done for no reason other than female enjoyment and to remind the male of his place. 

The film panned onto the diamonds from the beginning of the film. “In this film, we’ve seen what a ridiculous notion are the ‘family jewels’. Rather than being the strong, solid foundation of society. They are a weak facade on which patriarchy bases its power. And you know what ladies? Just like the myth of the family jewels is not real, neither are these diamonds. These are just cheap knock offs.”

With dramatic effect, she placed the two fake diamonds on the hardwood floor. Her beautiful legs and high heels entered the shot. The stiletto heels of her black heels positioned themselves over the fake diamonds.

“Crush them! Crush them!” Yelled the women. 

All of the weight of the stillettos came down onto the diamonds. Everyone held their breath. One second. Two seconds... then CRUSH. The left diamond exploded outward. One second, two seconds later... then the right one exploded. The stiletto heels ground into the remnants of the diamonds. Methodically crushing all their little bits into a fine dust. 

The movie ended.

The women all clapped. Then they discussed the movie. It was clear to Jen that they were all in strong agreement with it. 

“The question is how we start implementing this in our daily lives,” said Kate. 

The women all agreed. 

“Well most men are so embarrassed when they get kicked in the balls that they’re unlikely to report it,” said one of the women. The others nodded. 

“And if they want to, you just make it clear that they won’t be men for much longer if they do!” Said Kate. 

Jen was clearly reluctant. But as they talked through all of the arguments in the movie, she had to admit she agreed with all of them. She just wasn’t entirely comfortable yet. 

“How did it feel when you busted that guy in karate?” Asked Kate. 

“Pretty damn awesome!” Jen had to admit. They all laughed. 

Sarah and Hailey looked at each other and had a great idea. They disappeared from the room and went upstairs. A minute later, Jen heard a loud commotion, and then a bunch of feet stampeding down the stairs. There was Doug being shoved into the room by Hailey and Sarah. 

“Wha... what?” Asked Doug. “I wasn’t doing anything!”

“Yeah right!” Said Sarah. She displayed Doug’s laptop for all the room to see. They gasped. 

Doug had been watching some pretty hard core pornography. Jen was disgusted. She had to look away. She was also so embarrassed.

She composed herself and approached Doug. “How could you? That kind of smut? It’s so degrading to women! Do you really think so little of women? Of all of us?” She pointed to all the room. “You think so little of me?”

Doug stammered but didn’t know what to say. He was embarrassed beyond words. 

“I know for a fact that creepy little Dougy watches this stuff all the time. Just look at his search history.”

His search history was full of smut. 

Jen became enraged. 

“Well,” Said Kate, stepping forward. “I think this is a perfect way to start putting our new manifesto into action.”

Sarah and Hailey gleamed at eachother. 

“What do you mean?” Asked Jen.

“Well, he’s clearly broken the rules. And it’s clear what needs to happen next. We need to alter his behaviour.”

Jen stood for a minute pondering. She concluded that her friend was right. “You’re right, I don’t see any other way.” She looked at Doug. 

Doug backed away and put his hands up defensively. He didn’t know what was going on but he knew it was no good for him. 

“Look,” Said Sarah. “I have proof that kicking Doug in the balls will work. Look at his search history. You see this week-long gap of almost no usage about three weeks ago? Well, that was right after I kicked Doug in the balls. Really hard.” She winked and smiled at her brother. “Remember that brother?”

Doug’s hands instinctively went to his crotch. Jen was taken aback. “You did what?” But she realized she wasn’t angry. Not like she would have been. In fact now she was proud of her daughter. 

“Hmm... seems you were only doing what I should have done a long time ago. I’m sorry I didn’t honey.” She said to her daughter. 

“It’s alright mom! We can make up for lost time.” 

“We sure can.” 

“Doug, spread your legs.” Doug looked horrified at his mother. 

“Spread your legs NOW,” she said, taking a step forward. 

Doug complied and stood spread eagled in front of the room of women. 

Jen looked around. Should she kick him? Should someone else?

Sarah saw what she was thinking and jumped forward. “Mom, I know for a fact that Doug has a gross obsession with Hailey. He’s probably thinking about her when he watches those degrading videos.”

All the women made sounds of disgust. Jen nodded. “Well it only seems fair that a victim of a crime get justice, no?”

Hailey giggled and screamed with excitement. “Thanks Ms. G!”

“Oh wait, let me go get some shoes on!” Her and Sarah disappeared up into Sarah’s room. 

Doug stood there awkwardly, still standing with his legs apart, head down, as the group of women laughed and chatted about his coming ball punishment. 

“You’re doing the right thing!” A few of them said to Jen. 

“This is what’s best for him.”

“All men should be punished like this. Society will be better for it. Your family will be better for it!”

Jen had to admit that, not only did she feel right about her course of action, but she felt a sense of excitement. It brought her back to her youth, when she was just about to or had just seen a guy get kicked in the balls. 

Hailey and Sarah came back down. There was a hard clattering on the hard wood from Hailey’s heavy black boots. 

“Ooh,” Said the women, laughing. “Poor Dougy!”

Jen couldn’t help but laugh. Doug was sure going to get it good. 

Hailey stood in front of Doug, who’s face went white and his eyes wide with terror. 

“Look in the bright side Dougy, I’m finally gonna touch your manbits!” They all laughed. 

“No, no, please.” Doug backed away and looked around pleadingly. His eyes rested on Jen’s. “Mom, please no!”

Jen nodded to Sarah, who went behind her brother and grabbed both of his arms. She put her knee up against his back, shoving his legs apart and his pelvis forward. He was too scared and weak to put up a fight. He started crying. 

“No, Dougy, the crying comes AFTER she kicks you. Gah, you can’t do anything right brother.” She taunted him.

Hailey’s face was focused now. Her eyes focused downwards,  between Doug’s legs. Doug knew this moment well. He remembered that same look right before his sister unleashed a hell of pain on him. All of his muscles tended up. He couldn’t breathe.

Hailey’s right leg sailed upwards. The whole room held their breath. The black boot made a loud SMACK sound as it smashed up between Doug’s legs. The force of the kick knocked him clear off the ground and off of his feet. Sarah was still holding his arms though. He fell painfully onto his knees, but Sarah wouldn’t let him collapse into the fetal position. Instead, she pulled him back slightly so his face showed upward to the entire room. He couldn’t hide his agony. He wasn’t even allowed to suffer his pain how he wanted. All his hands wanted to do was to cup his balls, to feel them, to see if they were still there. Instead, as the pain coursed through his body, his face convulsed with pain, all of the women got to watch the show. 

So many things were going through Jen’s mind. That had been a hard kick with a very hard and very heavy boot. Had her son’s nuts just been obliterated? She imagined that not even he knew the answer to that. But then she realized she didn’t care. She thought she would feel some strong emotion of fear or sadness for him, but she didn’t. They were just his balls. It wasn’t like he was dying. And so what if his nuts were mush? Wouldn’t he actually be the better for it?

Jen could feel a power coursing through her. And then an overwhelming sense of joy and satisfaction. 

Hailey was admiring her work. She knew she had hit the mark perfectly. She wanted to jump with excitement. But she didn’t quite know how to react. How would Ms. G react at her giggling with excitement as her son writhed in unimaginable pain? 

The other women in the room too were also looking to Jen for their cue on how to react. 

Jen and Doug locked eyes. He looked so sad and pathetic. His eyes were begging for mercy as the pain continued to build through his abdomen. He wanted his mom to stop the pain, to do something, anything for him. 

Jen looked up at her daughter Sarah, who was still holding Doug up. Mother and daughter had always had a deep connection, and they knew what one another were thinking. Slowly, a broad smile crept to Sarah’s face, and then to Jen’s. Then Jen couldn’t control it any longer and she started laughing out loud. Relieved, all of the other women joined in. 

Sarah let go of Doug and he was finally allowed to collapse to the ground, his hands going to check his balls. 

“Are they still there Dougy?” Sarah taunted her brother. 

“I can check for you.” Said Hailey, laughing. 

Hailey bounced up and down with glee as the laughter filled the room. Doug started writhing across the floor and shaking. This only made them all laugh even harder. Jen thought she might soon be laughing so hard she would be on the ground too. 

Minutes passed. Minutes of pure joy and glee for the women. And of utter torment for Doug. 

If Doug only knew what the future had in store for him, he would have wished that both of his nuts had been turned to mush that night. 


Series to be continued. Maybe... if there’s interest. 

Note: All characters are 18+

Views: 1234

Replies to This Discussion

Fantastic story with some great ideas. I loved Part 1 as well. Amazing stories!!!

Really, really great!! This series is excellent, hope you continue!!!

Really good story, and love the long detailed text. Any sequel would be most appreciated...!

great story! I like it a lot^^


I think the best thing was that Jen made Doug take the punishment and didn't care about his balls. Sort of like Caligulas Patricia if I remember right.



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